Pretend to be a millionaire: 5 steps to wealth with examples from personal experience


Scientists around the world are continuously exploring the capabilities of the human brain. Discussing, they only agree that this topic has not been fully studied. Under new circumstances, sometimes hidden abilities of our brain are revealed that defy any logic. Every person is universal in their own way. Why not try to find the key to your abilities using hypnosis?

You can learn hypnosis for luck and money for free. For example, by watching videos of a leading psychologist-hypnotherapist from Tyumen. Nikita Valerievich Baturin helps you tune in, relax and remember your past successes. Capture pleasant sensations using self-hypnosis for success and transfer them to reality.

Hypnosis for luck and money is listened to for free by different age categories.

Hypnosis as a means to achieve victory

Did you know that famous athletes use hypnosis for high performance? Doctors use hypnosis for anesthesia. Beginning actors get rid of stage fright using hypnosis.

So why not get rid of other fears with hypnosis? From fear of insolvency, fear of losing money when investing. A powerful weapon (hypnosis) will put the necessary program into your mind.

And it all starts from childhood. Parents, without realizing it themselves, engage in direct hypnosis of the child:

  1. To get rich you have to work hard.
  2. People get a lot of money exclusively through dishonest means.
  3. Don't get involved in brokerage games. You risk losing all your money.
  4. Do you want to do business? No! This is very difficult for you.

What happens to the subject during conscious hypnosis:

  1. A person is between sleep and reality.
  2. The brain is in a state of temporary shutdown. The subject does not argue, does not criticize, does not analyze what is happening.

Despite hypnosis, a person is capable of active actions. But the suggested thought will not allow him to violate the script embedded in the brain. The subject, without realizing it, will do everything to achieve the goal. He will defend his interests to the last. Capable of lying and contradicting moral principles. All for the sake of achieving victory.


Try to meditate and you will see that our thoughts are material. To do this, you need to retire to a room with dim light. You can lie down or sit down, reclining for convenience. Close your eyes and relax as much as possible. Focus your thoughts on getting results (for example, increasing your monthly income to a certain amount). Say to yourself affirmatively that you have the money. Imagine how you hold this amount in your hands and what you will spend it on. The main thing is not to see, but to feel and remember this state. At this time, you need to look up, as if sending your desires there.

By exercising yourself twice a day, you will feel changes within a month. Hypnosis for money will help clear brain blockages and attract wealth.

We cannot always clear our thoughts on our own and direct them in the right direction. This is why there are competent specialists who will help you understand your subconscious and remove useless blockages.

Tips and tricks

There are certain recommendations that must be followed if you attend hypnosis sessions or practice self-hypnosis. Follow these rules to achieve maximum results:

  1. Eliminate communication with critics. The fact that criticism forces a person to act, thinking: “you don’t believe in me, but I’ll show you!” is nonsense. Critics drag you and your aspirations down, and because of their caustic remarks, you lose the desire to do anything at all. So surround yourself with people who believe in you. If your biggest critics are your parents, you will have to stop communicating with them for a while.
  2. Pamper and love yourself, make you believe in your own strength. Eat deliciously, sleep well, buy something new for your wardrobe or for your favorite hobby. Act as if you already have enough money - and it won’t keep you waiting long.
  3. Try to set at least approximate goals: for example, “I want to earn 50,000 in the next month.” Start small, gradually you can increase your goals and find ways to achieve them - hypnosis will help with this.

And don’t expect instant results - there are people who only need a couple of sessions to understand how to act to get rich. And some people will have to work on themselves for a longer time.


Existing types of hypnosis:

  1. Classic refers to one of the most common ones, in which suggestion occurs openly and intrusively. The hypnologist achieves results using special phrases spoken in a voice that does not tolerate objections.
  2. The completely opposite method is the Ericksonian one, in which the hypnologist establishes contact through conversation, smoothly transferring the person into a trance. This way we can sort through our thoughts and chart the right direction ourselves.

There are more than 10 types of hypnosis, which are used in combination with one another to varying degrees.

If you are interested, you can look at it in detail here.

Meditations and affirmations for money

It is absolutely not necessary to go into a trance to instill positive attitudes in yourself. Affirmations are short statements that are repeated mentally or out loud throughout the day. You can pronounce them countless times. They can contain information of very different semantic load.

First, repeat the phrase every day for 15–20 minutes. At first, it may not be taken seriously, but soon the subconscious will accept it as an incentive to take active action.

You can increase your self-esteem and achieve harmony in your body and thoughts using meditation techniques.

There are a great many of them. They are somewhat similar to trance. They allow you to achieve peace, which contributes to making more informed decisions and finding ways to solve problems in non-standard ways. The greatest relaxation can be achieved after performing physical activity: run for 20 minutes. During this time, the consciousness will clear itself of obsessive thoughts and concentrate on other points. Then lie down on the floor and close your eyes. Relax all your muscles, don't think about anything. Feel how your strength grows and your well-being improves. Come out of the meditation state slowly, as in the case of self-hypnosis, do not make sudden movements. Try to think only about the positive aspects.

Specialist help

With the advent of scanning and tomography equipment, scientists began to better understand sensory and motor processes. But the transfer of data between them is still a mystery. Everyone has their own potential that needs to be developed. But if everything was simple, people would be happy listening to hypnosis for money and wealth. Not everyone can independently direct their thoughts in the right direction. To achieve quick and lasting results, we turn to specialists. Psychological hypnotherapists will help with this, eliminating fears, helping to establish yourself and believe in your own potential.

Remember, well-being depends only on you! Drive away laziness and indifference - get success and prosperity in return.

What prevents a person from getting rich?

If every person who dreams of big money received it only because of his desire, such a question would not arise. What prevents us from getting money and attracting it into our lives? Most often, the culprit is limiting attitudes that penetrated the brain from childhood - they were instilled and fixed in the subcortex of the brain.

For example:

  1. You grew up in a family where it was customary and normal to live from paycheck to paycheck, to buy a house only with a mortgage, a car only with a loan, and for large things, like furniture or travel, you had to save for years. You have been taught that everyone lives this way, and wealth is achieved only through dishonest means.
  2. Your parents overprotected and controlled you and convinced you that you were not capable of anything on your own. Therefore, since then, all your life you have been afraid to change at least something in your life - it won’t work anyway.
  3. You are a perfectionist. Instead of starting a business right now, trying to do something with at least a “C” grade, you complain that there is no money to create the “ideal website”, purchase and designer renovation of an office in the city center. Instead of advertising your services for free on social networks, you make the excuse that there is no money for advertising, so clients don’t come.
  4. You are a dreamer - you are used to dreaming about untold riches, envying rich people, but doing absolutely nothing to get money. It’s easier for you to think that “these businessmen do nothing, but just shovel money,” and go to the tired office. But in fact, any big money comes at the cost of great effort.
  5. It is almost impossible to independently, consciously influence these attitudes - it is necessary to work with the unconscious. This is where hypnosis for money helps. Because it helps to introduce the desired program into the subconscious.

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The only case when hypnosis will not work is when it is a matter of simple laziness. If the reason for the lack of money is in attitudes that limit the subconscious, hypnosis will help. If you are just waiting for magical enrichment, but are not ready to make the effort, this article is not for you.

The power of hypnosis

Hypnosis is an effect on the human subconscious. In ordinary life, consciousness is involved in all thought processes. It filters out information and gives rise to justified and subjective doubts.

At its core, consciousness is a filter that does not allow every thought (useful or harmful) to take root. During a trance, the protection of the psyche weakens, it turns off and any information immediately enters the subconscious. There it quickly takes root and gives rise to new changed behavior.

What does hypnosis do:

  • attracts good luck;
  • promotes monetary success;
  • increases self-esteem;
  • eliminates bad habits.

With the help of hypnosis, you can completely change the way a person thinks. Changes concern acquired character traits (they are gradually formed from false attitudes). Hypnosis does not destroy a person's true nature.

How it works

Hypnosis works like psychotherapy. A behavior model is established habits, conclusions from situations. This is a certain layout with which a person lives and builds his life on the basis of it. Poverty, like success, are programs embedded in the subconscious. Psychotherapy allows you to find the root cause of the problem - the thought that gives rise to the wrong program. But such a process is lengthy, and significant changes require a course of psychotherapy.

Hypnosis works on the same principle, only the primary thought is removed in an unnatural way. During a trance, a new, correct attitude is implanted and soon a new model of behavior forms around it. With the help of hypnosis, a person becomes more confident, confirmed in experience and premonitions. He does not change externally or internally, but his perception of himself changes.

Self-hypnosis for wealth

The first self-hypnosis is often not effective. The reason is uncertainty. As a result of experience, a person hones his skills more and more. Faith in the result helps. Without faith you can't achieve anything.

Popular methods of self-hypnosis:

  1. Mantras. The science of Eastern masters is aimed at self-hypnosis. Repeated repetition of the mantra calms the mind. Somehow the solution comes naturally. The money mantra is “om gurave namah.”
  2. Affirmation. It's like self-hypnosis. Affirmation is a type of visualization. A phrase repeated daily becomes a goal in life. Words to repeat: “Every day I earn 5 thousand rubles. Money comes honestly and quickly. My wealth accumulates and accumulates.”
  3. Prayer. General prayer in the temple is figuratively similar to a mantra and self-hypnosis at the same time. Holy prayers are suitable only for believers. Why? Because only believers in God believe in the help of prayer.
  4. Autotraining. A popular option for hypnosis for people driving. In endless traffic jams, you can achieve a lot with the help of auto-training. Rebuild your consciousness, give up habits.

Self-hypnosis rearranges thoughts when watching a motivating film. It's like you're catching the right wave. Out of nowhere, the desire to act and achieve a goal arises. The same thing happens when reading books.


Refuse hypnosis of magicians and esotericists

Why should you refuse hypnosis of magicians and esotericists? The brain under hypnosis is in a vulnerable position. A careless magician will “put” the wrong thought into the mind. It is quite possible to force a person to give all the money and forget about what happened. This is the effect of hypnosis.

When a rich man is under hypnosis, he is being watched. A loved one makes sure that the session goes according to plan. And who will watch you? Therefore, it is better to use self-hypnosis.

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