Schizophrenia symptoms and signs in women + treatment

Schizophrenia is a mental disease that is characterized by disturbances in thought processes and loss of mental capacity. This disease affects 1% of the entire world population. Recognizing the signs of schizophrenia in women by behavior is quite simple; in the early stages, the disease announces itself with specific symptoms


Clinical picture

According to experts, there is a certain age at which the first signs of the disease appear. Most often, mental disorder is diagnosed between the ages of twenty and twenty-five. The onset of the disease at a younger or older age is much less common. The first signs of schizophrenia in women completely change their behavior.

Obsessiveness, mood swings, increased irritability and the manifestation of groundless aggression are the main symptoms of a mental disorder. The clinical picture is complemented by such elements as attacks of hallucinations, emotional detachment, loss of interest in life and delusional ideas.

Often, the first signs of a mental disorder are expressed in the appearance of obsessive fear and senseless actions.

An example would be a situation in which a woman wipes a chair several times before sitting on it. Immersion in one's own thoughts is accompanied by complete detachment from reality and the absence of actions that can be explained from a logical point of view. Often the disease in question manifests itself in the form of fear of various diseases.

In such a situation, a woman begins to attribute various symptoms to herself. Parasites migrating to various parts of the body, rotten internal organs, reverse blood circulation are just a small part of the fantastic diseases that patients with schizophrenia attribute to themselves.

Such a problem as constant fatigue and drowsiness in women is a common phenomenon that should not be left to chance. It is often a symptom of physical or psychological illness that requires treatment. Read more in the article: “constant fatigue and drowsiness in women.”

Forms of schizophrenia and characteristic signs

There is still no uniform classification of the disease for all countries. But many psychiatrists use the classification of E. Kraepelin, who identified 3 forms:

  • Catotonic - delusional and hallucinatory symptoms are combined with motor disorder;
  • Hebephrenic (disorganized) – behavioral disorders manifest themselves in a rough form (foolishness). Emotions are flattened and inadequate, and thinking is torn;
  • Simple (or juvenile) - occurs during puberty. This form is characterized by a progressive impoverishment of emotions and intellectual unproductivity. Apathy and isolation are growing.

Sometimes a mixed form occurs. That is, it combines the characteristics of all 3 forms. Later, another form was identified - paranoid. Delusional symptoms dominate, which is accompanied by various hallucinations (or pseudo-hallucinatory syndrome).

The more research was done, the more different forms were added:

  • Circular;
  • Neurosis-like;
  • Hypochondriacal.

According to ICD-10, the following forms of schizophrenia are distinguished:

  • Paranoid simple;
  • Hebephrenic;
  • Undifferentiated;
  • Catatonic;
  • Residual.

The following subtypes of schizophrenia are considered: post-schizophrenic depression, senile depression and various schizophrenias of unspecified origin.

There are also various forms of schizophrenia:

  • Continuous flow:
  • Malignant juvenile – simple, paranoid, catotonic or hebephrenic;
  • Paranoid – delusional or hallucinatory symptoms;
  • Sluggish:
    • Paroxysmal-progressive – symptoms are close to paranoid. Perhaps the course is malignant or indolent;
    • Atypical protracted;
    • Febrile;
    • Paronoid;
  • Recurrent:
    • Same type of attacks;
    • Combines different types of attacks.

    Against the background of schizophrenia, patients begin to drink alcohol, which aggravates the course of the disease. Alcohol addiction is rapidly developing. In this case, addiction is secondary. But there is a separate form of the disease - alcoholic schizophrenia. Mental abnormalities appear against the background of chronic intoxication. Broken neuronal circuits provoke a comorbid disorder that is difficult to treat.

    In any form of schizophrenia, a reduction in energy potential is observed. Mental activity begins to cause difficulties, as does the perception of new information. Therefore, it is not always possible to maintain professionalism at the same level.

    Common signs of schizophrenia in women:

    • Speech is incoherent (broken), the meaning of the story is lost. Voice in the same key, regardless of the nature of the story (event, everyday story);
    • Thinking – lack of focus and consistency of thought. Influxes of thoughts alternate with a feeling of “emptiness” in the head. Imagery of thinking disappears. This phenomenon was called the slippage (or blockage) of thoughts. When making a decision, duality (opposite) opinions arise. The patient cannot choose the correct option;
    • Appearance – facial expressions are almost absent, mannerism is observed in behavior. Such patients outwardly look sloppy and unkempt. The clothing style is often flashy or ridiculous;
    • Emotions – emotional deficiency or inadequacy. Emotional changes appear at the peak of the disease and constantly progress. Emotional coldness develops into paradox. A woman is indifferent to any sad event in the family. But at the same time, an inadequate negative emotional reaction arises to an ordinary statement addressed to oneself. Sometimes an emotional attachment to someone close to you (child, mother, husband) remains.

    Another phenomenon characteristic of schizophrenia is drift. Increasing passivity is noted. That is, over time, active life becomes a “go with the flow” category. A woman becomes indifferent to her life and family, she does not feel the same energy and incentive to develop.

    How to recognize schizophrenia in women?

    Diagnosing schizophrenia in women is quite simple.

    To do this, the doctor just needs to observe the woman’s behavior for several weeks. If he notices that her personality is beginning to change, this is a good reason to start therapy. This psychological deviation can also be recognized by a detailed history. Usually the first harbinger of schizophrenia is the appearance of obsessive ideas that the woman had not even thought about before. You can recognize this deviation in the generation station by:

    1. sudden emergence of feelings of jealousy towards your loved ones;
    2. paranoia, the woman thinks that everyone is watching her;

    3. neglect of all household chores;
    4. failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
    5. desire to quit work and dramatically change your lifestyle.

    Women are more susceptible to developing schizophrenia, this is due to a more mobile and unbalanced psyche.

    Over time, the signs of schizophrenia become more and more pronounced. It becomes difficult for a woman to cope with her emotions; she does not show them in any way. People around her begin to think that she doesn’t care. Because of this, serious problems can arise both in the family and at work. Many women lose interest in their husbands and children and try to ignore them. Also, with the development of schizophrenia, a woman becomes extremely indifferent and carefree, she is indifferent to any problems.

    Doctors consider cystitis a female disease. Men also get it, but much less often. More than 50% of women have encountered this unpleasant disease at least once. Read more in the article: “how to quickly cure cystitis in women.”

    Senile schizophrenia

    What is schizophrenia

    Schizophrenia is the most common psychological disease, which, unfortunately, is incurable. If it is not diagnosed in time and appropriate measures are not taken, the disease progresses. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the disease in time and begin treatment. Senile schizophrenia is much more dangerous, since at an older age a person already has chronic diseases of various kinds, and the disease is more severe. Elderly women are 1.5 times more susceptible to this disease than men.

    Classification of signs of senile schizophrenia

    The disease can be classified according to the following criteria:

    • Deterioration in perception of reality
    • Hallucinations, delusions
    • Sudden mood swings
    • Apathy and self-isolation
    • Speech and hearing impairment

    The person becomes withdrawn. He begins, of his own free will, to avoid the company of other people. Sharp mood swings are observed, from complete apathy to unusually violent gaiety, or irritability and capriciousness. Can see and hear things that are not and have never been, for example, mistaking living people for dead. The disease occurs in attacks, a schizophrenic can behave quite adequately, but if the disease worsens, then he can become dangerous to himself and the people around him. Therefore, it is very important to start therapy on time and provide ongoing care and support.

    Differences between senile schizophrenia and dementia

    Schizophrenia is sometimes confused with senile dementia (dementia), but there are still differences. With senile dementia, the stock of previously acquired knowledge decreases, and the ability to learn new things is also lost. Dementia is most often acquired in old age. Everything seems important to them, even small things. It becomes difficult for the patient to fully express his thoughts. Senile schizophrenia is more characterized by apathy and inactivity, while the ability to think logically is still preserved. This disease is most often inherited, and begins at an earlier age, progressing towards old age.

    Senile schizophrenia is of two types:

    • Late onset (after about 40 years of age)
    • Very late onset (after 60 years)

    It is based on the type of disease that one or another treatment is prescribed. Late-onset schizophrenia is milder. The symptoms are less pronounced and it is easier to treat with medications.

    Factors that increase the risk of developing senile schizophrenia

    Factors that increase the risk of developing senile schizophrenia:

    • Parental influence, childhood trauma
    • Stress, life in an urban environment
    • Traumatic brain injuries
    • Heredity

    Schizophrenia begins to manifest itself at an early age, progressing over time. There is even a theory that the risk of developing schizophrenia is influenced by how the fetus developed in the womb. Were there enough vitamins in the mother’s body during the formation of the fetal cerebral cortex? It is also very important what kind of atmosphere there was in the family where the child was raised, because you must admit that if there is an unhealthy psychological environment in the family, it is difficult to grow up as a healthy and mentally balanced person. According to psychiatrists around the world, among schizophrenics, a larger percentage are those whose parents were divorced.

    Stress is also a very important factor. In the rapidly developing modern world, we do not always cope with the huge flow of information. This is a very serious load. Problems at work, in the family, in public transport. As a result, we get nervous and lash out at our loved ones. That is why a higher percentage of people with schizophrenia are living in cities. Under stress, the human body cannot function normally and the nervous system suffers first and psychological disorders appear.

    Genetic factors and heredity play a large role in the development of senile schizophrenia. The likelihood of inheriting schizophrenia is very high. So we can say with complete confidence that the majority of people with schizophrenia had their parents or older generation of relatives suffer from the same disease.

    Symptoms and signs of incipient schizophrenia

    How not to miss the first signs of the disease and diagnose it at the initial stage?

    There are 3 signs of obsessive disorder:

    • Phobias (not unreasonable, obsessive fears)
    • Obsessions, paranoia (obsessive thoughts)
    • Compulsions (obsessive actions)

    The sick person may become overly suspicious and develop various phobias, for example, the fear that someone else might break into the apartment. Evidence may include scratches on the door, sounds of footsteps, etc. There are also obsessive thoughts, which can be completely ridiculous, such as the fear of wearing a certain color. Moreover, these fears and thoughts do not cause any violent reaction in patients; they can talk about it completely calmly. Conditions such as prolonged depression and hypochondria may also indicate the onset of the disease. All these symptoms appear weakly at first, and worsen over time and become more pronounced.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    In conclusion, a little about the diagnosis and treatment of senile schizophrenia.

    To diagnose senile schizophrenia, the patient needs to undergo a comprehensive examination, including CT and MRI of the brain. With this disease, there is an enlargement of the ventricles, a decrease in the frontal lobes of the brain, and a change in its structure as a whole. You also need to take genetic and neurochemical blood tests. Take a neurophysiological test and electromyography if you have weakly expressed facial expressions and emotions. Based on the examination, it will be possible to say with confidence whether it is schizophrenia and prescribe adequate treatment.

    Unfortunately, a complete recovery of a patient with schizophrenia is impossible, since this disease causes irreversible changes in the structure of the brain. But it is possible to alleviate the condition and stop the progression of the patient’s disease.

    Since a patient with senile schizophrenia requires constant drug treatment, observation during attacks and care, the best results are achieved by patients placed in a hospital or boarding house for the elderly, where he will be provided with proper attention.

    Treatment is necessarily comprehensive and, first of all, it consists of antipsychotic pharmacological drugs prescribed for schizophrenia - risperidone, quiteapine, aripiprazole, olanzapine.

    As maintenance therapy, medicinal herbs may be prescribed, such as comfrey, which reduces the appearance of hallucinations, mignonette, and hop leaves.

    Treatment is also carried out using ECT (electroconstrictive therapy), but it is not as effective as drug treatment and has many contraindications for older people.

    Massage, which has a general strengthening effect, also helps. This type of therapy relieves muscle spasms well and helps the patient relax.

    You can add sports to therapy - light exercise, swimming, walking. In general, something that would not be difficult for an elderly person to do. Exercising helps saturate the brain with the necessary oxygen and improve blood circulation.

    In any case, when the first signs of the disease appear, you must consult a specialist and do not delay treatment.

    Groups of symptoms of schizophrenia

    When defining schizophrenia, it is very important to distinguish between the signs and symptoms of this disease. For many diseases these parameters are identical, but for this mental disorder they will be different. Modern experts use the Blair tetrahedron to determine symptoms. There are stronger and weaker manifestations of schizophrenia. In general, to determine this lesion, the following signs must be assessed:


    1. Alogia
      , or associative defect. This is the primary manifestation of schizophrenia, which consists of a lack of logical thinking. The woman becomes incapable of the thought process, which is why she starts asking a lot of questions. This manifestation is also characterized by a poor vocabulary and the use of short and incomplete sentences.

    2. Autism
      . This sign can be recognized by a change in a woman’s behavior; she becomes more withdrawn and moves away from the world around her. She also becomes indifferent to the lives of her loved ones and immerses herself in her own world. However, her interests become monotonous and limited.
    3. Affective inadequacy
      . It can be recognized using simulated situations. If a woman begins to behave inappropriately, there is a high risk that she actually has schizophrenia. Also, many reactions in patients are inappropriate: laughter at a funeral or tears during some holiday. In such cases, the expressed emotions do not coincide with internal experiences.
    4. Ambivalence
      . This symptom is characterized by the fact that a woman simultaneously experiences conflicting feelings towards the same object.

    The signs listed above are positive. However, it must be borne in mind that they are not the norm. They received this designation due to the fact that a woman acquires such changes as schizophrenia develops. If you notice changes in behavior in your loved ones, consult a doctor immediately.


    Productive symptoms

    Delusions and hallucinations are the main productive symptoms that accompany the disease. But they can begin with milder forms - obsessions, phobias, fears and metaphysical intoxication.

    The most common phobia among girls suffering from schizophrenia is dissatisfaction with their own appearance . They develop an ugliness complex. They don't like the eyes, mouth, nose, cheekbones, body proportions. The help of plastic surgeons does not bring the desired result - girls feel ugly and unattractive. With excessive criticism, they drive themselves to nervous exhaustion, and the struggle with extra pounds often ends in dystrophy or anorexia.

    Obsessive states in schizophrenia in women are also expressed in their desire for philosophizing - metaphysical intoxication . Their distinctive feature is that the patient fixates on one topic, about which she can talk for hours - about the meaning of life and existence, the purpose of man, the problems of the universe. She considers all ideas and thoughts expressed to be unique and extremely valuable. Doesn't take criticism of his thoughts adequately.

    Another obsessive fear of female schizophrenia is hypochondria - the belief in the presence of a fatal disease. The patient constantly “winds up” herself with thoughts about ailments that cannot be treated. Self-hypnosis has a strong influence on the patient’s consciousness. She really believes that her organs are rotting inside, rupturing, filling with blood. The patient is not able to logically explain the reasons for her health complaints, and it is impossible to convince her of the unfoundedness of these statements.

    Phobias, fears and obsessions, in the absence of proper treatment, gradually transform into delusions and hallucinations. These signs and symptoms of schizophrenia in women indicate a stage of acute psychosis, which can only be treated in a hospital setting .


    The most common hallucinations are auditory. A woman hears one or more voices in her head that communicate with her or with each other. They comment on various events, ask questions and immediately answer them, discuss and criticize the appearance of their mistress. Hallucinations in the form of orders are the most dangerous. The patient unquestioningly obeys all the instructions of her voices. In this state, she cannot be left alone - she can harm not only others, but also herself.

    Women, unlike men, are characterized by tactile and olfactory hallucinations. They smell foreign odors and claim that someone is constantly touching them.


    The sources of delusional ideas are the patient’s obsessive states. The most common are delusions of persecution and grandeur. In the first case, the woman becomes overly suspicious. She is sure that there are only enemies around who are plotting against her, who want to harass her and cause harm. In this case, everyone falls into the category of “ill-wishers” - from the closest relatives to unfamiliar people.

    In the second case, the patient feels superpowers. She considers herself talented, capable of performing any act, including heroic ones. She promises to resolve complex political issues and “reach out” to ministers and presidents. In this state, a woman’s sense of fear is dulled. She can safely jump off a roof or walk into a deep body of water, trying to prove her superpowers.

    If your loved one begins to experience delusions or hallucinations, it will be impossible to avoid hospitalization. Such a person needs emergency medical care - and we are ready to provide it. Call the “Balance” clinic at: . We work around the clock, so we will arrive at any time of the day or night. An experienced psychotherapist will quickly assess the situation and help you transport the patient to the hospital. Already in the clinic, after the diagnosis, the patient will be prescribed an effective course of drug therapy that will eliminate the symptoms of delusions and hallucinations.

    Our hospital has cozy rooms designed for two and three people. But if you want to create increased conditions of comfort for your loved one, we are ready to offer VIP rooms without the possibility of sharing. During the entire treatment period, the patient will be supervised by qualified medical personnel. We provide all services on an anonymous basis.

    Negative symptoms of schizophrenia

    This type of symptoms of this psychological deviation is characterized by the loss of any qualities. They usually begin to fade after the disease manifests itself. A person begins to notice that his physical strength is leaving him, he becomes indifferent to the world around him, lacking initiative. Negative symptoms of this mental disorder include:


    • constant desire for loneliness and loss of will;
    • frequent mood swings;

    • apathy, constant thoughts;
    • passive behavior and emotional poverty;
    • impaired coordination and thinking;
    • affective flattening;
    • low initiative;
    • lack of will, low motor activity;
    • low level of self-control;
    • disturbances in thinking and sequence of actions;

    • inability and unwillingness to maintain dialogue;
    • dissatisfaction with life, lack of desire for self-development.

    If you begin to notice any changes in behavior in your loved one, talk to him and insist on visiting a psychologist.

    Recognize schizophrenia in its early stages

    possible according to a certain set of manifestations. If a woman remains in a depressed mood for a long time, refuses to communicate, tries to stay alone longer, or has become secretive, this is a good reason to consult your doctor for advice. She also begins to neglect basic hygiene rules, which she had not observed before, it is also worth visiting a doctor.

    What is psychotherapy for schizophrenia?

    At individual meetings with a psychotherapist, the patient learns to accept herself as she is, not to be ashamed of her illness and to live with it as fully as possible. She begins to understand the absurdity of her phobias and obsessions.

    In the format of group classes, the patient re-masters communication skills, learns to build a dialogue with others and express her position.

    Family training is of great importance. Support from your immediate environment is always the key to achieving stable remission. In family classes, people are taught how to communicate correctly with a loved one who is sick, how to choose words wisely, and what emotions should be used. The main task of relatives is to create a warm atmosphere of comfort in the home, the maximum level of care and attention. In addition, relatives should not forget to ensure that the woman takes medications and strictly follows all the recommendations of the psychotherapist.

    It is important to understand that even in mild cases, schizophrenia is a chronic, incurable disease. But it is quite possible to achieve such a positive result in its therapy that the state of remission will last for many years. Women with schizophrenia can easily live like everyone else, work full-time, have a family, children, friends and hobbies. To do this, you need to take medications regularly and avoid traumatic stressful situations.

    Common signs of schizophrenia in women

    The peculiarity of the development of schizophrenia in women is that it develops gradually. Unlike men, the symptoms of such a mental disorder grow slowly and do not appear at once. If you pay close attention to the condition of your loved ones, you will easily recognize this pathology in them. First of all, the following signs appear:


    • Speech disorders
      - an elderly woman begins to use monosyllabic phrases, her vocabulary is poor, and she makes a huge number of mistakes.
    • Apathy for life
      , neglect of the rules of personal hygiene - a person does not see the point of doing something that will need to be repeated after a certain period of time.

    • Low emotionality
      . You can recognize a woman suffering from schizophrenia by her lack of expressiveness, her constantly stony face, and her avoidance of eye contact with her interlocutor.
    • Anhedonia
      is a loss of interest in objects or objects that previously aroused delight and attraction in a person;
    • Low concentration
      , loss of concentration.

    If a woman develops paranoid schizophrenia, she becomes more suspicious, cautious, and develops paranoia. Also, the patient can easily notice emotional inadequacy, which worsens as the disease develops.

    Signs of schizophrenia in the progressive stage

    Even the patient’s appearance changes a lot. Her voice becomes very quiet, it seems that she is suppressing any of her emotions. Then she has problems with coherent speech. A girl can stop mid-sentence and remain silent for a long time. It’s the same with motor activity - it periodically freezes and spends a long time in one position.

    Women with schizophrenia often have bulimia or anorexia. As a result, they lose a lot of weight or, conversely, gain weight.

    In some cases, symptoms of schizophrenia in women resemble those of obsessive-compulsive disorder. A pathological craving for ideal cleanliness appears. How to recognize schizophrenia in this case?

    • The housewife spends her days cleaning the house, and this task always remains a priority for her over any others.
    • She has her own cloth or sponge for each surface in the room; mixing them up seems like something very serious.
    • Symmetry is at the forefront. Towels should hang along a line, canned goods should be arranged by color, etc.

    If a woman fails to do everything “by the rules,” she becomes very upset and may even become aggressive.

    Symptoms of schizophrenia in pregnant women

    Girls aged 20-25 years are more susceptible to developing schizophrenia.

    This age is considered the most common among pregnant women. During this period of life, a woman’s body experiences enormous stress; almost everything in it changes. Against this background, mental disorders often arise. This disease can be recognized in pregnant women by the appearance of:

    • psychotic-like behavior;
    • obsession and jealousy;
    • hallucinations and delusions;

    • indifference, apathy;
    • sudden aggression and excessive irritability.

    You can recognize the prerequisites for the appearance of schizoid changes in the psyche of pregnant women by the emerging fears, strange and sometimes thoughtless desires. A person is completely immersed in his experiences, without paying attention to the world around him. This can manifest itself in strict adherence to various rituals; the pregnant woman becomes very careful. She develops irrational fears about her health, she begins to diagnose herself with many serious, sluggish pathologies.

    Schizophrenia signs and symptoms in men

    Symptoms of the disease in males are very similar to those in women. In the first stage, they experience discomfort due to hallucinations and delusional ideas. There is degradation of personality and loss of human appearance in the truest sense of the word.

    A person becomes sloppy, stops washing and brushing his teeth, and eventually decides not to leave the house. The man has pronounced aggression and an increased level of anxiety. Sometimes this state can turn into panic, which is a concomitant symptom of depersonalization. The patient has a thinking disorder and various motor disorders.

    Condition after childbirth

    Certain changes occur in a young body after childbirth. Therefore, girls of this age who have given birth may be subject to varying degrees of development of schizophrenia if they have a predisposition to it. After giving birth, women may develop schizophrenia due to severe stress that affects their physical and psychological state. But this is an extremely rare occurrence. The following factors can lead to the development of schizophrenia after childbirth:

    A mental disorder in a woman who has given birth to a child is difficult to ignore. It is characterized by pronounced symptoms, which are not typical for a healthy person. The woman refuses to accept her child and fulfill new responsibilities. During this period, pathological delirium is often observed in patients.

    After the symptoms of schizophrenia subside, women are left with a feeling of alienation towards their own baby. To cope with unpleasant symptoms and disease, a woman will need to undergo a course of drug therapy. Close people should help her in every possible way to achieve recovery. If they begin to pull away, the patient’s condition will worsen significantly.

    Questions and answers

    Can schizophrenia be treated with tranquilizers or antidepressants?

    Mental disorder is treated exclusively in a hospital setting. Such drugs are prescribed by the doctor after a thorough examination of the patient.

    Does treatment for schizophrenia lead to complete recovery?

    Schizophrenia is an incurable disease. It is possible to achieve a long stage of remission, during which time the patient is able to return to normal life.

    Does the patient understand that he is sick?

    This is not always the case. He takes delusional ideas and hallucinations for reality. In moments of “enlightenment” he may understand that he has disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere. This occurs at the first or second stage of pathology development.

    Causes of schizophrenia in women

    Schizophrenia is completely curable only if you begin treatment in the initial stages of the disease. To prevent a serious mental disorder, you need to know what can lead to such a disorder. Among the most common causes of schizophrenia are the following theories:


    • Neurotransmitter
      - it comes down to the fact that the disease develops as a result of a long-term increase in the level of dopamine in the blood.
    • Serotonin
      - its essence lies in the fact that the deviation is formed against the background of overly active work of serotonin receptors.
    • Noradrenergic
      — schizophrenia in this case develops against the background of increased levels of adrenaline, dopamine and norepinephrine in the blood. The noradrenergic system is responsible for their production.

    • Cognitive
      - a mental deviation of this type is caused by external biological factors that a woman is not able to independently influence.
    • Psychoanalytic
      - with this nature of deviation, schizophrenia begins to develop against the background of a split personality.
    • Dysontogenetic
      - its essence boils down to the fact that a person from birth has a predisposition to develop a mental disorder.
    • Predispositions
      - if at least one parent of a woman suffers from schizophrenia, her risk of developing this pathology increases 10 times. If both parents suffered from it, the probability of a mental disorder is 80%.

    • Autointoxication
      - some scientists believe that abnormalities in the functioning of the psyche can be caused by protein breakdown products that cannot be completely digested by the body.

    Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that affects a person’s normal life. In the absence of proper treatment, a woman in advanced stages of the disease develops obsessive ideas to commit suicide or injure herself in order to save her loved ones.

    Residual stage of schizophrenia

    At the last stage of schizophrenia in men and women, negative symptoms come to the fore, positive ones lose intensity and become erased, or may simply be absent from the picture of the disease. In simple and hebephrenic forms of schizophrenia, such emotional and intellectual degradation occurs faster than in catatonic and paranoid ones. In terms of prognosis for treatment, the third stage is the most unfavorable. In rare cases, it is possible for such a person to return to society with a well-planned rehabilitation program, including work with relatives.

    The last stage of schizophrenia is a persistent defect. Such a final state with pronounced negative symptoms should not be caused by dementia, other brain pathology, chronic depression, or hospitalization.

    According to diagnostic guidelines, the last stage of schizophrenia must meet the following criteria:

    • slow movements;
    • speech poor in content and nuances;
    • passivity, lack of initiative;
    • “dull” emotional reactions;
    • smoothed facial expressions;
    • problems with self-care;
    • "social autism".

    Defect: personality, family, society

    Without exception, all stages of schizophrenia are reflected in a person’s personality, his environment (primarily family members) and communication in society. Depending on the stage, such a person may have a “complex character” and cause aggression among relatives, even violent acts; or, on the contrary, “provoke” overprotection, against the background of which a “socially acceptable” form of the disease will develop. And thus, falling out of life in society in most cases does not occur due to “adaptation” at the second stage.

    Before the debut of schizophrenia, the personality of such a person (his character, way of thinking, behavioral characteristics and reactions) is perceived by relatives and acquaintances within the normal framework, despite emerging interpersonal problems and conflicts. However, psychoses are not always pronounced and can be suppressed by loved ones until the onset of the last stage of schizophrenia, when it becomes simply impossible to deny the disease. Again, a defect can negatively affect a person’s life, but even here there are always options for “adaptation”, subject to the support of relatives, loved ones, and spouse.

    Rice. 4. The final stage - personality defect

    Considering the pathological family environment in which such people live, relatives often themselves suffer from prolonged stress, anxiety and depression, neurotic disorders, feelings of guilt and painful internal experiences. That is why, in addition to mandatory psychopharmacological treatment, measures are needed to restore harmony in the family, teach relatives how to behave correctly with such a person, how to provide him with help and support, and resolve their own internal conflicts.

    Individual psychotherapeutic assistance to family members and family psychotherapy, even taking into account the formed pathological family stereotypes, can give results - stabilize the condition and improve the quality of life of both the person with a mental disorder and his family and friends.

    Who's at risk

    The age at which the first characteristic signs of schizophrenia appear in women is 23-25 ​​years. Earlier manifestations are rare in psychiatric practice. In the case of childhood morbidity, girls experience rapidly progressing personal destruction, accompanied by severe dementia.

    1. The first group includes women with an unstable nervous system
      . If mental tension persists for a long period of time, then in a state of severe stress the first hallucinogenic visions may appear. At the first stage of schizophrenia, women do not have any complaints about their condition, since pathological personality changes are still insignificant. But after a while, relatives begin to notice characteristic oddities, which is a prerequisite for contacting a specialized specialist.

    2. The second group is women with a genetic predisposition to the disease
      . This is a completely convincing theory of the development of the disease, which is based on the assertion that schizophrenia is transmitted through the female line. Practice shows that children of both sexes can inherit mental disorders from a sick mother, but girls are at greater risk.

    3. The third group - women with pathological changes in the processes of exchange between brain neurotransmitters
      . The transmission of nerve impulses caused by a deficiency/surplus of such mediators as dopamine, acetylcholine, and glutamic acid is disrupted. In this case, the trigger is severe stress, which provokes a complex of pathological reactions in brain tissue cells, which becomes the cause of schizophrenia.

    4. The fourth group is young mothers who are faced with the sudden need to fulfill adult social roles
      . Symptoms appear under the influence of a stressful situation, severe lack of sleep and emotional fatigue. However, in the context of such a development of the disease, it is important to take into account the genetic predisposition to mental disorders.

    Can schizophrenia go away on its own?

    Schizophrenia is a mental disorder of a polymorphic type, accompanied by increased emotional reaction, deterioration of thinking function and other symptoms. Usually the disease is inherited. But it can arise due to somatic diseases and the influence of social factors. It is often formed due to the negative effects of alcohol or drugs.

    Tissue destruction occurs in the brain, so the patient develops the first signs, which develop more and more over time. Schizophrenia cannot go away on its own; it is not completely curable. Even if it is provoked by somatic factors, after they are eliminated, tissue damage will remain in the brain that can no longer be restored. Therefore, psychiatrists prescribe medications that can control the condition during an exacerbation.

    In the acute stage, schizophrenia is kept under control with medications. But the patient periodically experiences a period of remission. This means that signs of a mental disorder do not appear and the person feels normal. At this moment, he may think that the pathology is over, but in the near future repeated attacks and exacerbation of the pathology may occur.

    Paranoid schizophrenia

    Paranoid schizophrenia is a mental disorder with characteristic distortions in the system of perception and thinking. The main feature of this disease is the predominance of delusions and hallucinations in the overall clinical picture. The nature of the disease is not fully understood; scientists adhere to both the biochemical theory (the occurrence of the disorder due to disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system) and the psychological theory (the development of pathology against the background of mental trauma, neuroses, stress).

    There is no single view on the origin of the disease yet.

    The course of the disease is very diverse and is accompanied by a number of specific syndromes and signs, the main one of which is delirium. Symptoms and signs of paranoid schizophrenia in women at the height of the disease:

    • the presence of more than an idea and a change in the habitual behavior of people;

    • joining real memories of fictional pictures from the past;
    • patients' confidence in their special purpose, strength, or sensitive intuition and insight;
    • the presence of delusions or hallucinations;

    • the appearance of meaningless thoughts (abstract monologues) when answering the simplest questions;
    • distortion of the emotional sphere (development of sullenness, anger, irritability, hatred, embitterment, indifference, etc.).

    The disease develops gradually, progressively. In the initial period, obsessive and ritual actions, a desire to isolate oneself from social and professional activities, a sharp narrowing of the circle of friends and interests, and changes in emotional response may prevail.

    Treatment of female schizophrenia

    Most medications that help cope with exacerbations of schizophrenia are prescribed by a psychiatrist and sold with a special prescription. The main group of drugs are antipsychotics, which effectively help return the patient from the fictional world. In the manifest form of the disease, antipsychotics are prescribed in large doses; minimal doses of the drug will need to be taken throughout the patient’s life. Interrupted treatment will most likely cause a new attack.

    Depending on the manifestations of the disease: anxiety, insomnia, depressed mood or aggressive behavior, other psychotropic drugs may be added: antidepressants, tranquilizers, mood stabilizers, sleeping pills.

    The prognosis of any form of schizophrenia depends on its duration, characteristics of the course and the severity of the personality defect. Malignant schizophrenia, which begins in childhood or adolescence, often ends with the loss of all social skills and the ability to think. Schizophrenia, diagnosed in adulthood, in half of the cases manifests itself only in a single attack and remission lasts for years.

    Treatment of schizophrenia in women at the Preobrazhenie clinic

    Depending on the patient’s condition, she may be offered both outpatient and inpatient forms of treatment for the disease. The presence of a full complement of related specialists in one place: psychiatrists, neurologists, psychotherapists and somatic doctors allows us to accurately diagnose and fully examine the patient. Modern equipment and laboratory diagnostics help to exclude other diseases that provoke similar symptoms. The use of only well-proven psychotropic drugs makes it possible to quickly stop an acute psychotic state. Upon discharge from the clinic, psychiatrists place the patient on monotherapy for schizophrenia with one of individually selected modern antipsychotics. The staff of the medical center have developed a special psychotherapeutic program to help patients with this pathology. This allows people with schizophrenia to be psychologically adapted for life in family and society. All doctors and psychologists of the clinic undergo training and internship in the treatment of schizophrenia in leading institutes both in Russia and abroad. As soon as friends or relatives change their behavior, they commit inexplicable actions and say incomprehensible phrases - this is a reason to be wary and persuade her or him to go to psychiatrist. At the Transfiguration clinic, appointments are conducted by certified specialists who can quickly and anonymously help such a patient. Anonymity in the treatment of schizophrenia is especially important, since there is still prejudice in our society towards such patients. It’s easy to make an appointment: call the numbers listed on the website or email

    Schizophrenia in women: how to diagnose and treat in Moscow

    Schizophrenia in women has its own characteristics. Firstly, this disease occurs less frequently in them than in men. Secondly, in women, schizophrenia begins later, around the age of twenty-five.

    The causes of schizophrenia are unknown. It has been noticed that it occurs more often in families of sick relatives. A viral hypothesis for the development of the disease is also suggested. The first onset of the disease can be provoked by childbirth and the postpartum period.

    Is it possible to avoid the disease?

    This disease cannot be predicted or prevented; it is a hereditary brain disease. Therefore, in order to avoid schizophrenia in their children, women with this disease must be responsible about the possibility of becoming pregnant and giving birth to a baby. Up to twenty percent of children born to sick parents subsequently suffer from schizophrenia.

    Symptoms of schizophrenia in women

    Most often, the disease develops slowly and imperceptibly, but as the disease progresses, the woman’s emotional sphere becomes significantly impoverished, and indifference to everything appears. Cleanliness and the desire to look beautiful disappear, as does the desire to work or travel. At the same time, with withdrawal into herself, a woman can become interested in various occult techniques, fortune telling, and UFOs. She may be haunted by obsessive thoughts, insomnia, and the level of anxiety increases many times over. At this stage, a syndrome of obsessive states may be observed: peculiar rituals, by performing which the patient calms down. There is fragmentation of thinking, sudden stops in the middle of a phrase or conversation because the meaning and topic of the conversation are completely lost. Gradually, delusional symptoms increase, lining up in a clear plot. Pseudohallucinations of a threatening and overwhelming nature may appear.

    Schizophrenia in women can manifest itself in a weak maternal instinct, indifference to one’s appearance and low social activity. Patients become isolated in their inner world and lose close connections with friends and relatives.

    Differential diagnosis

    Schizophrenia must be diagnosed by a psychiatrist, since there is a danger that symptoms of obsession, hypochondria or psychopathy will be mistaken for its manifestations. The difference between schizophrenia is that there is no connection between the onset of the disease and a traumatic event. Schizophrenia is differentiated from other schizophrenia-like conditions: delusional disorder, schizotypal disorder and schizoid personality disorder. This diagnosis is very serious, as it changes the fate of a person, introducing certain social restrictions and personality changes in the course of the disease. Therefore, it can be diagnosed only through long-term observation by several psychiatrists in a psychiatric hospital.

    Case history of patient S., who visited the doctor for the first time

    Patient S., age 28 years old, consulted a doctor at the request of her brother. She complains that she is being pursued by a group of men dressed in black. She noticed them about a month ago, they follow her everywhere, “passing” her from hand to hand. The patient constantly experiences a feeling of horror and anxiety, talking about this, she constantly looks back at the office door, assuring that “they” have tracked her down. When asked why they were pursuing her, she said that she was “ordered” by her work colleagues (she works as a teacher at a college) because they wanted to take her place. According to her brother, the patient has become withdrawn, unsociable, and spends all her time after work lying on the bed. The patient was recommended inpatient treatment.

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