Review of drugs Mebicar or Adaptol | What to choose

Updated: 04/23/2021 15:13:41

Expert: Abramova Tsilya

We present to your attention two anxiolytic drugs - Mebicar and Adaptol. The same composition, dosage, principle of action and indications - what is the difference between them? Both drugs are prescribed in the complex treatment of neuroses, cardiac diseases, addiction to tobacco and in other situations to relieve fear and anxiety. At first glance, the drugs differ only in price, and Mebikar, as a cheaper drug, is the winner. But is it really that simple?

The experts of our magazine collected data on the drugs in question and found out that Adaptol is considered an original drug, while Mebicar is a generic. The original has undergone clinical trials and has established itself as a medicine effective in the treatment of various neurological conditions. The generic differs in its auxiliary components and, theoretically, its effectiveness may be lower.

Studies have shown that both drugs cope with the task and are equally often used in practice. It is safe to say that in this case, the generic Mebicar is practically not inferior to the original Adaptol and can successfully compete with it in the pharmaceutical market.

Composition and release form: is there a difference?

The main active ingredient is the same for Adaptol and Mebicar - tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctanedione. The drugs in question differ in their auxiliary components. Mebicar additionally contains povidone and calcium stearate, Adaptol contains the same calcium stearate and methylcellulose.

Both drugs belong to the same pharmacological group. These are anxiolytics, they are also tranquilizers - drugs that relieve anxiety and fear. They are used in practical psychiatry and neurology, and are used in therapy for the complex treatment of certain diseases.

Mebicar and Adaptol are available in tablets. The dosage of the drug differs:

  1. Adaptol is presented on the pharmaceutical market in the form of 500 mg tablets.
  2. Mebicar is available in tablets of 300 and 500 mg.

The cost of drugs varies:

  1. Adaptol - about 600 rubles for 20 pieces.
  2. Mebicar - about 400 rubles for 20 pieces.

Mebicar is one and a half times cheaper, which determines its popularity. But let's find out whether the price of the more expensive option - Adaptol - is justified, and whether it is worth saving in this case.

Cheap domestic analogues

Price matters in modern life; everyone wants to cut costs, especially when it comes to treatment. Sometimes, the cost of the prescribed course is beyond the financial capabilities of the patient.

In such cases, it is worth taking a closer look at more affordable domestic drugs (mainly Russian and Ukrainian) with similar effects, since cheap analogues of Adaptol are present on the market in large quantities:

  1. Phensitate (tablets), the most profitable analogue of domestically produced Adaptol, is from the same pharmacological subgroup, although it differs from the original drug in the main active ingredient and costs less from 86 rubles.
  2. Phenazepam (tablets) has a pronounced anxiolytic, sedative, anticonvulsant effect. Prescribed for sleep disorders, psychoses and other diseases of the nervous system. The price depends on the dosage of the active substance, ranging from 500 mg (from 90 rubles); 1000 mg (from 112 rubles).
  3. Anvifen (capsules), based on the active ingredient – ​​aminophenylbutyric acids hydrochloride. Two types of dosage are possible: 50 mg (from 149 rubles) to 250 mg (from 249 rubles). Prescribed for insomnia, Meniere's disease, stuttering, dizziness.
  4. Mebicar (tablets) is an anxiolytic, stress-protective, nootropic drug. Taking the medicine does not depend on the timing of meals. Price from 280 rubles
  5. Aralia tincture , a product of plant origin, is used as a central nervous system stimulant. Increases overall tone, improves appetite, normalizes sleep, helps cope with fatigue, and stimulates the processes of the nervous system. The price varies from 38 rubles.

How do they work?

The instructions for use state that tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctanedione in Adaptol and Mebicar acts on various tissues:

  1. enhances oxygen supply to the myocardium;
  2. improves blood flow in the heart muscle;
  3. normalizes the balance of electrolytes in the blood;
  4. activates protein synthesis;
  5. increases the energy resource of the cell.

The active substance of both drugs is similar in structure to natural metabolites of the human body. It affects the functioning of the hypothalamus and the main neurotransmitter systems. The drugs under study are involved in the synthesis of choline, serotonin and adrenaline. When applied as a course, the following effects are expected:

  1. anxiety and restlessness go away;
  2. the feeling of fear decreases;
  3. emotional stress decreases;
  4. Cognitive functions improve: attention, memory.

Adaptol and Mebicar do not reduce mental and motor activity, so they can be prescribed during the day (including during school and work). They do not cause drowsiness, but improve the natural flow of sleep if it is disturbed. They do not lead to the development of euphoria and do not affect mood. Ease nicotine addiction.

Comparative characteristics

We tried to impartially compare Adaptol and its popular analogues in order to find out which is better in each specific case.

  1. Anvifen . The indications for use of the drugs are the same; Anvifen’s task is to help the patient overcome asthenic, anxious and neurotic conditions, relieve fear, obsessive psychoses, establish healthy sleep and strengthen the nervous system. In comparison with Adaptol, the cost looks very nice, the price of Anvifen capsules starts from 150 rubles, but in case of long-term use, liver function and the entire peripheral blood picture should be kept under control. There is a need to abandon any potentially dangerous activities or control complex mechanisms. The drug is ineffective for motion sickness and dizziness. As side effects, you can get increased irritability, excitability, anxiety and other unpleasant symptoms that are not observed when using Adaptol.
  2. Phenibut . In addition to Russian production, tablets may also be of Latvian origin. Reasonable price - from 151 rubles. “Ozone”, “Olainfarm” (Latvia) from 353 rub. It is worth noting that Phenibut and Adaptol differ in the formula and content of the active substance, although the purpose is identical, and also the same contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation. Phenibut has a positive effect on microcirculation of the blood flow in the brain, the patient feels calmer and more confident. Anxiety subsides, sleep improves, irritability and headaches go away, mental activity and memory improve.
  3. The drug Afobazol belongs to a new generation, its main purpose is to overcome the patient’s anxiety. Long-term use of tablets does not lead to addiction, does not reduce muscle tone, and can be used at any time without restrictions, for different types of activities and control of complex mechanisms. Afobazole not only calms, but also at the same time activates vital processes and stimulates performance, including mental performance. Patients note changes in psychological and physical state, increased concentration, and improved memory. The price of the drug depends on the region and ranges from 200-400 rubles. In terms of strength of influence, both drugs are equally significant, and the doctor will probably tell you which is better, Afobazol or Adaptol, and which one to give preference to after the examination.
  4. Today's popular antidepressant is Adepress . Able to naturally overcome biochemical causes leading to prolonged depression, stress, and suicidal state. In addition, Adepress helps normalize the sleep-wake cycle, improve appetite, and act as a preventive measure for migraines. An important point is that it is practically harmless. But there is no way to save significantly on the drug; the average price in Russia is 400-550 rubles.

The advantage of Adaptol is its good compatibility with other medications (tranquilizers, antipsychotics, psychostimulants, antidepressants). The only strict contraindication when taking the medication is that it is strictly prohibited to use it together with alcohol.

Assessing the effectiveness of drugs

Controversy among doctors continues regarding Adaptol and Mebicar. Old-school specialists say that these drugs have proven their effectiveness in clinical practice. Neurologists and psychiatrists prescribe these drugs - and see their positive effects. The beneficial effects of medications are confirmed by clinical trials:

  1. Mebicar has proven itself in the treatment of anxiety disorders associated with autonomic dysfunction. Studies have shown that the drug relieves feelings of anxiety and fear without causing drowsiness or reducing memory and attention.
  2. Adaptol has been used in complex therapy of irritable bowel syndrome. The effect was noticeable already in the second week of taking the drug. The study authors especially emphasized the fact that Adaptol reduces anxiety and eliminates autonomic disorders without causing significant side effects.
  3. Both drugs are successfully used in neurological and psychiatric practice, in dermatology, which is confirmed by numerous scientific works.
  4. There are many similar examples, and these drugs are popular in Russia and the former CIS countries. But what do foreign colleagues say about this? A review of Cochrane studies did not provide information on the effectiveness of Adaptol (Mebicar). There is only data on not very large-scale studies that showed the beneficial effects of Adaptol, but you can’t focus on them alone. The sample is too small to seriously talk about the effectiveness of the drug.
  5. Some sources refer to Adaptol and its analogues as “fuflomycins,” emphasizing the fact that these drugs have not undergone randomized clinical trials. According to the position of evidence-based medicine, such drugs cannot be used in the practice of a modern doctor.

Analogues of the drug

Like any other drugs, Adaptol has a number of noteworthy analogues, this is the name for medications that, according to their pharmacological indications for use, are similar to the required drug.

Among analogue products, you can always choose a less advertised but effective medicine, with a lower cost and good reviews. The price, as a rule, includes a budget for advertising and organized work to promote the brand in the market. Is it worth paying for it?

So, first of all, it is worth considering the structural analogues of Adaptol, determined by the content of the main active ingredient, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Mebikar (Ukraine);
  • Mebikar-Tathimpharm (Russia);
  • Mebix (Russia);
  • Tranquilar (Ukraine).

There are other substitutes for Adaptol, each of which has its own characteristics, let’s briefly consider the most popular:

  1. Trivalumen is often prescribed in complex therapy to patients suffering from insomnia due to fatigue. The drug is also effective in cases of lack of appetite, diagnosed neurocirculatory dystonia with cardiac arrhythmias.
  2. Dormiplant is recommended for increased anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, against the background of chronic stress or a state of nervous exhaustion.
  3. Sedavit has a wide range of uses. Among the main problems: long-term, psychological, emotional stress, neurasthenia, irritability, impaired memory or concentration. Helps relieve migraines and eliminate headaches.
  4. Neuroximet is used for age-related changes (deterioration of memory, mental abilities), cerebral circulatory disorders. Prescribed for the prevention of relapse and complications after a stroke or traumatic brain injury, seasickness. Consultation with your attending physician is required.
  5. Pentovit is a good addition in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system (radiculitis, neuralgia, neuritis, nerve inflammation, asthenic condition, weakness, etc.).
  6. Cerebrolysin is widely used in the treatment of pathologies associated with malfunctions of the central nervous system, cerebral circulation, psychiatric diseases, problems with absent-mindedness, and memory loss.
  7. Diphenin has a targeted effect for the relief of grand mal seizures, treatment of status epilepticus with tonic-clonic seizures, and prevention of seizures in neurosurgery.
  8. Omaron is applicable for disorders of various etiologies, which are related to cerebral circulation disorders due to traumatic brain injury, ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. The list of indications for use also includes atherosclerosis, encephalopathy, memory loss, attention impairment, mood swings, asthenic syndrome, migraine attacks, etc.
  9. Sedinal is recommended to be added to the daily diet as a general strengthening drug; it has a gentle and soothing effect. It has a beneficial effect when enhancing the psycho-emotional state.
  10. Extal-3 (calming) stabilizes the general condition in case of excessive irritability, stress or depression. Corrects sleep disorders, psychosomatic disorders and withdrawal symptoms.
  11. Nevrin is often prescribed after strokes, for neuroses and depression, and neurocirculatory disorders. Indications may include head trauma, acute cerebrovascular accidents.

Indications for use

Indications for Mebicar and Adaptol are similar:

  1. neurotic disorders: anxiety, phobia, depression, emotional lability, etc.;
  2. complex therapy for cardialgia (heart pain), coronary heart disease;
  3. recovery after myocardial infarction;
  4. addiction to tobacco – to reduce craving for nicotine;
  5. when prescribing antipsychotics and tranquilizers - to improve their tolerability.
  6. Indications for therapy are determined by the doctor after examination.

How are they transferred?

Experience shows that anxiolytics are well tolerated and side effects are rare. The following conditions may occur:

  1. allergic reaction such as skin itching and rash;
  2. decreased blood pressure;
  3. increased body temperature;
  4. nausea, abdominal discomfort.

These reactions are not a reason to stop therapy. Usually blood pressure and body temperature return to normal on their own. Only if an allergic rash and abdominal pain appears should you stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

During treatment there is no addiction. Cancellation is well tolerated and no dosage adjustment is required.


Mebicar does not impair coordination of movements, which means that a person can easily play sports or drive a car.

The drug is usually well tolerated by patients; in isolated cases, the development of allergic reactions in the form of skin itching and skin rash has been noted. It is extremely rare to develop digestive disorders during therapy with Mebicar. Pressure changes may occur.

Mebicar contains elements of serotonin, a brain chemical that prevents depression and improves mood. This hormone controls nerve cells, the functioning of the cerebral cortex and the condition of the body as a whole.

Mebikar's great merit is the absence of drowsiness. He also:

  • helps improve oxygen supply to tissues,
  • regulates blood potassium levels,
  • helps protein synthesis,
  • does not interfere with coordination of movements.

Mebicar regulates disturbed, natural sleep, causing rapid falling asleep, is not a sleeping pill, but can enhance the effect of sleeping pills, like alcohol. The drug also reduces blood viscosity and normalizes mild speech pathologies.

The use of the drug is contraindicated for pregnant women who are breastfeeding.

Precautionary measures

Adaptol and Mebicar are not prescribed in the following situations:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. lactation period;
  3. children under 18 years of age;
  4. individual intolerance to the drug.

The drugs are low-toxic, and overdose is unlikely. Exceeding the dosage can lead to a sharp decrease in blood pressure, weakness and attacks of dizziness. When such symptoms appear, gastric lavage is indicated.

Over-the-counter options

Adaptol is an antidepressant, and it is quite natural that it is sold exclusively by prescription, however, you can also find over-the-counter drugs with similar effects in the pharmacy:

  • Mebicar IC;
  • Afobazole;
  • Selank;
  • Tranquilar IC.

However, you should not self-medicate, or independently replace a drug prescribed by a doctor, even if it is commercially available - only the doctor professionally compares the patient’s problem and contraindications to taking the drug.

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