Intracranial pressure. Intracranial hypertension. Hydrocephalus
Our clinic specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system, incl. non-surgical treatment
Electroneuromyography (ENMG). Electromyography in Moscow
Our clinic specializes in neurology and we perform electroneuromyography. We have competent specialists and
Cauda equina syndrome
Cauda equina syndrome in humans: symptoms, treatment
Find out more about other diseases starting with the letter “C”: Compression of the brain; Senile chorea; Sensitive
8 methods for treating stress. Learn how to cope with stress in new ways
Consequences of severe stress and its stages The most dangerous thing about stress is that it
psychosomatics constant headache
Psychosomatics: constant headache. Reasons and what to do?
These are organic somatic diseases or diseases with a known pathophysiological disorder, the development and course of which
Selective mutism. Why is a child silent and what to do about it?
Not all children are “incorrigible whys.” Some people prefer to remain silent because they are shy. And this
Cyst in the head of a newborn baby: causes and consequences
Cyst in the head of a newborn baby: causes and consequences
Oddly enough, such a frightening diagnosis as “a cyst in the head of a newborn”
Recommendations for the treatment of cerebellar motor dysfunction and ataxia
Prognosis and prevention The prognosis for the patient depends solely on the cause that triggered the onset of the disease.
Diagnostic algorithm
Viral meningitis - symptoms and treatment
Meningoencephalitis viral, bacterial, parasitic The term “meningoencephalitis” includes two nosological forms “encephalitis” and “meningitis”. Definition
Find out what PTSD is. Innovations in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder
Effective improvement after just 1 session Quickly from 2 to 5 sessions Reliable elimination
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