Diseases of the conjunctiva: diagnosis and treatment

Redness of the eyes – a very common phenomenon that almost everyone has encountered. Redness refers to a significant dilation of the blood vessels in the eyes, which may be accompanied by other symptoms (discomfort, tissue swelling, itching, lacrimation).

The cause of this condition can be a variety of factors, while the redness of the eyes may disappear on its own soon after the cessation of exposure to the factor that caused it, and may require long-term treatment, incl. with the involvement of related specialists (allergist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist, etc.).

Causes of red eyes

The main reasons that can cause red eyes are:

  • Exposure to physical factors (wind, dust, smoke, foreign bodies)
  • Infectious and inflammatory eye diseases (conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis, blepharitis)
  • High visual stress, prolonged work at the computer, chronic fatigue
  • Violation of the use of contact lenses
  • Individual reaction of the body to all kinds of allergens (medicines, dust, animal hair, cosmetics, etc.)
  • Some common diseases (ARVI, influenza, etc.)

Allergic conjunctivitis.

Allergic conjunctivitis.

Ophthalmologist Tatyana Vladimirovna VASILYEVA (Nizhny Novgorod) explains which allergens most often irritate our eyes.

— Tatyana Vladimirovna, which parts of the eye most often suffer from allergies?

— Allergies can affect any part of the visual organ: the skin of the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, choroid, retina, optic nerve. The most common diseases are allergic blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids) and allergic conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva).

It should be noted that ocular manifestations of allergies are only part of a complex mechanism of interaction of the body with one or another irritating factor. Allergic eye pathologies rarely develop on their own; they often accompany allergic rhinitis, dermatitis, and bronchial asthma.

— What is the difference between allergic conjunctivitis and allergic blepharitis?

- These are different locations of the same process. With blepharitis, the patient is mainly concerned about the eyelids: they itch, swell, and turn red. With conjunctivitis, clear signs are redness and swelling of the inner membrane of the eye, lacrimation.

Often allergic manifestations occur in patients both on the eyelids and on the conjunctiva at the same time, then we are talking about blepharoconjunctivitis.

— Are allergic eye diseases year-round or do they have seasonality?

— It all depends on what substances the body is hypersensitive to.

If allergens are often encountered in everyday life - house dust, animal hair, cosmetics, household chemicals, food - then the disease can bother you all year round.

But there are irritants that occur only at certain times of the year, then the disease is seasonal. For example, in the spring, an allergy to pollen causes keratoconjunctivitis, when both the conjunctiva and the cornea become inflamed.

Allergic eye diseases can rarely be caused by food, and if they develop, it is mainly as a manifestation of atopic dermatitis. The most powerful allergens are strawberries, raspberries, peanuts, chocolate, preservatives, food colorings.

Medications can also cause eye sensitivity. Moreover, an allergic reaction can be detected not only to the drug substance, but also to the preservative of eye drops. Therefore, you should not treat eye diseases without consulting an ophthalmologist.

— How are allergies and viruses related?

— Antibodies are also formed in the human body against viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites, as in allergies. It has been proven that many chronic infectious eye diseases are also based on an allergic reaction.

However, treatment for infectious and allergic diseases varies. For example, the symptoms of chlamydial conjunctivitis (the causative agent is the intracellular parasite chlamydia) are very similar to the manifestations of allergic conjunctivitis, but in the first case antibiotics are used, and in the second - antihistamines.

Only an experienced specialist can distinguish one disease from another, which is why it is so important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

— Can allergens reduce visual acuity?

— Allergic inflammation of the eyes (especially if left untreated for a long time) can cause not only decreased vision, but also lead to clouding of the cornea, retinal detachment, keratoconus (the cornea becomes thinner and takes on a conical shape) and even cataracts. But poor vision cannot be the cause of allergic eye diseases. It is a myth.

— How are eyes treated for allergies?

— By eliminating contact with an allergen, you can get rid of an allergic reaction to this allergen. But the whole difficulty is that an allergic disease is a problem of the immune system and any other allergen can cause a reaction in the future.

A disease such as allergic conjunctivitis is in the sphere of interests of two specialists: an allergist-immunologist and an ophthalmologist. You should first be examined by an ophthalmologist, since a number of eye diseases are accompanied by symptoms similar to allergic conjunctivitis.

The basic principle of allergy treatment is to identify the allergen and limit its access to the body. But if allergic reactions become chronic, you need to contact an allergist to conduct a thorough examination and prescribe a special course of immunomodulatory therapy.

I would like to note that if signs of any inflammation (not just allergic) appear, you should not wear contact lenses, use cosmetics, wash your face with unboiled and cold water, stay in the cold for a long time and look at the sun.

To prevent allergic eye diseases, it is necessary to keep your home and workplace clean, since house dust is one of the common allergens.

Also risk factors for exacerbations are pets, dry fish food, household chemicals, and perfumes.

Ekaterina QUEEN.


Depending on the cause that caused the redness of the eyes, the treatment approach will be different. So, if redness is a consequence of overwork or eye fatigue, the best treatment method would be proper rest and normalization of the daily routine to prevent the occurrence of this complaint in the future. Eye gymnastics and a short-term (5-10 minutes) cold compress on the eye area are suitable as first aid for tired eyes.

If redness of the eyes is caused by physical factors, eye drops from the “artificial tears” group (Systane, Lycontin Comfort, Hilo-Komodo) can be an excellent way to reduce eye irritation and discomfort. The composition of drugs in this group includes hyaluronic acid, which promotes the formation of a protective film on the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye, protecting the eyes from damage.

Anyone who uses contact lenses would do well to remind them of the need to strictly adhere to the wearing regimen recommended by their doctor. Incorrect selection of lenses, failure to comply with hygiene requirements, and the use of expired or worn contact lenses can cause serious eye damage and vision impairment. Soothing and moisturizing eye drops will help mitigate the consequences for the eyes, as well as temporarily stopping the use of contact lenses to allow the mucous membrane of the eyes to fully recover.

Eye inflammation caused by pathogens always requires appropriate treatment. The sooner such treatment is started, the faster the recovery will occur. For a complete cure, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician (frequency of use of medications, duration of therapy). The prescribed treatment should be continued even if the unpleasant symptoms are eliminated, since an untreated infection is prone to relapse. Without adequate treatment, eye inflammation can become chronic, which can lead to vision impairment.

If the cause of red eyes is an allergy, you should, if possible, identify its source and try to avoid contact with the allergen in the future. Antihistamines in the form of eye drops (cromohexal, opatanol) or tablets (erius, cetirizine) will help eliminate allergy symptoms.

My eye hurts: what to do? Causes and treatment of eye pain

Pain in the eyes: causes, what to do?

Pain in the eyes can be a sign of fatigue, as well as many ophthalmological and neurological pathologies. If you experience any discomfort, you should seek medical help. First, it is advisable to visit an ophthalmologist, and then, if necessary, a neurologist. Timely treatment will help relieve pain and stop the progression of serious diseases.

Eye pain and related symptoms

Pain in the eyes due to various disorders can vary in strength and nature. For example, viral conjunctivitis is characterized by a feeling of “sand in the eyes”; with injuries, a feeling of a foreign body in the eye is possible; neurological pathologies are sometimes accompanied by pressing pain in the eyes combined with a severe headache. When you see a doctor, try to describe as accurately as possible exactly what kind of discomfort you are experiencing.

Associated symptoms may indicate the cause of the pain. For example, injuries are characterized by reflex closure of the eyes and redness of the cornea. Allergies cause itching and watery eyes. Bacterial conjunctivitis is accompanied by the discharge of pus from one or both eyes.

Below we discuss in detail the main causes of eye pain.

Eye infections

The most common reason for pathogenic bacteria getting into the eyes is failure to comply with the rules of hygiene and lens care. The infection can affect the eye itself or the tissue around it.

An infectious process is indicated by:

  • pain;
  • purulent discharge;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • redness of the eyes, severe itching;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • the appearance of “bumps” on the eyelids;
  • increase in body temperature.

Eye infections usually do not affect the sharpness or accuracy of vision. Most often, with such pathologies, the skin and muscles around the eye hurt.

Inflammation can affect:

  • eyelash follicle (stye);
  • lacrimal canaliculitis (canaliculitis);
  • mucous membrane (conjunctivitis).

You cannot treat infectious eye diseases on your own, including making lotions with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Self-medication can cause complications.

Fatigue pain

The most common causes of moderate eye pain are lack of sleep, overwork, wearing lenses for a long time, and working at the computer for a long time. If an examination by an ophthalmologist reveals nothing other than redness and dryness of the eyes, all that is required is rest. Temporary abstinence from gadgets and PCs, gel masks, and good sleep help treat dry eye syndrome. The doctor will prescribe maintenance therapy: eye exercises, eye drops for dryness, vitamins and lutein to strengthen the cornea.

Eye injuries

If pain appears after a bruise, medical attention is required, as hemorrhage or retinal detachment is possible.

If your eye hurts after a foreign body enters it, go to an emergency eye care office right away. The longer a foreign object remains in the eye, the more extensive the injury and the higher the risk of infection. It is dangerous to remove a foreign body on your own; only a doctor should do this.


With this disease, patients often feel severe pressing pain in the eyes. The cause of discomfort is increased intracranial pressure. In this case, the sharpness of vision can decrease gradually or sharply, until only light perception is preserved.

Optic nerve damage

The cause of pain and visual disturbances may be a tumor. Also, pain and other abnormalities can cause neuritis - inflammation of the myelin sheath of the optic nerve. With neuritis, most often one eye hurts very badly, in the second the pain is weaker.

In addition to pain inside or behind the eye, neurological pathologies are indicated by:

  • double vision, which worsens when looking to the side;
  • nystagmus (involuntary eye movements);
  • severe headaches;
  • low-grade fever;
  • the appearance of a “blind spot” (usually black or gray) in the field of vision;
  • loss of one or more colors from the palette, color distortion;
  • pain in the eye when moving, palpating;
  • the appearance of flickering spots, an “aura” around objects;
  • decreased visual contrast;
  • strong photosensitivity;
  • blurred vision in the dark;
  • sudden complete loss of vision.

These symptoms indicate the need for an ophthalmological examination and urgent treatment. You can relieve eye pain by taking special medications (painkillers, various types of drops) prescribed by your doctor.

If your eyes hurt, be sure to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. If you suspect injury, glaucoma, or damage to the optic nerve, you should immediately consult a doctor. Refusing diagnosis and treatment is dangerous; this can lead to complete loss of vision and the development of serious complications.

When to see a doctor

If you have any of the complaints listed below, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible:

  • headache, pain in or around the eyes
  • discharge from the eyes, lacrimation, photophobia
  • nausea or vomiting
  • visual impairment

These symptoms may indicate a serious illness that requires an immediate visit to the doctor. By contacting the Moscow Eye Clinic, you can be sure of a quick and reliable diagnosis of eye redness and its effective treatment. All questions you are interested in can be asked to specialists by calling 8 and 8 (499) 322-36-36 or online using the appropriate form on the website.

Fomenko Natalia Ivanovna

How to remove red eyes at home

If you are sure that there is nothing serious behind the redness, you can try to do without the help of a doctor and remove the redness of the eyes at home. A quick effect is possible only if the redness has become the body’s reaction to an external irritant - keep this in mind.

Folk remedies

To begin with, you can try traditional methods. For example, a tea compress on the eyes effectively helps relieve redness caused by lack of sleep, tobacco smoke or wind.

Brew regular black tea, without additives or flavorings, cool, dip cotton pads into the brew, squeeze lightly (but so that the pad remains well moisturized) and place on closed eyelids. Leave the lotions on for 5-10 minutes. After a while, the procedure can be repeated, but when repeating, be sure to use new discs.

Another popular folk remedy that will help get rid of red eyes is fresh cucumber lotions. Rinse the cucumber thoroughly, grate it on a fine grater, wrap the resulting mass in clean gauze and apply to your eyes for a few minutes.


We have already done a detailed review

for drops that can be used to remove redness from the eyes, so we won’t go into details. It is advisable to consult a doctor before using drops, since many of them have contraindications.

  • "Okumetil" and Innoxa - vasoconstrictor drops help to quickly return the white color to the sclera. In addition to redness, the drops effectively combat eye puffiness. Recommended for people whose problems are associated with increased visual load;
  • "Systane Ultra", "Gilan" and "Artelak Splash" are suitable in cases where redness is caused by dry eyes. These moisturizing drops mimic natural tears, which is why they are often recommended for people who wear contact lenses. Drops are excellent for preventing dry eye syndrome.

Treatment of blepharitis

Although the etiology and clinical forms of blepharitis can vary significantly, treatment methods are the same in most cases.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the disease. Refractive errors are corrected and unfavorable factors (dust, chemical fumes, infectious foci of inflammation) are removed.

Non-drug therapy

.One of the most important and frequently used treatment methods is proper eyelid hygiene.

Eyelid hygiene

— ensures normal and proper functioning of the glands, normalizes metabolic processes in the skin of the eyelids and promotes the formation of a stable tear film. Protection of the eyelids, especially the marginal part, from the effects of negative environmental factors, various parasites and infections is the basis for the prevention and treatment of blepharitis.

All therapeutic eyelid hygiene can be divided into two parts:

1) Applying a warm compress to the eyelids; 2) Eyelid massage;

A warm compress normalizes metabolic processes, does not allow the lipid secretion in the gland ducts to harden, which prevents blockage of the ducts and, as a result, prevents the provocation of inflammation inside the glands.

When applying a compress, it is recommended to use cotton cosmetic pads, previously soaked in hot water and wrung out until damp. The discs are applied to closed eyes for 1-2 minutes.

After the secretion has become more liquid, a light massage of the eyelids is performed. This allows you to remove excess secretion into the eye cavity, stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, which will improve metabolic processes.

In case of severe blepharitis and at the beginning of treatment, it is recommended that the massage be performed by a specialist, since it is necessary to maintain sterile conditions and carry out manipulations using a special instrument - a glass rod, as well as instill anesthetics. After the removal of the primary symptoms and with positive dynamics of the condition, the patient performs the massage independently.

During self-massage, a special gel is used, which allows you to cleanse the eyelids of toxic substances, scales and crusts that occur against the background of inflammation, and also moisturize the skin of the eyelids, which will reduce discomfort and itching.

Oddly enough, even increasing the number of blinking movements will help in the treatment of blepharitis, especially if the patient works at the computer!

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