Microcurrent reflexology for speech delay, cerebral palsy and other diseases

Microcurrent skin therapy is a therapeutic physiotherapeutic cosmetic procedure, the essence of which is the effect of electrical impulses on all layers of soft tissue. Weak pulse currents stimulate regeneration and metabolic processes at the cellular level, improve microcirculation, increase local immunity, and promote renewal and rejuvenation of the skin. After a course of therapy, it is possible to get rid of many age-related and dermatological defects and restore the face to a healthy, radiant, attractive appearance.

At the International Hemostasis Clinic, each patient can evaluate the effect of the microcurrent therapy procedure after the first session. Our cosmetologists will individually draw up a therapeutic plan taking into account the individual needs of the skin and the desired effect. All manipulations are carried out using modern high-tech equipment, which guarantees high results and no side effects.

What is microcurrent therapy

Microcurrent facial therapy is prescribed to patients with dry, aging, aging skin. The procedure will help in the shortest possible time to get rid of wrinkles, acne, pigment and stagnant spots, as well as other age-related defects that cause aesthetic discomfort.

The essence of the technique is the therapeutic effect of electric current on all layers of soft tissue. The procedure is carried out using special equipment. Generating currents of ultra-low amplitude and low frequency. The soft, delicate effect of microcurrents at the intracellular level helps to accelerate blood and lymph microcirculation, as well as activate metabolic and regenerative processes. The results of such a beneficial effect are undeniable:

  • regeneration and restoration of soft tissues at the cellular level;
  • improving muscle tone and relaxing tense muscles;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of lymph outflow;
  • pronounced lifting effect;
  • deep nutrition and hydration of the dermis;
  • correction of unevenness, sagging;
  • normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • narrowing the porosity of the skin;
  • stimulation of local immunity;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels, increasing elasticity and conductivity;
  • normalization of melanocyte production;
  • even out skin tone.

Indications for microcurrent therapy

Microcurrent therapy is carried out according to medical indications, so you first need to make an appointment with a cosmetologist who will conduct an initial examination and evaluate how advisable it is to resort to this procedure.

Indications for microcurrent facial therapy are:

  • dryness, sagging, decreased skin tightness and elasticity;
  • the appearance of extensive acne;
  • rosacea;
  • progression of dermatosis, atopic dermatitis;
  • mimic and pronounced age wrinkles;
  • unhealthy, dull complexion;
  • pigment and stagnant spots;
  • muscle hypertonicity;
  • damage to skin blood vessels;
  • puffiness, bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • change in microrelief;
  • drooping oval face;
  • pronounced signs of photoaging.

It is recommended for patients over the age of 25 to resort to a rejuvenating procedure using microcurrents. It is during this period that the first, barely noticeable signs of age-related changes appear, which can be prevented by enrolling in a course of therapy consisting of 6 to 8 sessions.


Despite the fact that microcurrent therapy is considered a safe, painless treatment procedure, it still has its contraindications, which, if ignored, can lead to serious consequences. To exclude or confirm contraindications, the doctor gives a referral for laboratory and instrumental diagnostic examination, which will help identify hidden pathologies for which it is prohibited to resort to the technique.

Physiotherapeutic treatment with microcurrents is not prescribed to patients with the following diseases:

  • neoplasms of malignant and benign nature;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • chronic cardiovascular pathologies;
  • acute cardiac, renal failure;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • history of stroke, heart attack;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • endocrine, hormonal disorders.

The technique is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding clients, clients with a pacemaker and other metal implants, including piercings installed in the area of ​​intended impact.

Information for specialists

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The Samara therapeutic complex "Reatsentr" has been operating in Samara for 26 years (since 1994). Every year, more than 2000 children with various neurological pathologies receive treatment in children's departments of neurology and reflexology in the cities of: Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, Tolyatti, Kazan, Orenburg, Ulyanovsk, Izhevsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Barnaul, Kaliningrad, Kemerovo, St. St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Almaty, Shymkent, Tashkent, Fergana. The distribution by nosological groups among patients treated in the children's neurology and reflexology departments of the Reatsentr STC in 2005 is as follows:

The other group included such neurological manifestations as enuresis, hyperexcitability, sleep disturbances, localized tics, sensorineural hearing loss, cephalgic crises, neurocirculatory dystonia, etc.

The basic method of treatment in the children's neurology and reflexology departments of the Reatsentr is MICROCURRENT REFLEXOTHERAPY. Formally, this treatment method refers to a type of reflexology. In fact, it developed at the intersection of reflexology, neurology and physiotherapy.

The essence of the method is as follows:

The therapeutic effect is exerted on reflexogenic zones located on various parts of the skin by ultra-small electrical impulses.

As a result, physiological dominants arise in the neural networks of the central nervous system and the work of the centers of the nervous system responsible for various functions and pathological syndrome complexes is selectively stabilized. For example, in the treatment of spastic conditions, the therapeutic effect is exerted on various levels of the central nervous system:

  1. A local relaxing effect is exerted directly on the muscle fiber itself, through reflex triggering.
  2. A segmental reflex effect is exerted on the motor neurons of the spinal cord.
  3. The distal reflex activating effect is exerted on the motor zone of the cerebral cortex.

Features of the MICROCURRENT REFLEXOTHERAPY method are as follows:

  1. The therapeutic effect is exerted on the BAP and neuroreflex zones.
  2. The impact is caused by ultra-small electrical pulses of direct alternating current not exceeding the standards established by the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. development of the Russian Federation.
  3. The effect is non-invasive and virtually painless.
  4. It is possible to use this method starting from 6 months of age, since earlier the skin is considered not to be formed to provide an electrophysiological effect on it.
  5. Convulsive readiness is not a contraindication. In patients with a high level of convulsive readiness, there was no increase in convulsive paroxysms as a result of the course of treatment.
  6. If a child has convulsive seizures, treatment is carried out while taking a previously prescribed anticonvulsant drug, an EEG is performed before starting treatment, BAP treatment in the projection of foci of epileptic activity is not carried out.
  7. There is also good compatibility with drug therapy, exercise therapy and physiotherapy methods such as massage, mud applications, pine baths. Simultaneous use of microcurrent reflexology and electromagnetic physiotherapy is not recommended.

Contraindications for MICROCURRENT REFLEXOTHERAPY are:

  1. Acute infectious diseases.
  2. Malignant neoplasms of any location.
  3. Chronic somatic diseases in the stage of decompensation.

For each nosological unit, a specific set of reflexogenic zones was identified and clinically tested.

Regardless of the nosological unit, the following general clinical effects are possible when performing MICROCURRENT REFLEXOTHERAPY.

  1. Stabilization of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics – in most cases allows achieving stable remission in the treatment of hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome.
  2. Moderate sedative effect on the central nervous system - leads to a decrease in the level of neuroticism and aggressive manifestations.
  3. Reflex stimulation of the antinociceptive system leads to an increase in the threshold of pain sensitivity, as a result of which the intensity and frequency of headaches are significantly reduced.

Considering the wide range of neurological pathologies, it is advisable to consider the focus of treatment and the achieved effect using specific examples.

For spastic forms of cerebral palsy

The main features of the treatment include additional reflex triggering of muscles.

Namely: trigger zones are identified in those muscle groups that give the limb a pathological setting. Then these zones are processed with certain electrical impulses, which are selected for each zone individually, based on its electrophysiological parameters.

An example of Attriggerization.

Patient Z., born in 2003. He was admitted for treatment to the children's department of neurology and reflexology at the Reatsentr STC in Samara in August 2005 with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Spastic diplegia with severe impairment of motor function. Severe delay in psychomotor and speech development.

With passive verticalization, the support is on the front edge of the foot with a pronounced cross. This pathological position of the legs is caused by spastic calf muscles and the adductor group of thigh muscles.

During examination and examination, trigger zones were identified in the following muscles:

m. gastrocnemius, m. rectineus, m. gracilis, m. adductor longus, magnus.

During the treatment, the specified muscles were attriggered. Additionally, stabilization of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics and reflex stimulation of the functional activity of the motor zones of the cerebral cortex, reflex stabilization of motor neurons in the corresponding segments of the spinal cord were carried out.

3 courses of treatment were carried out.

As a result, muscle tone in the indicated muscle groups has decreased, the patient stands on a full foot without crossover, and when walking, crossover appears only with significant overexcitation and is moderately expressed.

Motor activity increased, and a conscious desire to walk on the surface appeared. Stands independently on full foot against a support for up to 5 minutes. New motor skills are developed.

Features of decreased muscle tone during atriggerization:

  • Muscle tone decreases gradually
  • The effect is permanent
  • The volume of passive and active movements in the limbs increases
  • Smoothness of movement appears
  • Increased desire to move
  • Develops gross and fine motor skills
  • Existing motor skills are improved and new ones are developed
  • Along with a persistent decrease in muscle tone, increased tendon reflexes persist for a long time.

With delays in psycho-speech development

The main features of the treatment include reflex stimulation of the functional activity of the cognitive and speech areas of the cerebral cortex.

Initially, during the examination, areas of the cerebral cortex are identified whose functional activity is insufficient.

In the future, their differentiated stimulation is carried out depending on the clinical manifestations and the necessary correction of the psycho-emotional and speech state.

A differentiated approach to stimulation of reflexogenic zones is as follows:

  • Reflex stimulation of the functional activity of Brocca's area is carried out in cases of impaired diction, reduced speech activity, and poor vocabulary.
  • Reflex stimulation of the functional activity of Wernicke's area is carried out in cases of decreased attention and difficulty understanding spoken speech.
  • Reflex stimulation of the functional activity of Associative speech zones - is carried out with poor descriptive speech and difficulty in constructing complex sentences and stories.
  • Reflex stimulation of the functional activity of the zone of intellectual abilities - is carried out with low cognitive activity, reduced concentration and poor assimilation of logical material.

In this case, we have listed only the main areas of the cerebral cortex that are subject to reflex stimulation.

The dynamics of improvement in a child’s psycho-speech development can be analyzed using the example of patient G., born in 2002; at the time of treatment, her full age was 3 years and 2 months. Diagnosis: Consequences of perinatal pathology of the central nervous system. ZPRR.

Speech activity is low, rarely pronounces individual syllables, and understands spoken speech. The child is excitable, disinhibited, and has frequent hysterical manifestations. The games are of a primitive destructive nature: throwing toys around, tearing books.

2 courses of treatment were carried out.

After 1 course of treatment, the level of neuroticism decreased. Hysterics are extremely rare. Speech activity has increased. Many new syllables and individual short words appeared. Cognitive activity has increased. I started listening to books for up to 10 minutes. Shows interest in drawing and games that develop motor skills.

After the 2nd course of treatment, the vocabulary is actively expanding, elements of phrasal speech have appeared: “give me juice”, “bye mom!” Actively uses speech in everyday life. New social skills have emerged. He eats and drinks on his own, and has begun to try to dress himself.

After 2 months, at a follow-up examination, parents note a continuation of vocabulary acquisition and active use of phrasal speech. The games became more complex; a role-playing component and an imitation of everyday life appeared in them. Rare whims remain, but there are no hysterics. We started working with a speech pathologist.

Thus, the features of increasing speech activity during MICROCURRENT REFLEXOTHERAPY are as follows:

  • Speech activity increases gradually
  • Speech development occurs in stages in accordance with the physiological dynamics of speech development: humming, babbling speech, syllables, words, phrasal speech, dialogue speech
  • Understanding and attention to addressed speech improves
  • Increases vocabulary and improves diction
  • The productivity of classes with a speech therapist and defectologist increases
  • New self-service and socialization skills are developed.
  • There is a pronounced aftereffect in the form of: expansion of vocabulary and complication of speech after completion of the course of treatment.

For MCD and learning problems

The main features of the treatment include reflex stimulation of the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for higher mental functions.

During the examination, areas of the cerebral cortex are also identified whose functional activity is insufficient.

In the future, their differentiated stimulation is carried out depending on the clinical manifestations and the necessary correction of the state of higher mental functions: writing, reading, counting, etc.

A differentiated approach to stimulation of reflexogenic zones is as follows:

  • Reflex stimulation of the functional activity of the counting area of ​​the cerebral cortex - is used when it is difficult to remember numbers, difficulties with mathematical operations.
  • Reflex stimulation of the functional activity of the writing zone of the cerebral cortex - used for dysgraphia.
  • Reflex stimulation of the functional activity of the reading area of ​​the cerebral cortex - used for dyslexia.
  • Reflex stimulation of the functional activity of the Associative speech zones - used when there is difficulty in constructing retellings and writing essays.
  • Reflex stimulation of the functional activity of the zone of intellectual abilities - is used for low cognitive activity, reduced concentration of attention, poor assimilation of logical material.
  • Reflex stimulation of the functional activity of the sociality zone and the ego zone - used in the presence of elements of antisocial behavior.

In this case, we have listed only the main projection zones of the cerebral cortex that are subject to reflex stimulation.

The results of treatment are reflected in the example of patient B., 7 years old. He was admitted for treatment to the children's department of neurology and reflexology at the Reatsentr STC in January 2005 with a diagnosis of Consequences of perinatal pathology of the central nervous system. Hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome. Cephalgia. MCD, dysgraphia, dyslexia, acalculia.

Before treatment, the patient periodically experienced severe headaches, accompanied by agitation and elements of antisocial behavior: he ran around the class, shouted from his seat, fought with classmates, addressed the teacher on a first name basis.

Before treatmentBefore treatment

After the end of the 2nd quarter, the question arose that the child was not mastering school material: he did not understand the meaning of numbers and letters, and when reading he could not combine letters into syllables. When trying to write, the letters are not straight, difficult to recognize, do not fit into the lines, in fact, the patient was pointlessly redrawing the material from the board.

Three courses of treatment were carried out over six months.

As a result, the headaches stopped, agitation rarely appears, only in cases of severe fatigue.

After treatmentAfter treatment

He masters school material: he learned to count within 100, he began to correctly perform arithmetic operations for addition and subtraction. When writing, he connects letters into words, tries to fit into a line, the number of errors is acceptable.

Reads syllable by syllable, quickly enough, understands what he reads. Completes homework independently.

In September 2005, he re-started his studies in the 1st grade of secondary school. At the moment, the teacher has no complaints about learning school material.

Elements of antisocial behavior still remain, although their severity has decreased significantly.

Thus, the features of positive dynamics in patients with MCD and learning problems during MICROCURRENT REFLEXOTHERAPY include the following:

  • Gradual increase in interest in classes.
  • Increasing the speed and quality of task completion.
  • Improving handwriting, counting, reading.
  • A marked decrease in the frequency and intensity of headaches.
  • For a pronounced improvement in the field of higher mental functions, it is advisable to conduct additional classes to fill gaps in the educational material.
  • Compared to mastering school material, socialization develops more slowly and positive dynamics are less pronounced.

Currently, effective treatment regimens have been developed for a wide range of possible neurological diseases and their combinations.

The expected effectiveness of treatment in each specific case is clarified during a preliminary consultation.

How is the procedure performed?

Microcurrent therapy with microcurrents should be carried out in specialized beauty salons that have permission to provide this type of service. The cosmetologist performing the manipulations is obliged to provide the client with a certificate confirming his qualifications.

Before starting the procedure, make-up is removed and the skin is thoroughly cleaned of impurities. Next, the cosmetologist applies a conductive gel to the face, which enhances the healing effect of electrical impulses.

Therapy can be carried out in two ways:

  • Electrodes with galvanic or other tips. Before the session, the cosmetologist, taking into account the individual needs of the client’s skin, selects the optimal strength of the electrode. Then the skin is additionally treated with a special protective substance that prevents irritation. During the therapy, the specialist makes the necessary movements with the electrodes, treating problem areas. The duration of the procedure is 35 – 40 minutes.
  • Special gloves to which the electrode is connected. Microcurrent facial therapy with gloves is considered the most effective and useful procedure, providing a pronounced therapeutic and rejuvenating result. Before the manipulations, a warming mask is applied to the client’s face, and on top of it is a special film that enhances the effect of currents. After this, the cosmetologist performs a manual facial massage, wearing special gloves on his hands to which electrodes are connected. The second electrode is placed in the client's hands.

Types of microcurrent therapy

To correct cosmetic and dermatological defects of the facial skin, the following types of microcurrent therapy are used:

  • Disincrustation. Prescribed to patients with problematic, oily dermis prone to inflammation and rashes. The procedure helps to cleanse contaminated pores, soften and remove sebaceous plugs, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and destroy pathogenic microflora.
  • Lymphatic drainage. The main goal of the technique is to normalize the water and oxygen balance of the skin, improve metabolism, accelerate the elimination of toxins and waste, eliminate swelling on the face, get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes.
  • Reprogramming of facial muscles. The therapy effectively trains the facial muscles, promoting their relaxation or, conversely, tension. After a course of procedures, facial wrinkles disappear completely or become less noticeable, and the oval of the face is tightened.
  • Lifting. The technique is aimed at strengthening and toning the skin, providing a pronounced lifting effect, and combating the first signs of age-related changes. After just a few sessions, the microrelief and color are evened out, the double chin and jowls disappear.
  • Ionic mesotherapy. The procedure helps to get rid of wrinkles, swelling, bags under the eyes, age spots, congestive spots, and other age-related defects in the shortest possible time. After a course of therapy, regeneration processes are activated, metabolism improves, and local immunity increases.

Recommendations for microcurrent treatment

A physiotherapeutic treatment procedure using microcurrents is suitable for patients of any age, however, before resorting to the technique, it is necessary to exclude contraindications.

No special preparation is required before manipulation. Initially, you need to visit a cosmetologist who will identify skin defects, determine what type of microcurrent therapy is appropriate to use in a particular case, and then prescribe the duration of the course.

During the course, it is advisable for the patient to drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of fluid per day, avoid salty, spicy, fatty foods, and abstain from caffeine-containing and alcoholic beverages. To consolidate the results, 1 - 1.5 months after completing the course, it is advisable to repeat the procedure by attending 1 - 2 sessions.

To achieve the most positive effect, it is necessary to undergo a full course of therapy, the duration of which depends on the patient’s age and the condition of the skin:

  • Young girls aged 25 - 30 years. The technique is prescribed to prevent age-related changes. However, the course does not last long and includes up to 5 sessions.
  • Women aged 35 – 40 years. To eliminate the first signs of skin aging, it is recommended to take a course consisting of 5 – 6 sessions, which are carried out once a week.
  • Ladies aged 45 - 50 years. The course is extended to 8 – 12 sessions, with a break between them of about 3 days.
  • Women after 50 years. Here, the duration of therapy is determined by the cosmetologist personally, taking into account the needs of the skin and the desired effect. The interval between sessions is 1 – 2 days.

Benefits of Microcurrent Therapy

The effect of microcurrent therapy can be assessed after the first visit to a cosmetologist. But the advantages of the procedure are not limited to this. Its main advantages:

  • painlessness and safety;
  • wide range of uses;
  • good tolerance;
  • almost complete absence of side effects;
  • the opportunity to significantly improve and rejuvenate the skin without resorting to plastic surgery;
  • complex impact and treatment of all layers of the epidermis.

Another significant advantage is that the technique goes well with a number of other cosmetic procedures aimed at healing and rejuvenating facial skin. Microcurrent therapy is perfectly complemented by:

  • alginate masks;
  • ELOS rejuvenation and other hardware procedures;
  • peelings, scrubbing, masks, etc.

Disadvantages of microcurrent therapy

The disadvantages of the procedure include:

  • a large list of contraindications;
  • relative high cost;
  • the need to complete a full course, which may include 5–12 sessions.

Possible side effects and complications

Undesirable effects include slight redness and itching in places where the electrodes touched the skin. This complication most often develops in people with a low pain threshold or individual intolerance to electrical currents. During the session, the client may experience flashes in the eyes. They are absolutely harmless and do not affect the visual system in any way.

In the first few hours after the manipulation, the patient may be bothered by a slight tingling of the areas exposed to microcurrent, as well as an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth. These symptoms disappear on their own and do not require special treatment.

Who is MTRT indicated for?

The range of applications of microcurrent reflexology is quite wide. It has virtually no age restrictions and can be used in adults and children over 6 months. And some specialists use this method to treat infants from 2 months of age.

MTRT can be included in a rehabilitation program for the following conditions:

  • Cerebral palsy – all main forms of the disease (with spastic paralysis of the limbs, diplegia, hyperkinesis, atonic-astatic syndrome, psycho-speech defects);
  • consequences of perinatal pathology of the central nervous system with hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome, delayed psycho-speech and motor development, muscular dystonia syndrome;
  • open form of hydrocephalus;
  • consequences of natal injury to the cervical spine with various motor and sensory disorders at the spinal level;
  • condition after suffering brain and spinal cord injuries, neuroinfections and post-vaccination complications;
  • delayed psychomotor development of a child caused by phenylketonuria, Down syndrome and other genetic diseases;
  • alalia, ZRR, STDs of various origins and severity;
  • autistic syndrome;
  • hyperexcitability and attention deficit syndrome;
  • neurotic disorders with various symptoms;
  • sensorineural hearing loss, partial atrophy of the optic nerve;
  • enuresis;
  • specific disorders in the formation of learning skills, which is most often associated with dysfunction of certain areas of the cerebral cortex and can manifest itself as dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyslexia;
  • recovery period after severe injuries, including sports ones.

In most cases, microcurrent reflexology is used for the rehabilitation of children of preschool and primary school age with various chronic neuropsychic disorders.

Cost of microcurrent therapy

The price for one session depends on the type of procedure and can range from 1,200 to 1,500 rubles. To get a detailed consultation or make an appointment with a specialist, contact us by phone or fill out the online form on the website. As soon as our administrators see your request, they will immediately call you back and answer all your questions.

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