How to become rich and successful from scratch - thinking, 10 tips from successful people

Every second person in our material world thinks about how to become rich from scratch. The only people who don’t dream about big money are children and truly spiritual people to whom physical values ​​are alien. The rest of the planet's population almost fanatically wants to get money in order to finally find happiness. Many documentaries have been shot on this topic and smart books have been written. All sources of valuable information, as one argues, wealth is not a coincidence, but exhausting work. On the way to the “golden” goal, all components of the personality are subject to reorganization: consciousness, self-esteem, life priorities.

Changing our thinking

The essence of all popular films about how to become rich comes down to one thing - the time-drawn advice “think like a millionaire.”

There is a whole science hidden under this mysterious phrase. World luminaries of psychology, in the course of numerous and long-term studies, have identified 7 main differences between poor and rich people:

  1. People of low social class are more susceptible to external threats than wealthy sections of society. A poor person looks for and finds danger everywhere - education is only for the big, health is an expensive pleasure, justice exists only for wealthy people. Vigilance everywhere and in everything negatively affects not only financial well-being, but also life expectancy.
  2. Poor people do not know what a sense of personal control over a stressful situation is. They tend to blame others for their failures and live in the past (if my parents had not divorced, I would definitely have become a billionaire). At the same time, rich people prefer to direct emotional outbursts towards achieving new goals.
  3. The self-esteem of a low-income person is based on public opinion. Free money is almost always spent on improving one’s image in the eyes of others (a new phone, branded clothing, and it doesn’t matter what was bought on credit). A rich person will never follow the lead of an indifferent society - the concept of self-sufficiency eliminates the need to show off.
  4. A poor person has more empathy for others than a rich person. Deep insight into other people's emotions often prevents you from becoming successful.
  5. People from low social strata attribute their personal merits and achievements to events and coincidences. A wealthy person is fully aware of how he achieved success - only to his own strength.
  6. Needy people tend to believe that social hierarchy is an unfair pattern given at birth. The “chosen” class, on the contrary, is clearly aware that only personal merit contributes to upward mobility.
  7. And finally, a poor person only thinks about tomorrow, or at most about the prospects for a month. Rich - thinks several years ahead, which allows him to implement long-term projects with excellent financial forecasts.

Agree, is it difficult to just completely abandon your beliefs and become rich?

Everything that was instilled in childhood, formed in youth, and determined in adulthood has absolutely no meaning. Realizing this fact means taking the first step towards well-being. Hard work on yourself requires maximum concentration and inner inspiration. What is the best motivation to work? That's right - a goal or an accurate idea of ​​why wealth is needed at all.

Need for self-development

Every employee must be aware of their value. We are talking about entrepreneurs or freelancers who are afraid to ask for decent payment. Some customers may leave, but in the long run more profits will be made.

At the beginning of the journey, it doesn’t make sense to ask for a lot. You will need to have some experience, but then you can increase the price for services. If you work for average pay, it to become rich and successful .

While there is no financial stability, there is no point in quitting your office job or doing what you love.

You need to devote your free time from work to your dream business and at the same time intensively save money:

  • wake up earlier for work
  • make good use of your lunch break
  • Instead of watching TV series, devote time to useful things.

When the additional income becomes enough to pay for the funds, think about changing activities. But always have a backup plan.

Consider any purchase from a realistic and critical perspective. After a while, she will no longer look so presentable. This applies to cars and household appliances.

It is better not to chase fashion trends, but to focus on the long term. You will need to decide on the value of money in life: it will be a feeling of stability or a symbol of success.

Money should be a common tool that can be used in various areas of life. First of all, you will need to provide the necessary supplies. As soon as you have free money and time, it is better to engage in self-development. After that, do something useful and help others.

How to become rich from scratch

If there is a need to reduce income, then follow certain practical tips.

  1. Reduce your monthly bills by signing up for a cheap cell phone provider or skipping cable TV. Thanks to technology, it is possible to get more for less money.
  2. Every month you need to send a certain amount to a savings account . This will significantly reduce the amount of spending.
  3. Every six months, take care to increase your income level by at least 1%. Over time, the set aside funds are used as a full-fledged investment.
  4. 50% of the increase in income goes into savings . The standard of living will increase, but at a stable pace.

Goals and Intentions

You make the difficult decision to become rich consciously, and from that moment on you have no right to make a mistake. Now every second of time is allocated to achieving the goal. And here it is, an unexpected second difficulty. Most of us have some kind of financial desire - to pay off debt, buy a house or apartment, earn a decent pension. Tomorrow your mood will change and you will want to open your own business from scratch or buy a dacha in a deep forest.

Unfortunately, goals change easily and are often forgotten or ignored. When fleeting desires rapidly change in the mind, this is not a firm intention, but simply crazy thoughts, a game called “if only”. They have nothing to do with true intentions and therefore the dream of becoming rich remains only a pleasant bedtime story (makes it easier to fall asleep after a tiring day at work).

To make your golden dream come true, you need to fully focus on your goals. Only an analytical approach and qualitative analysis. Need a home? Write down all the components, down to the smallest detail:

  • location;
  • number of storeys;
  • area of ​​the house and plot;
  • number of bedrooms and bathrooms;
  • material of walls, foundation and roof;
  • decor and view from the window;
  • furniture, appliances, dishes;
  • cars in the garage, etc.

How much did you end up with - 5, 10, 20 million? Now you can move towards realizing your dream. The mechanism is identical for setting any goals and is a good way to weed out “empty” dreams. Having thus analyzed your desires, you can quite realistically draw a picture of future wealth in which there are no debts, half a century of experience earning a pension, or the next flagship of Apple Corporation.

Only true goals and intentions hidden deep in the subconscious will help you become rich.

Try your best to get rich

To achieve your goal, you will need to do as much as possible. Through pressure, approach and hard work, it is possible to obtain a good result. A successful and rich person turns into a hardworking person.

High productivity is only possible if you put in maximum effort. Sometimes you will need to sacrifice something in order to ultimately get the result. Don’t give yourself indulgences and excuses that will slow down your progress.

An additional condition for achieving success is correct behavior in society. You need to gradually increase useful contacts and meet the right people. It's not just about sharing knowledge and experience. Due to the expanded circle of communication, it becomes possible to receive useful information, help, and profitable applications. At the same time, focus on the development of memory and thinking.

Valuable qualities

In psychology, there are whole theories about what set of qualities a person should have in order to become rich.

It makes no sense to delve into scientific research within the framework of one article; the works of doctors occupy more than one book volume. Let's look at the most valuable features:

  • Perseverance is the ability to overcome difficulties and learn from failures only lessons useful for future development, an essential component of wealth. A brilliant genius of exceptional tenacity was Thomas Edison. His famous phrase: “There were no failures. I discovered ten thousand ways that don’t work,” in response to a friend’s sympathy in yet another failed experiment, became a motto for all doubting people who are ready to give up after the first difficulty.
  • Faith – we are not talking about religion, although the experience of successful people shows that true believers, devout people achieve their goals several times faster than convinced atheists. Boundless confidence in the success of the project, its benefits for others, personal abilities and strength literally work wonders. It’s as if the body is mobilizing all its internal capabilities in order to direct them to conquer the peaks.
  • Knowledge - it is impossible to achieve the goal and become rich without “mental baggage”. This is a reflection of reality in the human mind. The greater the angle of internal vision, the greater the chances of reaching a straight road. A talented artist will remain an amateur if he cannot mix paints, apply specific stroke techniques and distinguish pencil leads by hardness. This does not mean that he will not be able to sell his paintings, but knowledge would help him reach a completely different level. And so in any type of activity, from astrology to cleaning the premises.
  • Propensity to work - you rarely meet a person who wants and loves to work. For the most part, people want to rest and relax, this is a feature of modern “Homo sapiens”, freed from the main dangers of the surrounding world. But, as it turned out, during an interesting psychological experiment, performance depends entirely on passion for the task. In other words, doing what you love will have a greater chance of success than being forced to do something. An example is classic employment at the main place. No matter how qualified and experienced a person is, if he looks at his watch every 10 minutes, waiting for the end of the working day, he is not in “his” place.

All of these qualities can be developed by any person. As a rule, they are formed in parallel.

That is, the deeper the faith becomes, the greater the desire to work, and as knowledge accumulates, perseverance and firm confidence in one’s abilities and opportunities to become rich appear.

Smart investment

If most of the funds are invested in real estate, then talking about financial freedom is not possible. Due to unforeseen situations, certain difficulties may arise and you will have to borrow.

You should always have available funds that can be spent usefully. This also applies to profitable investments.

Many also suffer from an overly optimistic assessment of their capabilities. For example, we are confident that it is possible to quickly repay the loan. But the debts are growing and after some time it will be several times more difficult to get out of them. You need to focus on those purchases for which you will not need to borrow funds.

Stories of rich people

The experience of successful people is a valuable story of personal development from which you can draw inspiration and motivation.

Joanne Rowling

“The Boy Who Lived” brought its creator, British English teacher JK Rowling, $650 million.

This is how Forbes magazine assessed the writer’s condition as of December 2021. It is noteworthy that Joan was a dollar billionaire in 2004, but lost her status due to charitable donations in the amount of $200 million. In 1993, a young, creative girl was literally left with nothing - divorced, without a job and with a small child in her arms. But there was an idea that was slowly but surely coming to life - 3 chapters of the legendary Harry Potter were waiting for their finest hour.

Four years before the publication of the first volume of the novel, JK Rowling experienced all the hardships typical of poor people - surviving on unemployment benefits, depression. Much of the black streak was reflected in books about the magical world. But in the end, Rowling, in a relatively short period, became the first person in the world to earn wealth from just one story - an unprecedented case in the literary community. The example is worthy of emulation or at least careful study.

Hamdi Ulukaya

An American billionaire of Turkish origin, he is annually included in the rankings of the richest people on the planet with an impressive fortune of $1.7 billion.

Hamdi created his Chobani yogurt empire from scratch. A true provincial, Ulukaya was born into the family of a Kurdish farmer. Despite his nomadic lifestyle, the young man received a good education - he graduated from the Faculty of Political Science in Ankara in 1994. I decided not to stop there. At age 20, he moved to the United States to study English at Adelphi University in New York.

In 1998, Hamdi Ulukaya took a job with a private farmer in upstate New York. A visit from his father that same year marked the start of his own business. The hereditary farmer categorically did not like the local Feta cheese and he suggested that his son import a quality product from his native Turkey, of course, his own production. In 2002, it became the first brainchild of Ulukai. The business brought income, but even more problems. For 2 years, Hamdi overcame numerous obstacles to develop his own business. In 2005, he accidentally came across an advertisement for the sale of a yogurt factory. After inspecting the building and equipment, the young entrepreneur decided to buy the plant, contrary to logic, debt and the advice of financial advisers. Taking advantage of the state program for lending to small businesses, Ulukaya began a thorny but successful path to the top of material well-being.

Hamdi Ulukaya states in numerous interviews that anyone can get rich if they are honest, persistent and true to their goals.

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is not leaving the rankings of the richest people in the world. A difficult childhood in a dysfunctional family did not break, but only strengthened the girl’s determination to achieve something worthwhile in this life. Pregnancy at 14, the birth of a stillborn child - events that completely influenced the development of Oprah's personality. Against the backdrop of a gradual slide into the abyss, the mother of the future celebrity makes the only right decision - she sends her to her father, in another state.

At the age of 15, the girl ends up with a strict, but more prosperous parent, who made getting an education a priority. During the year of the “strict regime”, Oprah was able to become one of the most successful students, win several major competitions and take her first steps in journalism.

The active and eloquent girl’s talents were quickly noticed by influential producers from the media environment. At 17, she was already a full-time reporter. In 1986, at the age of 31, Oprah Winfrey launched her own show, which made her not only famous throughout the world, but also a very rich woman. The list of awards, achievements, charitable and commercial projects of the TV presenter can be listed endlessly. But there is only one conclusion - it all depends on the person and his attitude to the situation. Some people learn valuable lessons and conquer heights, while others fall painfully from the heights they were born with.

This is only a tiny part of the influential, famous and very rich people who started their business from scratch, having behind them only boundless faith in their own capabilities. They have a lot to teach aspiring entrepreneurs. If a black girl from the ghetto, an unemployed divorced woman, or a Turkish Kurd from the provinces managed to get on the Forbes list, then anyone can do it. You just need to know where to start.

How to become a rich woman

If you are a woman and want to succeed, the main advice here is to remain a woman. This is well-groomed and pleasant appearance. Be confident, demanding and gentle.

5 basic rules of rich women

  1. Be yourself. Whatever the situation, be a woman. If it happens that you want to shout and swear in not the most beautiful words, restrain yourself, show tact and patience. Try to calm down and resolve the issue with a different mindset. Femininity can be developed. Softness on the outside and strength on the inside are excellent qualities for a business woman.
  2. Take an example from men. Many joke about women's logic in a variety of situations. When the question arises about money, be savvy in this matter.
  3. Women's things to help. It is normal for a woman to ask men for help and advice. Include feminine charm and a little flirtatiousness to understand the question you have received. Women conquer the world with their charisma and charm.
  4. Need a partner. A reliable partner is a person who will always support and help.
  5. Love life and people. To become successful you need to love the world and change it for the better. Love and respect yourself, first of all, love your family, children, elders. Long-term and positive relationships are built on respect and love, which have a significant impact on life.

Sometimes it is more difficult for women to succeed somewhere than for men, because according to statistics, among millionaires there are much more men. But this does not prevent the female half of society from achieving goals.

Take the example of a global woman - Oprah Winfrey .

This black girl had a very difficult start to her life. she was raised by her grandmother, was abused at an early age, gave birth to a child at the age of 14, who soon died... this is an extremely difficult period for any person. But her desire for development and everything new did not allow her to give up.

As a child, the future star playfully interviewed dolls and dreamed of conquering the big stage. As she grew older, she moved towards her goal. At just seventeen years old, she was already one of the youngest reporters in the media. And she was noticed and invited to television, where her own program, “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” was subsequently created, which made her famous. Even then, Oprah was making good money doing what she loved.

She made a name for herself. Now Oprah Winfrey is a TV presenter, actress, and producer. Her net worth is $3 billion. And she has her own rules for wealth.

Own business

Opening your own business is a reliable, time-tested way to solve the question of how to become rich.

All representatives of the elite are businessmen in different spheres of the economy and industry. Feel free to join the ranks of millionaires. Moreover, today you can start developing your own business almost from school. Entrepreneurial activity is conventionally divided into two large classes - with initial investments and without investments.

You can open a business from scratch:

  • as an intermediary - dropshipping;
  • selling things on free classifieds sites;
  • providing services - tutoring, consultations, translations, repairs;
  • become a realtor;
  • start freelancing;
  • monetize your hobby.

For a more serious start, you will need start-up capital. But there are so many options that you can easily choose with minimal investment:

  • buy a franchise - thousands of offers in all areas of business, from the auto business to retail;
  • create a profitable website (blog, information page, online store, social media account);
  • organize a business at home - manicure, atelier, hand-made, etc.

If you deeply study the ideas and suggestions, you will find that at least 10 methods are ideal for you. As turnover increases, new outlets are opened, production facilities are expanded, and partnership agreements are concluded with large companies. It is clear that the diagram drawn is conditional and in life it will be far from easy to implement plans. But the main thing is to start.

Financial literacy

Having earned a certain amount, you need to understand how to manage it correctly. Many people who have received a gift or won a large sum do not even understand what to spend the money on. They begin to live on a grand scale. A financially uneducated person develops an addiction to spending. He spends everything, and when the money runs out, he finds himself in a very difficult situation.

A financially literate person, when receiving money, easily increases it, providing for himself and his family. No one will teach you how to manage money in an educational institution. You will have to master this art on your own, devoting time to self-education and self-improvement.

If you want to become rich, then you must have a perfect understanding of how to handle money. You need to make a financial plan and follow it. This plan should have a clause regarding getting rid of debts and credit obligations. Any loan entails a large overpayment, takes a lot of strength and energy from a person, and in this case, financial potential does not grow.

Also, do not forget about setting aside 10% of the profit; this money should become inviolable.


There are many types of investments to become rich. They are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of a person: temperament, age, character (propensity to take risks). But the investment mechanism is identical in all cases. For clarity, let's break it down into several stages:

  1. Drawing up a financial goal. The concept of “wealth” is different for each person. For some it is money, for others it is property. But for everyone, without exception, there is a financial goal, with different costs and deadlines for achievement. At the first stage, a list of tasks is compiled. For each, the price and sales period are determined. For example, pension savings - 30 years and 20 million rubles, country house - 5 years and 5 million rubles.
  2. Determination of the amount and profitability of investments. A person wants to receive 50,000 rubles a month in 30 years, after retirement. The capital that gives such an amount per month is calculated using the formula 50,000 x 12 = 600,000/0.06 = 10 million rubles. But during this period, inflation will reduce the purchasing power of money, so the required amount is multiplied by a factor of 2.66 (average inflation rate). Total: 26.6 million rubles. The estimated return on investment is 12% per year. This means you will need to save at least 20,000 rubles per month.
  3. Choosing an investment strategy – active or passive. In the first case, investments are subject to constant, frequent analysis. In the second - “buy and hold”.
  4. Investment portfolio distribution. You can invest in shares, securities, bank deposits, real estate. The ratio depends on the goals, investment period and propensity for risky financial transactions.
  5. Selection of investment instruments. For passive investors, these are mutual funds and ETFs. Any stock exchanges are suitable for active ones, where you can buy/sell securities almost every day.
  6. Regular updating of the investment portfolio. Even for passive investors, this step is mandatory, because the economy is very dynamic, and the value of the portfolio should remain at least at the original level.

The topic of investment requires detailed study and careful preparation. Don't neglect financial education.

You cannot become rich without basic economic concepts.

How to get rich at home - 6 ways

I have collected popular and proven ways to get rich remotely. If I missed something or you have interesting ideas, please share in the comments.

Become a freelancer and build a team

You can’t make big money alone – tested 100 times. Yes, first you need to gain experience yourself by fulfilling orders. But as soon as the price bar rises along with professionalism, it’s time to create a team, give part of the work to it and receive commissions. And take on organizational tasks: searching and negotiating with clients, advertising, development strategy.

You can assemble a team without investment. Set piecework payment for each order.

Open an online school

Write down on paper the areas in which you are an expert. Think about how to teach and make your offer unique. Record educational videos or articles. Advertise them yourself or hire an internet marketer.

Azat Valeev earned his first million through online courses. The price of his personal coaching flew up to 500,000 rubles.

Investments are different. If you are currently launching courses on your own, then you can get by with 10,000 rubles. in one launch. Good camera, high-speed Internet, advertising, paid services.

Create a website

Come up with a powerful idea for a website. For example, a weight loss diary or a fan club (biography, jokes). Creating a website for the sake of a website is a fool’s errand.

Initial investment 1,500 – 2,000 rubles. for domain and hosting. For specialists 5,000 – 7,000 rubles, if you cannot do website building yourself.

This could be an exchange of articles with passive income - a percentage of transactions between the contractor and the customer, or an information site.

I recommend Vasily Blinov’s course on creating information websites. Follow the link to view the detailed program.

Become an Instagram star

Instagram stars with 500,000 subscribers receive up to 30,000 rubles. for an advertising post. It will be possible to achieve such indicators in a few months or years.

You need to post original, high-quality photos in a single theme. You can, of course, keep a personal blog about life, but the chances are 50/50 if you are not a pop star or an actor.

Resell goods from China

On Black Friday and in bulk, you can buy goods 20 - 30% lower than their actual cost in the store. Imagine a children's educational mat that costs 1,700 rubles here, you can buy it there for 500 rubles. List it for 1,000 rubles. and buyers will come running to you.

Why will they take it from you and not from China? The wholesale price is still lower. Not everyone knows and trusts Chinese stores. Nobody wants to wait. After all, when the thing arrives, the child can grow out of it. And you will also defeat Russian competitors at a lower price.

Create a YouTube channel

The author of the SlivkiShow channel, Yuri Yaniv, earns 133 million rubles a year. The YouTuber's videos receive several million views. He makes videos on interesting topics: how to live a day on a certain amount, shows the inside of equipment, tests life hacks. You can create a better channel.

I advise you not to copy, but to look for something of your own. Then don’t give up the channel while it brings in some money, you will find your viewer and achieve success.

Real estate

Real estate investors are, a priori, people who strive to become rich. To generate income, it is not necessary to have a huge capital; moreover, you can use a mortgage to purchase your first property.

The strategy is simple - invest money in real estate that is potentially attractive to a wide range of people (a modern residential complex, an old building in the city center, a country house in an area with developed infrastructure). Prepare the premises for renting - make repairs, buy furniture, equipment (rental cost increases 2-3 times). Find long-term tenants and receive passive income.

Thus, you create your own financial “safety zone”. By relieving yourself of worries about the future (being fired, fear of losing clients from a freelancer, possible illnesses), you free up valuable time for planning and self-education. According to analysts, a person feels free and confident with an income of $1,000 per month.

Another option is to resell houses, apartments, offices. The bottom line is that you invest in real estate at the construction stage (preferably up to 2-3 floors), after putting the property into operation (1-2 years), you make cosmetic repairs and sell the property for 40-70% more. You can also use mortgages and consumer loans for initial investments.

As soon as passive income from real estate reaches 150-200 thousand rubles per month, you can start investing in other assets (stocks, securities). By gradually increasing investment turnover, you can reach a constant profit of 1,000,000 million rubles per month in 1-2 years. And this is practically the finish line on the thorny path to obtaining wealth.

Feng Shui: the environment affects your financial condition

Feng Shui really attracts money. This does not mean that you will lie on the couch all day long and your wallet will be replenished. But any of your actions and intentions will be rewarded with money.

The main rule of Feng Shui: “If you buy a new thing, throw it away or give it to someone else. There are no piles of dresses you don’t wear or cups collecting dust on shelves.”

Several principles that attract money:

  1. Place a bunch of Chinese coins in your wallet or on your desk. For 20 – 40 rubles you can buy them on Pandao.
  2. Place the Ganesha figurine on your desktop.
  3. Light an aroma lamp with mint, orange, and patchouli oils 2-3 times a week.
  4. Don't put boxes under your bed.
  5. Don't hang pictures with waterfalls. Water represents money. Flowing down is akin to ruin. But fountains and sounds of water contribute to enrichment.

Add mint oil to 27 candles and light. Close your eyes, imagine how golden rivers flow towards you. Say: “I deserve the best! I'm rich". The candles should burn out on their own. Repeat the exercise for a week. It will cleanse the house and open money channels.

It's strange, but the more you help others get rich, the better off you are financially. And greedy people and skeptics always suffer losses. How do I help others? I give out coins tied with a red ribbon to my family and friends to attract money, I write articles for the blog so that people switch to remote work and forget about their need.


Investing in stocks is the same as investing in a business. An ideal financial instrument for people who do not have start-up capital or are simply not ready to open their own business.

A shareholder can receive income in two ways:

  • Dividends are passive income, which is accrued based on the company’s performance once a quarter, for 9 months or a year. To obtain significant income you will need serious capital.
  • Exchange rate differences – trading on the stock exchange. You can start with 1,000 rubles. The best option for novice investors. You can become rich here in just a year, as well as lose everything in one moment. This type of investment requires an analytical mind and solid knowledge of economics.

Regardless of the chosen method of investing in shares, experienced entrepreneurs advise adhering to three golden rules:

  • Study in detail the business in which you are going to invest money.
  • Find companies with reliable management teams (preferably with many years of experience).
  • Learn to evaluate stocks in order to buy at the optimal price and not make your investment unprofitable.

To gain valuable experience, choose a reliable broker. For example, Tinkoff investments are optimal for a successful start into the world of big money.

The psychology of wealth - how the most successful people think

2.1. Wealth is not just money

For some reason, many of us understand the concept of “wealth” to mean exclusively a lot of money. Is it so? In fact, wealth is something big. There are many definitions for this concept. I would rather call it personal improvement in all aspects, success in everything. A lot of money will not solve all problems. At a minimum, happiness requires: family, health, friends, a favorite activity, new experiences, but many people forget about this.

Wealth is a means, not the goal of life. Henry Ward Beecher

In order to become financially independent, it is enough to have financial literacy or, more simply put, to be able to handle money professionally. In 10-20 years of simply investing in the stock market, you will become completely independent of money, but will you be rich? As Robert Kiyosaki said:

Wealth is the amount of time you can spend not working while maintaining a comfortable standard of living.

Think about this phrase. She will be able to open up something more to the understanding of wealth.

2.2. Do you need wealth?

If your idea of ​​wealth means throwing money away left and right, then you are deeply mistaken. Wealthy people never make unnecessary purchases.

I agree that many of them spend relatively large amounts of money because they buy expensive and high-quality things that they need. They give expensive gifts not because they have a lot of money, but because they respect themselves and the person to whom they give them.

Rich people don't spend money just like that. They are very selective in their choice, because they know the value of every ruble/dollar mined and will never waste it.

Our problem is that we spend money we don't have on things we don't need to impress people who don't deserve us. Chuck Palahniuk

Money only gives opportunities to each of us. However, if a person is uneducated, overly emotional, and cannot control himself, then suddenly a lot of money appears in his possession can completely kill him.

Money won't make you happy. Happiness requires other fundamental principles that each of us can develop. And it’s free and pretty fast.

In general, having a lot of money only makes its owner worry about it. After all, no one wants to lose all or even part of their fortune. Therefore, you have to almost constantly think about what to do next. Many people worry about their “money condition” all their lives.

2.3. Wealth requires mental preparation

Each of us has our own comfort zone. If you leave it anywhere, then you have a feeling of anxiety.

Big money means big responsibility. An ordinary person is not ready to dramatically change his psychological thinking, so subconsciously he will do everything to get rid of a large amount of money.

Therefore, you need to gradually go towards it, prepare yourself psychologically that you should have it. Imagine that you are the owner of things that you currently could not afford. I know that this sounds like nonsense to those who are just starting to get acquainted with this topic, but it really works. The brain needs to be deceived in the first stages, and then it will look for solutions on its own in order to achieve goals.

2.4. Change your stereotypes

Set your mindset that “being rich is good.” In childhood, parents often teach their children: “wealth is evil.” They give examples of “evil rich people”, that they are all deceivers, thieves. However, this is just a stereotype.

This thought negatively affects our self-development and achievement. Parents initially set up their children to avoid money in the future.

As we grow up, we can rid our subconscious of this concept. Do it now.

Most wealthy people are the elite of society for a reason. They are healthy, smart, athletic. They don't drink and don't go to bars and clubs at night. Their circle of surroundings is the intelligent and business world. They are good people in many ways.

Note Yes, there are bad people with large sums, but this is the exception, not the rule. There are many more untalented individuals among the poor than among the rich.

2.5. Money is an opportunity, but not the end goal

Having a lot of money is certainly good, but it is not the final goal. Imagine having so much money that you can afford anything. What will you be doing? Are you going on vacation? Buy a new car? An apartment? What next?

Go on vacation, drive a new car, and give expensive gifts to your loved ones. But you quickly get used to everything. A couple of months will pass and life will be the same again. You will understand that money is not the goal of life at all.

No one argues that each of us needs funds, but only in such quantities that you feel comfortable doing things that are really important.

2.6. Thoughts are material - so dream and think about what you are striving for

Think about your dreams. After all, as psychologists say, we attract to ourselves everything we think about. Don't believe me? Remember what you were thinking 5 years ago? 1 year ago? All we have are the results of yesterday's thoughts and actions.

Those people who do not believe in themselves never achieve success. Attract success and luck to yourself.

Therefore, do not hesitate to dream about your desires. You attract them into your life. The brain will direct actions in such a way as to carry them out. Those who read this for the first time may not believe it. Try it and see the results in a year. Just dream sincerely and most importantly believe in it yourself.

2.7. Don't look for someone to blame and don't complain

If something didn’t work out for you at work, in business, or in investments, then you shouldn’t look for someone to blame. Even if someone is really to blame, it doesn’t matter anymore. History cannot be changed. The main thing is how you react to this and what conclusions you draw.

Blaming and making excuses wastes too much energy. We all love to be pitied, sympathized, and supported. However, such an approach will lead to eternal dissatisfaction with one’s position. Winners never complain, but draw conclusions and move on. No matter how many times they stumble and fall, they will still rise and achieve results.

This is a psychological moment that you need to develop in yourself. To do this, read more biographies of successful people and listen to motivational speeches.

2.8. Take responsibility into your own hands

Taking responsibility is a trait of strong people, true leaders. Responsibility is always rewarded according to its merits.

Successful people always take matters into their own hands and never give up responsibility. I am sure that this trait will be useful to you too.


Bonds are of interest to investors.

But before practice, it is better to “practice” on stocks in order to gain sufficient experience and qualifications. Bonds have a complex classification and not everyone is suitable for becoming rich. Securities are selected according to the following criteria:

  1. Profitability – coupon and exchange rate difference. A coupon is an analogue of bank interest, paid once a quarter, half a year or year. The average rate today is 8%. Exchange rate difference is speculative income received from resale on the stock exchange.
  2. Amortization – the par value of bonds is not repaid at the end of the term, but in parts throughout the entire period of circulation of the security.
  3. The maturity date is when the face value is paid.
  4. Reliability – the best option is government bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance.
  5. Liquidity is a measure of how easy it is to buy or sell a bond. The more trades are conducted and transactions are completed, the better. You can evaluate it on special websites or in a trading terminal.
  6. Taxes - some bonds are subject to state duty, so that there are no unpleasant surprises, you should pay attention to this nuance before purchasing securities.

You can calculate the yield of securities using a bond calculator (just type it into the search bar in your browser).

An example to follow

To get an incentive for development and follow the interesting path of life into the world of financial stability and independence, you need to read books, watch videos about famous personalities whose activities are similar to the one you have planned. Even special online courses and trainings can come to the rescue.

Advice from the richest people will help you learn from experience and prevent troubles on the path to wealth. The path to success will not be easy, so it is necessary to choose as an ideal a rich person whose life paths and values ​​are similar to those that the applicant has chosen for himself.

Bank deposits

Classic deposits are more likely to protect money from inflation, but not a tool for enrichment. To live comfortably on interest, you must already be a millionaire. For example, for a monthly profit of $1,000, you need to keep at least 8 million rubles on deposit. Theoretically, this money can be accumulated in 20-30 years. To become rich in the short term, this period is not suitable. Therefore, we consider deposits as a “safety cushion” during active efforts to improve financial well-being.

Before storing money in a bank, we study the following points:

  • deposit insurance - the bank must be a participant in the state DIC (deposit insurance system), otherwise the legality of the activity is called into question;
  • interest payment – ​​monthly, at the end of the term;
  • deposit terms – the longer, the higher the interest rate;
  • profitability – annual interest (currently at the level of 7-8.5%);
  • bank reliability - give preference to large organizations, even at the expense of a couple of points of the rate;
  • do not keep all your money in one bank - distribute your capital between several financial institutions if the goal is to save money for 1-2 years or create a “safety cushion” for the period of establishing your own business.

When choosing a bank, use specialized websites or There are convenient ratings that are constantly updated, therefore, the information is always up to date.


Money must become a source of profit. If you put them away for a rainy day, you might end up losing them. Theft, change in exchange rate, or simply loss of the accumulated amount can destroy everything in an instant.

While accumulating capital, you need to study the issue of investing. This will help you get a percentage of the money you make. Funds can be invested in stocks, stock markets, securities, real estate, PAMM and HYIP projects. All this will allow you to switch to passive income.

If you don't have money to invest, but still want to become financially independent, invest your time in learning about new technologies that can help you generate income.

mutual fund

Mutual investment funds pool the investments of all investors and then manage them through their own management company (management company). Thus, each investor has a share in a large portfolio, which is confirmed by securities - shares.

Mutual funds are:

  • securities (bonds, shares);
  • universal (mixed investments);
  • venture investments (high risk);
  • index (bet on the dynamics of the corresponding stock index);
  • real estate;
  • credit (investments in microfinance organizations);
  • commodity market;
  • antiques, art;
  • long-term direct investments.

Investment opportunities in mutual funds are extensive and versatile. You can create very effective portfolios with returns of up to 100% per year. But most investments have a much more modest rate - 10-15%. It all depends on the talent of the management team. Therefore, take the time to study the funds, in particular reviews on the forums.

But in any case, for beginners it is one of the best options to gain wealth with minimal risks and investments (the entry threshold starts from a budget 1,000 rubles).

Practical advice on how to become a rich person

These recommendations are followed by millionaires from different countries.

Tip #1 . Change your social circle and lifestyle.

It has already been proven by research that your income is equal to the average income of five people around you. Try it and see how true this expression is to you. But it’s not for nothing that there is a saying: Whoever you mess with, you’ll get richer from.

If there are more successful and interesting people around you, your life will begin to change. You will begin to look at the world with a broader perspective. Try to make new acquaintances in the near future. Now, with our technology and online communication capabilities, this is not a problem.

Tip #2. You need a mentor.

Outstanding people - businessmen, musicians, athletes - have their own mentor who guides the person in the best way to achieve their goals. Let you have yours in the area of ​​finances, or relationships, or health. Do you want to become rich? Learn this from a wealthy person.

If you don’t have such a person, seek help from books, training courses, and so on.

Tip #3. Determine your mission in life.

Your purpose is an idea that runs through your entire life, it is something that comes from your heart. Are you burning with some kind of dream? Is there something you constantly think about? It is very easy to understand why you came into this world if you look into your childhood and remember what you liked to do most? Was it creativity? If so, which one and how can you apply it now, because you probably have a talent for something.

Write a list of all the things you like to do, what you do with pleasure - create, or when teaching someone or something else? How can you use your skills to positively impact the lives of others?

It should be something you love and it should resonate with your values.

Listen to yourself, try new things, make mistakes - this way you will gain experience and understanding of what you like and what you don’t.

Tip #4. Create a business doing what you love.

Business here means different things. This may be related to creativity, musical skill, trading business, services, and other things that are close in spirit. Where do you see yourself in the long term? You should like the activity! This is a must.

When you put love into your business, it develops and begins to make a profit. Not all hobbies are profitable. That's the point - you need to learn to make a profit from what you know how to do or want to learn to do. Study marketing and sales features - this helps you develop.

Tip #5. Financial literacy and investing.

To successfully accumulate savings and benefit from them, you will need special knowledge - “financial literacy”. Everyone can learn this. This helps you manage your money correctly and make a long-term investment in a successful future.

What is better - mortgage or rental housing? Money in the bank or shares? Buy real estate or invest in a business? The “finance industry” helps answer these questions. How and where to invest money in order to extract maximum profit - all this is taught.

Now online you can easily find a coach in this area and learn the basics of financial issues.

How to get rich Tools for wealth

Below are the most popular ways to achieve financial freedom. Choose the most suitable one for yourself. If you have your own idea or accumulated experience, we will be glad to hear your comments!

1.Business. In the modern world there are now a huge number of business options - choose the one that suits you. Try it. Start small, even try online without investment or with minimal costs. If you love the Internet - start your own blog, information site, become a blogger. Maybe you bake the most delicious cakes of all - Instagram, VKontakte are excellent platforms for developing activities! By mastering online resources, you can sell more and develop on an even larger scale.

2. Real estate. The main method that many rich people use. Many millionaires invest part of their income in real estate. You can start with small investments in real estate mutual funds ( MUIFs ). For example, for only 10,000 rubles. you will be a co-owner of commercial or residential space and will receive income at the level of the invested share. You can sell your investment (Share) at the moment you need it. Of course, there is also risk here, since the value of shares fluctuates due to changes in the value of real estate.

3.Funds. Stock markets provide an opportunity to invest and earn income. Try to buy securities of companies in different areas of the economy, study the basics of this area. Gradually your actions will become more professional and competent. You will begin to feel the securities market, and you will understand how to act.

4.MLM. This is also a good way to earn and increase money. Getting started will require perseverance and perseverance. Again, a plan of thoughtful action. Keep in touch with company leaders. Choose one that suits your spirit - you must be impressed by the product in order to promote it with pleasure. Here you bring clients to your business, create turnover and increase your earnings. Popularly, such a business is called “network marketing.” A lot has been written about mlm business on the Internet. If you are interested in this topic, try your hand at it, because in some companies you can start with virtually no investment.

5.Your talent. For many people, money is associated with running a certain business or trade.
But the presence and use of talent also brings considerable profit. Great athletes make as much money as great businessmen based on their skills alone. Make money on creativity, art, sports! What are your strengths?


Charity as such, of course, will not bring wealth. The concept is so complex and controversial that many reject helping their neighbors, motivating their beliefs with elementary questions: “Who would help me?” or “Why should I give away what is rightfully mine?” But there are also laws of equilibrium and balance in nature. Being fixated on the material aspect does not allow you to fully realize the fact - the more you give, the more you receive. This has not been proven by science, which means it is not true. But man has not yet come to understand many physical phenomena of the atmosphere; huge sciences such as astronomy and cosmology have not been studied. But this does not mean that air, other galaxies and universes do not exist.

Charity becomes a psychological technique to trigger a command to your own brain: “I have enough money to not only provide for my needs, but also to help people in need.” The mind will find a way to effectively interact with reality to make the installation work. The vast majority of billionaires and simply wealthy people engage in charity work. Whatever their motives, the results are obvious - their wealth increases every year, which can be tracked in the Forbes ratings.

Experts in the field of big money advise having two savings accounts at once - one savings account, the other a charitable one. What percentage of income to transfer is up to you to decide. But the generally accepted donation standard is 10%. The rate is not random, it has ancient roots (described in the Old Testament) and a clear definition of the “Law of Tithe.” According to the rule, by giving away part of your money, you launch powerful processes that lead to even more material wealth. But it is important to understand one point - this is not a bribe, not an investment, not a ransom for sins. You pay because you already have, that is, you disinterestedly, joyfully share your energy with disadvantaged people.

Earning money on the Internet

Another way to get rich from scratch in Russia in 2021 is to work on the Internet. Content is becoming increasingly important in 2021. People want to watch and read people, not dry facts and statistics. In this regard, blogging and maintaining your own website or YouTube channel are becoming extremely popular.

Just look at Russian YouTube - Katya Klap, BadComedian, Yuri Dud and even Yuri Khovansky - all these absolutely diverse bloggers have millions of audiences, and each viewer brings them money by viewing advertising or donations.

The Internet is a unique platform where you can reveal yourself as soon as your heart desires. And for all this, with the right approach, you can get good money. There are several ways to get rich on the Internet.

  • First, you can start your own online business. Why do people do business on the Internet? An online store, for example, is much easier to open than a regular one, because you don’t need to look for premises, make repairs there, hire sellers, pay high taxes - you can instead register a private enterprise, create a website or just a page on social networks, attract users using advertising and making a profit;
  • Secondly, you can develop mobile applications. If you are a developer, it's time to try working for yourself. There are many platforms on the Internet for freelancers in the IT industry, so finding an order is not very difficult. In addition, in 2021, mobile applications are gaining more and more popularity, because the entire life of a modern person is concentrated in a smartphone. So create and sell, now is the time to do so;
  • Thirdly, a YouTube channel or personal blog. Reviews of films, cosmetics, videos and travel stories, guides, interviews with celebrities and interesting people - YouTube is full of such channels. And the audience finds it interesting. Some videos are viewed millions of times, and the income from every thousand views is approximately 2-3 dollars. By releasing several videos a month, even with relatively small views, you can earn several thousand dollars a month. In addition, cooperation with advertisers also brings income. The larger the audience, the more likely it is that advertisers will contact you.


Becoming rich means reconsidering your habits, lifestyle, environment and attitude towards money. But even after scrupulously completing all the points, you may be faced with the fact that material values ​​have not increased.

Most likely, typical mistakes were made:

  1. You work with great diligence... in the same place. The fact that you have taken on additional responsibilities or become more responsible for your work will not increase your wealth. Only a small salary increase is on the horizon. Look for additional ways of income, outside the standard format of working “for someone else’s uncle.”
  2. You are too focused on saving. Total savings, mandatory savings in the form of 20% of the salary, but no more money is made - a typical mistake of a novice oligarch. It is necessary to simultaneously increase your income, then the result will not be long in coming. For example, you earn $500 a month, of which $100 goes towards a deposit. It will take 83 years (!!!) to get $100,000. Isn't it too long?
  3. I am quite satisfied with the current level of income. Perseverance, knowledge and work have borne fruit - you began to earn not $500 a month, but $3,000. This is quite enough for a comfortable life and travel, nothing more is needed. Well, all that remains is to congratulate you - this is your personal level of wealth. Not a single billionaire stops at the level achieved. There is always, a priori, little money.
  4. You haven't started investing yet. On average, millionaires annually invest 20% of their income in promising projects. Wealth in the elite environment is measured not by earnings, but by investments - the more, the richer, accordingly. You don’t need to be a genius, a brilliant financial expert, or earn a lot of money right away. Start with affordable investments in mutual funds or securities through a broker.
  5. Chasing someone else's dream. To be successful, you must love your job. If the profession became the result of the desires of parents, the influence of friends, the advice of relatives, then there will be no result. The key to wealth is passion and love for your activity. Analyze what you like most in life.
  6. You have no plans for future “big” money. Rich people prefer to strive to achieve a certain level of wealth. This requires concentration, courage, knowledge and a lot of effort - but it is possible if there is a clear vision of what to do next with the benefits received.
  7. Spend, then save. If you want to become rich, you need to save your money first and then pay your bills. Once you receive your salary, immediately put aside the interest on a deposit, and use the rest for mandatory monthly expenses. Not enough - look for additional income.
  8. You still think that you don't deserve to become rich. Most people believe that wealth is a privilege available only to the lucky ones. But there is only one truth, you have every right to become a wealthy person in any civilized society, to which Russian citizens undoubtedly belong. Start with the question: “Why not me?”

Correcting mistakes is hard, voluminous and, most often, long-term. Again, it all comes down to a universal solution - don’t delay, work on yourself today.

List of books in which people became rich without having anything

The shelves of bookstores and online stores are filled with business literature. To save your time, I have selected the 7 best:

  1. “Rich Dad Poor Dad” - Robert Kiyosaki. What is wealth, what is the difference between a millionaire and a poor man, how to break the vicious circle of need - the answers to the questions are in this book.
  2. “The Science of Being Rich and Great” - Wallace Wattles. Use the rules in practice and your thinking will change, and with it your reality. The book encourages you to forget about the negative attitude towards money and the positive attitude towards poverty.
  3. “Mani, or the ABC of Money” - Bodo Schaefer. Teaches how to properly manage money on behalf of a dog.
  4. “How to Become Rich by Being Lazy” - Joe Carbo. It will help you understand why you haven’t made a million yet and how to do it.
  5. “How to become rich in one year” - Napoleon Hill. Stories of the rich who started from scratch and their main principles.
  6. “The Science of Money” - Brian Tracy. Not only the topic of money is touched upon, but also happiness.
  7. “10 Secrets of Wealth” - Adam Jackson. Most of the book is a dialogue between a sage with a wealth mindset and a young man who thinks like you and me. During the conversation, money secrets are revealed, negative beliefs are replaced with positive ones.


To become rich, put into practice the advice of accomplished people. They can be found in interviews, biographies and books. We present to your attention the most effective recommendations.

Get started now

The sooner you take action, the faster you will achieve financial freedom. Regardless of your current financial situation, save and save money today. If your salary doesn’t allow it, find additional income. Fortunately, in the world of high technology, there are enough ways to earn an extra 100-200 rubles a day. And don't let the amount fool you. Remember one thing - a long journey begins with a small step.

Automate your savings

The biggest enemy of wealth is yourself. Too often a person gives in to temptation and spends more than he can afford. As a result, there are no savings, but only debt obligations. The best way to protect money from your own weaknesses is to automate the savings process. This means regularly transferring a certain amount from your salary/debit card to investment or deposit accounts. Thus, you not only get rid of bad habits of buying unnecessary things, but also save money that will probably go “nowhere”.

Live modestly

Have you ever met a person who aroused sympathy with his ascetic lifestyle, and later it turned out that he was actually a dollar millionaire? If not, read the amazing stories of extremely frugal rich people. We do not call for giving up all material goods and fanatically saving every penny, to the detriment of healthy eating, quality clothing and personal growth. But before buying another pair of jeans from a super fashionable and mega expensive brand, think about whether you really need a thing whose price is at least 100 times higher. The healthy habit of spending minimally and wisely will bring tangible dividends in the future.

Avoid temptations

There are a million temptations around to live beyond your means. Television, magazines, friends, family, colleagues - purchases are imposed everywhere, touching the most sensitive strings of consciousness. Why am I (my wife/husband, child, parents) worse than others? You definitely need to buy the same phone as manager Sergei or a TV like cousin Lena. The problem is that impulse purchases often lead to debt and long-term financial instability.

Dealing with an information attack is not easy, but it is possible: avoid shopping centers, send all advertising on e-mail to spam, firmly learn to say no to yourself and loved ones when it comes to expensive, but in many ways useless household items.

Get an economic education

Successful people take the time to learn key financial concepts. Information can be obtained from special magazines, television and Internet channels, and finally, books. Make it a rule to read financial news instead of gossip about other people's lives or empty communication on social networks. And let it be boring, unclear, uninteresting at first. Within a week, the puzzle will begin to form into a picture, understanding will come, and with it knowledge.

But be careful and selective, do not take all the information on faith. And listen especially carefully to investment advice - there is a high risk of running into scammers and delaying getting the desired wealth for a long time.

Change your environment

A person is defined by his family, friends, colleagues. And if loved ones need to be accepted, understood and loved, then you can part with everyone else if the only plus in communication is to have fun celebrating another holiday. It is difficult to become rich by working as a mechanic at a factory or having a circle of acquaintances whose only goal is to wait until Friday and celebrate the end of the week in an enchanting way. Again, this does not mean that you have to give up all attachments overnight. No, on the contrary, communicate more, meet new people, make friends. On the path to success, “natural selection” will still occur. It is within your power to speed up the process.

Practice Psychology

Learn the art of communicating with people. Communication skills with elements of manipulation will help to form a positive circle of acquaintances who will be able and willing to support you in the future. Making a first impression, being liked, and getting your interlocutor interested from the first minute are valuable qualities. You can’t do without psychological techniques here. Therefore, read, learn and put into practice the advice of the world's “gurus”. There will definitely be tactics of behavior that will unconditionally suit you personally.

Constantly think about how to become rich

Dreams are very good, they motivate and inspire. But we still need ideas. Without thinking about ways to earn money, the necessary thoughts will not just come into your bright head. Go through options, imagine situations that contribute to generating income, try on any role - from a world cinema star to an oil tycoon. It is advisable to write down every idea, no matter how ridiculous it may seem. A month or two of thought and the first fruits will appear - real and feasible methods of gaining wealth in the near future.

Combine everything at once

Reflections on how to become rich, a deep analysis of one’s own personality, and self-education are perfectly combined with actions. Theory + practice = success. No one is stopping you from improving your skills while you are preparing to open a Chinese goods store or investing in shares of well-known companies. Speed ​​up, try, make mistakes - luck loves the persistent and purposeful.

Focus on your talents

Every person is given abilities from birth that can be developed and improved at any age. It is a deep mistake to think that nature has deprived you (a belief common to every second inhabitant of the planet). Surely there is something that you can do better than your family, friends, colleagues, residents of the area, city, etc. You knit, sew, cook brilliantly, nail shelves, install programs, repair household appliances - monetize your skills. A business based on hobbies, interests, knowledge is the best option to become rich.

Adjusting your thinking to the wave of wealth: 23 principles

We have already driven out the poor and unfortunate and are ready to master the 23 main laws of wealth that millionaires use.

Advice. Write each rule on a sticky note and stick it to your desk to create a habit.

Look for a way to increase your income

Stopping at an income that allows you to make ends meet is the lot of the poor. The rich do everything to earn more and do less. Expand, delegate tasks to employees.

Example. Ivan is an SMM manager, he has collected as many projects as he can handle. If he takes more, either the quality will deteriorate or he will stop sleeping. If we increase the average bill, we will still hit the financial ceiling. Exit: open a digital agency, give orders to employees, monitor quality and take a percentage of the transaction.

Dream and do

Write down your main dream on a piece of paper and break it down into small steps. Take action every day, imagine and you will be surprised where you will be in a few years.

Do you think that dreams are for romantics? Just remember Henry Ford, who wanted to make the car accessible to everyone. I can give a hundred such examples. Your deepest desire will make you successful.

Connect with like-minded people

You can become infected by anything from your environment: negativity, positivity, an idea, and even poverty. Remember this when looking for friends or a soulmate. Communicate with kind, successful, like-minded people who have a lot to learn from. Avoid whiners who are used to blaming everyone around them, although they themselves do nothing.

Don't be jealous

There is no such thing as white envy. Low self-esteem and laziness cause anger and irritation towards other people's achievements. Sometimes the success of others is so infuriating that we subconsciously inspire ourselves: “Such things are not for us” - and in every possible way we fence ourselves off from what we want.

Learn to benefit from the experiences of others: yeah, he studied a lot; this girl did not take out loans, but kept her savings in foreign currency, etc.

Every time you pass by a luxury car or villa and say with envy: where did he get this from? Come up and ask how he achieved it. You will understand that behind luxury are hidden years of work.

Paint a clear picture of the future

Imagine where, how and why you will be in 5 – 10 years. Who you communicate with, where you get your income from, what problems you may encounter and your decisions with consequences. By doing the opposite, you will not go astray.

Always think about making money

Think about how to make a million every day. At first you will think this is nonsense. But after a while you will be visited by simple ideas that are brilliant.

The author of the “Master is OK” channel, Anastasia Madeira, once stopped thinking about a million in the abstract. I really thought about how many products you need to earn that amount. She now lives in a villa in Spain.

Find a passive source of income

Think about what could bring money without your participation? One good option is affiliate programs. People buy a product/service without your participation, and you receive a commission from the transaction.

Keep a success diary

Our brain savors the sadness of failure, and the joy of achievement quickly evaporates. Get a notepad. Write down even the smallest successes there. For example, today I bought hosting and a domain for the site, came up with a name, etc.

Always learn and develop

When you turn up your nose and think you know everything, life brings unpleasant surprises. Checked personally.

Information businessman and millionaire Azat Valeev advises: when you come to a training, communicate with another person, be silent and listen. Every person has the right to their own point of view.

Read books about efficiency and business, sign up for all kinds of webinars, discuss ideas with your team.

Knowledge is the best investment. You can lose your house, your car, anything but that.

Make the most of every minute

I thought for a long time about how people become rich, and I found the main answer: they spend every minute on business, self-development, and maintaining health.

Millionaires don’t watch TV shows or hang out on social media feeds.

Think about whether you are making your dreams come true

Advertising and the environment can impose their desires, the implementation of which is unlikely to make you happy. For example, get a higher education. Always remember: money is an attribute that will be added to your destiny.

Learn to control your emotions

I quarreled with a young man - that’s it, I won’t work, long live chocolates and melodramas. As long as negative and positive events throw you off balance and disrupt your plans, success will not be seen.

A Japanese information businessman I know always works, no matter if he has a quarrel with someone or his leg hurts. Thanks to his hard work, he has traveled halfway around the world and lives in the best hotels. Every month he earns more than 240,000 rubles.

Become a leader

Leadership skills can be developed. Organize events, hire a freelancer and outsource some of the work if your situation allows. The essence of leadership is to make decisions and take responsibility for any consequences.

Don't rush to get everything at once

Most millionaires started from scratch. Profits, investments, and business grew gradually. Today, define a goal that is realistic for the average person. For example, open a website, hire a couple of freelancers, etc.

The owner of casinos, hotels and $26 billion, Sheldon Adelson has been selling newspapers since he was 12 years old. His life took him everywhere, both to a brokerage firm and to journalism. Only 20 years later he organized a computer exhibition, which brought him hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Learn the basics of marketing

Marketing skills will come in handy more than once during negotiations when partners find it difficult to sign a contract.

You will have better control over the work of advertisers. One mistake can cost hundreds of thousands. Yes, and if you are going to get rich remotely, then with marketing you will sell your services at a high price.

Don't buy luxury items from your first profit

Having felt the taste of money, you want to emphasize your status - buy expensive things. Stop. Invest 70% back into the business. And leave the purchase of luxury things for the moment when you achieve financial success.

Tell everyone about your plans

The universe will help you and connect you with the right people. Set goals publicly, then it will be difficult for you to blend in and do nothing. If you tell your family, followers or team about your plans, they will carefully ensure that you achieve your goals.

Change your strategy and thoughts according to circumstances

Those who quickly retrain and adapt to market trends are always rich.

Plan things for tomorrow in the evening

A clear plan will help you start your morning more productively. There are fewer temptations to look at your social network feed and lie in bed.

Do important things when you're most productive

Larks, move labor-intensive and important matters to the first half of the day, and informal meetings and responses to clients to the second half.

Owls mentally wake up in the afternoon. Until this time, it is better to take on routine tasks that do not require creativity and concentration.

Discover new ways to earn money

Everything that is not prohibited by morality and laws can and should be tried. The more profit channels you find, the richer you will become.

Save 20% for business

We received 20,000 rubles. – put aside 4,000 rubles, gave 1,500 rubles as a birthday gift. – leave 300 rubles. Remember, you can grow a fortune from a small amount if you manage your money wisely.

For those who do not understand investments or are still thinking about it, I advise you to make a deposit in a bank. Get rid of the temptation to spend it, and it’s easier to save it.

Don't take loans

Even spending all your savings on a business is risky, let alone taking out a loan. 200% confidence does not guarantee the smooth existence of a business.

Grow your business at the same pace as you save. If the business fails, then when you exit it you will not have to pay off debts for the next few years and will quickly recover.


If you want to improve your lifestyle, expand your horizons, become rich and independent, you need to get out of your comfort zone and go on an exciting journey through the financial world. Every step, new knowledge or valuable experience, allows you to create additional sources of income and completely rebuild your life. Personal freedom, the ability to manage time, doing what you love - already halfway through the journey, the quality of life will noticeably improve. If you are reading this article, then you are already ready for change. Diverse information in the early stages is a key moment in the formation of a future millionaire.

Leave comments, ask questions, rate and criticize. Share your concept of wealth - is it just money or freedom from material worries?

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Author of the article Anna Gromova Accountant

How to succeed in life, advice from great people

How to get rich quickly and wisely? Helpful advice from great people who managed to make a fortune and achieve financial freedom will help you with this:

  1. Keep your own plans and projects to yourself, and if you have outlined your path, have the strength to defend your own position.
  2. Live according to your money - you know exactly what you can afford and what you will have to give up. You shouldn’t fall into the poor man’s syndrome and take on debt to buy a car or a newfangled gadget.
  3. You shouldn’t elevate money to a special cult of a deity - it’s not the most important thing in life.
  4. Learn to accept money from a variety of sources and learn to believe in yourself and your strengths, while not forgetting about other aspects of life - recreation and family, friends.
  5. Gradually form your passive sources of income - by investing them in one or another project, by investing, you make them work for you.
  6. Don’t be afraid of mistakes - there’s nothing wrong with that, otherwise it’s an excellent source of experience and life wisdom that allows you to draw a conclusion and guide you on the true path of success.
  7. Work on your own self-esteem and if you live from paycheck to paycheck, think about whether everything is so good for you?
  8. Always try something new in your life, introduce new methods and schemes for earning money - innovation is the path to success.

21 secrets to the success of millionaires in a video from Brian Tracy

Why not everyone manages to get rich

Wrong choice of case

By nature, every person has a skill that they are good at. Having invested maximum effort into this, he gets the result in the form of earnings. It is ideal when a skill is revealed in childhood, and parents and the school contribute to the development of a strong side. More often, the situation is different: the family puts pressure on the child, choosing a future profession, and not responding to the wishes of the son or daughter. A person gets used to going with the flow, which subsequently prevents him from becoming rich. It's hard to find motivation doing something you don't love.

Wrong role model

Often, hoping to become rich, we take as a reference a person who has achieved success in a certain industry. We throw away something that suits us and reveals potential, taking on an industry we know little about. The result is obvious. When doing an obscure business, you have to put in much more effort than the supposed authority had to do, and the result may not bring the expected income.

Unreasonable craving for prestige

Expecting to become rich, a person is only interested in prestigious professions, believing that they will ensure success. Typically, physical work does not fall into the category of “status affairs” - preference is given to mental work. This is a mistake, because often it is physical work that leads to financial prosperity. Due to the reluctance of the younger generation to become technicians, a number of industrial sectors have a shortage of personnel. The “creative environment” was distinguished by a different trend - due to an overabundance of designers, journalists and other “humanities”, competition arose. Becoming rich from scratch is not easy if you have decided to realize yourself in the creative field, but have the potential for another business. As a result, more capable competitors will always beat you, and you will remain in the last ranks, instead of being in a leading position in a more suitable field.

Focus on “money matters”

Wanting to become rich, a person rarely thinks about how to make money from a hobby, he is simply looking for a business that can bring a huge cash flow

This often happens to teenagers who scroll through advertisements with vacancies and pay attention not to the requirements, but to the amount of payment. Suppressing their predisposition to work, they get involved in dubious adventures that rarely end in anything good

Living beyond your means

Expenses are divided into two categories: necessary and non-essential. In the first group: utility bills, medicines, necessary food. Second group: things that give unreasonable status, unnecessary trinkets, etc. People who try to impress others without the means to do so will never prosper. Many people have friends who have photos from resorts and with expensive cars, but at the same time buy cheap products and take out loans for necessary needs

It is impossible for someone who is used to throwing money away without taking into account the economic situation and without having a financial “airbag” to become rich.


A financial airbag these days is a necessary attribute for anyone who dreams of becoming rich. You may need finance any day: for necessary investments or for a profitable business. Some people deliberately do not save money, believing that they cannot afford it: “What is the point of putting one or two thousand rubles a month into the piggy bank? This is not savings. If only I could save twenty thousand.” As a result, there are no savings, and the excess is spent on unnecessary trifles.

Intelligence and talent

Gifted people are not always rich, but on the path to financial independence they get the most out of it. The secret is simple: a talented person does what he loves and gets paid for it. If you have a clear inclination towards something socially useful, do not bury your talent, but try to make money from it.

Guy Laliberté's fortune today is estimated at $2.5 billion, and he started out as a shill. The circus man swallowed fire and played the accordion, entertaining the audience. In 1987, Guy Laliberte brought the group to a festival in Los Angeles, purchasing one-way tickets. The risk paid off - I liked the circus and received an invitation to Las Vegas. Now everyone is familiar with Cirque Du Soleil.

The creator of Harry Potter, JK Rowling, lived with her child on social benefits after divorcing her husband. One day she decided to tell a story about the life of wizards; most of the first book was written on a cafe table. The fairy tale had an unexpected effect, and now Joan has no financial problems, her fortune has reached $1 billion.

How to get rid of the poor man's mentality

There is a special exercise that allows you to instill positive beliefs in yourself. It's called "afformations". Many people know about affirmations - a positive statement that, when repeated many times, becomes fixed in the mind. Afformations are the same affirmations, but posed in the form of a question.

For example: “why consumption is not a sign of wealth.” After asking this question, this phrase is constantly repeated. After a while, the answers will come to mind.

The human brain is wired to seek solutions to problems. Constant repetition of the question of interest allows you to focus on finding solutions to the problem at hand.

But the main thing is to change habits. Any thought that appears in the brain must be confirmed by action.

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