Self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis: 6 steps to internal change

Interest in psychology has increased significantly in recent years, and this is due to effective techniques of internal transformation. Self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis help control your psycho-emotional state, manage yourself and your own life and not depend on the “mercy of fate.” My sister has been practicing self-hypnosis for 4 years, and this is a completely different person.

She gained confidence in her abilities, stopped having complexes and depression for any reason. Autosuggestion (self-hypnosis) was discovered at the beginning of the last century, but people began to become actively interested in self-hypnosis techniques not so long ago. Let's consider the issue in detail.

How to convince yourself of everything

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How does suggestion differ from ordinary mental activity? It lacks a critical component. That is, information is perceived as an axiom - without evidence. This presentation of information is perceived by the subconscious as true, so the necessary changes begin to occur in the depths of the human psyche. Self-hypnosis is a suggestion directed at oneself. By practicing self-hypnosis, you can change a lot within yourself and even construct a new personality.

Self-hypnosis can cause:

  • the right sensations;
  • necessary representations;
  • necessary emotional states;
  • changes in the autonomic system.

The basis of self-hypnosis is the constant repetition of verbal formulas. Correctly composed verbal formulas create positive impulses through repeated repetition. Formulas are repeated until they become a working tool of the subconscious for transforming something.

On a note! The subconscious is capable of transforming mental impulses into a physical equivalent, that is, materializing thoughts.

The rules of self-hypnosis are simple:

  • all phrases are pronounced in the first person;
  • all phrases must be affirmative;
  • phrases should be short, but succinct in content;
  • You cannot use the particle “not”; phrases must be formed without it;
  • you cannot pronounce phrases automatically, without awareness;
  • accompany the words with visualization (preferably).

What do self-hypnosis phrases look like? For example: “Every day I become more and more beautiful.” If you want to quit smoking, you should not repeat a phrase like “I don’t want to smoke.” It needs to be replaced with the phrase “I quit smoking.”

Psychologists have noticed that self-hypnosis works better when the body is relaxed. There is a direct relationship between physical and mental state: the more relaxed the body, the better the subconscious mind perceives information. Also, the effect of self-hypnosis depends on the strength of the desire to change something and on the degree of concentration of attention on the subject of self-hypnosis.

There are several methods of self-hypnosis:

  • psychological mood;
  • meditation;
  • affirmations;
  • mantras;
  • prayers;
  • visualization.

This is an incomplete list of psychotechniques to achieve the desired goal. Let's look at psychotechnics in more detail.

Self-hypnosis: principles of work, its power

A kind of implantation of a certain command phrase or attitude in a trance state into one’s own brain is self-hypnosis. In other words, these are certain formulations repeated out loud or silently to inspire oneself with goals that need to be achieved (become slimmer, get better, quit smoking, learn something new, etc.).

Interestingly, this works in one situation, but not in another. Self-hypnosis has truly great power. Many believe in it and use it for their own benefit, fulfill their desires and dreams, and achieve their goals. By the way, for some reason negative thoughts are easier to inspire than positive ones.

How to suggest correctly? There are certain principles:

  • The phrase you mentally pronounce to yourself should be briefly and clearly formulated in the first person in an affirmative form (you cannot use “not”).
  • When making wishes, you need to imagine them already coming true in reality (visualize the setting).
  • Belief has a strong and more effective effect on a person in a state of complete relaxation.
  • You should remember the importance of completely concentrating your subconscious on your goal.

Methods: their types and features

Self-hypnosis has a whole arsenal of techniques. You can use:

  • psychological attitude - suggesting the need to enter a state of positivity and find ways to solve vital issues, isolating oneself from pessimists;
  • affirmations - repetition of formulated phrases, replacing negative thoughts with positive ones;
  • meditative techniques - immersion in a hypnotic state to determine goals, enter the void and feel commands within yourself that will remain in the subconscious after the process is completed;
  • visualizations - always positive mental representations and experiences of imaginary events, which gives the best result due to the illegibility of our mind (the brain is able to perceive reality and imagination)

Emile Coue method

Our subconscious is capable of influencing the functioning of the body, and this influence has no boundaries. Emile Coue noticed the effectiveness of the faith of patients in healing, which is capable of a lot. The result of self-suggestion can be both positive and negative.

Self-hypnosis is used for medical purposes. The Coue technique is a healing procedure that allows you to suppress painful, negative imaginations and emotions, replacing them with useful, positive ideas. Such representations are considered therapeutic and represent statements of fact. This is how self-hypnosis acquired its formula, which claims that improvement occurs every day. An attitude in the form of a sentence is pronounced in the present tense, regardless of whether it corresponds to the reality of the person’s condition. The meaning of the phrase must be grasped by the subconscious, and it is very trusting. It accepts the installation as a task for execution.

How can we make ourselves sick?

There is self-hypnosis associated with diseases. No one will argue with the fact that our well-being depends on our emotional state and way of thinking. A person who usually has positive thoughts, emotions, and a good mood maintains a healthy body and spirit. But constant despondency, painful thoughts, and fear of diseases do not benefit your well-being. This is self-hypnosis. Medicine has evidence of this. But it can both worsen and improve our health. And every person has such a gift, but, unfortunately, not everyone can use it for their own benefit. And there can be a variety of situations when a person’s well-being depends on him. Thanks to self-hypnosis for recovery, many patients were able to overcome even serious illnesses.

Read our article “Red jasper stone against all adversities.”

How do we set ourselves up to get sick? It's actually very simple and fast. For a person who is afraid of getting sick, sometimes it is enough to notice the presence of some sign of ill health, rummage a little on the Internet and work himself up to unimaginable proportions and completely lose heart. Negative thoughts on the face and on a subconscious level can, after some time, begin to trigger programming for the disease. Then, every day the situation worsens, new symptoms appear (the person is able to imagine anything). And it’s so easy and real to get sick. Such negative self-hypnosis is possessed by people with a wild imagination that has not been put to proper use.

If something bothers you, it is better to turn to specialists, get examined, and not beat yourself up by instilling negativity. You can resort to the same self-hypnosis for recovery, using the simplest techniques of meditation, positive attitude, visualization, etc. To enhance the effectiveness of autogenic training, you can rest for a while, sleep, relax and have a good time by yourself or in company. Daytime sleep, healthy eating, good mood and only positive thinking can work wonders.

What is self-persuasion?

The personal quality of self-persuasion is the ability to critically analyze information and, at the level of consciousness, influence each of your attitudes using logical thinking. This skill is useful and in demand, but the person must be positively disposed to his beliefs or goals, ideas that could not be realized due to indecision. Such people often tend to ignore self-persuasion as a way to rationally help themselves. But this happens until a certain push, motivation follows.

Self-persuasion and ordinary self-hypnosis have much in common. However, the first is based on logical constructions, reasoned arguments, confirmed by real facts. It is much easier to impose beliefs on other people than on yourself. You can use cunning, hoaxes, lies, and manipulate facts. To convince yourself, you will have to fight with your mind, conscience and soul. Your goal can be achieved, but only by working in tandem with beliefs. Thus, the main argument for the usefulness of self-persuasion is its active assistance in achieving goals.


This is the simplest method of self-hypnosis, based on repeated repetition of the same phrase. You can repeat the verbal formula both out loud and silently: it does not play an important role.

In an affirmation, a person reports that he has already achieved some goal. For example: “I was healed of (name) disease.”

Thanks to the constant repetition of a positive formula, it will gradually begin to displace negative thoughts and attitudes. When not a single negative thought remains, the words of affirmation will come to life - materialize.

A type of affirmation is thanksgiving. This is an even more powerful psychotechnic, since the energy of gratitude is only slightly inferior to the energy of love. When uttering words of gratitude, strong emotions appear that directly affect the psyche and consciousness.

How do gratitude affirmations work? You need to thank the universe (God, the Absolute, etc.) for something, for example, for a new home. You may not have it yet, but the energy of sincere gratitude can materialize even such a seemingly complex object. Sincere faith, gratitude and self-hypnosis will do their job, and the house will materialize.

How to practice affirmations, when should you say them and how many times? Psychologists claim that the effectiveness of affirmations directly depends on the ability to make them the essence of your day. You can do whatever you want, but keep a verbal formula in your mind and repeat it.

So, affirmation is the simplest method of influencing the subconscious. Of course, they are not comparable to visualization, so frequent repetition is required to achieve success.

Rules for effective self-hypnosis

Everything good that a person has come up with can turn out to be useless or even harmful in the wrong hands. Self-hypnosis is no exception. For it to serve you well and not just waste your time, you need to learn a few simple truths.

Self-hypnosis is not a panacea and does not work on its own

You should not perceive self-hypnosis as a Gold Fish, ready to fulfill your every desire. Self-hypnosis is an auxiliary method that helps you achieve the goals you are working on faster and more effectively. The key word here is “working”. For self-hypnosis to work, you must work too. That is, do everything in your power and don’t hope for freebies.

If you were hoping to use self-hypnosis to become a millionaire without leaving your couch, I have bad news for you. Change your settings immediately or abandon the idea of ​​self-hypnosis altogether.

Self-hypnosis only works within limits

This means that with the power of thought you can only influence what is within your control. Your zone of influence determines your personality boundaries, within which you can actively act and help yourself with self-hypnosis.

To make it clearer, I will give an example. The girl Tanya really likes her friend Petya, but for some reason he does not pay attention to her. Then Tatyana decides to use self-hypnosis to win the guy’s heart. All day and night she tells herself that Peter is in love with her. But these thoughts are of no use.

What's wrong? The fact is that the feelings and will of another person are far beyond our borders. You won’t be able to influence them using the power of thought. What then should our unfortunate Tatyana do?

First, recognize the limitations of your capabilities in this case. Second, focus on something she can work with. For example, improve your image, go to the gym, visit a cosmetologist, work on your style. Here you can already use self-hypnosis to the fullest. For example, visualize how your body changes for the better from training. Of course, this will not guarantee that Petya will definitely like the girl, but it will at least increase the likelihood.

Be careful: self-hypnosis works even when you don't want it to

Our unconscious is fertile soil that will accept and grow everything you sow. It doesn’t matter to her whether you selected the seeds carefully and scrupulously or accidentally dropped them without knowing it.

Keep in mind that any thought you have, repeated many times, is a kind of self-hypnosis. Every time you admit the thought that “I’m a loser,” “I won’t succeed,” “I’m ugly,” “I’m untalented,” the subconscious mind records this and accepts it as the truth.

How to get rid of such self-hypnosis? Be careful what you think about. Don't let decadent thoughts take over your mind.

Self-hypnosis should be practiced regularly

If you want to get the effect of self-hypnosis, get ready to practice regularly. It is better to devote 5 minutes every day to self-hypnosis than 1 hour once a week. The purpose of self-hypnosis is to reach the subconscious and implant into it the thoughts and attitudes we need. It doesn't happen in one go.

The best time for self-hypnosis is before bed or immediately after waking up.

This does not mean that you cannot exercise at other times. It’s just that at these moments, internal perception intensifies and a window into the subconscious opens. Your desires go there directly, bypassing the filters of consciousness.

Self-hypnosis does not work without faith in success

If you are initially skeptical, then it is better not to start studying. Your inner critic will constantly question everything you do and find evidence that it isn't working. You won’t even notice how you will unconsciously begin to inspire yourself with the exact opposite things.

And self-conviction does not have such power to resist the general flow of your thoughts and attitudes. Imagine that you spend 5 minutes a day thinking about success, and the rest of the time you think about failure. Which thoughts will be stronger?

Therefore, you will have to learn to trust yourself and your brain. If this is still difficult for you, I recommend reading amazing stories of people who self-hypnosis helped achieve their goals. Fortunately, the entire Internet is replete with them. Do personal stories seem unconvincing? Then pay attention to the research of doctors and scientists. They should dispel your skepticism.

You cannot use self-hypnosis to take revenge or harm someone.

Not only is this ineffective, because it does not fit within the boundaries, but it also poisons the psyche with negative energy. Instead of focusing on and pursuing one's potential, the person focuses on destructive thoughts and emotions. This destabilizes and shakes the psyche.

If you really want to annoy your offenders, use this motive for development. Everyone knows that the best way to punish your enemies is to succeed and surpass them in everything. So get on with it.


Another psychotechnic for influencing the subconscious. Visualization is like a feature film inside your mind. A person sees vivid pictures of any event, smells and tastes, feels emotions. What should you present? For example, you need your own home - imagine it. You can first make a drawing of the house or find a picture and print it on a printer.

What do we have to do? Just imagine how you are already living in this house, that you are the rightful owner (mistress) of a two-room apartment/three-room apartment/cottage/dacha. You can imagine before bed, when the body is relaxed and preparing for sleep. You need to get used to this situation that you imagine, live in it constantly.

What is the effectiveness of visualization based on? The brain perceives imaginary pictures in the same way as real ones. Some time will pass, and all your ideas will come to life and be embodied in matter.

You just need to imagine not from the side or from above, but from inside the situation. For example, you are sitting behind the wheel of a car and looking at the road. If you imagine that the car is somewhere near you, then everything will come true - next to you. It's the same with the house. You should vividly imagine inserting the keys into the keyhole and entering your home. You can first visualize empty walls, and then gradually furnish the house with furniture.

How long does it take to visualize? There is no clear time frame for this psychotechnics. It is more important to completely relax your body before visualization than to track the duration of the internal movie session.

What does self-hypnosis do?

By learning to use the powers of self-hypnosis, you will give orders to your body and create the right mood and perception for your brain. Thinking about weaknesses, infirmities, illnesses, failures - you program yourself to deny yourself in your life. And by instilling confidence, health, courage, and intelligence in yourself, you attract the positive aspects of life, like a magnet. Work on yourself and then the results will not keep you waiting.

Self-hypnosis, if repeated often and many times, has a huge impact on our lives. But before you start practicing, you need to figure out your life and take the main step. This step is to realize what you really lack in life, what you would like to change in yourself and in life, in what world and how you want to live.

Imagine that you have the opportunity to draw your life as one in which you would like to live your whole life. This is the main step in life, it is the choice of what is really important to you, the dream and desire to live the life you want. In fact, this is not fantasy and the power of self-hypnosis can provide you with such an opportunity if you try and work at it.

How does self-hypnosis work?

Watch the video on how to practice self-hypnosis: only 5 minutes

Coue's self-hypnosis method

The technique of self-hypnosis according to the Coue method is based on repeating the same phrase (or 3 - 4 phrases) in a drowsy state or immediately before falling asleep. At these moments, the human brain works at a special frequency, which allows information to penetrate the subconscious without obstacles.

For example, immediately after waking up, before opening your eyes, you need to repeat to yourself at least 20 times the key phrase “I am healthy” (or another). You will also need to find time to repeat affirmations 2 times during the day. You need to relax - lie down or close your eyes while sitting - and say the key phrase out loud or to yourself at least 20 times. It usually takes 2 - 2.5 months to materialize the plan.

Features of the Emile Coue method

The technique of the French pharmacist Coue has become widespread among other self-hypnosis techniques. How did this happen? Selling medicines and noticing the positive results from their use, he believed that the reason for healing was the “power of imagination” of patients.

The pharmacist learned the technique of hypnosis and opened a clinic in Nancy, where he treated people using his own method. Periodically, he gave lectures about them in France and England and published a book.

According to Coue, even suggestible people can remain indifferent to suggestion if they resist and do not transform it into self-suggestion. Therefore, his thesis says: there is no suggestion - there is self-suggestion.

Not being a doctor, the Frenchman called his clients students, inviting them to make full use of the “innate power of nature” - self-hypnosis. Coue convinced the client of the incredible power of thought. When he succeeded in this, the student received a new task: close his eyes, not think about extraneous phenomena, but concentrate on the diseased organ. Example: The client experiences intermittent abdominal discomfort. Coue recommended that he give himself the following instructions: “Today I will have a restful sleep without disturbing dreams, in the morning I will have good stool, my appetite will come, the pain will subside.” The patient also had to convince himself that every day his condition would improve until it was completely normal.

The Frenchman insisted that this should be instilled mechanically, without much thought. For the best effect, it was suggested to sort through the knots of string or talk to each unhealthy organ separately.

Relaxation plays a key role in the process of self-hypnosis. The pharmacist stated that our beliefs were formed without any serious effort. This means that the formation of new attitudes should proceed in the same way. Excessive efforts often bring undesirable results.

It is noteworthy that the Frenchman’s method is still quite popular - it is successfully used in modern psychotherapy. Many respected representatives of the scientific world summarize that Coue became the forerunner of behavioral psychotherapy. The pharmacist proposed a method of controlling thoughts, focusing on the power of positive thinking. Also interesting is the fact that despite this, many contemporaries were skeptical of Coue's experiments - some even called him a swindler.

Autogenic training according to Schultz

The essence of this psychotechnics is active self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation or hypnotic trance. Schultz bases his technique on the ancient techniques of yoga, the sensations of people who have been in a deep trance and other similar methods.

For self-hypnosis, it is necessary to achieve a state similar to the state between reality and sleep. The recommended pose for relaxation is “coachman”. To achieve the necessary relaxation of the body, you need to remember something pleasant from the past. During self-hypnosis, you should be able to combine physical relaxation with psycho-emotional activity and be able to accompany verbal formulas with figurative representations.

To practice autogenic training, you need to completely abandon everyday worries and direct your attention to the subject of concentration. You need to train every day at least once; skipping even a one-day workout will negatively affect the result.

Self-hypnosis technique

The Coue technique is based on verbal formulas that reflect desires, goals and aspirations. Essentially, these are the same affirmations. By compiling formulas for patients, Coue helped them get rid of not only psychological problems, but also some physical diseases. In addition, character correction took place, for example, stinginess was replaced by generosity, reserved people became sociable. The panacea was replacing negative thinking with positive thinking.

Correctly composed formula

When composing formulas, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The thought form should be short and understandable.
  • The wording should be simple and easy to remember.
  • The formula is positive and does not contain the particle “not”.
  • The formula is aimed at oneself, it uses the pronoun “I”.

Examples of successful formulas:

  • I am happy in my relationship with my husband.
  • I enjoy my work.
  • I live in my own apartment.
  • I travel twice a year.
  • I'm healthy and feeling great.

When creating a formula, you don’t need to limit your imagination. If you want something that seems impossible, don’t be afraid to talk about it in affirmations. The subconscious mind doesn’t care what desire to tune in to, it’s just that it will take a little more time to complete complex tasks.

Time to pronounce

The best time to pronounce formulas is morning and evening. In the evening, when you go to bed, it is easiest to relax and tune your brain to a positive wave. At this time, the mind is ready to perceive new information, it will be easier for it to visualize it. When you wake up in the morning, you can take a few minutes to recite the formulas. But at this time it is better to tune in to a generally positive mood, for example, say to yourself: I am happy and full of vigor; I am ready for the new opportunities this day opens up; I'm confident.

But you shouldn’t limit yourself to just these periods. A great time for affirmations is traveling on a minibus or subway, or waiting in line at the dentist. The main thing is to tune in to the wave of positivity.

Rule 20 times

Each formula must be repeated at least 20 times. If it is difficult for you to combine counting and pronunciation of the treasured phrase, you can finger a rosary with 20 beads, a cord with knots, and if you don’t have anything suitable at hand, you can simply press the pads of your fingers.

It is also important not only how many times the thought form is pronounced, but also how exactly:

  • You need to speak on your own behalf.
  • You need to do this out loud, maybe in a whisper, but so that the fur coats move and the person hears himself. Then the formula will be perceived by the brain as a task to be completed.
  • Coue advises pronouncing words monotonously and mechanically. But many psychologists do not agree with him and recommend filling every phrase with emotion. This allows you to feel what exactly the fulfillment of a desire will give, what state it will plunge a person into. The brighter the emotion, the faster the subconscious will begin to look for ways to fulfill a dream.

Psychology and a little magic

Each person must decide for himself what will help him fulfill his desire. Some people have a lucky dress that helps them pass an interview. For someone to have a successful day, they need to see 3 white poodles in the morning. Someone buys amulets. It's not stupid at all. This way, it’s easier for the brain to concentrate and believe that the wish can come true.


Meditation is the concentration of thought on one object and the exclusion of all other thoughts and experiences. An important part of any meditation is stopping internal dialogue. Inside himself, a person scrolls through different thoughts, remembers conversations with other people: his mind is constantly busy with mental activity, which is called internal dialogue.

What can you do to clear your thoughts of internal dialogue? There is a very simple technique for this: you need to look at both your hands at the same time, and carefully. The mind will immediately stop conducting internal dialogue, as it will be busy contemplating two objects at the same time. Another method to stop the flow of unnecessary thoughts: focus on your breathing process, carefully record each inhalation/exhalation and listen to the sound of breathing. After a couple of minutes, your thoughts will be completely cleared of the vain dialogue.

The stages of meditation are as follows:

  • determination of the object of meditation (installation);
  • entering a state of emptiness;
  • feeling within oneself of a given attitude and contemplating it;
  • exit from a state of emptiness with an attitude embedded in the subconscious.

For meditation to be effective, the instructions must be short and succinct. It is important to feel them inside yourself, your inner world. How long will this take? Everyone has their own deadlines for implementation. During meditation, you need to be aware of the creation of another reality, as if in an “empty place” or in emptiness. The meditation can be repeated as needed.

Self-hypnosis techniques

Where to begin? First of all, you need to learn how to enter a trance state. Further, in this state, you will be able to make deep self-hypnosis for yourself, including post-hypnotic ones, i.e. those that will work outside of trance, when you need it.

How to enter a trance? In general, any person is already familiar with the trance state - for example, when you “withdraw into yourself”, into your thoughts, you can lose your sense of reality for some time

While thinking about something important or being carried away by reading, you may not notice how much time has passed and may not hear the words addressed to you. Such states differ from self-hypnosis only in that the latter involves targeted, motivated influence with the formulation of suggestions that correspond to specific goals.

Contrary to popular myth, in a state of hypnosis and self-hypnosis you not only do not lose control over yourself, but also strengthen it. And if you need to respond to an external situation, you can, even while in a trance, react quite adequately.


Psychologists agree that self-hypnosis is the most powerful psychotechnic of all. First you need to completely relax physically and psychologically. You need to achieve a state of peace, and then say to yourself, “I am deeply asleep.”

After this, you should slowly count from five to zero and plunge into a state of hypnotic oblivion. After saying the word “zero,” you need to say to yourself again: “I’m sleeping deeply.” You have reached the depths of your own subconscious. Now we need to anchor this state for future self-hypnosis practices. Tell:

“When I say the phrase “I am in deep sleep,” I enter a state of self-programming.”

After this, you need to repeat the self-programming formula several times, for example, “I am completely healed and healthy.” Programming should only be in a positive way and without the particle “not”.

Features of self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is the independent immersion of a person using his own suggestion and special techniques into a hypnotic state (trance). In the process, a person detaches himself from the hustle and bustle and gets rid of mental stress. It is safe for the body and effective for self-knowledge and achieving goals. After all, our knowledge is a power that is hidden deep inside. With its help, we can control the body and control emotions at the level of consciousness and for the benefit of our lives.

Read our article “A rosary made of 108 beads: symbolism and practical application.”

Part of self-hypnosis should be the technique of your own suggestion.

Using self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis, people are capable of programming their own reality, the fulfillment of desires, the excellent functioning of all body systems, and attracting useful things and phenomena into their lives.

To master and use self-hypnosis for your own benefit, you need to use your subconscious.

Thought Release Technique

How to quickly clear your thoughts of negative memories? For this there is a simple and effective psychotechnique “Balloon”. Imagine a deflated balloon above your head. Take a breath, and as you exhale, imagine how all the black negative thoughts come out of your head like a dark cloud into a ball. The balloon is inflated not by air, but by your negative thoughts.

Do this until you are free of the burden of negative memories and worries. Then take a deep breath and exhale and imagine how a round ball, along with your thoughts, comes off and flies into the sky. This psychotechnics always helps, especially if anxious thoughts prevent you from falling asleep at night.

Self-hypnosis practice:

For the practice of self-hypnosis to work, you need to apply everything in a special state of consciousness. Some call it alpha and theta, others simply change it. To achieve it you should learn to calm the mind, slow down the internal dialogue, and relax. There is no need to rush. Don't waste your time. First, achieve peace of mind and body, then visualize what you want or use beliefs. Remember to be regular. For self-hypnosis to work, you need a systematic approach. Daily exercise. And most importantly, faith. Believing that you will get what you want.

Rating of the best books about self-hypnosis: TOP-10

  • “How a Man Thinks or the Thinking of a Man” James Allen.
  • “The Power of Now or The Power of Now” Eckhart Tolle
  • “Conscious Evolution of Man” Alexander Klyuev
  • “The Silva method. Mind Control” Jose Silva, Philip Miele
  • “The Power of Thought” by Vishnudevananda Giri
  • “The Power of Thought and the Law of Attraction” William Walker Atkinson.

Self-hypnosis treatment method

Speaking about self-hypnosis, one should take into account the fact that for each person a different method may be the most effective. Self-hypnosis methods allow you to concentrate on your own sense of self. As a result, a person acquires useful skills that allow him to understand his own feelings and not be afraid of unexpected manifestations of trouble.

Psychologists identify several of the most effective methods:

  • Affirmations - writing on paper, repeating out loud stable phrases or verbal formulas: “I will overcome allergies...” or “I will have a strong immune system...”.
  • Visualization – you need to imagine yourself healthy, cheerful, energetic.
  • Meditation is a long stay in a trance, when a person combines the first two methods mentioned above.
  • Self-hypnosis is a powerful technique that allows the patient to enter a trance and program themselves to heal.
  • Recapping is experiencing the situation again. If a person is injured after an accident, he mentally replays the event in his head, coming up with a happy outcome. Thus, it lets the body know that nothing happened.
  • Shichko method - written statement of your desire

Subconscious formulas of Emile Coue and Georg Rauch

Conscious self-hypnosis according to Coue is a therapeutic method that allows you to suppress painful ideas that are harmful in their consequences and replace them with useful and beneficial ones. Coue argued that all people are at the mercy of the power of their own imagination. Everything is very simple. The same is true of the technique of suggestion. Verbal influence on the psyche of patients was used for therapeutic purposes by Plato, Aristotle, and Hippocrates. For a long time, suggestion was surrounded by an aura of mystery, mystery and mystical fear. The physiological basis of the mechanisms of suggestion and self-hypnosis has now been elucidated.

As G. Wright, a great expert on witchcraft in underdeveloped countries, writes, “the psychological enslavement of some people by others is as old as the world. There have always been people on earth who have thirsted for power. But the skillful, well-thought-out practice of mastering human consciousness, controlling it, the practice of turning this consciousness into clay from which anything can be molded is the contribution that society owes primarily to the healers.”

The use of autosuggestion for medicinal purposes became especially popular in Europe in the 1920s. A lot of interesting things were published at this time by Couet, Baudouin and Pierce.

He believed that the main cause of the disease was a morbid imagination, in which unconscious impulses manifest themselves. Coue compared the power of imagination to a mountain stream, which in its elemental uncontrollability destroys everything in its path, but which can be “tamed” - then it will be able to generate positive energy. He argued that all people are at the mercy of the power of their own imagination and that a sick person, “armed with the right idea, can again achieve his mental equilibrium.”

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