Headache: in what cases should you be alert?
Causes A headache does not always mean the presence of a disease. It can arise and how
social deprivation is
Deprivation - what is it, types, examples, consequences
The term “social deprivation” should be understood as a voluntary or forced restriction of an individual’s interaction with external
I was running cross-country and suddenly my leg gave out: how do people with multiple sclerosis live and can it be cured?
Diagnosis To determine multiple sclerosis, doctors use interview methods and a neurological examination, and then
Before taking pills for headaches, it is worth asking yourself what could have caused the pain, what is its intensity and how effective are the methods you are trying to relieve the pain. It is also worth learning to distinguish a headache from a migraine.
Headache: 11 ways to cope with an attack yourself
Headaches are one of the most common complaints with which patients consult a doctor.
Diagnosis and treatment of astheno-depressive syndrome
Physical fatigue after minor exertion, deterioration of attention and everyday absent-mindedness, difficulties in remembering, headache
In boys
How can a man get rid of the Oedipus complex and grow up?
What is the Oedipus complex? In 1897, Freud first described his childhood: tender feelings
Intercostal neuropathy (intercostal neuralgia, neuralgia of intercostal nerves, neuropathy of intercostal nerves)
How to treat intercostal neuralgia on the right or left? Intercostal neuralgia is a reflex pain syndrome,
How to identify a selfish person and what benefits he hunts for
The greed of people is the love of money, acquisitiveness, greed, in other words, it is an immoderate desire to receive
A. Beck Depression Scale: instructions for use
Beck Depression Inventory and its interpretation
According to the World Health Organization, depression is one of the leading causes of morbidity and disability.
Euphoria and delight - photo 2
Deadly excitement and euphoria. Pleasant symptoms of dangerous diseases
Symptoms In addition to feeling great with a feeling of comfort and carelessness, euphoria is manifested by a specific facial expression:
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