Instructions for use of modafinil dosages from 50 to 400+ mg

Types of Modafinil: What Should You Know About Them?

Before we get into modafinil dosage tips, we should talk about its types. There are two types of this drug: modafinil and armodafinil. Both use as an active component that it has two isomers. An isomer is a variation of the same chemical. The simplest example that will help you understand what isomers are is left and right hand. These are, so to speak, different variations of the same thing - hands. They are identical in almost every way, except that they are mirror images of each other. Something similar happens with modafinil.

Armodafinil is an enantiopural compound, meaning that it contains only one type of isomer, the R-isomer, which is considered stronger than the S-isomer. As a result, the general properties of the substance are more pronounced in armodafinil than in modafinil.

Dosage differences between modafinil and armodafinil

It is clear that the differences in chemical structure discussed above influenced the determination of the dosages of these substances. So, the standard dose for modafinil is defined as 200 mg, while the equivalent dose for armodafinil is slightly lower at 150 mg. And even at this dosage, armodafinil has a more intense effect than modafinil.

Comparison of minimum and maximum dosages of modafinil and armodafinil

Minimum doseOptimal (most common) doseMaximum dose
Modafinil50 mg200 mg400 mg
Armodafinil50 mg150 mg250 mg

Unofficial instructions for use of modafinil

When it comes to modafinil dosage, everything is very individual. However, many adhere to the scheme, which will be discussed later.

50 mg modafinil

This is the ideal dosage for most people who take this drug throughout the workweek. This is a small dose, but it is enough to get you “kicked” and charged for the next 4-6 hours. Adhering to this dosage, a person feels cheerful, concentrated and full of energy throughout the working day, while the sleep pattern and quality are not disturbed. Side effects usually do not appear at this dose.

75 mg armodafinil

This is a stronger dose than 50 mg of modafinil. The effect of the drug will last for 5-7 hours or more. A person feels more alert, concentrated and able to solve complex problems. The risk of side effects when following this dosage is minimal.

100 mg modafinil

100 mg of modafinil is slightly stronger than 75 mg of armodafinil. The positive effect of the drug lasts for 8 hours or more. This is the ideal dosage if you need to get a lot of work done without feeling tired, but at the same time fall asleep easily after midnight. If a side effect occurs at this dosage, it manifests itself as minor symptoms.

150 mg armodafinil

This is the usual full dose of this type of drug. After taking armodafinil at this dosage, wakefulness remains for 10-12 hours. As a rule, it does not cause side effects. In rare cases, insomnia or dehydration may occur.

200 mg modafinil

This is the gold standard when it comes to noticeably improving cognitive function. For many, at this dosage, the increased concentration remains for 12 hours or more. Adverse reactions are rare; in some cases, insomnia, headaches, and dehydration may occur.

300 mg armodafinil

This dose already exceeds the recommended dose, so it should be used only in exceptional cases. For example, when it is necessary to maintain increased concentration for 18 hours or more. This is essentially a double dose of armodafinil, so it should be taken with extreme caution. It is better to divide it into several doses, as side effects may occur, but they do not pose a serious health risk.

300 mg modafinil

Again, this is a large dose of the drug, so it should be taken with caution. After such an amount of the drug, impeccable concentration is guaranteed for at least the next 18 hours. But it is important to consider that with such a dose, side effects may already appear, including nausea. It is better to divide this dosage into several doses.

400 mg modafinil

If you need to stay awake for 24 hours, then 400 mg of modafinil will help you with this. But you need to be extremely careful with such a dosage if you are not yet accustomed to the drug. As in previous cases, it is better to divide this dose into several doses. It is strictly contraindicated for regular use.

These dosages were determined based on feedback from hundreds of people taking modafinil.

Recommended doses of the drug:

  • 200 mg of modafinil - if you need to stay awake during the day and until late at night;
  • 75 mg of armodafinil - when it is important to be as productive as possible during the day, but in the evening you can easily fall asleep.

But everything is very individual, and in most cases you have to select the ideal dosage for yourself, starting with the minimum, gradually increasing it.

Microdoses of modafinil

The standard dosage of modafinil is 200 mg. Many people take just this amount of the drug in the morning to feel alert and maintain cognitive function at its best until late at night.

Others divide this dose into two doses: 100 mg of modafinil in the morning and the same amount in the afternoon. This scheme allows you to maintain cognitive abilities at the same high level throughout the day, thereby providing an additional boost of energy after lunch.

However, not everyone takes standard doses of the drug. Many people prefer to divide this amount into “microdoses.” This is especially true for people who do not need to maintain increased concentration throughout the day, but just get a charge for 4-7 hours.

Taking the drug in so-called microdosages has many benefits. First of all, the risk of side effects is virtually eliminated. After completing the necessary work, the person relaxes and easily falls asleep.

Let's look at how microdoses usually work on the adult body.

50 mg modafinil taken in the morning

The pronounced cognitive improvement lasts for 5-7 hours, after which the manifestation of symptoms typical of modafinil begins to subside. About 13 hours after taking the nootropic, you can easily fall asleep, which will not happen after taking 200 mg of the drug. In addition, the 50 mg dosage does not cause any side effects.

25 mg modafinil morning and afternoon

This dosage paired with a cup of espresso helps increase concentration over the next 4 hours. This dosage regimen may be ideal for people whose workday ends at 6 p.m., and then they can relax.

It is unlikely that you will be able to “move mountains” by using the drug in microdosages, but it is easy to slightly increase cognitive abilities. If it is necessary to maintain wakefulness and increased attention for 12 hours, then it is preferable to resort to standard dosages.

Where to buy modafinil online

Neither branded Modafinil nor its analogues can be purchased in Russian pharmacies, since this drug is banned in the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, there are many sellers who sell this medicine via the Internet. For example, from India. In addition, this method of purchasing generics has many advantages.

Free shipping

Considering that when you order modafinil online, it is usually sent to Russia from India, then having free shipping is a big advantage. Thus, you only have to pay for the product itself.

No prescription needed

Purchasing modafinil online has many advantages, but perhaps the most important is the ability to buy the drug without a prescription. Even in those countries where this medicine is allowed, you can’t just buy it at the pharmacy - you will always need a prescription. And residents of Russia can order it online without a prescription.

Huge discounts

No pharmacy in the world will ever offer customers such huge discounts on modafinil as online stores. Firstly, pharmacies usually sell a brand-name drug, which is much more expensive than the generics sold by online suppliers. And this despite the fact that the chemical composition and effect of the “real” and the analogue are identical. Moreover, generic drugs undergo the same quality checks as brand-name drugs.

By the way, if you place an order on HighStreetPharma, do not forget to use the code ENJOYMXL10, which entitles you to a 10% discount on the total purchase amount.

How does Hydrafinil work?

  1. Antagonist h 3 (4)

Hydrafinil, like Modafinil, is positioned as a substance for prolonging wakefulness and treating narcolepsy (when you always want to sleep). One of the main mechanisms why and how this happens is an increase in the neurotransmitter Histamine. In this case, this is achieved by blocking the h3 histamine receptor.

There are 4 of these receptors in total, so when 1 or 2 receptors are blocked, then these are sedative effects, when 3, which is located in the central nervous system, then they are stimulating.

  1. Increased Acetylcholine, Norepinephrine, Serotonin.

Corollary from the first point. Blocking the 3rd histamine receptor increases the content of Acetylcholine in the brain, which is involved in learning, norepinephrine - mood and drive, and Serotonin - antidepressant effects.

There is no data on percentage growth, most likely there is a directly proportional relationship: the higher the dosage, the stronger the reaction of neurotransmitters.

  1. Antagonist 5- HT 6

We remind you that 5-HT means Serotonin, and the prefix 6 is the serial number of the receptor. Hydrafinil blocks the 6th serotonin receptor. And, as you already understand, this entails some imbalance in the brain! More specifically: the neurotransmitter glutamate, acetylcholine, as well as dopamine and norepinephrine increase in the prefrontal cortex.

Such antagonists can improve intelligence and reduce symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (5).

  1. Dopamine reuptake inhibitor

This point characterizes the operating principle of bromontane or ladasten. The bottom line is that dopamine is produced in normal amounts, but is destroyed less easily, allowing the brain to improve the use of the neurotransmitter.

In the case of hydrafinil, the inhibition of dopamine uptake is quite weak.

  1. Alpha-4-beta-2 nicotinic receptor agonist

It sounds complicated, but in fact it is a subtype of the acetylcholine receptor. This is the least likely way to work.

To summarize: Hydrafinil works primarily by increasing histamine, followed by acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin.

What doses of modafinil and armodafinil should I take?

The recommended dosage of modafinil and armodafinil may vary depending on the reason for which these drugs are taken. Let's look at the most common ones.

Modafinil for the treatment of ADHD and narcolepsy

If modafinil was prescribed for medical reasons, then you must adhere to the recommendations specified in the instructions for use. But as a rule, for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, as well as for the treatment of narcolepsy, 200 mg of modafinil or 150 mg of armodafinil are usually prescribed. In some cases, the dosage may be increased to 500 mg modafinil and 250 mg armodafinil [1] [2].

Typically, patients with ADHD take medication daily, taking a break of 1-2 days a week. This regimen avoids long-term side effects.

With narcolepsy, as a rule, breaks in therapy are not taken, since it only takes 1 day without taking the medicine and the symptoms of the disease worsen.

Modafinil to improve cognitive function

The dosage of modafinil to improve cognitive abilities can vary from 50 to 400 mg, depending on the characteristics of the body and the wishes of the person taking the drug. When determining the dose, you should take into account the body's reactions and the frequency of taking the medication.

Small doses to improve cognitive function (50 mg)

Some people prefer to take modafinil in small doses. This method minimizes the risk of side effects. In addition, this is the safest regimen for long-term use of the drug.

A dosage of 50 mg or less, in the case of modafinil, is considered a microdose. That is, this dose is below the therapeutic threshold.

Using microdoses produces less pronounced effects than, say, 100, 200 or 400 mg. But nevertheless, for many, such a portion of the drug is enough, especially if you take it regularly.

For most users, a microdose of modafinil serves as an analogue of caffeine - it helps to wake up easier in the morning. With this method of administration, after 30-45 minutes a person feels a surge of energy and wakefulness.

Modafinil is not typically produced in 50 mg dosages. Therefore, in order to receive a microdose, it is necessary to divide a 100 mg tablet in half or into 4 parts of 200 mg. If you plan to take the drug in a microdose, then it is better to buy tablets with a dosage of 100 mg - they are easier to divide into equal parts. Although some people use a different method to obtain microdoses: they grind the tablet into powder, and then divide it into the required number of servings. By the way, if you add modafinil in powder form, for example, to juice or smoothie and drink it in this form, then it will penetrate the bloodstream faster, which means that the effect will also come in a shorter time.

And keep in mind that if you take armodafinil in microdosage, the effect from it will be slightly stronger than from a similar dose of modafinil.

Indications for taking modafinil at a dosage of 50 mg:

  • there is increased sensitivity to the drug;
  • you are just starting to take this remedy;
  • plan to take pills daily for a long time;
  • want to minimize the risk of side effects.

Usual Dosage for Cognitive Enhancement (200 mg)

200 mg is the most popular dosage used to improve cognitive function. And by the way, most generic modafinil, for example, Modalert, are produced in exactly this dosage. But do not forget that the equivalent dose for armodafinil is 150 mg, so Artvigil and Waklert come with exactly this dose.

Benefits of taking 200 mg modafinil:

  • causes a noticeable improvement in cognitive functions;
  • most studies of the effect of modafinil on the human body are related to this dosage;
  • convenient form for reception;
  • In online stores they most often sell exactly this dosage.

Large doses to improve cognitive function (400 mg)

In some cases, you may need to take a higher dose of modafinil. The maximum safe dose of the drug is 400 mg. Higher levels significantly increase the risk of unwanted side effects.

A dosage of 400 mg may be needed for very large people, as well as for people who have developed an addiction to it due to prolonged use of the drug.

This dosage is contraindicated for individuals who are just starting to take modafinil. They may cause a variety of side effects, including insomnia and anxiety. Even people with taller than average height should start taking modafinil with a small dosage of 50 or 100 mg. This will allow you to determine your sensitivity to the drug, as well as ensure that you are not allergic to it.

The equivalent dose of 400 mg of modafinil is 250 mg of armodafinil. Meanwhile, we draw your attention to the fact that most manufacturers of armodafinil produce it in a dosage of 150 mg. But if you take 2 tablets at once, you get 300 mg of armodafinil, which is much more than the equivalent of 400 mg of modafinil.

Benefits of modafinil 400 mg:

  • the ability to get the most powerful effect without exceeding the safe dosage;
  • a more acceptable option for people of large build;
  • more suitable for people with rapid metabolism of drugs;
  • A good option for short-term use of modafinil.


The standard dosage is 100-200 mg, or 4 mg per kilogram of weight, taken in case of targeted suppression of sleep, or after sleep in the morning to maintain an alert state and without harm to sleep at night.

When used clinically to treat excessive daytime sleepiness associated with narcolepsy or obstructive sleep apnea, recommended doses are generally 200 to 400 mg per day. The dose can be taken once in the morning or in two doses (morning and noon). When used to enhance physical performance, typical effective dosages are in the range of 100-400 mg. The drug is often taken 2-3 hours before sporting events. Please note that side effects may be dose dependent. It is often advised to start using Modafinil at the minimum effective dose, and increase it by 50-100 mg per dose until the optimal level is established. The application areas of the drug are vast and essentially include any sport that focuses on aerobic exercise or endurance. It is also great for athletes performing short-repetition strength or speed exercises (anaerobic exercise), such as shot put, pole vault, or long jump. Modafinil is not a popular drug among bodybuilders as it does not directly increase muscle gain or reduce body fat levels. Some, however, find the drug to be an effective pre-workout stimulant, especially during periods of fatigue or loss of physical activity after strenuous work or due to other reasons.

Modafinil or benzhydrylsulfinylacetamide is a central stimulant (psychostimulant). The drug is FDA approved for the treatment of narcolepsy (a condition characterized by sudden and uncontrollable episodes of deep sleep, fatigue, or excessive sleepiness), sleep apnea, and sleep disorders caused by changes in daily routine. The quality of the drug was tested, including as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease, depression and attention deficit disorder. Modafinil belongs to a group of drugs known as eugeroics (stimulants) that promote mental alertness and attention. One of the known mechanisms of action of these drugs is alpha-1 adrenergic receptor agonism, whereby the drugs have an effect on mood by increasing energy by increasing the release of dopamine in the central nervous system. This also leads to changes in GABA and glutamate levels. Studies of modafinil as a stimulant have shown advantages over amphetamines. To begin with, the substance is supposed to have a much lower potential for abuse due to the fact that its effects do not cause the same euphoria. In addition, the drug has less impact on peripheral CNS stimulation (i.e., fewer side effects), has minimal effects on blood pressure, does not cause sleep disruption (no hangover or need to catch up on sleep), and, according to clinical trials, has a more robust security profile. The drug is even used by the US military as an energy booster for pilots and soldiers to work for long periods of time without sleep. This is not at all as strange as it may seem at first glance, since in the past, military pilots and soldiers widely used Dexedrine (an amphetamine) during long periods of sleep deprivation. Soldiers using modafinil often report that the drug helps them maintain excellent cognitive function for up to 40 hours without sleep, and has fewer side effects than Dexedrine. Modafinil has been tested in recent combat situations such as Afghanistan and Iraq, and may in the future receive official recognition as a specific drug for the military. Recently, modafinil has gained popularity among competitive athletes. They use it not just as a drug for “vigor,” but as a stimulant that increases performance and endurance. This use will likely come as a surprise to the drug's developers, as it has previously been reported that this "mild" alertness-enhancing drug does not have strong stimulant effects and may not improve athletic performance. Recent research contradicts these claims. A study conducted in Canada found that taking modafinil may provide significant athletic benefits. In a double-blind study, 15 male volunteers took the drug at a dose of 4 mg per kg of body weight (equivalent to 200 mg for a 220-pound person) or a placebo. Three hours after the meal, aerobic exercise was performed on a bicycle ergometer at 85% of maximum aerobic power until exhaustion. While taking modafinil, men were able to exercise for significantly longer periods of time (up to 30% longer), and used more inhaled oxygen during exercise. A decrease in subjectively perceived tension has also been reported, resulting in increased performance during exercise.

Side effects of modafinil

Like most pharmaceuticals, modafinil can cause side effects in some cases. As a rule, they are minor and are not hazardous to health. Most often, side effects manifest themselves in the form of insomnia, discomfort in the digestive system, headaches, dry mouth, and decreased appetite. Such symptoms most often appear when taking high doses of the drug.

A dosage of 50 mg extremely rarely causes adverse reactions, while people taking 400 mg of modafinil quite often complain of headaches and insomnia.

Side effects can be prevented by reducing the dosage of the medication and not combining it with other stimulants such as coffee or tea. A good way to protect yourself from the side effects of modafinil or reduce their intensity is to drink plenty of water daily (2-3 liters).

Side effects

Undesirable effects when using Modafinil are associated with its direct effect on the central nervous system. Regular use of the drug, especially for non-medical purposes, depletes and disrupts the endogenous synthesis of all neurotransmitters (serotonin, adrenaline, etc.). This leads to psychoneurological and somatic negative changes.

General reactions

The most common side effects of central action are insomnia, dry mouth and loss of appetite, increased anxiety, headaches and dizziness. Undesirable reactions from the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting - are less common. Individual intolerance to the drug, accompanied by urticaria, itching, and Quincke's edema, is possible.

Sometimes side effects such as fever are observed, indicating overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. In this case, the hypothalamus loses control over homeostasis, which leads to more serious complications in the form of seizures due to changes in blood composition. There are also hallucinations and delusional states that indicate psychoneurological dysfunctions that a person had before taking Modafinil.

Addiction and withdrawal symptoms

According to experts, Modafinil does not activate neural metabolic pathways, which is observed in other types of drug and drug addiction. Therefore, it is believed that this drug has a low threshold for addiction compared to other centrally acting medications.

It is unlikely that Modafinil will be used as a narcotic drug among drug addicts. The drug is used to alleviate withdrawal symptoms in people with alcohol and gambling addiction, methamphetamine, cocaine and other drug addictions. In such cases, Modafinil relieves increased impulsiveness, softens painful cravings for illegal substances, and improves brain function.

Some studies do not exclude the possibility of developing withdrawal syndrome after long-term use of Modafinil.

The reasons for this condition are the formation of tolerance to the drug and taking it in higher doses compared to therapeutic ones or the individual characteristics of the body. Symptoms of withdrawal include cognitive decline, depression, nervousness, chronic fatigue, and headaches.

Toxicity and overdose

In case of an intentional or accidental overdose of Modafinil, an increase in blood pressure and tachycardia are observed, which indicates disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and provokes the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Many patients report intense headaches that are not relieved by analgesics and last for 2-3 days. The picture of a Modafinil overdose is complemented by insomnia, increased nervousness and depressive mood.

In toxic doses, all analeptics, including Modafinil, provoke the development of seizures, which is why these drugs are sometimes called seizure poisons. Mixing the drug with opioids and alcoholic beverages is fraught with the development of deep intoxication, damage to the respiratory center, cardiac arrest and death.

Recommended dosages for beginners

You should start taking any medicine or dietary supplement (dietary supplement) with a minimum dosage, gradually increasing it. This method allows you to check how the body reacts to the components of the drug, whether there is an allergy to them, and also determine how quickly the metabolism and elimination of the active substance occurs.

Almost all medications entering the human body are metabolized in the liver. To do this, the liver uses a set of specific enzymes that break down chemicals. Each of them is programmed by specific genes, which are called CYP450 isoenzymes.

Because all CYP450 genes are unique, some people are better able to break down some chemicals but less able to break down others. In fact, this phenomenon explains why some people need to constantly drink coffee throughout the day to maintain their energy, while others remain active after only one cup of drink. The fact is that the organisms of the latter cannot break down caffeine as efficiently as the former. And the reason for this is the polymorphism of CYP450.

The same thing happens with modafinil. Therefore, before using maximum doses immediately, it is necessary to check the rate of breakdown of the substance. People whose bodies have difficulty breaking down modafinil will feel its effects for quite a long time, even if a small dose was taken.

In addition, if you take the medicine daily, its concentration in the blood increases over time. And this also requires a dose reduction.

Recommended dosage schedule for beginners

A weekDosage (mg/day)Are there any adverse reactions?
150If yes, modafinil may not be suitable for you.
2100If so, go back to 50 mg/day
3200If yes, try 150 mg/day
4300If so, try 250 mg/day
5350If so, go back to 300 mg/day
6400If so, go back to 350 mg/day

Modafinil can be an extremely useful drug when it comes to improving performance and productivity. However, due to possible unwanted side effects, it is very important to maintain a safe dosage of this medication. Start taking this remedy with 50 or 100 mg, gradually increasing your personal daily requirement. Remember, the safe amount of modafinil (Modalert, Modvigil) is 100-400 mg, and the safe amount of armodafinil (Wakler, Artvigil) is 50-250 mg.

And do not forget that while taking modafinil it is important to eat properly and drink plenty of clean water. This will help prevent possible side effects.

Harm of modafinil, its danger

- Side effects. Remember our old axiom: “The stronger the effects, the more side effects.” Modafinil exhibits side effects relatively more often than most other nootropics, however, it is also stronger in action than most. The most common side effect is headache, accounting for approximately 34% of all modafinil side effects.

- Exhaustion of the body. Regular lack of sleep and treatment with modafinil can lead not only to an imbalance in the body, but also to various depressions and psychoses. We know that everything is learned by comparison, so a study was conducted, I would call it “The Dream of a Drug Addict” ( The bottom line: 3 groups of people, 1st received a placebo, 2nd received modafinil at a dosage of 300 mg, 3rd received amphetamine (d-isomer) at a dosage of 20 mg.

In the group with our current substance and with amphetamine, short-term memory, logical thinking and reaction were noticeably improved, compared with placebo. The frequency of side effects was the highest with amphetamine (so don’t snort this rubbish), much more often than with modafinil. But modafinil was also more painful than placebo. And an important note ! All the components for this study were created in normal laboratories, by normal pharmacologists, and not somewhere in the basement by some Vasyan who “cooks meth.” And where the quality is worse, there are even more side effects.

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