How to Become More Optimistic: Practice the Seven Principles of Optimism

Optimism is a trait that is set to become more common, based on Winston Churchill's famous quote that "a pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty."

The poet Kahlil Gibran once wrote that “Your life is determined not so much by what life brings you as by the attitude you bring to life. Not so much by what happens to you, but by how your mind looks at what is happening.”

The attitude he mentions above is what we call optimism.

Optimism is both a philosophy and an attitude. It is a philosophy of how we interpret events that happen in our daily lives. It's about how we move forward. It is a way of life—a perspective or lens through which to evaluate the desirable and undesirable events that occur in our daily lives.

Not everyone may be an optimist, but everyone can become one. At least that's what positive psychologist Martin Seligman explains in his book Learned Optimism:

“A pessimistic attitude may seem so deeply ingrained that it may remain forever. However, I have discovered that pessimism can be avoided. In fact, pessimists can learn to be optimists, not through mindless tricks like whistling a happy tune or uttering platitudes, but by learning a new set of cognitive skills.”

However, the question we need to ask is not “how can I become more optimistic” but “what daily principles can I live by to become more optimistic by nature?” This reflects what Epictetus, the Stoic philosopher, once wrote: “Don’t explain your philosophy—embody it.” And the only way to embody a philosophy is to practice it day in and day out.

So what are these principles of optimism?

Given that the term “optimism” comes from the Latin word Optimus, which means “best,” it may be appropriate to first look at the region where the word was first discovered.

In The Seven Hills of Rome: A Geological Tour of the Eternal City, the authors argue that for many years historians, political analysts and sociologists have debated the question of what made Rome more powerful than its neighboring cities. Without taking into account one key factor behind its initial rise: the geology of Rome.

They demonstrate how Rome's innate core qualities were its proximity to a major river and close access to the sea, its hills for view and plateaus for defense. And also clean drinking water from springs in the Apennine Mountains - gave the city many geographical advantages compared to its surrounding environs. areas. Rome itself played a decisive role in the rise to power.

In other words, Rome begat Rome. And in the same way, only you can give birth to yourself.


A smile is an indispensable attribute of an optimist. Start your day with a smile, smile at your reflection in the mirror, at your significant other, at your parents, at your neighbors, at those around you. A smile will give you and everyone around you a charge of positive emotions for the whole day.

Important: the smile must be sincere, then the effect will not take long to arrive.

A pessimist is most often stingy with smiles and laughter, even when everything is going well. He believes that if everything is good now, then something bad will definitely happen soon.

Always believe it's possible

Principle #1: An optimist understands the fundamental rule: seeing is not believing; rather, believing is seeing. And so he develops a mindset around this mantra: “My beliefs can change what I see and perceive.”

In her book, Mindset, psychologist Carol Dweck explains that people operate from one of two mentalities, a fixed or growth mindset.

With a “fixed mindset,” we believe we have no control over our growth, intelligence, or creativity. And through this belief system, we strive for the illusion of success, feeling comfortable and avoiding failure at all costs.

However, with a “growth mindset,” we thrive in the face of adversity and view failure as a springboard for growth. A growth mindset is based on the belief that your core qualities are something you can develop through your own efforts. People with a growth mindset have a desire to teach and learn, a willingness to give and receive feedback, and the ability to confront and overcome obstacles.

What does optimism have to do with it? Your way of thinking, based on the belief system you have developed over time, determines how you see yourself and the world around you.

The view you take of yourself profoundly influences how you lead your life. It can determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you achieve what you value.

In other words, seeing is not believing, but believing is seeing.

If you believe that a solution to your problem actually exists, you will be able to see opportunities and therefore be much more inclined to take action. And isn’t that what optimism is all about? Choosing to believe that the future can still be wonderful, seeing the possibility of that future, and then intentionally working today to make that future come true.

As Alan Watts once wrote, “faith is above all openness, an act of trust in the unknown.” Believing in the possible is what leads us to see all the possibilities that could be. An optimist believes and he sees.

Is it good to be an optimist and bad to be a pessimist?

“The little son came to his father, and the little one asked, what is good, what is bad?” Who doesn’t know this wonderful work by V. Mayakovsky? For some reason, in the world of adults it is believed that being a pessimist is bad, and being a realist is a little better. But being an optimist is generally wonderful. Is this true, and is it possible to experience positive emotions in any situation? Let's find out!

For some reason, it is believed that an optimist is such an imperturbable guy who doesn’t care about anything. In any situation, he enjoys life, finds continuous advantages and is ready to joke about failures and life shocks. In fact, it is impossible not to experience negative emotions; suppressing them is dangerous. Anger, indignation, disappointment, resentment are normal manifestations for a mentally healthy person. But the pessimist will drown in the abyss of negativity, which will drag him along with him to the bottom of depression. And an optimist will find the strength to boldly look into the future and tell himself that all is not lost.

A realist simply calmly accepts both the good and the bad. He doesn't feel much emotion about what's happening. This state can be characterized by the inscription on the ring of the biblical King Solomon: “Everything passes. This too will pass.” Typically, realists are very balanced people, but they do not always have enough motivation to achieve global goals.

We conclude that an optimist is a strong-willed person who never admits the idea that troubles can ruin his life and prevent him from achieving his goals. He also experiences negative emotions, like other people, but can brush them aside like annoying flies.

Do the work

Principle No. 2: An optimist does not engage in wishful thinking; an optimist works consciously and hard.

The philosophy of an optimist is not based on wishful thinking. The optimist's philosophy is based on work.

Yes, you can choose to believe in a better future, and yes, you can see all the ways it can manifest itself, but the truth is that the wheels won't turn unless you stand up and push them. You may believe that one day you will succeed as a writer and can see yourself as an acclaimed author, but the truth is that this book will not write itself—you have to sit down in a chair and write.

What stops you from getting work done is resistance. This is something we all experience, especially when it comes to taking action to achieve an outcome we truly desire. Sometimes this manifests itself as fear, self-doubt, or procrastination. Other times it manifests as delusional wishful thinking.

After all, imagination will only take you so far. Yes, it excites you and gives you a mountain of motivation, but the only way to sustain it and channel it into fertile soil is to sit down and do the work.

Magic transformations

This is perhaps one of the main skills that any aspiring optimist should learn. There are two options for transformations - and both change the surrounding reality beyond recognition.

Option 1 - when what you want turns into something completely unnecessary. Remember Krylov's fable about the fox and the grapes? The fox, who was unable to get to the grapes, consoles himself with the fact that they are probably not tasty at all. The correct approach is optimistic: what is inaccessible to us for some reason should not be so attractive as to spoil our mood and occupy all our thoughts.

Practice. You stood in line for forty minutes for movie tickets with your child, but they ran out right in front of you. You are given exactly two minutes to look with envy and hatred after the lucky owner of the last ticket and think about why you were so unlucky. Immediately after this, you have to remember that the theater is stuffy (with such a crowd of people), and the film is not that good to spend two hours on. Smile and cheerfully tell your child about all the disadvantages of the event you planned and did not take place (a prerequisite is that the facial expression must confirm your words).

2nd option - when the inevitable turns into the desired. You find the positives in the situation and voice your discovery to the child. Ideally, this should be done quickly, almost automatically (this will require very little training).

Practice. Has your car broken down? It’s great - because you can walk and see all the delights of fading (or blooming - depending on the time of year) nature, ride on a swing and meet various friends along the way. Are you waiting for someone and just can’t wait? Great - it's time to play his favorite game with your child.

Focus on yourself

Principle #3: An optimist does not obsess over what he cannot control. An optimist focuses only on what he can influence - himself.

  • You don't control people's opinions of you.
  • You have no control over the weather and natural disasters.
  • You don't control the global economy.
  • You have no control over what other people decide to do.

However, you can control how you respond to all of the above. How do you react when someone is playing a status game with you? How do you distance yourself from people who don't share the same values ​​as you.

In other words, what you control is you. Your opinions, aspirations, habits and actions you take. Your mind and the way you think. What you can control and change is who you are as a whole. Trying to control or change anything outside of this realm only leads to more anxiety, anguish and frustration - you will cause a storm and drown in it.

Optimism is based on the fundamental belief that whenever we are faced with a situation that causes suffering, we have two options at our disposal. We can change the current situation, or change our attitude towards it, by first changing the way we interpret it. And the only way to do this is to learn to focus only on what you can control.

As the Roman and Stoic philosopher Epictetus wrote in A Guide to Life:

“Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: some things are under our control, and some are not. The main task in life is simply this: to identify and separate things so that I can clearly tell myself which external ones are not under my control, and which have to do with the choices that I actually control. Freedom is the only worthy goal in life. This is achieved by ignoring things that are beyond our control."

This last line is crucial: master yourself and you will become the master of your life.

Advice from a psychologist: how to be an optimist

Good day, dear readers! In this publication, you will learn how to change your outlook and develop a positive attitude towards life. You will get the answer to the question “How to be an optimist?”

Every person periodically needs an emotional shake-up and consultation with a specialist - a healer of the human soul, who has a psychological education and can give recommendations on what to do in difficult and ambiguous situations. So I needed such professional advice.

"What's happened?" - you ask. In fact, nothing terrible or destructive happened. It’s just that the burden of responsibilities that have fallen on me and the amount of work I do have become unbearable. I felt like a fluffy little squirrel, spinning inexorably in a wheel and unable to interrupt this endless run to take a little rest and relax.

Homework, work duties, the desire to do everything in the best possible way - these factors deprived me of a positive attitude and good mood. I decided to act rather than wait for self-dissatisfaction and problems that had accumulated over many months and years to lead to the development of chronic fatigue and severe depression.

I made an appointment with a psychologist at the medical center. She turned out to be an attentive and good-natured woman who listened to my emotional monologue and explained in great detail how to get rid of a bad mood and become a successful person.

I applied her helpful recommendations in my life. And now I feel just wonderful and great. Not the slightest trace remained of the sad mood and melancholy.

I hasten to share with you, dear readers, my joy. This publication provides advice from a psychologist on how to be an optimist. Take advantage of them, and you will definitely feel how your life will sparkle with bright colors and positive emotions!

A radiant smile is the secret of your charm

Try to smile openly and friendly on any occasion and enjoy changes, even those that are insignificant at first glance. This will help you smooth out the misunderstanding and alienation that arises between loved ones and family. You will raise your mood and self-esteem, feel a surge of vitality and feel a charge of vigor.

Try a fun experiment. Find the right moment when you are feeling restless, very excited, anxious or angry at the whole world. Then look in the mirror and smile at your reflection.

Let your smile be sincere and genuine, let mischievous lights sparkle in your eyes. Then you will feel that the bad mood recedes and is carried away in an unknown direction, like a dark cloud driven by gusts of wind.

Relaxation and peace of mind

If you are in a stressful situation, working to the limit of your physical and mental strength, and do not know how to properly relax and enjoy life, then you find yourself in a dead end, but not a hopeless situation. The first thing you need to do in such a situation in order not to lose your inner harmony and balance is to relax and abstract yourself from problems and troubles.

Only a happy and peaceful person has the ability to adequately assess the current situation and make fair decisions. Your assistant will be meditation, which must be performed against the backdrop of natural landscapes or at home. You will get real pleasure from meditation, you will be able to open a second wind and make the only correct and informed decision.

Your mood will also change for the better, you will gain confidence in your capabilities and abilities, and your self-esteem will soar to unprecedented heights. Classes with a professional trainer will help you get acquainted with the main aspects of meditation and master its unique technique.

Don't torture your body

You can immerse yourself in the world of luxury, glamor and artificial beauty by flipping through a glossy magazine or watching a television program where the hosts are long-legged beauties without a hint of extra pounds and cellulite - girls of model appearance.

After reading a glossy magazine or watching a program, do not rush to compare your imperfect body with the figures of beauties, so that, having discovered a discrepancy, go on a newfangled diet and torture your body by fasting or limiting calorie intake.

Medical specialists are aware that irritability, hopelessness, depression and a feeling of despair are constant companions of diets. Do you really need that kind of negative baggage or are you willing to accept your little flaws in your appearance and love your body? Ponder this.

Psychotherapists do not advise girls suffering from excess weight and “orange peel” to exercise in the gym and abuse their body to the point of insanity and extreme exhaustion.

Let physical activity be moderate but constant. This way you will protect your physical and mental health from shocks and anxieties, over time you will become a convinced optimist and begin to enjoy life.

Do what you love

If you feel tired, aggressive or exhausted after finishing your working day, then resort to a simple and effective method. It will help you relax thoroughly, calm your raging nerves, and focus on solving significant goals. Just do something that gives you maximum pleasure and positive emotions.

Do you like to cross-stitch and create colorful and interesting pictures that you can hang on the wall and decorate your room with? Then take a canvas with a printed pattern, a hoop, floss threads and start creating a masterpiece.

If you feel calm and tranquility when you hum familiar tunes and favorite songs, then don’t forget to stop by a karaoke bar after hard and responsible work, taking your best friends with you. Let the music never stop, sing good songs and have fun.

Many girls relieve nervous tension and forget about troubles when they make forays into hypermarkets and shopping centers, engage in fun and exciting shopping, buy cosmetics, household appliances, high-quality clothes and shoes from world-famous brands.

What's stopping you from following their example and enjoying making new purchases if you feel the need? I am sure that your favorite activities will certainly distract you from everyday difficulties and tasks, my dear readers.

We would like to note that we put all the advice we received from a qualified psychologist into practice and were satisfied with the results obtained.

Now the time has come to say goodbye to you, beloved readers. We wish you every success and prosperity, never lose heart and remain optimistic. Subscribe to site updates and watch for new publications.

Love more than you fear

Principle #4: An optimist lives and works out of love, not fear.

There is a universal truth: you can act and live your life from a fear-based belief system or from a love-based belief system. Live in fear and you will experience limitations associated with resentment, arrogance, insecurity and greed. Live in love and you will discover an abundance of courage, confidence, fortitude and generosity.

Inaction, stagnation, and acting as if the world owes you something are rooted in fear. Action, growth, self-compassion and kindness are rooted in love. Fast living and haste is a way of life born out of fear. Live slowly and respect the process out of love.

To love more than you fear means to make room for poetic mistakes in your life. It's taking yourself a little less seriously and laughing a little more. Doing something for the sake of true joy, and not for the sake of probable reward. It’s facing failure and thinking, “So what? I failed and now I'm much closer to success than ever before."

One of Nelson Mandela's quotes:

“What matters in life is not what we lived. How we make a difference in the lives of others will determine the meaning of the lives we lead.”

To make a difference in the lives of others, we must first learn to love fearlessly. We must remind ourselves that we are Beings trying to make sense of this human experience. And all that matters at the end of this journey is not what you achieved. It was about how much you loved yourself, how much you loved the people who walked this path with you, and how freely you gave to them.

All that matters at the end of this journey is how deeply you have touched the souls of those around you through your actions and creations. But, of course, you cannot touch someone with fear, but only with the light of fearless love.

How can a girl learn positive thinking?

The mistake of many is to consider pessimism as something like an established personality trait that cannot be changed. This problem is especially common among girls. Due to the psychological constitution and physiology, the beautiful half of humanity is more often overcome by depression and neuroses. Moreover, many girls like to make diagnoses of this kind themselves, guided by information from thematic public pages on social networks.

Mood swings? Yes, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, no less. I don’t see the ultimate goal and meaning in life, apathy, nothing makes me happy? This is definitely depression caused by a lack of serotonin in the brain. If you suspect you have a certain disease, contact a specialist immediately! You may be right, but starting to take antidepressants on your own or letting the situation take its course will only make the situation worse.

How to become an optimist and start noticing the good? Start your journey with the following recommendations:

  1. Don't look for problems where there are none.

Often girls tend to deeply analyze what is happening, think about what would have happened if... Get rid of this habit. Take everything for granted.

  1. Monitor negative thoughts.

As soon as you start to see everything in a “black light”, switch your attention to anything. Turn on fun music at full volume and dance, watch an episode of your favorite TV series, jump on one leg - in general, send a negative thought back where it came from. You can even loudly send her there too!

  1. Don't diagnose yourself.

Most often, mood swings are simply associated with natural hormonal changes that occur in a girl’s life every month. And if you don’t see the purpose of your life, it means you simply haven’t found it at this stage yet. Apathy is also normal if this condition does not last more than a month without any particular reason. It's normal to overeat, be sad, unhappy, and even cry. Depression is a serious illness. Do not diagnose yourself based on information on the Internet. This way you are harming yourself! Considering yourself hopeless, you do not leave yourself the chance to develop a more optimistic outlook on life and become happy.

  1. Get rid of dissatisfaction with your appearance.

From childhood we are raised with stereotypes. One of them: “A girl should be beautiful, and a boy should be strong.” This is where the roots of girls’ eternal dissatisfaction with their appearance grow. Even the most magnificent beauty will see in the mirror a couple of extra centimeters at the waist, split ends of the hair, irregular eyebrow shape, too thin lips, crooked nose, insufficiently large and firm breasts... Dear ladies, stop! Everyone is wonderful! Men perceive the image as a whole; no one takes your appearance apart like a puzzle. And if an envious woman sees a couple of split hairs, then the guy will pay attention only to the luxurious head of hair. Pay more attention not to working on your appearance, but to psychological work on accepting yourself for who you are.

  1. Say goodbye to complexes.

Being an optimist is often hindered by internal pressures and complexes. We are accustomed to closely examining our shortcomings, as if under a microscope, and this poisons our lives. Understand that the concept of advantages and disadvantages is subjective. Don't let far-fetched complexes stop you from enjoying life!

How to become an optimist if life is not going the way you want? Remember the old Soviet movie “Queen of the Gas Station”. When the main character was asked: “Why did you change your dream?” She replied: “No, I just changed my dream!” The fact that you live, breathe and have the opportunity to enjoy life is already a great gift! So take advantage of it and allow yourself to be happy in any circumstances!

Olga, Taganrog

Make it a habit to be solution-oriented.

Principle #5: An optimist is solution-oriented. He believes that there is always a solution and therefore only looks for solutions to problems and not more problems than existing ones.

In a talk entitled "5 Rules to Follow to Find Your Spark," Simon Sinek shared a personal story that led him to a major realization in life:

“There are two ways to see the world. Some people see what they want, and some people see what prevents them from getting what they want."

People who see what they need go after it. When they encounter obstacles, they keep going until they find a way around it because deep down they know what they want.

On the other hand, people who see things that prevent them from getting what they want only see obstacles. Consequently, they take no action.

People of the first group are optimists. There are no people of the second group.

If you want to be in the former, you have to become someone who is solution-oriented. This means that whenever a problem arises, you don't panic, complain, or allow your thoughts to think "this is the worst that can happen." No. Instead, you remain calm, composed, and immediately begin asking questions that will lead you to the right decisions.

You train yourself to become more resourceful by constantly asking the following question: “What can I do right now to solve this problem?”

Don't give up on your goals because of obstacles

Optimists, like all successful people, approach tasks creatively and do not give up in case of trouble. They know that they will never have everything they need, so they make do with what they have at the moment.

Steve Jobs didn't panic when he didn't have enough money to start a business: he sold his only vehicle, the VW Microbus.

Walt Disney was not depressed when he was told that Mickey Mouse was “a giant mouse that only scared women.” He promoted his project and look at the attitude Mickey is receiving today.

Donald Trump went bankrupt four times (1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009) and each time his ingenuity helped him rise again. Back in 2011, his fortune was estimated at $2.9 billion.

Always be grateful and accepting

Principle #6: An optimist is grateful and accepting, allowing himself to fully feel what he feels, because that is how he overcomes all his suffering.

Optimism is not positive. Positivity means that everything is fine, even when it is not. This is just nonsense. Positivity means: “Forget about your problems, look on the bright side and move on.” This is repression, not liberation.

Optimism is simply finding positive meaning in negative events—it is a form of resilience. And the way to do this is to use positive emotions during times of stress to better cope with existing negative emotions.

In their research on optimism and resilience, psychologists Michelle Tugade and Barbara Fredrickson explain that “resilient people use positive emotions to recover from stressful encounters and find positive meaning in them.”

This is because they work on using a wider range of emotions to develop optimism:
  • How can I use the energy created by this stress and anxiety to help me better cope with the challenges I face?
  • What can I learn from this stress and how does it help me change, grow, or find new solutions?

In fact, negative emotions serve a specific purpose; they try to tell us that something is wrong. Listening to them and further exploring why we feel the way we do gets to the root of the problem.

So the idea here is to give in to the flow of life—to work through it, not against it. By being grateful for everything that happens, you accept it. And by accepting it, you will transcend it. As Eckhart Tolle writes in his book The Power of Now:

“Accept - then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.”

Changing course towards happiness

It is difficult to give universal advice on how to think positively and achieve peace of mind in any difficulties. But certain practices that are accessible to everyone still exist. Try to discover something new. Do something that brings you pleasure. Play with your imagination and imagine who you would like to be. Here are just a few ways you can move forward.

  1. Sport. The variety of its types is amazing, so everyone can find something for themselves. This could be running, swimming, dancing, horse riding, alpine skiing or martial arts.
  2. Master classes. If you are drawn to beauty, then sign up for classes in clay modeling, drawing, or maybe you have wanted to learn to play the guitar since childhood.
  3. New hobbies. It is always exciting and brings a lot of positive emotions. Whether you start collecting cute dolls or become interested in cooking is up to you. But don't limit yourself.
  4. Unexpected routes. You don't have to spend a lot of money on travel. For example, you were in neighboring cities or regions. Having a car, it would be a sin not to take advantage of this opportunity. Look at the map, select a point and go there. Such a little adventure will benefit not only you, but also your loved ones.
  5. Participation in competitions. Do you think only pros are invited to participate? No. Today you can find a lot of interesting projects on the Internet or even in your city. Make a costume from scrap materials, come up with the anthem of your city, district, etc. Don’t be afraid to participate in them. You will discover a new side of yourself and believe in your own strength.

See the beauty

Principle #7: The optimist constantly seeks and reminds herself of the imperfect art , beauty and poetry that surround her.

This seventh and final principle corresponds to the majesty of the Quirinal Hill, the highest of the seven hills of Rome. It is an honest embodiment of all the previous principles that lead you to this: the gift of seeing beauty in all that is.

Think about it:

If you choose to believe that your aspirations are possible, you will see beauty in your imagination. If you choose to do the daily work that will get you there, you will see beauty in your efforts and progress.

If you choose to focus only on what you can control—yourself—you will see the beauty that can only be found within yourself. And if you choose to love deeply and completely, you will see the beauty in becoming fearless.

If you choose to be solution-oriented, you will see the beauty and joy in solving problems. And if you choose to always be grateful and accepting, you will see the beauty of life's many blessings and the meaning of your efforts.

This last principle itself embodies what it means to live a life based on the philosophy of optimism: like life itself, we are imperfect and impermanent, and this is what makes us so beautiful.

Is it possible to be born an optimist?

Of course, character qualities are largely determined by the properties of the nervous system - which means they are innate and inherited. Already at a very early age, children demonstrate their attitude towards life. One cries and cannot calm down in any way if he loses his favorite toy, the other, feeling a little sad, begins to play with what is offered to him. But the type of nervous system is inherited. Does this mean that a child will only show optimistic traits if we, the parents, possess them? This is true, but the point here is not only innate properties. The child learns from the example of the adults around him. Our behavior, our attitude towards people around us, towards situations, towards life in general - all this is unconsciously captured by the baby starting literally from birth. Therefore, of course, we can confidently say that cheerful parents have cheerful children, and it remains to be seen whether we can become like this as adults (if we did not receive such traits at birth)? We can - by working on ourselves and gradually changing our attitude towards life and our behavior in certain situations. This will probably result in more subtle optimistic behavior, but it is still worth the effort and time. The benefits will be obvious - both you and your loved ones will see this very soon.

Practice the Seven Principles of Optimism and You'll Become Naturally Optimistic

Optimism is about acknowledging today's challenges and giving yourself permission to hope even when you feel very anxious, anxious, unhappy or afraid. It's not about ignoring your negative feelings about an impending crisis, but about finding a way to keep them from overpowering you.

Optimism is simply believing that the future can still be wonderful. Even if it doesn't seem plausible right now, then work intentionally today to make that future come true.

Solid advantages

No one will argue that being an optimist is better, more pleasant and more profitable than being a pessimist. And not so much even for those around him, but for himself. If only because, according to statistics, optimists are less likely to get sick and suffer from mental illness, and they live longer. They are more confident and successful in their careers, they are liked more by others, and have many friends. Looking at optimists, it seems that everything in their life is easy, and problems somehow miraculously bypass them.

“An optimist really has much more opportunities in life,” psychologist Alexander Mutovkin . “He looks at the world with joy and interest, shares as much positive emotions as possible with those around him, charges them with love and energy. And it certainly comes back to him. In contrast, a pessimist is usually dissatisfied with what is happening around him, is often in a sad mood, criticizes everything and everyone, and very rarely sees the good in people.

The ability to see the world in colorful rather than gloomy tones allows you not to get hung up on problems, but to find ways out of any difficult situation.

Don't look for tricks in people

Pessimistic people tend to see deception, provocation, and trickery around them.

“Did someone offer to help? Maybe he wants to trick me or wants to rip off money for this? Or maybe this someone wants to do a mischief and do the work in bad faith, so that I will be reprimanded and fired?” - a standard set of thoughts of a pessimist.

Believe me, every person has a good side, and there is no need to look for hidden meanings in this. Communicate with colleagues, make new acquaintances, do not be afraid of being deceived! Otherwise, you will remain an inveterate pessimist.

Important: be open when communicating with people, do not wear a mask. People around them highly value honesty and are drawn to such people.

Lift your mood daily

In order to maintain a positive attitude, you need to fuel it with films, books, trainings, and music. Do what you love, allow yourself a little weakness after a working day. Motivate yourself with literature and films, it really helps not to lose confidence in your abilities.

Sports, music, meetings with friends must be present in your life. These attributes are necessary for every person, and an optimist uses them to the fullest, they bring him happiness.

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