Motherwort for sleep: instructions for use, reviews

Motherwort is a plant that has long been famous for its pronounced sedative (calming) effect. Unlike medicinal tranquilizers, drugs containing motherwort extract do not cause addiction in patients and help cope with sleep disorders. Motherwort is usually used in the form of an alcoholic infusion. Of course, you can collect the inflorescences of the plant and prepare the tincture yourself, but it is faster and safer to purchase a ready-made drug at the pharmacy. The article presents a list of effective drugs containing motherwort, which can be used to get rid of insomnia.

What does motherwort treat?

The medicine is taken for various diseases and problematic conditions, having a positive effect on all organs and systems of the human body:

  1. The cardiovascular system. With high blood pressure, motherwort helps normalize heart rhythm. It is prescribed for myocardium, angina, shortness of breath, and other heart diseases. The plant improves the condition and movement of blood.
  2. Central nervous system. The herb has a positive effect on the mental and emotional state, helps cope with stress, depression, insomnia, anxiety, and headaches. Its effect on the nervous system is similar to that of valerian.
  3. Digestive organs. The herb is useful for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, fights colic, spasms and pain.
  4. Urinary system. Used to treat cystitis and relieve swelling.
  5. Respiratory system. Decoctions based on motherwort help with severe coughs, colds, and pneumonia.
  6. Endocrinology. The herb removes toxic substances, stabilizes metabolic processes, and is effective for thyroid pathologies.

Medicinal properties

Motherwort is not limited to its powerful sedative effects. The chemical composition allows the use of medicinal herbs for other therapeutic purposes:

  • normalization of heart function, restoration of nutrition;
  • increasing immunity;
  • relieving spasms of muscles and blood vessels;
  • improvement of cerebral circulation;
  • fight against migraines and aches in the temporal region;
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • eliminating insomnia and improving sleep quality;
  • restoration of damaged vessels and capillaries;
  • normalizes heart rhythm;
  • acts at the cellular level - restores membranes, regulates metabolism within cells.

The list of therapeutic effects on the body is impressive, and motherwort is not addictive. It is effective at every stage of therapy, even with long-term treatment.

The plant does not damage the kidneys, liver, nerve endings and does not have side effects on the body similar to those that can be caused by pharmaceutical sedatives. Unless they have a medicinal plant as an active ingredient - motherwort.


Motherwort has a minimal number of contraindications. These include:

  • personal intolerance to the constituent components;
  • allergy to medicine;
  • vein disease;
  • thrombosis.

The instructions for the drugs say that you should avoid taking them during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In such circumstances, individual consultation with a specialist is necessary.

It is allowed to use with caution for hypotension, since the plant can greatly reduce blood pressure and cause a drowsy and lethargic state.

Use during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period of serious changes in a woman’s hormonal levels, accompanied by nervous conditions and instability of behavior.
Tearfulness, neurosis, excitability, irritability are conditions that do not benefit the health of the expectant mother and child. Motherwort tincture is prescribed by doctors during pregnancy to relieve nervous conditions, improve sleep for a pregnant woman and for general strengthening of the body.

Preparations with motherwort are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but use during pregnancy is possible only after consultation with a doctor. Contraindications for use during pregnancy:

  1. Hypotension. Motherwort has the ability to reduce blood pressure; taking the drug can cause weakness and fainting;
  2. Allergies and individual intolerance to medicinal herbs;
  3. Stomach diseases, gastritis.

Motherwort is available and taken in a variety of forms. For pregnant women, it is better to choose tea, decoction or tablet preparations. Alcohol tincture is not recommended due to the ethyl alcohol content. If administration is necessary, the alcohol is evaporated: the spoon with the tincture is heated until the alcohol evaporates.

Motherwort infusion

The recipe for preparing the infusion is the same as for tea. The only difference is the duration of infusion. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. herbs, pour 200 ml of boiled hot water and leave to infuse for an hour. Afterwards you need to strain and use the motherwort in its finished form. Depending on the condition, you can take half or a quarter of a glass 2-3 times a day. This infusion copes well with nervous excitement, stress, and helps with indigestion, colic, flatulence, and gastrointestinal diseases that are caused by “nerves.” This infusion also helps to establish a regular menstrual cycle, has a positive effect on the visual organs, and helps with palpitations and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

To prepare tea, you also need to take 1-2 tbsp. l, pour boiling water, leave to infuse for 15 minutes, strain. Every other day you can take a glass of this tea. The treatment course can last 3-4 weeks.

Preparations with motherwort

In addition to alcohol tinctures, pharmacies offer a range of tablet medications.


Available in tablet form. Contains:

  • motherwort;
  • lemon balm;
  • cyanosis;
  • valerian;
  • vitamin C.

Designed to relieve nervous tension, reduce the effects of stress, activate the body's internal forces, and improve sleep. The drug is not included in the list of drugs, it is a dietary supplement. No prescription required.

Contraindications to taking Nervo-Vit are: pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies and individual intolerance to the components.

Dosage: 3 times a day with meals. The number of tablets at one time is from 1 to 3 pieces. The treatment period is 2 weeks.

Motherwort P

A natural sedative that does not have a hypnotic effect.


  • motherwort grass;
  • vitamin C.
  1. Action: lowers blood pressure, anticonvulsant, regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism, normalizes blood glucose levels, relieves cerebral vascular spasms, sedative for neuroses and stress.
  2. Dosage: adults, 2 tablets three times a day for 20 days. This is followed by a break of 2 weeks to assess the effect and toxic effects. A doctor's consultation is required.
  3. Contraindications: pregnancy due to increased uterine tone, breastfeeding, hypotension, bradycardia, menstruation and bleeding tendency, central nervous system diseases. The drug should not be used by persons whose activities involve attention and physical exertion.



  • taurine;
  • hawthorn fruit extract;
  • motherwort extract.

Action: treatment of angina pectoris, normalization of heart contractions, therapy of neuroses, consequences of stress, complex therapy of post-radiation syndrome.

  1. Dosage: three times a day, 1-2 tablets before meals. Course 4 weeks.
  2. Contraindications: individual hypersensitivity to the components.


Refers to sedatives and hypnotics. Available in the form of drops.


  • motherwort, included in a mix of 32 herbal medicinal components;
  • Gaba Alishan - plant extract;
  • castoreum;
  • Lofant anise.
  • Regular use of drops allows you to:
  • make it easier to go to bed and get up in the morning;
  • neutralize the consequences of neurosis;
  • prevent new stress;
  • improve heart function;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • improve concentration and memory;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Pregnant women and children under 12 years of age can take Sonilyux. Use with caution by persons operating heavy machinery or engaged in activities that require alertness.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare a tincture at home, it is better to use 70% alcohol. Alcohol tincture can be taken for all previously described diseases and problems. It is a common medicinal form of the plant.

The duration of the treatment course is determined by a specialist, taking into account the severity of the condition, the presenting symptoms and the personal characteristics of the human body. The maximum dosage is 30 drops 3 times a day. The drops should be diluted in a glass of boiled water. Contraindications for use are described above.

Plant composition

The main quality of motherwort is its healing properties, since it contains various substances:

  • Vitamins A and E;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • beta-carotene;
  • potassium and sulfur;
  • sodium and calcium;
  • flavonoids and tannins;
  • sugar and saponin;
  • bitterness and alkaloids;
  • essential and fatty oils;
  • organic acids and glycosides.

If you use motherwort correctly, its effect on the body will be beneficial. People called it “heart herb” due to its composition, which has medicinal properties.

Does motherwort help with insomnia?

Whether motherwort helps with insomnia (insomnia) depends on the factors causing it. The most common reason is psycho-emotional stress. And since weed has a sedative (calming) effect, reduces spasms, normalizes blood pressure, stabilizes the heartbeat, thanks to this effect, sleep also improves.

A lasting effect can be observed in the third week of taking the medication. Comprehensive treatment of sleep problems lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. Regularity and adherence to dosage are important.

Medicines based on this herb are sold in pharmacies. But it's better to cook them yourself.

Tablets containing motherwort

Pharmacies sell motherwort for insomnia in the form of tablet medications, and how to take it is indicated in the instructions, but it is better to find out everything from your doctor.

  • “Nervo-Vit”. Ingredients: valerian, heart grass, ascorbic acid... The substances included in it help reduce psycho-emotional excitability, strengthen the immune system and eliminate insomnia.
  • “Motherwort Forte,” which contains this herb, magnesium and vitamin B6, promotes the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system in nervous conditions. Dosage: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day.
  • “Motherwort P” contains an extract of heart grass, the raw materials for which are taken from clean natural areas. Due to this, it is indicated during pregnancy.
  • “Cratal.” Ingredients: heart grass, hawthorn, taurine. Used in combination with other medications for cardiovascular diseases and spasms. Normalizes the nervous background.

Self-medication is dangerous to health! Before using the medicine, consultation with a specialist is recommended; there may be contraindications.

“Phytosedan No. 3” - multi-component tea for insomnia and anxiety

“Phytosedan No. 3” is a multi-component herbal mixture with a fairly powerful sedative effect. In addition to dry motherwort herb, the composition also includes valerian, hops, thyme, and sweet clover. Since the product has a composition of plant origin, a prescription from a doctor is not required for purchase. The cost of a package with 20 filter bags is about 70 rubles.

Reviews from patients report that the infusion should be taken half an hour before going to bed. After consumption, you should not be distracted by watching movies or reading Internet sites; it is best to turn off the light and try to sleep. As a rule, deep sleep occurs 30-40 minutes after taking the infusion.

"Moonwort extract" in tablet form

The drug is characterized by sedative and hypotensive effects. The tablet form is convenient to take if a person falls asleep outside the home and it is inconvenient for him to count drops and dissolve them in water. You just need to swallow the tablet, and after 15-20 minutes you will feel drowsy. As a rule, it is enough to take one tablet to ensure restful sleep.

How many Motherwort tablets can cause an overdose? Firstly, there is no exact data: everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Secondly, it is better not to experiment and follow the instructions. And she recommends taking a maximum of three tablets immediately before going to bed. If after taking the maximum dosage a person cannot sleep, then you should visit a doctor and ask for a prescription for a stronger medication.

Pharmacological properties of motherwort extract

Is it advisable to take motherwort at night for insomnia? It all depends on the diagnosis or condition that caused the problem. First of all, you need to get rid of the cause. If it is depression, then you should take antidepressants prescribed by your doctor. If the cause is an endocrinological disorder, then you need to contact an endocrinologist and get treatment.

If the cause of sleep phase disturbances lies in psycho-emotional stress, then motherwort can help. For sleep, you can take a tablet form of the extract, or you can take an alcohol tincture. Judging by the reviews of patients, it is the tincture that is more effective.

Will motherwort help with insomnia and what is its principle of action? This plant has long been used in folk medicine. Motherwort has a pronounced sedative and hypnotic effect. Motherwort extract includes the following components:

  • stachydrine;
  • leonuridine;
  • choline;
  • beta-carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • routine;
  • hyperoside;
  • vitamins A, C;
  • organic acids.

Tincture with motherwort in alcohol: instructions for use

This drug is produced by many pharmacological companies:

  • CJSC "Yaroslavl Pharmaceutical Factory";
  • JSC "EKOlab";
  • CJSC "Altaivitamins";
  • LLC "Kamelia NPP";
  • OJSC "Tver Pharmaceutical Factory";
  • OJSC "Tatkhimfarmpreparaty";
  • LLC "Hippocrates";
  • JSC "Flora of the Caucasus"

Judging by patient reviews, the effect of the drug is equally strong and does not differ depending on the choice of one manufacturer or another. Motherwort tincture taken before bedtime helps to normalize sleep phases if the patient has no physiological causes of insomnia. People with chronic alcoholism should avoid taking this medication, since it is based on ethyl alcohol.

How to take motherwort in drops for sleep? You should count out 5-15 drops, dissolve them in a glass of clean water and drink in one gulp. The tincture should be taken immediately before going to bed. Judging by the reviews of patients, after ten minutes severe drowsiness will occur. You need to close your eyes, try to calm down and fall asleep.

"Motherwort Forte" from "Evalar": instructions for use

Price and reviews make this drug the first choice for fighting insomnia: it is inexpensive and recommended by consumers. This drug is used not only for sleep problems, but also for symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses of various etiologies, and arterial hypertension (in the early stages). As evidenced by reviews and instructions for use, Motherwort Forte from Evalar, the price of which is about 250 rubles for 40 tablets, is well tolerated. Each tablet also contains a small amount of magnesium (helps normalize heart function) and B vitamins (normalize the functioning of the central nervous system).

Reviews from patients report that a noticeable effect develops after about a week of regular use. It is optimal to take the drug one or two tablets immediately before going to bed. Motherwort Forte does not cause drug dependence or side effects. Reviews also report that tolerance may develop over time, but usually occurs after about two to three months of regular use. If you do not exceed the recommended dosage, tolerance may not develop.

Reasons why sleep problems most often begin

Problems falling asleep can seriously complicate a person's life. It just seems that getting rid of insomnia is easy. It often happens that harmless remedies are useless in the treatment of sleep disorders and motherwort, for example, does not have the desired effect. Then the patient is forced to start taking serious prescription medications - tranquilizers and antipsychotics.

It is much easier to prevent sleep problems than to treat them. Here is a list of the most common reasons why sleep phases are disrupted and a person finds it difficult to fall asleep:

  • psychosocial stress - job change, death or illness of loved ones, separation from loved ones, etc.;
  • anxiety-depressive disorder;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • increased brain activity;
  • old age and its inherent changes in brain activity;
  • various nervous system disorders;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine and natural biorhythms (night shift work);
  • chronic alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • taking medications also affects the order of sleep phases (sympathomimetics, anorexigenic drugs);
  • diseases accompanied by fever, itchy skin and pain;
  • insomnia can be a consequence of traumatic brain injury;
  • diseases accompanied by hypoglycemia, frequent urination, dry mouth.

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