Sexual health. Psychogenic sexual disorders: causes, manifestations, treatment

What is a neurotic disorder

What is a neurotic disorder? It is a heterogeneous group of dysfunctions that arise as a result of acute or chronic psychological trauma. Symptoms are varied, but maladaptation, phobias, asthenia, obsessions and somatovegetative disturbances are always noted. A person's physical and mental abilities are temporarily weakened. Self-awareness and criticism persist. The diagnosis is made based on complaints, medical history and the person’s life history. To eliminate the problem, they resort to psychotherapy and medication.

Neurotic disorder is characterized

Doctors mean by neuroses a group of pathologies that arise due to the influence of mental trauma. A neurotic disorder is characterized by a deterioration in well-being, mood swings are noted, and somato-vegetative symptoms appear. In severe cases, suicidal thoughts are possible.

Causes of neurotic disorders

Doctors have different opinions regarding the catalyst for neuroses. Some believe that this condition develops due to a genetic predisposition, others – childhood psychological trauma. Children's psyche is weak, their memory is tenacious, any serious stress persists for a long time. Most of the complexes that a person suffers from in adulthood arose in childhood. Women are more susceptible to the disease.

Other causes of neurotic disorders:

  • unfavorable environment, poor living conditions;
  • prolonged physical overload in combination with stress;
  • exhaustion of the nervous system;
  • too busy work schedule;
  • lack of proper rest;
  • alcohol and drug abuse.

Neurotic dysfunctions occur when the body is exhausted.

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