The girl doesn't want a relationship? What to do about it? (Spoiler: this is not a verdict)

In this article we will analyze and advise young people what to do in a situation where a woman does not want a relationship.

Men by nature are afraid of serious relationships, because then their free, bachelor and carefree life ends. But sometimes a banal situation turns in the opposite direction when girls do not want a serious relationship. This is where many questions arise in the head: how and why a woman does not want or is not ready for a relationship, and what to do in case of such a refusal. This article will reveal possible options and provide action plans to win your beloved.

Possible reasons

A girl does not want to date when she is in love with another man.
A girl may refuse a relationship due to certain factors. Some will be presented as something frivolous, while others will be so categorical that it will be almost impossible to change the young lady’s attitude towards herself.

  1. The young lady recently broke up with her boyfriend, is experiencing the pain of loss, and reacts sharply to other male representatives. In addition, she may love her ex and hope for a restoration of the relationship.
  2. Negative example. A situation where a girl’s relationship at home is constantly tense, her parents argue every day, or they are divorced, and her mother convinces her that all men are bastards and it’s better not to mess with them. If your chosen one has just such a case, then she cannot do without communicating with a psychologist.
  3. The girl refuses because she doesn’t see you as an attractive enough guy, she keeps you next to her only so that she has a backup option. Such a young lady can communicate, flirt, but a relationship will not begin. And as soon as a worthy gentleman appears, she will stop communicating with you. They say about someone who keeps him close to him, but does not let him go, because he has selfish goals. If you are in such a situation, then when a girl says that she wants to meet, “I don’t want to” is a worthy answer.
  4. The girl treats you like a friend or brother, and not like a man with whom she can fall in love. The young lady maintains communication, but does not want to move to a more serious level, because she knows that she does not experience strong feelings.
  5. There is a difficult life experience, when previous relationships ended very tragically, the girl had her heart broken more than once, she is afraid of getting burned again.
  6. The young lady is in love with another man.
  7. She claims that she has no intention of dating men at all. There are two reasons for this: either she prefers women, or she is deceiving herself. For example, this may indicate that the girl wants to feel independent and look strong in your eyes. Or maybe she just loves being alone.

The girl wants to communicate, but not date

If you actively correspond with her, go for a walk, to the cinema or somewhere else, and you feel good and comfortable together, but you are just friends, you need to analyze the possible reasons. How to understand the reason if a girl loves you. but doesn't want a relationship:

  • You know each other too little, and the girl is not ready for a hasty romance
  • Considers your feelings frivolous
  • She doesn't like any of your shortcomings
  • She likes someone else

All these reasons are not the final verdict, even if she has someone else in mind. Life goes on, and a girl can change her mind. If you don't want to remain just a friend, it's better to try to win her heart.

  • Confess your feelings
  • Start caring for her
  • Show that you mean business

Even try to get rid of some bad habits or bad character traits, if that's the case. You can go to the gym and build up muscles, women value strong people. Educate yourself, smart men are also valued. The list could take a long time. Think about the list yourself. Determine what her values ​​are, what she likes and dislikes, try to understand how you can attract her. It's not that difficult, it's enough to just have a heart-to-heart talk.

If you listen carefully to your interlocutor, you can learn a lot about him simply from conversations. Try changing tactics. For example, if you used to call her every day, try taking a break. This will definitely make her wary, perhaps even offended by the lack of previous attention. But if you found out that she breathed a sigh of relief after getting rid of your calls... then you are in bad shape. Do something unexpected (but pleasant, of course), prepare a gift, a surprise, give something that she has long wanted. Use your imagination. But don't overdo it with surprises. Just don’t make her jealous by flirting with other women, this is one of the worst pieces of advice they can give you in such a situation. Yes, they really can make you jealous, but this will most likely lead not to sympathy, but to negativity. By this behavior you will prove that you are not interested in either her opinion or her company. Take better care of her, try to become more than a friend to her, your efforts will be appreciated. And under no circumstances put pressure, a woman should have freedom of choice. Of course, no one will give you a 100% guarantee, but it’s worth a try.

How not to behave

If you see that a girl willingly communicates with you, but does not show feelings, there is no need to get angry and completely ruin your relationship with her.

Even if such behavior offends and offends you, you don’t need to:

  1. show aggression or throw tantrums - this will completely discourage the girl from wanting to communicate with you;
  2. putting on a mask of contempt and indifference after persistent courtship - it is better to end communication with dignity, saving face;
  3. spreading rumors about her is rude and makes you look bad to others.

If you understand that a girl really doesn’t want a relationship with you, the best way out is to switch to another object and stop current communication.

What to do if a girl says no

Often women speak out quite straightforwardly and clearly tell the admirer “no”. What does it mean? Some men believe, and this opinion is widespread and quite ingrained, that a woman's “no” actually means “yes.” That the girl is just flirting and pushing her own worth. But only smug and not particularly smart men can think this way. According to the principle “I am so good that a woman simply cannot ignore me.” Maybe, dear representatives of the stronger sex, maybe. And very often, saying “no” really means refusal. Therefore, it is not worth besieging it as a fortified fortress; intrusive attention can only aggravate the problem and completely ruin the opinion of you. Try to better understand why you were rejected. You can simply analyze your and her behavior and understand what exactly you are doing wrong. Carefully talk to her friends or acquaintances, they might have noticed something.

There can be many reasons, but here are the most basic:

  • She simply doesn't like you, and it's hard to do anything about it.
  • She has another, maybe just in mind
  • She is not ready to build a new relationship, for example, because of the recent heart drama

If the girl said a firm “no”, respect her choice, it’s better to leave her alone, don’t insist, don’t bother her. This way you can maintain at least good, friendly relations. In the future, everything may change, don’t force things. Or find someone else who will appreciate you.

How to fix the situation so she wants it

What to do if the girl does not want to continue the relationship? Everything is very simple - you need to act (provided that the feelings are real, and not just passion to achieve your goal). Rescue techniques:

  • Give good emotions - make sure she remembers her date with you with a smile. Then she will want to repeat it again and again.
  • To become a good wizard, don’t be shy about making grand gestures - a bouquet of 101 roses, a large teddy bear, an armful of balloons, sushi delivery. Through the delivery service you can pamper your loved one every day. And most importantly, don’t demand anything in return; selflessness is captivating and inspires trust.
  • Make them laugh - according to statistics, girls choose guys with humor who can amuse and lift their spirits.
  • Participate in her life - be sincerely interested in her hobby, ask about her childhood and tell her about yours - the more you know about each other, the closer you will become emotionally.
  • Don’t pester - if she’s in a bad mood, or you don’t know each other well, take a pause and don’t rush things . Especially if she broke up with her boyfriend not long ago.
  • Prove your reliability - help in a difficult situation, listen, reassure, find a solution to the problem. As soon as she sees a man in you, she will begin to look with different eyes and will want a relationship herself.
  • To be liked by her friends - an outside opinion means a lot ; if a girl constantly hears how lucky she is and what her ideal guy is - there will be fewer fears, and more desire to take the next step.

How to tell if a girl is not interested in you

It is important to understand the difference between when a girl is interested in you, but is not yet ready for a serious relationship, and when she really does not need you. Signs that there is no chance of reciprocity:

  1. responds to messages in monosyllables, without asking counter questions or maintaining a conversation;
  2. refuses to meet several times in a row;
  3. remembers you only when she needs something, for example, to take you somewhere, help move furniture, borrow money, etc.

If a girl exhibits one of these behaviors, she is unlikely to view you as a potential boyfriend; rather, you are a good friend to her. In this case, you can also try to achieve reciprocity, but it will be more difficult than when she makes contact.

What to do

Here are some effective methods to correct the situation:

  1. Serious conversation. We definitely need to talk. Do not hint, but ask direct questions, demand a clear answer. Tell him that you can’t be played with, you’re tired of the uncertainty. If a girl needs a break to think about the future, her behavior, analysis of feelings and desires, do not be afraid to give her a couple of days for this.
  2. Move away from each other. Stop running after her, trying to achieve a reciprocal feeling. The guy's distance and his coldness will help the girl understand how dear the guy is to her. If she doesn’t want to stop communicating, she will take the initiative herself. All you have to do is demand a specific answer to the proposal to meet.
  3. Take care of yourself, develop physically and spiritually. Promising young men attract girls more than tired losers.
  4. Connect tactile sensations. If a girl is not excited by romantic dates in a friendly format, use hugs, light touches on the palms, waist, and knees.

What not to do:

  • Intrude and beg to start dating as a couple. Be strong and courageous, it is better to break up with the beauty who did not see your soul mate, and quickly find another.
  • Continue to seek love if the girl honestly admitted that she is playing with your feelings.
  • Swear, insult the girl, make cruel jokes about her on social networks and troll after refusal.


  1. Evaluate yourself from the outside. If you notice that there are some shortcomings or suspect their presence, then it’s time to make changes in your life. Take care of yourself, maintain personal hygiene, update your wardrobe, do your hair, start going to the gym, practice diction if you have problems pronouncing words, read books on psychology to better understand female nature. It is important that your efforts lead to you becoming a restrained, organized and courageous person. Every girl dreams of seeing a man next to her who will be both responsible and cheerful. Try to surprise your chosen one, amaze the young lady every day. Give surprises, plan interesting events. It is important that the girl feels unique.
  2. If a young lady has recently broken off a relationship with a young man, then you need to postpone your proposal. It is unacceptable to put pressure on her. It is worth keeping under control how she treats you, whether her attitude changes over time. If the young lady has some feelings for you, then the more time passes, the closer she will become to you. If nothing changes, the girl continues to remain cold, then most likely the reason is something else.
  3. If a young lady is convinced that all men are bastards and traitors, then she needs to be shown with the right examples that happy relationships between people of the opposite sex can exist. We need to convince the girl that her family model is not iconic, that she deserves a normal, full, happy life with a man.
  4. If the young lady does not have special feelings for you, then there are two ways: either resign yourself and forget, or try to change the girl’s attitude towards her person. There are cases when a guy still managed to win the favor of a young lady who did not pay attention to him at the beginning of the conversation. As a rule, this can be achieved when a beautiful lady gets to know the guy better or he disappears from her life for some time, and then appears more confident, courageous, with a new image, with a better figure, well-groomed, and appears in a completely new look. But it is worth considering the possibility that the changes will not make the right impression on the girl. Perhaps you are simply not her type or there is already an owner of her heart.
  5. The more you talk about your feelings, the more desperate you will look. This behavior can scare a girl away. It is better to demonstrate your self-sufficiency and confidence.
  6. Make sure that your chosen one is not one of those who likes to surround herself with fans, but does not strive for a relationship.

Now you know what to do if a girl says “I don’t want to date men.” The guy must understand that everyone has the right to their choice; you should not be overly intrusive and demand that the young lady recognize your value. It is necessary to understand that a girl may, in principle, not want a relationship, and not just with you. If there is still the slightest hope that the young lady will change her mind, proceed to conquer her.

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