Shaking after heavy drinking, causes and treatment - how to relieve tremors?

Causes of tremor

Everyone is familiar with tremors in their hands, one way or another. Young people, when they are very worried, cannot cope with tremor of their fingers. Separately, we can talk about tremor in people suffering from alcohol addiction. Both reasons are temporary, and when you get rid of the source of worries and addictions, clarity of movements returns. But when it comes to neurological diseases, you cannot do without the help of a specialist and strong special medications.

Medicines aimed at treating tremor are, first of all, designed not to relax the arm muscles, but to free the patient from the cause that causes trembling of the limbs. If it is caused by nervous excitability, the medicine must be selected that can bring the nervous system into order.

There are a number of natural causes that cause hand tremors. These include:

  • Multiple sclerosis, which occurs sooner or later in most older people.
  • Progression of Parkinson's disease, in which shaking of the limbs can be observed not only during the day, but also at night during the patient's sleep. This disease is characterized by unilateral tremor: on the right or left side of the body.
  • Increased attention and the need to perform precise, delicate work using fine motor skills. For example, while threading a sewing needle, your hands suddenly begin to tremble.
  • Some thyroid diseases lead to hormonal imbalance affecting metabolic processes in the body. As a result, thyrotoxicosis occurs - a phenomenon accompanied by tremor.
  • Damage to the cerebellum, which can occur for various reasons, affects coordination of movements. With varying degrees of damage, both mild dizziness and tremors of the limbs may occur.
  • Osteochondrosis, localized in the thoracic region and cervical vertebrae, is another cause of trembling in the hands.
  • Alcoholism is a common cause of tremors in physically healthy people. Such trembling spreads not only to the hands, but also to the head, lips and leg muscles.
  • Diabetes mellitus is another source of spontaneous shaking. It appears when blood sugar levels drop.

On the psychological side, we can distinguish those that cause tremor:

  • Emotional overstrain against the backdrop of vivid experiences. Most often found in schoolchildren and students taking exams.
  • Exhaustion of the body as a result of strict diets with simultaneous heavy physical activity.
  • A sharp change in lifestyle. This may include a change of team, type of activity, divorce, relocation.

Each condition has its own method of drug treatment.

How to order the Neurodoctor device in Moscow for the treatment of tremor?

Our company has been operating in the medical services market for more than 30 years. During this time, many devices for people with tremor were sold from various cities of the Russian Federation. Due to such a high demand for the device for the treatment of tremor, we organized delivery to Moscow and some other cities.

First of all, you need to select the model of the device that you would like to order. Next, you will need to fill out a form and transfer payment. If you want to speed up the process, we advise you to contact our specialists and they will help you place your order. Delivery is carried out by any convenient method within 2-5 days.

Diagnosis of tremor

To make an accurate diagnosis, you will need to undergo a series of examinations. The process is easily accelerated if the patient guesses what exactly triggered the disease, for example, when he admits to alcohol abuse or long-term smoking.

Otherwise, blood tests describing the state of the endocrine system, CT and MRI of the brain, examination by a neurologist, and even a conversation with a psychiatrist may be prescribed.

Genetic testing may be performed to identify a hereditary predisposition to limb tremors. In this case, only symptomatic therapy will help.

Why is treatment of tremor in Moscow so important?

As mentioned earlier, in any big city it is much easier to get tremors, because under the influence of toxic air, not the best products and other factors, the immune system is weakened and the destruction of neural connections begins. Because of this, the brain loses the ability to correctly regulate various body functions, which leads to many difficulties.

The Neurodoctor device makes it possible to cope with quite complex diseases, including tremor. The essence of its effect is the supply of light signals, which are sent through the retina to the organ, which allows it to be activated. Because of this, certain diseases immediately recede, immunity increases, and overall well-being improves.

Due to the fact that Neurodoctor is used not only for the treatment of tremor, the whole family can use it. It turns out that this device can become a kind of home doctor for you. As a result, you will be able to save quite a decent amount on medicines and doctors, which makes the device a good investment in the health of your family.

List of drugs for hand tremors

Neurologists divide medications that can relieve uncontrollable tremors in the limbs into several groups:

  • Anticonvulsants that inhibit nervous system processes.
  • Inhibitors that weaken nerve impulses.
  • Antidepressants that restore emotional background.
  • Nootropics that provide active blood circulation in the brain.

You can get rid of tremors on your own only in cases where the tremors are caused by stress, anxiety or a bad habit. In all other cases, it will be possible to get rid of the problem only after consultation with a qualified specialist.

Condition classification

Narcologists distinguish the following types of tremor:

  • Chills. It occurs as a result of increased production of special blood proteins that coagulate at temperatures below 37 degrees Celsius. As a result, an unusual sediment appears in the biological fluid. He talks about problems with the alcoholic's kidneys. To avoid dangerous consequences, it is necessary to carry out detoxification therapy as soon as possible. Otherwise, severe kidney failure may occur.
  • Major tremors. Develops with a deficiency of dopamine neurotransmitters responsible for neuronal communication. First aid for the patient is to take antidepressants and painkillers.
  • Clapping. The involuntary movements made by the addict are reminiscent of the flapping of the wings that a bird performs in preparation for takeoff. The symptom indicates liver disease. Most often it appears after a prolonged binge. Often he suffers from jaundice (the skin takes on an unhealthy jaundiced tint, as with hepatitis).

Tremors in alcoholics always develop gradually. First, hand tremors appear. Then the symptom moves to other parts of the body. At the same time, at first it occurs only immediately after drinking alcohol, and then it is observed even after strong excitement. Even later it bothers the alcoholic even at rest.

Antidepressants as a treatment for tremors

Antidepressants are strictly prescription drugs. Uncontrolled use can cause a number of other problems, so it is important not only to get a prescription for the drug, but also to regularly visit your doctor to assess the dynamics of the condition and its control.

Such medications are used when a person has experienced an irreparable event that has greatly changed their life. Often the mental state is disturbed after the death of someone close, revealed betrayal, or as a result of loss of housing. Emotional people find it difficult to cope with stress, which is why they develop various mental disorders due to their experiences. Antidepressants help a person cope with stress and restore a normal lifestyle. Often these medications are taken simultaneously with a visit to a psychotherapist.

Conventionally, all antidepressants can be divided into two groups:

  1. Medicines that help cope with hyperactivity, normalize sleep and relieve obsessive anxiety.
  2. Medicines that help get rid of apathy and restore interest in life.

Due to the fact that hand tremors are predominantly a problem of high excitability and nervous condition, medications from the first group of antidepressants are most often prescribed to get rid of it.


  1. Alcohol tremor - what is it?
  2. Condition classification
  3. Causes of alcoholic tremors
  4. Symptoms of the disorder
  5. Alcohol hand tremors - how to get rid of them 5.1. Treatment in a hospital 5.2. Treatment at home 5.3. How to reduce tremors yourself

Drinking alcohol in high doses invariably leads to negative consequences.
Alcoholics are often diagnosed with mental disorders, serious diseases of internal organs, and disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system. Ethanol is perceived by the body as poison. One of the complications that its regular use leads to is alcoholic tremors of the head, arms, and torso. Let's look at what this condition is and how to deal with it.

Symptoms of the disorder

The disease can be recognized by a number of signs:

  • rhythmic twitching of the limbs of the arms, especially if you stretch them out in front of you;
  • trembling of the body;
  • slight chills the day after drinking;
  • involuntary twitching of the head and tongue.

The appearance of tremor indicates serious health problems and chronic alcoholism. If you do not promptly seek qualified drug treatment help, you will begin to worry about a shaky gait, disorientation in space, the inability to lift small objects, bring a spoon to your mouth, etc.

It is unacceptable to treat alcoholic tremors with alcohol, as alcoholics often do. This measure will only lead to temporary relief, but will harm your health even more.

Alcohol hand tremors - how to get rid of them

It is good if the patient agrees to undergo treatment for alcohol addiction in a hospital. There, optimal conditions have been created to provide him with the necessary medical care. If the patient categorically refuses to go to the clinic and there is no threat to his life, it is possible to install an IV at home.

Treatment in hospital

The patient is prescribed detoxification therapy, which speeds up the cleansing of the blood from toxic breakdown products of ethanol. As soon as his physical condition improves, the regimen includes anticonvulsants, tranquilizers, vitamins, minerals, sedatives, and beta-blockers.

In each specific case, medications are selected individually. When drawing up a therapeutic regimen, the doctor takes into account the patient’s age, medical history, alcohol history, and his overall health condition.

Treatment at home

Having arrived at the client’s home, the narcologist examines him and conducts a survey. Then he puts the patient on an IV. This may include:

  • saline, glucose;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • sedatives;
  • analgesics;
  • nootropics;
  • antidepressants;
  • anti-anxiety and drugs of other pharmacological groups.

It is important that the alcoholic responds adequately to the doctor’s recommendations and strictly follows them. It is pointless to carry out compulsory treatment for alcoholism.

How to reduce tremors yourself

If for some reason it is not possible to immediately contact a narcologist, you can improve the addict’s condition in the following ways:

  1. Stop drinking alcohol completely.
  2. Take a sedative (preferably of herbal origin), an absorbent (for example, activated carbon), vitamin C and B vitamins.
  3. Provide the patient with complete rest.
  4. Establish a sleep and rest routine.
  5. Take care of a balanced diet.
  6. Drink as much water and herbal teas as possible.
  7. Take walks in the fresh air, ventilate the apartment more often.

These simple measures will minimize the manifestations of alcohol tremors and prepare the alcohol addict’s body for further detoxification treatment in a drug clinic.

It is important to understand that eliminating a symptom does not mean recovery. An alcoholic can become healthy only after coding and rehabilitation. The sooner he undergoes these procedures, the better for his health.

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