03/07/2013 Maltseva Marina Arnoldovna Head of the consultation department - neurologist, specialist in the field of extrapyramidal pathologies,
In medicine, the term sinus durae matris - sinuses of the dura mater, implies vascular collectors,
Indications Ministry of Health of Russia F32 Depressive episode F33 Recurrent depressive disorder F40.0 Agoraphobia F41.0 Panic
Interest in psychology has increased significantly in recent years, and this is due to effective techniques
Medical information is reliable Checked by Renat Flyurovich Shaidullin Manic disorder (manic syndrome) is a mental disorder
What are talking in a dream called? Scientifically, this phenomenon is called somniloquy. A little less scientific -
Therapy of vegetative-vascular dystonia is a complex and lengthy process. It is sometimes difficult for such patients to really choose
Cymbalta (duloxetine) is a representative of the newest generation of antidepressants. This drug can be classified as a fifth
Myopathies represent a very large group of diseases with different causes, different courses and prognosis.
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