Throbbing pain in the head: why does it happen?


Throbbing pain on the right side of the head can begin in those who have a disease such as glaucoma. In this case, a person feels an increase in intraocular pressure, during which the eyes hurt, the eyelids turn red, nausea, weakness appear, and vision deteriorates. The insidiousness of this disease is that at first it does not manifest itself in any way.

If throbbing pain in the head is present in the back of the head, then it may indicate some kind of infectious disease, or if there are tumors in the brain. But these diseases can be reliably stated when pulsation occurs regularly. If these are isolated cases, they occur in the following conditions:

  • when a person drank coffee and abruptly gave it up. Ripple occurs because the vessels cannot quickly return to normal after an overstrained state;
  • when smoking;
  • during an incorrect position during sleep;
  • after experiencing overvoltages of various types.

Such pain goes away when a person quits smoking, gives up coffee and is less nervous about various little things.

Types of throbbing pain in the head in various diseases

If a person focuses on his sensations in the back of his head, understands how long the pulsation lasts and what its frequency is, he can himself determine the presence of a particular disease.

  1. If the pulsation begins in the morning and there is a feeling of heaviness in the head and an increased heart rate, this is a sign of pressure changes, often hypertension. In some cases, along with these signs, pain in the temples is observed.
  2. Regular pulsation in the temples of the head indicates the presence of VSD. Often dizziness and nausea are added to the pulsation.
  3. A slight throbbing pain in the back of the head and a feeling that the pain is radiating to the ear or jaw is the result of hypothermia or the onset of a cold or infection.
  4. Pulsation in the back of the head and temporal part, as well as in the temples, and this pain is accompanied by weakness throughout the body, perhaps blood vessels are pinched somewhere or a spasm has occurred.
  5. Symptoms of cervical migraine are sudden attacks of pulsation, while flashes appear in the eyes.
  6. With cervical osteochondrosis, a strong pulsation occurs in the back of the head, in addition, it becomes dark in the eyes and noise in the ears appears.
  7. Pain in the back of the head, which spreads to the right side of the head, in the temple area, indicates a strong jump in intracranial pressure, migraine or vasospasm.


The cause of such pain may be hidden in the influence of various factors. Etiology can be physiological or pathological. The causes of pain can only be determined after a full examination.

Emotional condition

Stressful situations lead to emotional tension. Sensitive and vulnerable people often experience this. A bad mood or an unpleasant situation can cause unpleasant sensations. In this case, the back of the head or another part of the head hurts. The intensity can affect the pressure in the eyes.


This is due to work activity and excessive stress. Some people have the habit of rubbing the forehead of their head. Especially with the development of painful sensations. This is due to documentary work, spending a long time at the computer, and reading. Long-term visual stress can also trigger the development of such symptoms.

Wrong choice of optical products

Such troubles occur when a person tries to choose glasses for vision correction on his own. This rarely happens due to the unprofessionalism of the doctor. Previously, such products could not be purchased without a prescription.

Now optics are affordable. A person can purchase low-quality glasses and contact lenses. They can only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist after a full examination.

Excessive eye strain

Long-term stress on the organs of vision negatively affects their functionality and overall well-being. This is due to working at the computer, reading, watching TV. Initially, there may be a feeling of burning and stinging in the eyes. Headache is accompanied by pressure on the eyes and increased blood pressure.

Impaired blood glucose levels

It is not only patients with diabetes who experience such disorders. Sometimes if a person does not eat on time, the blood sugar level may drop. If the level drops to critical levels, it causes severe pain in the eyes and head. After eating, these symptoms go away on their own.

Being in an awkward position

If a person is in an uncomfortable position for a long time, this can cause headaches. This happens while sleeping, while reading, or working with gadgets. The curvature of the spine, especially the cervical spine, is responsible for blood circulation in the brain. If it is violated, pain may occur.

Bad habits

Healthy people often cannot understand the reason for such unpleasant sensations.

This may be due to smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, and drugs. It is enough to give up these habits and the discomfort will not bother the person. Simultaneous consumption of alcohol and smoking leads to a sharp dilation and then narrowing of blood vessels. This leads to the development of pain.

In some cases, it can cause increased blood pressure.

Poor sleep

With regular lack of sleep, a person’s health worsens. Especially if sleep is interrupted at night. The brain and eyes can only rest between 23:00 and 01:30. If this rest time is violated, a chronic feeling of fatigue develops. Coffee and other energy drinks cause damage to the body.

Inactive lifestyle

If a person prefers to spend his holidays on the couch watching TV or playing on the computer, this leads to various disorders. Rest and free time should be spent actively. Especially if work activity is not associated with physical stress. Initially, headaches, decreased visual acuity, and disorders of the vascular system and blood circulation may often occur. Only an active and healthy lifestyle will help avoid the development of such unpleasant signs.

Increased intracranial pressure

This is quite a dangerous phenomenon. Accompanied by the occurrence of sharp pain, which is intensified by sudden bending or rotation of the head. In this case, there is a strong pressure on the eyes. An ophthalmologist can detect abnormalities by examining the fundus of the eye. Such symptoms require immediate elimination, as there is a risk of developing a stroke.


Tumors can be benign or malignant. The presence of such neoplasms sometimes does not affect the intensity of pain. Suspicious symptoms are the localization of pain. If there is pressure on the forehead and eyes, this may be a sign of a benign tumor. Sometimes this may indicate the presence of a cyst. Oncological diseases tend to manifest characteristic signs at a late stage of development.

Vascular disorders in the brain

When blood circulation in nerve tissues is impaired, it can cause unpleasant symptoms. This is accompanied by spasms, pain, and dizziness. In some cases, blood pressure may increase. At the same time, not only the head hurts, but also the eyes.


Often this disease occurs as a complication of ARVI. This pathology is characterized by bursting pain in the eye area, which comes from the inside. Accompanied by severe and sometimes unbearable pain in the head. If the acute form develops, long-term treatment will be required.

The inflammation is localized in the frontal region. Body temperature rises, chills and fatigue appear. In the later stages there is heaviness in the frontal part of the head.


In ancient times, migraine was considered a disease of kings. This disease is accompanied by severe attacks. At the same time, the forehead hurts very much and puts pressure on the eyes. It is impossible to get rid of an attack without medication. Sometimes these symptoms can affect one eye. The duration of such attacks can be several days.


A concussion can occur due to injury, bruise, or blow. A characteristic symptom is nausea, pain in the head and eyes. With a bruise, a characteristic symptom is loss of consciousness, even for a short time. The injured person needs medical attention.


Increased blood pressure can be critical. In this case, severe, unbearable pain of varying intensity occurs. There is always a risk of stroke. If such symptoms develop, you should call an ambulance or consult a doctor.

Infectious diseases

Infections often lead to intoxication of the body. Always accompanied by headaches. This is the first sign of infection. Then there is a rise in temperature, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, difficulty breathing, and a rash.

The manifestation of symptoms depends on the causative agents of the infectious lesion.


This is a serious ophthalmological disease that is accompanied by a threat to vision. With glaucoma, intraocular pressure increases sharply. Very severe pain appears in the eyes. The patient needs emergency medical attention. Otherwise, there is a risk of vision loss.

There is a throbbing pain in the head: when should you see a doctor?

There are situations in which a visit to the doctor is inevitable, and the sooner the better for a person to dull the pain at an early stage. So, you should visit a doctor if:

  1. The throbbing pain does not go away for several hours.
  2. Intense pain does not stop for several days and brings significant discomfort
  3. Pain in the back of the head begins in the early morning.
  4. If the pressure increases during pulsation, you must definitely call an ambulance to avoid a hypertensive crisis.


To determine the cause of unpleasant symptoms, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • visual examination, medical history;
  • blood chemistry;
  • encephalogram;
  • MRI, CT scan of the brain;
  • Ultrasound (used to examine the cervical arteries);
  • ophthalmoscopy to examine the fundus of the eye.

Such diagnostic methods make it possible to determine the etiology of pain and prescribe adequate treatment. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations.


Before starting treatment, you must visit a neurologist, ophthalmologist and therapist. In some cases, you need to contact an infectious disease specialist. Since all doctors unanimously insist that headaches should not be tolerated under any circumstances, you need to take one of the following medications:

  • Citramon;
  • Farmadol;
  • No-shpa;
  • Aspirin.

Even if a strong pulsation is felt, the dosage of the above medications cannot be exceeded, since the body will not receive any benefit. After taking the tablet, you need to lie down in silence, because any physical activity leads to a significant increase in pain.

After the doctor has found out the cause of the throbbing pain in the left side of the head, right or back of the head, the patient, in addition to treatment, needs to carry out the following procedures to normalize the body’s condition:

  • Perform a warming massage in order to warm up the blood vessels and improve the condition of osteochondrosis and neuralgia. In addition to massage, manual therapy will help improve your well-being.
  • A soft and gentle massage will alleviate the condition of intracranial hypertension.
  • Japanese acupressure will improve your well-being for various types of pain.
  • Regularly measuring blood pressure and bringing it back to normal in a timely manner will help eliminate throbbing pain.
  • Physiotherapy will be appropriate for osteochondrosis, neuralgia, increased intracranial pressure and various vascular changes.
  • Doctors prescribe physical therapy for all types of throbbing pain.
  • Surgery is inevitable for tumors and other serious diseases.

As you can see, throbbing pain in the head is a symptom of many diseases. Therefore, you must definitely consult with a specialist or call an ambulance, because home methods can only get rid of mild pain.

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