Why do your hands and body shake and tremble when you see your loved one? Why does a girl shake at the sight of a guy, after hugging a guy, at the thought of the man she likes? Why does a guy shake in front of a girl?

ACTAnger and aggressionQuestioningAnxietyExerciseEmotions

One person asked if it was possible to help him get rid of the “incomprehensible feeling in his stomach, as if it were tickling,” which happens to him when he is nervous or talking emotionally. “It’s an unpleasant feeling,” he said, “I don’t like it, I want to remove it.”

This is a great question! Let's talk about where these sensations in the body come from and whether it is possible to do without them.

TL;DR / You will read here:

  • Sensations in the body arise due to the release of hormones and other body functions
  • This is normal, natural and it was intended that way.
  • You won’t be able to get rid of the sensations, spend your time and effort on something else
  • List of sensations in the body during different emotions

Why women and men shake at the sight of a loved one, their hands and body tremble: reasons

Falling in love is a feeling that can completely cover a person. Every person, at least once in his life, has experienced a strong feeling of love. This is inherent in everyone’s nature and you should not be ashamed of such experiences. However, not everyone is able to cope with their emotions and therefore experiences, nervousness, and stress often arise.

First of all, you need to understand what “falling in love” essentially is. This is the feeling that appears in every person completely unexpectedly. Actually, it can also disappear. When a person meets “his soul mate” (that is, that person who is similar to him in character or is the embodiment of something that people like so much), he automatically experiences sympathy for him.

It is impossible to prepare for falling in love; it happens on a subconscious level with the participation of the brain and the entire nervous system. Surprisingly, experts confidently compare this feeling with a nervous disorder, since it is characterized by similar symptoms:

  • Concerns
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Energy boost
  • Inspiration
  • The emergence and decline of strength
  • Sense of anxiety
  • Increased heart rate
  • Trembling in the knees
  • Talkativeness
  • Mood swings
  • Fear
  • Smiling

INTERESTING: From the point of view of chemistry, it is also possible to explain the feeling of falling in love. Noticing favorite features in a person, the person’s nervous system begins to work in enhanced mode. The body begins to produce hormones: dopamine and adrenaline. It is the concentration of these hormones that leads to excessive overexcitation and therefore one can notice such a characteristic symptom as trembling in the limbs.

Why does a person become a “coward” in front of a loved one?

What are the consequences of overstimulation for men?

A normal sex life is an excellent preventive measure for many organs. But sometimes it happens that it is not possible to complete sexual intercourse. In this case, the almost ready and excited male body should stop and not continue any actions. But sometimes this leads to overstimulation. In this case, the consequences may be different. After all, it all depends on the duration and frequency of overexcitation.

If a man is accustomed to a full sexual life, then overexcitation and, as a result, abstinence can lead to masturbation and cause wet dreams. The seed will involuntarily erupt, which will at least somehow alleviate the man’s condition.

But overstimulation is unpleasant in some cases and can even cause pain.

If this was an isolated incident and not for a long time, then overexcitation will not bring any consequences.

Symptoms of overexcitation

When a man is in the mood for sexual intercourse, his body works in this direction. But there are situations when it is not possible to even begin sexual intercourse, and the excitement has already turned into overstimulation. This may be as a result of prolonged foreplay, due to the woman's reluctance to have sex.

Overexcitation is accompanied by some signs that will help identify it:

  • pain in the testicles and their possible slight swelling;
  • discomfort in the penis itself;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • There may be a slight throbbing pain in the back of the head;
  • Some may experience mild nausea.

If this happened for the first time, then these symptoms may not exist. Instead, premature ejaculation occurs. But if such “experiments” are continued, then in the future this leads to a lack of erection. And this will require contacting a urologist who will deal with the treatment. And psychological stress will gradually join physical problems.

If a headache and mild nausea are not so bad, then pain in the testicles should cause some concern. In case of overexcitation, this indicates disturbances and failure. The testicles are an important male organ. In addition to producing sperm, they produce testosterone. And for men it is an important hormone.

Pain syndrome in the testicles

As mentioned above, many men experience pain in the testicles of varying intensity and duration from overexcitation. There are symptoms that require medical intervention:

  • sharp pain when touching one or both testicles;
  • the testicles have become different sizes or their density has changed (harder or softer);
  • dull, increasing pain in the scrotum area;
  • pain in the testicles, sharply radiating to the stomach.

If you have these symptoms, be sure to visit a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment. Indeed, very often in such cases diseases or dysfunction of the male reproductive system may appear. If a man is physically healthy, but when overexcited, pain occurs in the testicles, then this can be solved by continuing sexual contact or masturbation. If for some reason this is not possible, then you should just wait a while. This usually takes at least 4 hours. After this time, everything returns to normal and the pain gradually goes away.

But if a man is older and has some kind of genital disease, the pain will last longer. After all, when aroused, blood saturates the cavernous body of the genital organ. If sexual release does not occur, then “rush hour” occurs and blood does not leave the genitals as quickly as necessary. It is because of this that some swelling of the testicles, penis, pain and other unpleasant sensations occur.


The solution to overstimulation is very simple. To do this, it is enough just to continue sexual contact with your partner. You may feel some mild pain. In a few hours, everything will go unnoticed by the male body. You cannot bring your body to such a state. When a feeling of overstimulation appears, you need to stop caresses and simply move on to sexual intercourse or masturbation.

Why does it start to shake when you meet your ex or ex?

On the other hand, experiencing and living one relationship and entering into completely different ones, people may notice that something happens to them at the moment when they literally “meet the past.” Why can men or women “shake” when meeting their exes?

The answer to this question depends on many factors and the situation in which people once separated:

  • The breakup was painful. That is why one or two people meeting may feel the fear that they will again experience the feelings that once upset them. It is quite natural to feel such fear, because every person has a natural instinct of self-preservation (the ability to avoid dangerous and harmful things).
  • The breakup was painful for one. In such a situation, it is the one who was once “abandoned” who will be the “coward”. The other half at this time can feel completely calm and confident.
  • During the breakup, someone offended someone . We are talking about moral humiliation or betrayal. This could cause a big blow to the nervous system of the abandoned person one day, therefore he will experience stress constantly, but it will intensify when he meets his “ex.”
  • The breakup did not affect love . This can happen to one person or two. Perhaps the breakup was accidental and stupid, the relationship collapsed, while the feelings remained alive. After a while, when people meet, they can experience excitement similar to the experiences they felt when falling in love.

What causes sensations in the body

If something significant happens, the brain gives a command to react to three sections:

  • autonomic nervous system
  • hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
  • the immune system

Hormones are released into the blood, some of them prepare us to fight, some prepare us to flee, the digestive and reproductive systems are inhibited, blood sugar levels rise, etc., etc. These processes are felt in the body in the form of various tingling sensations, tension, trembling, heat, etc.

People may have the same sensations in the body, or they may not; this is not necessary.

To put it simply, the body reacts to emotion immediately, automatically, in different ways, and most importantly - this is how it was intended !

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