Head massage for headaches, technique

Acupressure for headaches is one of the effective remedies. One of the most common methods is the method of rubbing the earlobe, but if this does not help, you need to find the pain point a little lower on the neck and massage it with light movements. If you experience pain when pressing, this means that you are pressing on the right point.

You can also use specific points during the massage. Since there are a lot of them on the head, you need to know exactly which ones you need to press. Here is their description:

  • TIAN-RUN - Located behind the ear, more precisely on the back of the head in the depths of the edge, which is located below. To do everything correctly, you need to clasp your forehead with your palm and thus hold your head. Rub with the thumb of your right hand counterclockwise for approximately 5 minutes.
  • BAI-HUI - to the top of the ear and from the middle of the crown. You need to rub until you feel pain for two minutes. The patient should lie down or sit.
  • TAI YANG - from the temples to the eyebrow line. Both points are massaged simultaneously, but always against the arrow. Ironing takes approximately 4 minutes. The eyes are closed during the massage.
  • TIAN – ZHU – on the back side of the hair. With 4 fingers you need to clasp the lower part of the jaw and the front of the neck. Press with your thumb for a couple of minutes.
  • HE-GU - press with your thumb on the point between the knuckles of the index and thumb. Act for three minutes.

Massage for headaches at home

The patient can do the massage himself. To do this you need:

  • Initially, you need to rub the scalp for 4 minutes. Rub to the temple and from the back of the head in a circular motion. With each circle you need to strengthen your movements.
  • Massage your temples up and down in a spiral from one to the second temple. Starting with the fingers and ending with the knuckles.
  • The whiskey is rubbed with the middle and index fingers.
  • The neck is massaged in the form of a spiral to the back of the head and from the temple.
  • From the middle of the head to the bottom from the top.
  • Use your thumbs to press lightly behind the ears.
  • Lightly tapping your fingers, starting from the back of the head and ending with the forehead and back.
  • Use your palms to stroke your head.

During the massage, you can use brushes and combs.

How is a classic head massage performed?

The patient is asked to sit down and relax. Depending on the chosen manual technique, the hair is divided into partings or manipulated with hands over them. The massage therapist uses the following techniques:

  • stroking;
  • rubbing;
  • kneading;
  • vibration.

Movements are performed along massage lines, radially down from the crown in the direction of hair growth. This prevents them from being pulled out, injuring the roots and clogging the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands.

The head massage begins with enveloping strokes of the skull in the transverse and longitudinal directions from the forehead to the back of the head, then down to the ears and neck. The intake stimulates nerve receptors on the skin, stimulates trophism and blood supply to tissues.

After this, zigzag rubbing movements are performed from the top point of the skull to the border of hair growth. Using spread fingers, the specialist performs an energetic massage of the patient’s head in directions from side to side and from himself to himself. The intake stimulates the secretion of the skin glands and the delivery of bioactive substances to the hair follicles.

Then the skin is shifted and stretched from the forehead and back of the head to the crown. For trichological diseases, the hair is shaken and pulled. These techniques enhance the positive effect of head massage and contribute to its potentiation.

Neck massage for headaches

Since a common cause of headache is a problem with the cervical vertebra, you need to massage the neck. To do this, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Sit on a chair, lean back on it and lower your head. It is important that at this moment it is comfortable, and the person can easily relax.
  2. Run your palm along the back of your head, going down to your neck and ending with your shoulders.
  3. With an effort, move your right hand from the left back side of the neck to the chest, and with the left hand from the right side of the neck and also to the chest.
  4. The back of the neck is massaged towards the middle of the shoulder blades
  5. Starting from the shoulder blades and leading to the shoulders and ending with the neck. All actions begin with the work of the fingers and end with the knuckles.
  6. Tapping your fingers should go over the neck, shoulders and chest.
  7. At the end, you need to gently stroke from the neck to the chest.

How to relieve headaches with massage:

  • You can do a general head massage. To do this, you need to massage your hair using movements that are used when washing your hair. Massaging should last 5 minutes.
  • Massaging your temples, this method helps not only with headaches, but also with high blood pressure.
  • Neck massage helps you relax
  • In any case, it is important to be in a comfortable position and relax during the massage.
  • Movements should be soft and smooth.
  • It is advisable to use oil that nourishes the skin and hair.
  • Relaxing music such as birdsong or the sound of the surf.
  • The best time for a massage is in the evening before bed.
  • It is advisable to drink relaxing green tea after the session.

You can relieve headaches with finger massage . To do this, between the thumb and index finger. You need to measure 2 cm from the edge of the skin. This is where one of the points is located.

Another point is located on the outside, three centimeters above the wrist. You need to feel between the bones. There is also one on the bend of the little toe. At the junction of the toe and foot.

The points are located on both the arms and legs. The main thing is to find them and click in the right place.

Indications for therapeutic head massage

Professional therapeutic head massage has a simply amazing range of indications. Migraine, insomnia, unbalanced psychological and emotional states, anxiety, drowsiness, stress, dizziness are obvious ailments that this procedure can relieve. Moreover, massage can help with muscle spasms and cramps, and partially normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and even the liver and kidneys. Of course, we are not talking about the treatment of chronic diseases of these organs.

Therapeutic head massage should become a mandatory procedure for women who care about their appearance. Scalp massage promotes active blood circulation in the skin and hair follicles. This helps to significantly strengthen hair, reduce hair loss, and stimulate active hair growth. By relieving stress, head massage helps prevent excess weight.

Features of therapy

Massage is often used to relieve headaches. This method has a number of features, namely:

  • no need to take medicine or tinctures;
  • The work involves hands and objects with which you can achieve relaxation.
  • the body should be in a relaxed state.
  • It is important to follow all instructions so as not to cause harm. Since inaccurate pressing on one point or another can lead to serious consequences. Before starting a massage, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and make sure that the patient does not have them.

The operating technique is indicated in the description of working with a point. If everything is done correctly, then the patient will experience the following feelings:

  • slight tingling,
  • slight sensation of a weak electric shock,
  • goose bumps appear
  • the area of ​​skin becomes numb.

At the end, a slight warming appears in the area that is massaged.

Indications for massage

Cephalgia, as headache is called in medicine, occurs under the influence of a variety of factors. In some cases, this is how certain diseases manifest themselves, requiring treatment appropriate to the diagnosis. Massaging for such pathologies, of course, can reduce pain, but they go away completely only after normalization of body functions.

Head massage for headaches is effective if such a change in well-being is a consequence of:

  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Neuroses;
  • Muscle tension;
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • Migraine;
  • Insomnia.

You can massage the frontal temporal lobes of the head if the pain is caused by intense mental activity, prolonged stay in one position, for example, when working at a computer. Massage is also useful for hypertension, but only a trained specialist should perform it on patients with hypertension, since non-compliance with the procedure technique can, on the contrary, increase blood pressure.


When working with points on the body, you need to be extremely careful. There is a wide variety of massage options that can be used to treat headaches, namely:

  • hand massage for headaches,
  • neck massage,
  • head massage,
  • full body massage.

But very often, due to improper pressure during pressure on the body, the patient can be harmed. Such manipulations can lead to complications of chorionic disease, can increase blood pressure, cause nausea, and even worsen headaches.

Manipulations should not be performed if the patient:

  • increased level of alcohol in the blood,
  • increased body temperature,
  • blood poisoning,
  • tuberculosis,
  • menstruation or pregnancy,
  • brain diseases,
  • cancer tumor,
  • ear infection,
  • papillomas, warts, wounds, etc. are observed on the skin.

Children under two years of age and older people, as well as those under the influence of drugs, should also avoid this type of manipulation.


Head massage is done along massage lines - from the crown down, in the direction of lymph flow and hair growth. The person sits comfortably at this time: it is necessary that he can relax as much as possible in the chair. For greater comfort, the light is sometimes dimmed so that it does not serve as an unnecessary irritant during pain.

At the first stage, palms are drawn from the forehead to the back of the head, from the parietal zone to the area behind the ears. Such stroking will warm up the skin, soothe it, relieve mild muscle tension and prepare it for more intense effects.

Next, use your fingers to slightly shift the skin in a clockwise direction, working this way section by section along the massage lines.

At the end of the procedure, light vibrations and tapping are performed from top to bottom. If painful sensations occur, the person should immediately inform the doctor.

If the purpose of the massage is to get rid of headaches, then kneading the temporal zone, rubbing the superciliary areas, and stroking the forehead are added to the techniques listed above.

All manipulations are repeated 3-5 times, interspersed with stroking.

Massage techniques

Massage for headaches in the temples, occipital and frontal parts can be done independently. Of course, self-massage does not provide any special therapeutic effect, but it helps relieve tension and reduce the intensity of cephalgia. Its advantage is that massage can be performed at any convenient time and place. The fingertips of both hands should be placed on the top of the head and move towards the temples and crown with stroking and kneading movements. At first the pressure should be light, then it can be gradually increased. In addition to top-down movements, you can use circular ones, and the session ends with light stroking.

In SPA centers and massage parlors, several types of massage can be offered for headaches, these are:

  • Classical. When choosing this technique, massaging consists of successive stroking, kneading, rubbing and pressing;
  • Ayurvedic. The massage therapist works with his fingers on certain points on the temples, on the back of the head, in the space between the eyebrows, and in the collar area;
  • Vacuum. It is carried out using special equipment. A course of vacuum massage normalizes lymphatic drainage and blood circulation in the cerebral vessels.

It is best to entrust a head massage to a specialist; massage therapists with certificates and extensive experience perform this procedure. You can sign up for a course of procedures by phone.

  • Back
  • Forward

Causes of headaches

Headache can have many causes. More than 2/3 of them are tension headaches, the causes of which are lack of sleep, stress, increased stress, as well as vertebrogenic headaches that occur due to spinal dysfunction. Massage for headaches allows you to relax the muscles of the head and neck, relieve tension, which, as a result of a long course of treatment, can slightly reduce the headache.

Massage will help with the following types of headaches:

  • Tension headache.
  • Vertebrogenic headache.

However, despite the fact that tension headaches are the most common, they are also the easiest to treat. For most people, it is enough to take a paracetamol tablet to relieve the pain, or simply calm down, get some sleep and rest. A massage for headaches will be a more complex and expensive procedure that has the same effect.

At the same time, there are other types of headaches for which massage will not help, and sometimes will make it worse.

Massage for headaches will not help if you have:

  • Migraine.
  • Intracranial pressure disorders.
  • Headache after injuries, contusions, operations.
  • Cluster headache.
  • High or low blood pressure.

Only a doctor can distinguish between these causes of headaches, so he should give a referral for a massage for headaches. You should not seek a massage at a spa without determining the exact cause of your headache.

Self-massage of the head

Finger massage

The simplest and most universal method that can be carried out at any time you like. Plus, it doesn’t require any special, clear technical side. The only thing that should be understood is that all movements should begin from the top of the head, slowly moving to the temples and parietal region. Massage movements should be soft and smooth, without involving the nails.

First, we take a soft, smooth pace, gradually increasing the pressure. Then begin circular massaging. Finish the session with soft strokes. To enhance the effect of the procedure, you can apply a little warm burdock oil to the scalp.

Massage with a comb

Combing your hair every day is also a kind of head massage. It should be noted that it is best to use a comb made of natural wood or bristles for this. This procedure improves blood circulation and relieves headaches.

The technique is very simple - comb your hair in the following direction: from the back of the head to the forehead, then in the opposite direction. The movement is calm, without sudden jerks. The main thing in this matter is pleasure during the massage. Only in this case will you achieve the desired result.

Head massage with a towel

Also very easy to do. After washing your hair, wrap your head in a towel, bend down and begin to actively rub your scalp. The rush of blood that forms during intense rubbing nourishes the capillary network, strengthens the hair roots, and stimulates “dormant” follicles.

The session should last no more than 5 minutes. After the procedure, wrap your head in a towel for half an hour. This massage technique can be performed daily.

Classic therapeutic massage

Despite the simple technique of performing a classic therapeutic head massage, it should only be performed by a qualified specialist. Most of the impact occurs in the temple area and base of the skull. Use the pads of the index and middle fingers to make soft circular movements with light pressure.

One session of the procedure lasts 15-20 minutes. If the patient suffers from severe headaches, the specialist will apply light pressure in the area where the pain is localized for about 5 seconds.

Massage against headaches


The most common causes of headaches are overwork, stress, and overwork at work. Pain in the forehead indicates that a person has increased intracranial pressure or has severe chronic diseases. Discomfort in the eye area indicates problems with vision - often pain in this place signals the emergence and development of diseases such as glaucoma or cataracts. In this case, it is recommended to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

The most common pain in the back of the head indicates hypertension and high blood pressure. If your temples hurt, it means the person has a tendency to sudden changes in pressure. Whatever the causes of headaches, the main thing is to take measures to eliminate them as soon as possible.


Before going to a specialist or performing a massage yourself, you need to study the indications and contraindications. The first group includes:

  • Insomnia, overwork, fatigue.
  • State of anxiety and depression.
  • Frequent muscle spasms.
  • Convulsions and emotional instability.

List of contraindications:

  • Dilated vessels;
  • Temperature;
  • Eczema and scalp diseases;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • And other.


Any headache that lasts long can be called a migraine. It negatively affects a person’s psycho-emotional state, spoils mood and well-being. Typically, migraines are accompanied by mild facial numbness or tingling. Heaviness appears in the head, the person becomes sensitive to light. Migraine has 2 forms of its manifestation: these are either constant pulsating symptoms or episodic acute attacks of pain. To get rid of them, it is recommended to use the following techniques:

  • Aromatherapy entails relaxation. Lavender or sage oils are effective in the fight against headaches. They relieve tension, the person relaxes, and the pain dulls.
  • Acupressure head massage. It is better to entrust this matter to a specialist. It carefully acts on special points, each of which is responsible for one or another system of the body. Regular acupressure of the head can relieve headaches forever.
  • Cryotherapy is the effect on a person using cold stones. The massage therapist reduces excess blood flow, the person feels better already during the session.


A massage can find a person anywhere: at work, at home, on vacation. Therefore, it is recommended to master the technique of self-massage of the head. Before the procedure, wash your hands and sit in front of a mirror on a comfortable chair. Simple techniques will help solve a number of problems:

  • Elimination of tension;
  • Restoration of cranial pressure;
  • Relief from headaches;
  • Improved mood;
  • Strengthening the immune system.

During massage, three main lines are used. The first runs from the top of the head to the edge of the eyebrows, the second starts from the center of the eyebrows and ends at the back of the head, the third involves the upper part of the forehead. The massage begins with light stroking of the lines, after which the fingers apply a targeted effect, moving along the forehead and back of the head. The massage involves the neck and shoulder area. Experts recommend self-massage of the head regularly. On average, 10-15 minutes a day are spent on the procedure.


These procedures are provided only in massage rooms, spa centers or beauty salons.

  • Balinese head and neck massage stimulates the production of endorphins, a person’s mood improves, and headaches disappear. Balinese massage fights sleep disorders and serves as an effective prevention of new attacks. During the procedure, the movement of lymph and blood is activated, and the work of the brain comes into tone.
  • Chinese relaxing head massage calms the nervous system, relieves feelings of irritability and anxiety.
  • Head massage with sea salt. This unusual procedure has a double effect: on the one hand, it relieves fatigue and discomfort in the back of the head, on the other, it activates hair growth and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • An oil massage of the head has a strong relaxing effect and relieves prolonged pain and spasms. Prevents dizziness, improves mood and increases productivity.
  • Indian technique relieves tension in the head and neck and relieves tension. Activates metabolism and increases tissue elasticity.
  • Thai massage serves as an effective prevention of migraines, energizes you with vivacity and energy, and stimulates mental activity. Plus, Thai massage restores performance and eliminates apathy.


A headache is never welcome. It appears for a number of reasons - stress at work, quarrels in the family, overwork, increased emotionality. It is recommended to worry about your health in advance and pay attention to the technique of self-massage of the head. Another option is to seek help from a specialist. A head massage is always useful, it improves your mood, relieves stress and insomnia. It is enough to devote 10-15 minutes a day to the procedure, and migraines will bypass you.

The invaluable benefits of head massage

As was said, people in ancient times valued this procedure very much and knew a lot about its benefits. Main benefits of head massage:

  • improving blood circulation;
  • improvement of metabolism in tissues;
  • activation of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • beneficial effect on the scalp and hair.

A correctly performed procedure can achieve both therapeutic and cosmetic effects. The therapeutic effect is aimed at eliminating headaches, stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, and improving mental activity. An experienced specialist will also help normalize blood pressure.

As for the cosmetic side, massage movements significantly improve the condition of the scalp, get rid of dandruff, excessive dryness/oily hair. If you are concerned about hair loss, massage will strengthen the hair roots and stimulate their growth. To achieve maximum effect, you should contact qualified professionals.

It is important to know: all massage movements must be strictly carried out along massage lines, from the top of the head down, since these directions coincide with lymph flow and hair growth.

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