11 Body Transformations That Happen During Sex

Symptoms of discomfort during sex

Discomfort during sex in women can manifest itself in two ways:

  • Burning and pain occur on the surface of the mucosa. In this case, a woman may suffer from discomfort in the labia, urethra, clitoris, and vagina. The sensations can vary from itching to pain (like touching damaged skin).
  • The pain is deep, proximity makes you experience discomfort in the area of ​​the internal genital organs or lower back, sides, abdomen. The sensations are aching, shooting, pressing, bursting, cramping.

How to relieve sexual arousal?

What to do if sexual arousal strikes at the wrong time - at an important meeting or at a family dinner with your parents? In this situation, you need to stop thinking about what causes you to react this way. For most people, sexual arousal occurs when thinking about something specific, so it’s enough to take your own fantasies to another area.

If you have the opportunity to retire, then take advantage of it and reduce the concentration of sexual arousal hormones through meditation. Finally, psychologists and sexologists advise masturbation if you feel that no other methods of dealing with sexual arousal that you constantly use will help.

You can gain even more knowledge about sexual arousal in men and women and share it with others by completing the Psychological Counseling in Sexology training program. Specialists in this field know many times more about sexual life than ordinary people and are able to solve even the most difficult questions about sex from clients.

Gynecological factors

"First time"

Discomfort, cutting, acute pain during the first sexual intercourse are normal and should not be a cause for concern. Discomfort may occur the next few times, but if it does not go away later, the girl is advised to visit a gynecologist.


Among the diseases that provoke discomfort during sex there may be infections: chlamydia, candidiasis, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, syphilis, etc. Moreover, in this case, you are endangering your partner, so you should under no circumstances delay contacting a gynecologist.

Inflammatory processes

Also, discomfort and pain during sex are provoked by inflammatory diseases: vaginitis, vulvitis. As a rule, these pathologies manifest themselves not only by itching, but also by a change in the nature of the discharge: its color, smell, and consistency change. Extramenstrual bleeding and menstrual irregularities are possible. Inflammatory diseases require thorough treatment under the supervision of a gynecologist.


If a woman has polyps on the cervix, when the penis penetrates deeply into the vagina, they can be injured, which leads to pain and bleeding after coitus.

Lack of local immunity

When the vaginal microflora changes due to diseases, antibiotics, malnutrition, stress and other factors, diseases such as bacterial vaginosis and cervicitis can develop against this background. In this case, the unpleasant sensations will be concentrated both inside the vagina and outside it.

HPV (condylomas)

If a woman has condylomas, they are mechanically damaged due to friction of the penis. Violation of their integrity leads not only to painful sensations during and after intimacy, but to local bleeding.


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Pathological growth of the endometrium can also cause pain after coitus. Patients with this pathology report sharp, rolling pains in the lower third of the abdomen.

Inflammation of the ovaries, cysts

In this case, the pain is localized on the right or left, less often on both sides. Discomfort can be felt both during sex and postcoital.

Myomas, uterine fibroids

If you have fibroids or fibroids, the patient may experience nagging, aching pain after sex.

Recovery after childbirth

Doctors usually do not recommend having sex after childbirth for 1.5 months. This period is important for the full restoration of the body, including damaged cervix, vagina, and the entrance to the vagina. If after a longer period, when you resume sexual activity, the pain persists, you should see a gynecologist.

Mucosal atrophy

Age-related changes thin the mucous tissue, it becomes drier. As a result, coitus without the use of lubricant can be uncomfortable.

Insufficient discharge

An insufficient volume of natural vaginal secretions to ensure comfortable penetration of the penis inside can cause a sensation of friction and pain - and the pain can continue several days after sexual intercourse. The solution to this problem is the use of water-based lubricants. From the point of view of gynecological possibilities, the doctor may suggest that you eliminate the cause of dryness by restoring the moisture of the mucous tissue using biorevitalization.

Controlled signals of sexual arousal

The main sign of arousal in a man is an erection. With the female body, things are more complicated. It will be difficult for an inexperienced partner to guess that a woman desires him without knowing the key signs of female sexual arousal. Many girls “play” on this, having difficulty relaxing and achieving orgasm, but not wanting to admit the problem to their man.

Female arousal hormones begin to be produced when a sexually attractive object comes into view. Instinctively, the partner seeks to attract his attention. The following methods are used for this:

  • stroking hair and twirling strands around your finger;
  • licking dry lips, which occurs because the woman breathes through her mouth;
  • maintaining visual contact with the object of interest;
  • the desire to touch a man.

The peculiarity of these signals of sexual arousal is that a woman is able to control them. If she doesn't want a man to realize that she's getting sexual attention from her, she may not show him any of the above-mentioned signs of sexual arousal.

Anatomically determined causes of discomfort during sex

Physiologically, partners may not be suitable for each other. Discomfort occurs when the sizes of the penis and vagina do not match: their length, diameter. If the difference is critical, during coitus the mucous membrane is injured and microtears appear. If the mucous membrane is injured regularly, chronic inflammation will occur. Injuries in the genital area increase the risk of infection entering the body and negatively affect the state of local immunity.



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