Pine cones for stroke and tinctures: do they help in treatment?

Composition and beneficial properties

Not only with pathology, but also after a stroke, brain cells are destroyed. During rehabilitation, this process cannot be stopped and it can develop even further. Apart from medications, natural remedies are widely used to treat this disease.

Pine is a plant rich in biologically active substances that have pronounced medicinal properties.

The action of phytoncides is aimed at destroying pathogenic bacteria and strengthening the immune system. In addition, this plant has a tonic and antibacterial effect.

In summer, many useful substances accumulate in pine cones. In addition to the fact that they contain phytoncides, they also contain essential oils, vitamins and such a valuable substance as tannin.

Thanks to this unique substance, pine fruits have found wide use in the treatment of stroke.

Based on numerous studies conducted by American scientists, it has been proven that tannins help stop the destruction of brain cells in the event of a stroke.

During the experiments, scientists also discovered that when tannin was introduced into the body, tissue destruction was only 20 percent, while in the absence of therapy this figure was 70 percent.

In addition to tannins, the composition includes:

  • essential oils;
  • lipids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • monoterpene hydrocarbons;
  • vitamins A, D and B;
  • ascorbic, linoleic and oleic acids.

Thanks to pycnogenols, which are also contained in the fruits of the plant, preparations from the cones have an antioxidant effect, help cleanse the walls of blood vessels and get rid of already formed cholesterol plaques. In addition, these drugs are involved in the process of accelerating capillary regeneration.

For medicinal and preventive purposes, it is recommended to use only young fruits. Green cones are best suited for preparing folk remedies; their effectiveness is superior to many medications.

When to collect

To prepare drugs that are used to treat stroke, it is necessary to take only fruits that are not yet fully ripe, when they have not yet had time to open. The raw material should be green in color, have a soft consistency and a strong, pleasant odor.

Most often it is collected at the turn of spring and summer. The cones should be no more than four centimeters in length and no less than three centimeters in diameter.

If the fruits are hard and brown, it is not recommended to use.

Experts do not recommend collecting cones from large trees. Young seedlings are better suited for this purpose.

Also, you should not collect fruits from trees that are located near the road, because the salts contained in the exhaust gases remain on the cones, which not only reduces their medicinal properties, but can also cause serious poisoning.

It should also be remembered that it is not recommended to store raw materials, since when they dry out, most of the beneficial substances lose their potency.

Interesting facts about pine cones

  1. Mature pine cones are capable of measuring moisture because... at high air humidity they are in a compressed state. When the humidity decreases, the cones open.
  2. African cycads have cones that can weigh up to 50 kilograms.
  3. In one day, a squirrel can consume the seeds of 150 cones. Usually this figure is the daily norm for a wild animal.
  4. The word “bump” became the basis for the formation of the word “cone”. In Greek, pine cone sounds like "konos".
  5. In Ancient Greece, the pine cone was considered one of the symbols of fertility. Thus, the god Dionysus was depicted on ornaments in the company of servants with thyrsi, which were hung with pine cones.

A delicacy made from pine cones is a very useful and unusual product that can heal many diseases and maintain health and youth. But still, we should not forget that this sweetness is not a panacea for serious ailments. You should not treat yourself with just dessert, neglecting medications. Jam, of course, will be beneficial and increase immunity, but still, consulting a doctor is necessary. If there are no contraindications for use, and the specialist sees only the benefits of such a delicacy, then you should definitely try the miraculous delicacy not only for prevention and treatment, but also just for pleasure. After all, the pine cones warmed by the spring sun will remind you of this wonderful time of year, of the pine forest and the wonderful aroma of spring, which gives revival and health to everything on this planet!

“Important: all information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Before applying any recommendations, consult with a specialized specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials.”

Recipes for decoctions and tinctures

There are many proven ways to prepare a bud-based remedy that will be effective in combating diseases such as stroke.

Alcohol based

There is one recipe that, when prepared correctly, promotes recovery even in the event of a serious stroke. However, in order to avoid the negative consequences of its use, it is necessary to consult a specialist in advance.

So, to prepare an alcohol tincture you will need seven young fruits and half a liter of pure alcohol.

Follow your doctor's instructions carefully to get the most benefit from treatment with this drug.

Every day for a certain period of time, take 1 teaspoon of the composition in the morning, lunch and evening. In this case, it is necessary to rinse off the product with plenty of water.

After taking the drug, you can eat food only 30 minutes later.

In the same way you can prepare an infusion of vodka:

  1. To prepare it, add 7 cones and close the container.
  2. Place in a dark place for 10 days. The temperature should be room temperature.
  3. Take a teaspoon three times a day. Duration of therapy is at least 6 months.

No alcohol

If for some reason alcohol is contraindicated for the patient, you can prepare a decoction with water. To do this you will need to do the following:

  • collect young fruits, rinse well and add water (10 cones per liter of liquid);
  • Place the container on the fire, bring the liquid to a boil and cook for eight minutes;
  • Cool the resulting structure and strain.

This drink can be prepared in a steam bath, in which case it will take at least 30 minutes. Take 50 milliliters in the morning, at lunch and in the evening before meals.

Wine drink recipe

Only after passing all the tests and undergoing a comprehensive examination can you think about whether the syndrome can be treated with young pine fruits or whether it is better to use alternative methods. Traditional healers recommend preparing a healthy, tasty wine drink.

For this you will need:

  • young shoots;
  • sugar – 300 grams;
  • distilled water;
  • clean vessel (3 liters).

It doesn't take long to make wine. The recipe is quite simple, but treatment with pine cones is quite effective.

It is recommended to prepare a healthy and tasty wine drink from young pine shoots.

How to make a wine drink:

  1. Remove the peel from the fruits and rinse with water.
  2. Fill the container halfway with shoots.
  3. Pour water, add sugar up to the neck.
  4. Stir, close the jar with a lid, and place in a dark, warm place.
  5. Shake the container for 10 days.
  6. Then drain the water into a sealed container and leave the fruits in the jar.
  7. Add 0.3 kg of sugar, water, leave for fermentation.
  8. After 8-10 days, drain the liquid again and mix with the previously prepared infusion.
  9. Place the product under a press for 6 days.

It is recommended to drink wine prepared with cones 3-4 times a day, 20 ml before meals. If discomfort occurs, treatment should be stopped.

With such a dangerous pathology as a stroke, it is impossible to do without medications. But as part of complex therapy, in the absence of possible contraindications, hypersensitivity to young pine shoots, tinctures and decoctions will be beneficial. This chance is worth taking advantage of.

Other popular recipes

Also, other proven methods of preparing traditional medicine can be used in the treatment of stroke.

With honey

This drug enhances the immunomodulatory and hypotensive properties of spruce cones.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Pine fruits in the amount of one liter jar;
  • 400 milliliters of honey in liquid form.

Mix everything, close the container tightly with a lid and place in a warm place. The infusion will last about four months.

It is important not to forget to shake the jar with the composition every day. After the specified time, the resulting mass is filtered. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals.

With pine needles

This remedy is especially effective if the disease occurs against the background of atherosclerosis or cardiac arrhythmia.

To create a medicinal composition, add half a glass of alcohol solution to needles and cones (10 grams of each product). Infuse for 14 days. Then the mixture must be strained. The recommended dose is 15 drops in the morning, lunch and evening.

Pine cone wine

This product, made from pine, promotes faster recovery by gently lowering blood pressure. To prepare the wine drink, only young fruits of the plant are used, which should be collected from June to July.

Take 3 tablespoons after meals in the morning and evening.

Infusion on water

If you are intolerant to alcohol-containing drugs for the treatment of stroke, it is recommended to use a more gentle remedy - an infusion prepared with water. Homemade medicine has a positive effect on the blood vessels of the brain, restores speech skills, coordination, and prevents the death of nerve cells.

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Traditional medicine warns that complex treatment will be the most effective. The combination of medications and herbal medicine will quickly eliminate the main symptoms of the disease, improve the general condition of the body, and prevent a recurrent stroke. Preparation:

  1. Combine 4-6 crushed cones and boiling water (500 ml).
  2. Place the container in a water bath and simmer, tightly covering it with a lid, for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Wrap up and leave to infuse for 35-40 minutes.
  4. Strain and once completely cooled, place in the refrigerator.

Drink the product after meals three times a day. Dosage – 40-50 ml. If the disease is affected by a complex effect (a combination of medications, home remedies), observe intervals - do not take medications at the same time, take breaks of 1-2 hours.

What result should I expect?

Treatment with pine cones has increased effectiveness, which has been proven by many studies. Products made from fruits restore the functioning of not only the brain, but also the entire body.

In this case, pay attention to it:

  • improvement of the clinical picture of paresis and paralysis;
  • quick return to physical activity;
  • improvement of speech functions and spatial orientation;
  • improving the patient's immune system;
  • Reducing the risk of developing concomitant pathological processes;
  • cleansing blood vessels;
  • restoration of blood circulation;
  • Reducing stress and eliminating depression.

Using pine cones in combination with traditional therapy, you can achieve accelerated recovery for the patient, as well as reduce the negative consequences after a stroke.

Stroke statistics in Russia

You only need to collect young, unopened buds.
Today, diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy a stable second place in mortality after oncology:

  • Every 2 minutes one of the inhabitants of Russia has a stroke. Every year, 450,000 Russians are diagnosed with a stroke, and over 6 million people in the world.
  • 30% of patients die a month after a stroke.
  • 30% of patients after a stroke require additional careful care.
  • 9% of people will suffer a second stroke within a year after a stroke, 35% of patients die, 36% remain dependent on outside help.
  • During an acute stroke, 29% need psychological help, 50% know very little about their disease and need detailed information, 70% of patients need technical support and only 8% of patients do not need additional help (see methods of rehabilitation after a stroke).


Any remedy prepared according to traditional medicine recipes cannot be safe for every person.

The main contraindications to the use of pine cones are:

  • predisposition to allergies;
  • individual intolerance;
  • period of childbirth and breastfeeding;
  • Age under 1 year and over 60 years (applies to alcohol tinctures);
  • kidney and liver diseases.

Moreover, this treatment is not recommended for acute hepatitis.

The use of cones in preventive measures

The above recipes can be used to prevent stroke. But before using it, you need to consult with a specialist doctor who will select the dosage and duration of taking the drug.

Due to their medicinal properties, pine cones have a positive effect on brain function after a stroke. Thanks to the restoration of blood circulation, lost functions return to normal in the shortest possible time.

You should not self-medicate with folk remedies. You should also remember that preparations made from pine cones have limitations in use and side effects.

Treatment with pine cones

Stroke is one of the ten most deadly diseases. World statistics show a figure of 6 million registered cases of stroke per year, 1/3 of which are fatal in the first hours and days. During a stroke, cerebral circulation is disrupted, followed by the death of nerve cells. In most cases, a person remains neurologically impaired for life.

Pine cones for stroke are successfully used in folk medicine. It is known that pine cones for blood vessels are an important aid to the main drug treatment for stroke, as they contain vitamin U - a unique rare substance necessary for blood vessels to maintain their elasticity and restore normal blood microcirculation.

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