Increased nervousness, internal trembling

The feeling of shaking, vibration, or buzzing in the body is often a sign of increased levels of anxiety. Increased anxiety and excessive worry begin to haunt a person, usually after suffering high psycho-emotional experiences and stress.

Treatment of the consequences of such overvoltage is not very difficult today. We have been successfully restoring the nervous system for over 30 years. This usually takes about 15 days with intensive rehabilitation therapy. However, if a person does not seek help for a long time, complications may develop and then getting rid of the feeling of trembling or vibrations in the body becomes much more difficult.

Today, almost half of the population suffers to one degree or another from the effects of stress overload, which leads to anxiety. The symptoms of these borderline mental states are very diverse. One of these symptoms is often a feeling of trembling or vibrations in the body. Some people feel this trembling as a buzzing in the body or individual parts.

A feeling of shaking and vibration often accompanies

  • muscle tension
  • difficulty concentrating
  • increased heart rate
  • extrasystoles
  • uncontrollable shaking
  • feeling of fear
  • fatigue and muscle pain
  • headache or migraine
  • nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite
  • rapid breathing
  • excessive sweating
  • feeling of tension, irritability

What to do if there is a feeling of trembling or vibration in the body

The sensations of trembling, vibration, and buzzing that are caused by anxiety are not dangerous. Other accompanying sensations will not cause harm. However, they can significantly reduce a person’s quality of life and create discomfort. Sometimes such symptoms can lead to a loss of control over one's own body. In impressionable people, such sensations can often develop into panic disorder.

Therefore, based on many years of experience, we highly recommend. If you begin to feel trembling, vibrations in the body or its individual parts, at some specific moments. Perhaps these sensations do not let you go throughout the day. Don't start panicking.

It is necessary to contact the specialists of our clinic as soon as possible. We will be able to conduct a special diagnosis of the nervous system, accurately determine the true causes of the sensation of yeast or vibrations and carry out the necessary therapy.

Declension of the noun trembling

CaseQuestionUnitMn. number
Nominative(who what?)shiver
Genitive(who, what?)trembling
Dative(to whom; to what?)trembling
Accusative(who, what?)shiver
Instrumental(by whom, what?)trembling
Prepositional(About who about what?)trembling

How to get rid of the feeling of trembling and vibration in the body

Common situations where the body feels trembling or vibrating can cause a person to fear for their life or physical health. Yes, in some cases such sensations may indicate the presence of a neurological pathology. For example, with Parkinson's disease, trembling is also felt, but it has a physical manifestation in the form of shaking fingers or hands. In anxiety states, physical manifestations can also be observed. Moreover, the stronger the fear and anxiety, the more noticeable the tremor, and the sensations of trembling and vibration will be much stronger than in the normal state.

In order to get rid of the sensation of trembling, vibration or buzzing, you need to undergo restorative neurometabolic therapy of the nervous system to restore the metabolism of the nervous tissue.

How do the sensations of trembling and vibration manifest themselves in the body?

Because these sensations can lead to physical manifestations that manifest as visible trembling, twitching, tics, and even “shaking.” People tend to feel scared, and the anxiety can progress to generalized anxiety disorder. Such mental conditions are much more difficult to treat, like any chronic disease.

At such moments, it is difficult for a person to concentrate, performance and memory decrease, and attention suffers. When your thoughts concentrate on unpleasant sensations in your body, headaches and muscle pain appear. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract may appear, and difficulties in sexual relationships may arise.

If you delay in solving the problem, the disorder will develop and panic attacks may begin and obsessive thoughts may form. People around you may begin to notice that something is happening to you. Against this background, depression can also form. Problems can snowball, as can the variety of symptoms.

Why does tremor occur?

Causes of hand tremors

The most typical location of tremors is the hands. Considering the physiological mechanisms of tremor development, they note the ability to intensify with muscle fatigue, hypothermia, and the action of psychogenic factors (emotional shocks, anxiety). The range of pathological causes is very wide - the main positions in it are given to essential tremor and Parkinson's disease, but there are many other conditions that can cause hand tremors:

  • Endocrinopathies
    : thyrotoxicosis, pheochromocytoma, hypoglycemia, hyperparathyroidism.
  • Metabolic disorders
    : Wilson-Konovalov disease (shaking, shaking-rigid forms), Hallervorden-Spatz disease.
  • Space-occupying formations
    : subdural hematoma, tumors, cavernous angiomas.
  • Vascular brain damage
    : ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.
  • Infectious diseases
    : neurosyphilis, epidemic encephalitis.
  • Hereditary pathology
    : fragile X-associated tremor and ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), Kennedy bulbar-spinal amyotrophy, sensory ataxia, neuropathy, dysarthria and ophthalmoplegia syndrome (SANDO).
  • Polyneuropathy
    : metabolic (diabetic, paraproteinemic, toxic), chronic inflammatory demyelinating, hereditary motor-sensory.
  • Withdrawal syndrome
    : withdrawal of alcohol, drugs (cocaine, heroin), medications (opioids, benzodiazepines).
  • Intoxication
    : salts of heavy metals (mercury, arsenic, lead), carbon monoxide, carbon disulfide.
  • Taking tremorogenic drugs
    : tricyclic antidepressants, neuroleptics, sympathomimetics.

The development of physiological tremor is largely due to mechanical factors - the weight of the limb, muscle tone, and the rigidity of the joint apparatus. The leading role in the formation of pathological tremor is played by changes in the central nervous system associated with the appearance of so-called tremor generators (central oscillators) with spontaneous or induced rhythmic activity. The second important point is the loss of control over voluntary movements by the cerebellar system.

Causes of head tremors

Rhythmic nodding and turning the head are quite common, but are usually included in the picture of mixed trembling, when involuntary motor acts cover several areas of the body. Often we are talking about parkinsonian (primary, secondary) or essential tremor. Other causes of hyperkinesis are the following diseases:

  • Cervical dystonia.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Holmes tremor (mesencephalic).
  • Prion diseases:
    Kuru disease.
  • Paraneoplastic syndromes
    : opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome.
  • Metabolic encephalopathies
    : hypoxic-ischemic, uremic, hepatic.
  • Hereditary diseases
    : olivopontocerebellar atrophy, leukodystrophy (Peliceus-Merzbacher disease), ataxia with vitamin E deficiency.

Tremor of central origin is caused by damage to the neural ring of the extrapyramidal system, which contains subcortical structures - the basal, stem, and cerebellar nuclei. An important place is given to changes in the striopallidal system, rubrospinal tract, and thalamic connections. Head trembling occurs with pathology of the cervical spine, which is associated with circulatory disorders and compression of the spinal nerves.

Causes of chin tremor

Trembling of the lower jaw can be an early symptom of Parkinson's disease or neuroleptic parkinsonism (rabbit syndrome). Chin tremor is also due to other reasons that require attention when carrying out differential diagnosis. Increased alertness is traditionally caused by conditions characteristic of early childhood:

  • Neonatal tremor
  • Perinatal damage to the central nervous system
    : hypoxic encephalopathy, intrauterine infections, birth injuries.
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Familial chin tremor (geniospasm)

Physiological tremor of the newborn period occurs against the background of crying, when undressing or taking a child out of the water, under the influence of fear or cold. Risk factors for damage to cerebral structures are infectious diseases, obstetric and somatic pathologies in a pregnant woman. The development of intoxication and withdrawal syndrome in a child cannot be ruled out when the mother uses psychoactive drugs.

Psychotherapy for feelings of trembling and vibrations in the body

Most often, people begin to resort to the help of psychologists and psychotherapy. Psychotherapy explains to a person the true origin of these sensations. This understanding often temporarily reduces the urgency of the problem and symptoms decrease. However, even if you realize that all these problems appear only in your mind and they have nothing to do with your physical health, the disease itself will not go away. It will dull temporarily, but with any, even minor stress or physical activity, it will begin to return.

How to properly deal with the feeling of trembling and vibration in the body

In order to reliably overcome the sensations of trembling or vibrations in the body, it is necessary to understand that under the influence of external unfavorable influences on the nervous system, a failure of the metabolic processes of the brain has occurred. In order to restore these processes, special drugs are required.

We use special complex therapy, which includes neurometabolic therapy, which restores biological processes, and special medical psychotherapy, which helps the nervous system restore normal mental reactions.

The set of measures also includes an individual approach to each person, as this is associated with differences not only in the body’s metabolic processes, but also in differences in the pattern of mental reactions. Each person requires the development of an individual therapeutic plan.

First aid for sensations of trembling and vibrations in the body

When the body is stressed, it goes into defense mode, which involves fight and flight. Hormones fill the blood and affect all organs, including the brain, forcing it to work more intensely. Prolonged or very intense stress creates a prerequisite for depletion of brain reserves. The brain prepares the body for action, supports the muscular system in the stimulus for quick reactions. At some point, a breakdown occurs, the signal to the muscles seems to “freeze,” which leads to sensations of trembling, itching, vibration, and buzzing.

The most effective quick fix for shaking from panic or anxiety is to try to return your body and brain to a calm state. There are several techniques that can help you with this.

  • Progressive Relaxation - Focus on alternately tensing and relaxing different muscle groups. This exercise should be performed in conjunction with breathing control. Breathing should be smooth and deep. The goal is to relax the body and relieve the “freeze” of the nervous system.
  • Yoga – take a “child’s pose”, concentrate on regulating your breathing. After this, perform the sun salutation exercise several times. Strictly monitor the evenness and depth of breathing.
  • Meditation techniques are dangerous to do on your own. The first few lessons should be taught by a doctor. Using lessons from the Internet is dangerous for mental health. Exercises are prepared individually for each person.

Get Help Today

The feeling of trembling or vibration in the body that frightens you, reduces the quality of daily life and interferes with work activities can be completely removed.

Contact the Preobrazhenie Clinic and we will establish a complete and accurate diagnosis that will help solve your problems as quickly as possible.

If these sensations have appeared in you recently, then the duration of therapy will not exceed 15-30 days, depending on the individual parameters of the body.

If you tried to solve this problem with a psychologist, were treated in other clinics, but the treatment was ineffective or ineffective, we can solve this problem. However, this will require a little more time. Take the first step today and feel the joy of life again!

Treatment methods

Along with conservative therapy, it is recommended to normalize lifestyle, avoid stress, psychological tension, practice breathing exercises, and relaxation procedures. In some cases, treatment requires surgery.

Following the recommendations of the attending physician and preventing the disease guarantee the success of treatment. A healthy lifestyle, avoiding stressful situations, proper nutrition, blood pressure control and participation in accessible sports will help you find emotional balance and minimize the risk of relapse.

This article is for informational purposes only. Consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


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