An American came up with an unusual way to clear his head

Probably every person knows how unpleasant it is when you have a cold head. The symptoms that follow neglect of this important part of the body are very painful, annoying and terribly interfere with work, rest or study. In addition, the consequences of such “blowing” can be very annoying and lead to dangerous diseases that can make a person disabled, or even lead to death. So, if you have a headache, you should not ignore the symptoms. It is imperative to determine the problem that has arisen and begin treatment immediately.

What symptoms indicate that you have a headache?

The development of the disease is based on a certain mechanism. In the smooth muscles of the skull or neck, under the influence of a flow of cold air, local (limited) non-purulent inflammation occurs. Tonic tension occurs in the muscles, that is, spasm. It contributes to disruption of blood flow in small vessels, as a result, biochemical breakdown products begin to accumulate in the affected area, pain and tissue compaction appear.

The head is blown (symptoms and treatment in adults are described later in the article), which means that in 90% of cases there will also be stiffness when moving the neck and heaviness in the back of the head. It is caused by an inflammatory process in the muscles of the cervical spine or changes in the cranial nerve plexuses. As a result of hypothermia, these structures can swell, increase in size, and compress nearby organs.

Therefore, patients often complain of:

  • one- or two-sided migraine-like pain in the occipital, temporal, vertex, parietal region of the head, intensifying when trying to turn or tilt the head; in more rare cases, pain is localized in the facial area;
  • lumbago in the area of ​​the eyes, ears, face, back of the head, forehead;

    My head blew. Symptoms and treatment

  • a feeling of stiffness in the neck and shoulders, stiffness in head movements;
  • loss of sensitivity and sensation of “crawling goosebumps” (paresthesia), pulsation at the temples;
  • rare dizziness, blurred vision or spots before the eyes, ringing in the ears;
  • moderate general malaise, weakness, apathy, weakness;
  • chills, temperature rise to low-grade levels (37.5-38°);
  • long periods of falling asleep, frequent awakenings, nightmares, night sweats;
  • increased anxiety, irritability, tearfulness.

What caused your head to blow?

If your head felt a bit drizzly, most likely you were in a draft. The main reasons why hypothermia occurs are presented below.

Air conditioner

Even in the summer heat, you can feel the air on the left or right side of your head. If you work in an office or are in a house with the air conditioner on all the time, you should not be surprised when painful symptoms occur on the side of your face and head where it is located.

Wet hair and strong wind

We are constantly in a hurry and, having washed our hair in the morning without drying it properly, we rush to work or run errands.
We rushed out into the street, and this is the result - our wet head was blown by the wind. Unpleasant symptoms appear: temperature 37 and above, shooting in one ear, pain in the left or right side of the skull and ear. All this is due to the fact that it blew.

Open doors and windows

Are you used to ventilating a room by opening doors and windows at the same time? The result will not be long in coming. If you add cold drinks and ice cream to such conditions, you may not be surprised that both parts of your skull are blown out. The back of the head and neck may also be affected.

To avoid chilling the nerve on your head, leave the room during ventilation.

Draft in the car

A common cause of a painful condition is that the head was blown in the car. This is a consequence of opening all the windows in the car at once.

It is wise not to open all the windows at the same time, but to lower the glass only on one side, and only halfway. And don't lean out of the window while driving.

Probable Causes

The head is blown (symptoms and treatment in adults depend on the degree of hypothermia), which means you need to start therapy without delay. The treatment regimen is determined based on the cause of the development of symptoms and the severity of the pathological process.

Air conditioner

The cause of the disease can be prolonged exposure to air conditioning during the hot season, especially being under a direct stream of air. Therefore, office workers who are forced to stay at their workplace for 4-6 hours can often complain of a cold head.

Wet hair and strong wind

It can easily blow the head of athletes or dancers who sweated during training and immediately went out into the cold air. In addition, going outside with undried hair or sleeping at night with wet hair in a cold room can cause this condition.

Constant exposure to a cold air stream contributes to the development of a cold in the head, so this often happens when fishing, during a hiking trip, while hunting, or when working in the garden. A sweaty head under a hat can also cause a cold if there is a piercing cold wind outside.

Open doors and windows

It can get drafty when ventilating a room, with open windows on a train, on a bus, especially when there is a large difference in temperature outside and indoors.

Draft in the car

The driver's head was blown - a typical situation when driving at high speed with the windows open. Truck drivers often complain of a head cold. Symptoms that arise in adults require close attention and differentiation from other head diseases. If treatment is not started on time, serious consequences may develop.

Other Possible Causes

Other possible reasons include:

  • Swimming and diving in cold springs, ice holes and natural reservoirs. Prolonged stay in water with low temperature contributes to the launch of inflammatory processes in the soft tissues of the head.

  • Walking without hats in the cold season. This is how young boys and girls get headaches, trying to dress according to fashion, and not according to the weather.
  • Riding on open water boats at high speed, especially after swimming in rivers, seas, lakes. On the water, the risk of hypothermia increases, which is associated with high air humidity, so high-speed walks on water transport can provoke the development of colds.
  • Accommodation in regions with low temperatures (Yakutia, Chukotka and others). In these areas, you can catch a cold even in warm clothes, since at times gusts of wind and weather conditions reach critical levels.
  • Chronic stress and constant physical fatigue. In these cases, the muscles of the body are always tight, blood circulation and lymph outflow are difficult, so you can catch a cold at any time from a light breeze.

The head is blown (symptoms and treatment in adults may vary due to concomitant diseases) - people with a predisposition who have chronic diseases often complain about this:

  • sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis;
  • cervical osteochondrosis, cervical myositis, glenohumeral periarthritis;
  • otitis, eustachitis;

  • conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis;
  • lymphadenitis; extensive furunculosis;
  • erysipelas, eczema, abscesses on the face, neck, head;
  • neuritis of the facial, trigeminal, oculomotor nerves;
  • stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, deep caries, formation of cysts in the oral cavity;
  • injuries, wounds, bruises of the soft tissues of the face and skull.

With all these pathologies, inflammatory processes are localized in the cranial-occipital or facial part of the head, so with any hypothermia they can spread to nearby tissues.

It is easier to get a cold in people with a weakened immune system, suffering from severe chronic pathologies and acute infectious diseases.

Special risk groups include:

  • People with immunodeficiencies - persistent disorders in which one or more parts of the immune system cannot protect the body from infections. With physiological deficits that accompany critical stages in the development of the body, it is easy to get a cold. Although the disease will take longer and be more difficult than in healthy people, recovery will be complete. But with primary or secondary immunodeficiencies, the disease can become seriously complicated or its treatment may be delayed for a long period. Common immunodeficiencies include DiGeorge, Duncan, Bruton, Louis-Bar syndrome, blood and lymph diseases.
  • Patients with autoimmune pathologies. A malfunction occurs in their body, immune cells begin to “absorb” healthy human tissues, as a result, a chronic inflammatory process develops, which under unfavorable conditions (hypothermia, infection) begins to spread to other organs. Common autoimmune disorders include scleroderma, vasculitis, lupus erythematosus, and others.
  • Patients suffering from diabetes, gout, and inflammatory diseases have a reduced immune status and a weakened body. Because of this, it is easier for them to catch a head cold than for healthy people.

Provoking factors

Even the most careful person cannot be sure that he will never blow his head. Of course, those who do not take care of their health are more likely to encounter pathology. That is, he walks in the cold without a hat, does not prevent drafts in the apartment, or likes to swim in cold water. Naturally, these are not all the negative factors that lead to hypothermia of the head.

Main reasons:

  1. Walking down the street with wet hair. In a normal situation, people will not go out into the fresh air with wet hair. But, for example, in the summer, citizens swim in the sea and then walk around the city with wet hair. If the wind is blowing or the sun is behind the clouds, there is a chance of catching a cold.
  2. Staying under air conditioning for a long time. If you have a cold head in your apartment, you shouldn’t be surprised. Owners of air conditioning run the risk of catching an important organ. For this reason, it is not recommended to sit under it unless you want your head to become hypothermic.
  3. Traveling in a vehicle with an open window. This can be either a public bus or a private car. Fans of open windows should be prepared for hypothermia of the head. This especially applies to situations where the air blows directly onto the passenger or driver.
  4. Consuming ice cream and cold drinks. In this case, it is important not to overdo it, so as not to complain about hypothermia of the head later.

Regardless of the reason, you should know how to act in such a situation. When a person has a cold, he should take urgent measures to avoid complications later.

Differentiation of diagnosis if the head is blown

The head is blown (symptoms and treatment in adults may be similar to inflammatory diseases of brain tissue), which means that differential diagnosis needs to be carried out as soon as possible. There are often situations when it is necessary to identify symptoms that distinguish a head cold from more severe diseases caused by the penetration of bacteria or viruses into the body.

Distinguishing signs of a head cold from brain infections:

ColdIt begins gradually, causing moderate heaviness and pain in the back of the head. Patients maintain satisfactory general condition and performance; the temperature is rare and does not rise above 37.5-38°. The duration of the acute phase of a cold is 2-5 days. It is carried out at home, the basis is symptomatic remedies and a properly organized diet and rest.
Meningitis, encephalitisIt begins acutely with a rise in temperature to 38.5-39° and above.
The general condition of the patients is extremely serious, accompanied by severe weakness, severe headaches, nausea, and vomiting. The duration of the disease is 7-14 days, rehabilitation after the disease is long.
Urgent hospitalization is required. In a hospital setting, intensive antibacterial and infusion therapy (drips are placed) is carried out.

An important diagnostic distinguishing feature of inflammation of the meninges from a common cold of the head is the presence of a source of bacterial infection, that is, contact with the patient. But cases of the disease spreading upward, due to acute inflammatory pathologies of the ENT organs or as a complication of pneumonia are not excluded.

Common methods of diagnosing a head cold include:

  • collecting complaints and studying the life history of patients (lifestyle, profession, chronic diseases, injuries, bad habits);
  • an objective examination reveals hyperemia, swelling and hardening of soft tissues, the presence of lymphadenitis, injuries;
  • instrumental diagnostics using ultrasound scanning, computed tomography, x-rays, and MRI is necessary in cases of suspected infectious processes, trauma, or neoplasms;
  • laboratory methods make it possible to identify the causative agent of infection (using smears), analyze the biochemical composition of the blood, and indirectly determine the degree of inflammatory changes using a general blood and urine test.


Of course, such unpleasant conditions can be avoided using fairly simple prevention methods. “You should not go outside without hats, especially in winter and in windy weather. It is also necessary to use scarves to avoid blowing through the neck and back of the head. You should also avoid hypothermia of various kinds by dressing appropriately for the weather. In addition, special attention should be paid to supporting the immune system - there are a lot of ways, and quite diverse. You can also use vitamin therapy to strengthen the body’s defenses, but it must first be agreed upon with your doctor in order to take exactly those microelements and nutrients that you need during this period of time,” notes the immunologist.

You shouldn’t let the disease take its course, and you shouldn’t count on the fact that your immune system is strong, so running down the street without a hat is no big deal. There are always risks. And it’s better to take care of your health in advance.

Break up with ARVI. How to properly recover from a cold? More details

There are contraindications, you should consult your doctor

First aid

If you experience pain due to a head cold, you can take painkillers (Citramon, Spazgan and others) and go to bed. You can moderately insulate your head - wear a scarf or tie a scarf. It would be rational to increase the water regime, this will help to quickly remove harmful substances from the body. It is useful to drink herbal teas with an anti-inflammatory effect, containing chamomile, St. John's wort, and calendula.

It is important to ensure information peace, turn off the loud sound of the TV, radio or reduce it as much as possible.

If taking painkillers and proper rest has brought significant relief and no new complaints have arisen, you can continue treatment at home. If the condition worsens, then it is time to contact your local physician for examination and treatment.

Causes of headaches

A severe headache is just one of the symptoms of hypothermia. Usually it is accompanied by a number of other signs on the basis of which one or another disease can be suspected:

  • if the condition is accompanied by a runny nose and nasal congestion, a headache may be a sign of sinusitis, sinusitis, or sinusitis;
  • if shooting in the ear, purulent discharge is observed, we are talking about purulent otitis media;
  • if your head starts to throb. There is twitching on one side, accompanied by weakness and a desire to put on something warm, indicating nerve damage;
  • severe pain in the head, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of balance - a sign of inflammation of the brain and its membrane (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • if the temple shoots, more often on the right side, when it hurts to touch, this does not indicate that the face is blown, but about more serious problems;
  • if there is aching in the temple, the pain manifests itself in peaks (increases and subsides), radiates to the shoulders and back - this is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • a lumbago in the back of the head is a sign that there is air conditioning or a draft. If the pain appears in the morning, it may simply indicate sleeping in an uncomfortable position;
  • Increasing pain in a lying position indicates a diseased tooth. You're on your way to the dentist.

How to treat a cold head in adults

The head is blown (symptoms and treatment in adults are determined depending on the severity of the disease), which means you need to start taking symptomatic medications.

Drug treatment

To reduce fever or relieve chills use:

  • Aspirin;

  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Cefikon.

In order to reduce pain, the following are prescribed:

  • Analgin;
  • Spazgan;
  • Nice;
  • Ketarol.

The following will help reduce swelling and inflammation of soft tissues:

  • Arthrozan;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ortofen.

The following will help strengthen the body's overall resistance:

  • Combilipen;
  • combined vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • biological supplements containing omega-3 acids.

If the head is blown out along with the neck and shoulder girdle, the following is added to the treatment:

  • warming and anti-inflammatory ointments;
  • several physical procedures (ultrasound, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy);
  • exercise therapy;
  • massage.

If lymphadenitis occurs, antibacterial therapy is prescribed (a course of intramuscular injections of Ceftriaxone).

Head colds caused by viral infections may require the use of antiviral drugs and interferons:

  • Arbidol.

    Arbidol for adults

  • Amexin.
  • Ingaverin.

Home treatment assistance

At home, a light stroking massage of the head and neck can help. It is important to perform movements in the direction from the crown and crown down, from the back of the head and temples down, that is, in accordance with the blood flow through the capillary plexuses.

Head blown: symptoms and treatment

If it so happens that you didn’t get to see a doctor (symptoms often appear in the evening or on a weekend), and the symptoms point specifically to the pathology we are considering, you need to be able to help yourself until the hospital opens. First, take aspirin and drink tea - strong and with honey. If you have a sore throat, gargle it with a decoction of sage, oak or calendula (a spoonful of dry remedy per glass of boiling water). Myositis (muscle pain in the neck) that often accompanies a head cold is relieved by lubricating the affected area with anti-inflammatory ointment, followed by rubbing. At night, be sure to warm your head - at least with a hat. You can light an aroma lamp.

For ear pain, apply a compress, but not on the shell itself, but around it. To do this, a hole is cut in a thick layer of gauze, the fabric is moistened with vodka and put on the aching organ. Everything is covered with polyethylene on top, then with cotton wool, and then secured with a bandage or scarf. In about two hours the pain will subside. But in the morning, run to the doctor: otitis media can cause severe complications, including hearing loss and inflammation of the brain.

Possible consequences if left untreated

The inflammatory process may worsen if, at the height of the disease, patients refuse to wear warm hats during the cold season, stay in a draft for a long time, or continue swimming in bodies of water with low temperatures. Serious consequences arise not only without treatment, but also as a result of negligent attitude towards health.

Neuritis of the facial (trigeminal) nerve

The disease begins suddenly and is accompanied by:

  • severe, burning pain;
  • numbness;
  • facial paresthesias.

Then one-sided asymmetry and lack of facial expressions appear.

Treatment of the disease is long-term, complex with active use:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • local anesthetics;
  • hormones;
  • biostimulants.


This is an acute infectious disease accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • stiff neck;
  • high temperature;
  • severe intoxication.

Patients with meningococcal infection are hospitalized, and a course of antibacterial therapy is carried out in the hospital.


Inflammatory process in one or more parts of the hearing aid. It is characterized by sharp shooting pains in the ear, the appearance of serous or purulent exudate from the ear canal. The disease can be treated with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Inflammation of the maxillary or frontal sinuses (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis)

As a result of the spread of the pathological process along the descending pathways, inflammatory changes can affect the sinuses located in the forehead and nose. Mucous or purulent contents begin to actively accumulate in them.

The result is:

  • pressing headaches;
  • runny nose;
  • snoring during sleep;
  • sometimes a rare cough.

The basis of treatment for these diseases is the use of antibiotics and vasoconstrictor drops.


This is a disease of the musculoskeletal system that affects the tendons. It manifests itself as difficulties in moving the limbs, dull, prolonged pain.

The following are used in treatment:

  • non-steroidal drugs;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • vitamins;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy.


This is an ophthalmological pathology associated with inflammatory changes in the outer shell of the eyes.

Signs of the disease are:

  • redness of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • burning;
  • itching;
  • photophobia;
  • thick discharged exudate from the conjunctival sac.

Treatment of the disease consists of frequent instillation of eye drops with an antimicrobial effect.


The pathology is expressed in enlargement and pain of regional lymph nodes located at the site of localization of the inflammatory process. Without treatment, the disease can spread to other lymphatic vessels. The basis of treatment for lymphadenitis is the intramuscular use of cephalosporin antibiotics.


Arachnoiditis refers to diseases of the nervous system and is characterized by pathological changes in the arachnoid membrane of the brain or inflammation of the spinal cord.

Signs of the disease include:

  • persistent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • pathologies of vision and hearing;
  • epileptoid seizures.

Treatment tactics depend on the type of inflammation and its location; it is divided into medicinal and surgical.

A headache is a common problem. Symptoms and treatment in adults are often overlooked. It is enough to exclude the factors that provoked this condition, carry out symptomatic therapy, and the patient’s health is restored within 5-7 days. It all depends on the cause of hypothermia, the general immune status of the patient and concomitant diseases. In general, the prognosis for a head cold is favorable; only in advanced cases can complications arise that require long-term treatment or emergency hospitalization.


When the head is blown, and the person does not receive treatment in time, complications may arise. Over time, they can become chronic. There is a possibility of developing otitis media, sinusitis and conjunctivitis. If a person has a head cold, inflammation of the lymph nodes may begin.

There are also more dangerous consequences, for example, a brain abscess, in which pockets of pus form. Because of it, the functioning of the central nervous system is disrupted, paralysis appears and vision deteriorates. The patient's mental abilities may also decrease.

When a person has a head cold, he may develop meningitis. When it occurs, a rash appears on the body, the temperature rises, vomiting and diarrhea begin, and consciousness is impaired. It is important to call doctors immediately to prevent death.

If a citizen has a cold head, in most cases the negative consequences can be prevented. It is enough to know what to do and start treatment on time. Also, do not forget about preventive measures: you need to wear a hat in winter, avoid drafts and dry your hair before going outside. Then you won’t have to suffer from the fact that you’ve blown your head.

What happens in the body if it’s “blown”?

The doctor, of course, will not write “Heads blown” on the card, since this is not a medical term. This is a serious pathology that can have dangerous consequences: the matter is unlikely to be limited only to the head. A blow is a reflex reaction of the body to cold, which is expressed by spasm and inflammation of muscles and blood vessels and can lead to damage to the nerve trunk. Even if everything goes away without treatment, over time the pathological process can make itself felt with the following problems: hearing loss, frequent headaches, annual inflammation of cold frontal and frontal sinuses.

It should also be taken into account that people with strong immunity, even if they walk in the rain and wind without a hat or sit under air conditioners, do not experience such an illness. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment, and only a doctor can prescribe it.

Main symptoms

Typically, symptoms appear very quickly, while the clinical picture can be acute and increase rapidly. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the chance of a quick recovery and avoiding complications.

If you have a wind blowing through your neck and head (usually patients point to the right or left side of the head), then the most common symptoms are as follows:

  • Weakness and aching sensation in the bones, teeth may hurt.
  • It is difficult or completely impossible to turn your head.
  • Headache. The head can hurt both from the inside and outside in the area of ​​the hair roots. It can be localized on the left or right side of the skull, as in migraines. The back of the head may hurt, shoot in the temples, or there may be aching pain in the crown area.
  • An increase in temperature, accompanied by muscle tremors, increased heart rate and breathing.
  • A feeling of heaviness, both in the skull and throughout the body, dizziness, nausea, decreased performance.
  • Noise, feeling of pulsation, shooting in the ears.
  • A head cold can cause inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.
  • The lymph nodes in the neck become inflamed.
  • Watery eyes and redness of the eyes.
  • Sometimes the scalp hurts.
  • Photophobia, chills, tremors throughout the body.
  • In chronic diseases of the heart muscle, instability of blood pressure may occur.

These are not all the signs of a head cold, although they are characteristic of many different diseases. We do not recommend dealing with each symptom separately; the best option is to call a doctor at home. Thanks to a correct diagnosis and competently prescribed treatment, it is possible to exclude the development of complications and promptly identify the possibility of the occurrence of concomitant diseases.

Half of my head and ear hurt – what to do?

If the right side of your head and ear hurt, it means your head is blown and your neck muscles are inflamed. This is called "myositis". How to treat and what additional symptoms may occur with this condition? Myositis is often provoked by drafts and hypothermia. It looks like this: pain appears (aching, then quite severe), discomfort occurs in the neck, pain gradually affects the entire scalp, cheek and ear, and the right eye may become watery.

After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe rest and warming procedures. You can wrap your head in a down scarf and walk and sleep in it. Among the medications, NSAIDs (Nimesil) are used; to eliminate pain - Movalis in injections or tablets or hormonal injections (prescribed by a doctor!). You can rub the neck with Diclofenac, Traumeel ointments, and drip Otipax or Otinum into the ear.

Prevention of hypothermia of the head

To prevent colds and severe headaches, you must:

  1. Strengthen the immune system (hardening procedures are especially useful) and promptly treat chronic diseases;
  2. Avoid drafts;
  3. Observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  4. Be sure to wear a hat in cold, windy weather;
  5. Leave the house only with thoroughly dried hair;
  6. Avoid overheating your head.

Overcooling of the head can provoke many dangerous complications, so giving up a hat in favor of a beautiful hairstyle is not the best idea.
A cold of the head is a dangerous phenomenon that can lead to inflammation of the brain. To prevent this, measures should be taken in a timely manner and manifestations of hypothermia should be eliminated. Compliance with preventive measures will help avoid unpleasant symptoms.

Possible complications and methods of their treatment

In the absence of competent and timely treatment, hypothermia of the head can lead to very serious complications in the form of chronic diseases that are difficult to treat. Among them:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes);
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • tendonitis, which affects the tendons of the face and jaw.

These consequences can be avoided if you consult a specialist in time. Hypothermia of the head can develop into diseases with a high mortality rate, whose symptoms are very similar to colds.

Infectious brain abscess

A brain abscess is the formation of purulent foci in the main organ of the central nervous system. A serious consequence of this disease is dysfunction of the central nervous system. In addition, paralysis develops, vision, hearing and intellectual abilities of a person decrease.

An abscess appears for various reasons: it can become an inflammatory factor or be caused by infection entering the brain during advanced colds.

In this case, a headache that does not go away for more than 12 hours is considered an alarming signal. But you should also be wary if, in addition to this, the patient is found to have:

  • weakness;
  • photophobia;
  • vomiting;
  • heat;
  • fever;
  • increased sweating.

Less commonly, there is loss of coordination or muscle weakness (or cramps).

In addition, partial paralysis may occur.

If the abscess begins to be treated in the early stages, you can get by with a therapeutic method, which includes the use of antibacterial, restorative and anti-inflammatory drugs. If you delay contacting a specialist, only surgical intervention can help.


Among the main causes of the disease are staying in a draft and walking outside with a wet head. With meningitis, cephalgia is accompanied by constant nausea, pain is felt in the forehead or back of the head, which becomes unbearable with any movement (it is difficult even to blink). At the same time, we observe:

  • burgundy rash;
  • muscle cramps and pain;
  • increase in body temperature to the maximum level;
  • changes in mood (from drowsiness and apathy to strong excitement);
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • confusion of speech.

Attention! If a headache is accompanied by at least one of the listed symptoms, call an ambulance immediately. Meningitis is a dangerous disease that can be fatal.

Treatment of pathology is carried out only in a hospital setting with the use of strong antibiotics and antibacterial agents.

Drug treatment

With the exception of the measures mentioned above, adults with hypothermia of the head are usually recommended to take the drug " Nimesil " , which, in addition to anti-inflammatory, also has analgesic and antipyretic properties. It is quite well tolerated and quickly affects the source of inflammation. It is important to remember that the medicine has a number of contraindications, so it should not be given to a child!

In addition, depending on the location of the inflammation, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • "Movalis" for pain relief;
  • various ointments for rubbing into the neck muscles;
  • Otinum drops for ear pain.

It is important to remember that painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician.

If no manipulations bring results, and the symptoms only get worse, call a doctor immediately. This may indicate the presence of a serious illness. In addition, there is a possibility of exacerbations such as general poisoning of the body, an increase in the volume of fluid inside the skull and inflammation of the facial nerves.

My head popped: how to treat?

If the listed symptoms appear, you can assume that you have a headache. What to do if such a nuisance happens? If you know absolutely exactly what caused such sad consequences, then you can try to start treatment yourself. But if you do not know why the headaches occurred or if you do not feel better after a couple of days of home therapy, then immediately contact a neurologist. Still, it’s dangerous to joke with your head!

Here's what you can do in this case:

  • provide yourself with bed rest for a couple of days;
  • remove fatty, spicy, fried foods from the diet;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • take a tablet of Aspirin, Spasmolgon or Nise;
  • if the headache is simply unbearable, then you can use a headache patch (it is sold at the pharmacy);
  • drink a drug from the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Imet;
  • drink more liquid. It is better if it is tea with lemon, honey or raspberry jam, rosehip decoction, fruit and berry juice, compote, natural juice;
  • Provide dry warmth to your head - tie it with a scarf, put on a hat made of natural wool. At night, place a bag of warm salt or semolina under the cold side of the head;
  • take a hot bath prepared using decoctions of mint, chamomile, rosemary;
  • do steam inhalations. Compositions made from chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, and St. John's wort are suitable as medicinal infusions. All these plants need to be brewed, add a drop of sea buckthorn and mint oil to them. Pour the resulting broth into a wide container, bend over the steam (make sure it doesn’t burn!), cover with a terry towel and breathe in the healing steam for about 15 minutes;
  • rub the temples, behind-the-ear areas and the bridge of the nose with menthol oil or Zvezdochka balm;
  • drink 1 tsp. infusion of Chinese lemongrass;
  • prepare yourself a decoction of lemon balm, valerian, coltsfoot, oregano, clover, dill seeds;
  • If you have a headache, a shooting in your ear, and you don’t know how to treat such a problem, then use a proven folk recipe. Take a head of onion, squeeze out the juice, drop 3 drops into the sore ear and plug it with a cotton swab. The pain will go away within 20 minutes;
  • If your eyes hurt and are watery, you can make compresses with tea leaves or chamomile decoction.

All these activities should have a positive impact on your well-being. But when the head is hypothermic, neuralgia sometimes develops. It is characterized by burning paroxysmal pain along the trigeminal or occipital nerve. At the same time, the face turns red or pale, spasms of the facial muscles occur, sweating increases, and it is impossible to drink cold water. This is an extremely dangerous condition: it can lead to paralysis of half the face, in other words, it will distort the face. Therefore, you should not conduct experiments, you need to urgently go to the clinic!

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