Symptoms and methods of treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia in women

Vegetovascular dystonia: symptoms and treatment

The difficulty of making a diagnosis lies in the whole spectrum of symptoms. The disease skillfully mimics; two people with vegetative neurosis can have completely different complaints. However, there are three types of pathology:

  1. VSD of normotensive type. Characterized by abnormal heart rhythm.
  2. VSD of the hypertensive type. Characterized by increased blood pressure. The disease carries a risk of stroke, especially in older patients. With this type of VSD, the work of the heart is corrected by reducing heart rate with medication.
  3. VSD of hypothetical type. Characterized by a decrease in blood pressure. The patient experiences weakness, often fainting. Therapy is carried out with atropine and aminophylline. Along with medications, the patient is prescribed vitamins and medications with antioxidants. Green tea is beneficial.

The first signs of the disease are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • From the side of blood vessels and the central nervous system.

Increased heart rate, headache and tinnitus, unusual sweating, muscle pain and trembling throughout the body, including the limbs.

  • From the mental point of view.

Panic and obsessive states, sudden changes in emotions, anxiety and suspiciousness.

It is impossible to cover all the signs within the scope of this article (there are more than 150 of them). But our goal is not to make a diagnosis online. If you notice the first alarming symptoms, consult a doctor. The main thing is to be wary of VSD and understand that the disease can manifest itself with a whole range of symptoms.

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia

You take care of your health. Why did you have problems with autonomic regulation? A predisposition to VSD can be inherited, in which case problems begin in childhood. The child sleeps poorly, often suffers from neuroses, experiences age-related crises more difficult, does not do well at school, but learns the material well with individual training.

Dysfunction of autonomic regulation (VD) can be a consequence of severe stress or serious illness at any age. In this case, the body loses a lot of strength, and at some point it can no longer maintain a normal balance in the autonomic system. If you do not begin to restore it in time, then the symptoms of VSD will become your habitual state, from which it will not be so easy to get out.

How does VSD manifest?

As already mentioned, the symptoms of VSD can be combined in various combinations with the involvement of almost all systems and organs in the clinical picture. But there are some signs of the syndrome that are common to all:

  • sleep disorders (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, increased sleepiness);
  • emotional disorders (unmotivated anxiety, panic attacks, unexplained mood swings, tearfulness);
  • muscular-tonic disorders (headache caused by excessive tension in the neck muscles, spasms of small muscles in the arms and legs, etc.);
  • cardiac symptoms (fast or slow heartbeat, pain or discomfort in the left side of the chest);
  • difficulty breathing (feeling short of air, shortness of breath, shallow breathing and inability to take a deep breath).

It should be remembered that the severity of symptoms is very individual. Thus, one person describes the headache as squeezing and unpleasant, the second – as sharp, the third complains of soreness only in the scalp.

So, if you are at risk (one or more reasons for the development of VSD are relevant for you), the symptoms manifest themselves in one of the types - permanent or paroxysmal, and in the list of signs of VSD you have found a suitable one - this should be a reason to consult a doctor for further diagnosis and treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome.


The symptoms of VSD depend on its severity.

A mild degree of VSD can be practically asymptomatic, so many people do not even suspect that they have this disease. A mild degree may be accompanied by intermittent and short-lived headaches, irritability, and mild pain in the heart area, occurring in waves due to overexertion, physical or emotional. The intervals between the onset of symptoms are long and can last up to several years, so the patient does not feel discomfort. Exacerbations may also not occur at all, as well as vegetative-vascular crises.

The average degree is characterized by more vivid and widespread symptoms. Periods of exacerbation can last for months, and periods of remission can be short. With moderate severity of VSD, vegetative-vascular crises become much more frequent and affect physical performance. Many patients suffering from VSD partially or completely lose their ability to work.

The severe degree is the most unpleasant. Its symptoms are characterized by even more severe pain depending on the type of VSD, exacerbations last a long time and can lead to hospital treatment, and vegetative-vascular crises are very common.

It is worth talking about the symptoms of various types of VSD.

  • Hypertensive – characterized by hypertension, migraine attacks, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, anxiety, increased temperature and sweating, sleep disturbances, appetite, trembling of the hands and legs.
  • Hypotonic – decreased blood pressure, sleep disturbances, indigestion (heartburn, diarrhea), heart pain, breathing problems, sweating, loss of appetite, decreased temperature.
  • Cardiac - dysfunction of the brain, pain in the heart, arrhythmia, attacks of tachycardia, weather dependence, poor tolerance of physical and mental stress, migraines, emotional instability, tremors in the body, sweating, sleep disturbances, apathy, lethargy.
  • Mixed - constant changes in blood pressure, anxiety, restless sleep, tachycardia, back pain, joint pain, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, sweating, speech problems, weather sensitivity, unstable mood.

Vagotonic crisis

Vagotonic (parasympathetic or vagoinsular) crisis - manifested by complaints of weakness, sweating, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, drooling. Characterized by hypothermia, low blood pressure, bradycardia, increased peristalsis, flatulence, oliguria, and a tendency to faint. More typical for younger children.

Emergency care for vagotonic crisis

  • Put the child to bed, warm him, provide access to fresh air.
  • Ingestion of Eleutherococcus tincture 1 drop/year of life.
  • Inject subcutaneously 10% caffeine solution 0.1 ml/year of life.
  • In case of severe bradycardia or intractable crisis, administer intramuscularly 0.1% atropine solution 0.1 ml/year of life.

How to get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD)? How to cure vegetative vascular dystonia?

Answer: To treat vegetative-vascular dystonia, doctors prescribe special medications, including sedatives and antidepressants. However, it should be borne in mind that medications for vegetative-vascular dystonia should only be taken with the knowledge of a doctor, since they can be addictive!

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia with folk remedies can be quite effective: in particular, infusions for cleansing blood vessels, cardiac tinctures, but only in the absence of contraindications to them. Treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia with herbs (hawthorn, motherwort, etc.) also refers to folk treatment; these remedies are only auxiliary in nature. Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia with folk remedies in practice does not provide recovery, but has a beneficial effect on the body and relieves some symptoms.

Physical therapy is most useful for vegetative-vascular dystonia, providing a general strengthening effect on the body. Physical therapy for VSD is an excellent means for training the body and increasing its performance. With vegetative vascular dystonia, physical education, thought out taking into account the age and health status of the patient, is simply necessary. However, exercises for VSD should be gentle and completely exclude jumping. It should also be taken into account that an active lifestyle in general is a prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Rest is the best remedy for vegetative-vascular dystonia. Naturally, a person cannot quit his job. However, it is quite possible and necessary to allow yourself to travel outside the city. Much attention is paid to the treatment of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia in sanatoriums - there are a lot of special procedures that will help a person feel much better. Based on the results, we can say that in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, sanatorium procedures are simply irreplaceable.

I am diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia. The doctor prescribed medication to me, but there was no improvement in my condition after treatment. In this case, how can I cure VSD?

Answer: The causes of a disease such as VSD can often be psychological disorders (stress, depression, neuroses, overwork, chronic fatigue). It is impossible to separate mental health from physical health; real health combines both aspects. Fear, phobias - this causes panic attacks, vegetative-vascular dystonia or chronic fatigue syndrome. All this is treated by psychotherapists without pills, using proven techniques. Treatment uses behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy.

What is better - to take medications and antidepressants for years or to get rid of the symptoms of VSD and panic attacks by visiting a psychotherapist?

If the cause of the disease is physical factors, then medications can and should be prescribed to treat VSD. However, medications for vegetative-vascular dystonia, the cause of which are psychological disorders, are simply irrelevant. In this case, folk remedies will not help in the treatment of VSD. In this case, the treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia requires the help of a professional psychologist. Only in this case will the treatment of VSD be truly effective.

How is vegetative vascular dystonia related to panic attacks?

The description of panic attacks is very similar to the description of the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia during a crisis (attacks of VSD). The nature of panic attacks and exacerbations of VSD is the same: in the body at these moments there is a high concentration of adrenaline, norepinephrine and acetylcholine. These biologically active substances cause emotional overload and pain. That is why patients in need of treatment for panic attacks are often diagnosed with vegetative vascular dystonia and prescribed medications for VSD, while people need psychological help. Vegetative vascular dystonia and panic attacks are easy to confuse, especially since in Russia not even all doctors know about panic attacks. Pain associated with VSD (and especially the headache characteristic of VSD) often does not require treatment with medications, but they continue to be prescribed. However, even in order to lower blood pressure (it increases with VSD of the hypertensive type), you do not need pills, but quick, professional psychological help. Treatment of panic attacks and symptoms of VSD, like treatment of phobias, often does not require drug intervention.

Neurologist T.V. Novikova

Material from the Medicalj website

Main symptoms of the disease:

  • Sore throat and pharynx;
  • Bubbling in the neck area;
  • Unreasonable cough.

They tend to disappear quickly, the person gradually calms down and the feeling of discomfort goes away.

Doctors distinguish several forms:

Lump in the throat


Symptoms - sensitivity in the throat area decreases or disappears, a person experiences difficulty swallowing saliva or food, there is tension in the area of ​​the sternum, collarbones and larynx. The neurological reaction corresponds to that which occurs during hysteria. The patient has difficulty swallowing, there is a shortage of air, he tries to inhale more oxygen.


. The symptoms of hypoesthesia are similar to the symptoms of anesthesia, but the former are less pronounced. The sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the throat and pharynx is reduced, discomfort is felt during swallowing. If symptoms do not go away for a long time, this can lead to asphyxiation by ingested food or water.


A neurological symptom of this nature is accompanied by spasm and high sensitivity. A person with this type of neurosis complains of itching, burning in the throat and pharynx, and eating is difficult. Symptoms of nasopharyngeal neurosis are also present; the patient not only finds it difficult to speak, but also to breathe. Typically, hyperesthesia occurs immediately after stress.


This form has the following symptoms: regular pain in the throat, pharynx, thyroid gland. Eating and drinking intensifies the symptoms.


The symptoms of this form vary from patient to patient. They include the clinical picture of hyperesthesia (itching, sore throat). Patients feel large foreign objects in the throat, sometimes even complain about the absence of their esophagus. While eating, the sore throat intensifies and is accompanied by a headache. Symptoms are diagnosed in people with nervous disorders or those with a labile psyche. Laryngeal neurosis of the type paresthesia has been recorded in patients during menopause.

Additional symptoms may include:

  1. Dryness of the mucous membrane of the throat, saliva begins to be released in a smaller volume;
  2. Paroxysmal dry cough, which forces the patient to resort to cough medicines; the medicines relieve the patient’s condition for a short time or do not alleviate the patient’s condition at all;
  3. Feeling of a coma. The “presence” of a lump in the pharynx or throat forces a person to refuse food;
  4. Hoarseness of voice. Its changes provoke respiratory diseases. However, the symptom goes away within a few days, while in patients with throat neurosis it does not disappear, but persists for a month;
  5. Complete loss of voice. The symptom occurs after a hysterical attack;
  6. Imaginary swelling of the neck. Patients often feel their neck, looking for various “bumps” and thickenings on it.

Classification of VSD by flow

The features with which VSD manifests itself are surrounded by a large number of myths. One of them is that this syndrome constantly presents itself with a number of symptoms characteristic of a particular person. But the course of VSD can occur according to one of 2 scenarios:

  • permanent.
    With this course of vegetative-vascular dystonia, its symptoms are indeed observed constantly, but do not change their intensity;
  • paroxysmal
    . VSD manifests itself during periods of crises that occur after a stressful situation, ARVI and other negative circumstances. But outside of crises, the syndrome practically does not reveal itself in any way.
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