Look the enemy in the face and don’t turn away. Depression: symptoms, how to fight

How to get rid of depression is one of the most pressing issues of our time. This is due to the fact that with depression, the quality of life drops significantly, apathy, lack of joy in life, pessimism, fatigue appear, and productivity drops sharply. And today it is very important to have a high level of performance. This psychological condition is aggravated by the fact that it is impossible to get rid of depression on your own, so this condition is even more painful for a person to bear. Naturally, people try to get rid of depression forever as quickly as possible.

Our treatment can reliably help get rid of depression even in the most severe cases. Psychotherapeutic techniques in combination with neurometabolic therapy and restorative medicine technologies can achieve high results and improve the quality of life in a fairly short time. Efficiency is restored and the severity of the general condition goes away.

Our reliable and safe technologies will help you get rid of depression.

The painful condition that occurs during the development of a depressive state is reflected not only in the way of life, but also in the quality of work. Investing enormous efforts, a person does not get much result from his work. This situation further complicates the course of the disease. Therefore, every person tries by any means to get rid of depression forever. However, at such moments there is a danger of starting to use various psychoactive substances that can quickly, but not for a long period, reduce the main manifestations of the disease. In this regard, there is a high probability of developing various dependencies on these substances (drug, alcohol and drug addiction). That is why, to help a person get rid of depression, special individual therapy programs are needed. They must be clearly verified, safe and time-tested.

What prevents you from getting rid of depression?

Factors provoking the disease:

  • severe stress - death of a loved one, loss of a job;
  • neurological and endocrine diseases.

In some cases, the disease develops “from within”, without noticeable reasons - in this case, you need to get rid of depression as quickly as possible, without harming your body.

It is mainly the social situation that prevents you from getting rid of depression forever. This includes political instability in the country, a constant rise in prices that does not correspond to income, the general nervous tension of others, problems at work, and, accordingly, problems in the family and personal life.

With this type of disorder of higher nervous activity, the sexual sphere and appetite often suffer - the taste of food is lost, and the sense of touch is reduced. This also aggravates the course of the disease and creates difficulties on the way to getting rid of depression forever. There is a threat of relapse of the disease.

Due to the difficulties of a person’s resistance and adaptation to pressing life problems, as a result of characterological characteristics and the impossibility of planning for the future, the human nervous system can react differently. This is where the disease manifests itself in various forms.

Types of manifestations

  1. Neurotic - Occurs when the patient has been in psychotraumatic conditions for a long time. The first signs are a sharp deterioration in mood, tears for no reason, a feeling of injustice of others. Symptoms include sleep problems, frequent headaches, decreased blood pressure, and general weakness.
  2. Psychogenic - Appears due to severe stress in life and requires mandatory treatment from a specialist. It develops quite quickly, the patient constantly thinks about what happened and becomes overexerted. Problems appear in your personal life and work, pessimistic thoughts intensify and often lead to suicide attempts.
  3. Postpartum - Most often occurs in the mother within a month after the birth of the child. Symptoms are nervousness, sudden mood swings, hatred of the child. A few meetings with a therapist may be enough for treatment.
  4. Circular - Appears during seasonal mood changes. During the treatment of depression, typical thoughts about the lack of meaning in life and prospects for the future are observed.

How depression physically manifests itself

People who are depressed often experience headaches, accompanied by dizziness and sometimes loss of consciousness. Aching pain in the heart area and heaviness in the abdomen may appear. Patients begin to complain of aching muscles and joints. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by unsystematic changes in diarrhea and constipation. In women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and men may completely lose interest in sexual activity. Many somatic diseases can be a manifestation of depression. It is for this reason that among specialists there is the concept of masked depression. A similar term explains the condition when the disease is hidden behind somatic disorders. Statistics paint an alarming picture, stating that at least a third of patients visiting surgeons, internists, endocrinologists, gynecologists and other specialists, in fact, suffer from depression.

Need for therapy

Starting with anxiety and nervousness, depression without treatment can turn anyone's life into a nightmare. At some point the patient simply gives up.

Timely and correct treatment will help return normal life quite quickly. Without intervention, the disease can develop into more complex disorders requiring hospitalization. The course is prescribed by a psychotherapist based on testing and personal communication with the patient.

How to get rid of depression correctly

The Transfiguration Clinic has been helping people successfully overcome depression for more than 30 years. During this time, we have developed unique methods that combine a special set of measures that helps a person get rid of depression not only in a short time, but also completely safe for the body. The program includes:

  • neurometabolic therapy – drugs created using the latest generation nanotechnologies that help restore impaired metabolic processes in the brain;
  • technologies of restorative medicine - biotechnology, physiotherapy, selection of daily routine;
  • psychotherapy is a special individual complex that includes various techniques (cognitive, existential, gestalt, hypnosis and others);
  • rehabilitation is not an endless return of the patient to a hospital bed, but stable remission with the restoration of a high quality of life.

According to our statistics, when using our method, in 85% of cases there is complete relief from depression. In more severe cases, 10% of patients maintain a stable condition with no symptoms and a significant increase in quality of life. And only 5% of patients need periodic repeated hospital treatment for deterioration, which is mainly associated with violation of the treatment regimen by the patients themselves for various reasons.

Is it possible to get rid of depression on your own?

People are susceptible to depression, this has long been no secret to anyone. The most vulnerable group of people in this case are pregnant women or women who have just given birth, chronically ill people and others. Moreover, they don’t even think about how to get rid of depression. For them, this state is familiar and even normal. But still, treatment for depression is necessary, because it is also a disease. Depression makes a person feel tired. He loses his appetite, is constantly moping, and does not want to communicate with anyone. Sometimes this attitude to life and “soul-searching” leads to the fact that a person begins to regularly drink alcoholic beverages, or switches to some other more serious drug. It seems to him that no one can know how to get rid of depression. But this point of view is wrong. Nowadays, we can safely talk about people who will help in such situations. They are employees of the Transfiguration clinic, specializing in providing psychological assistance to people.

By contacting the Transfiguration clinic, you can count on answering your question on how to get rid of depression. Also, highly qualified psychotherapists will give a lot of advice on how to get out of this state, that is, they will efficiently perform their main job - to provide psychological assistance to those people who need it.

If you want to know how to get rid of depression, we can recommend a few basic points. Thanks to them, you will understand what you need to do to return to a bright and colorful life.

Depression and depressive states. Help with treatment.

Be happy with what you have in life.
Be grateful for what does not belong to you, because it saves you from many unnecessary worries. But try to acquire what you really need and make the best use of every minute of your life. Imayat Khan

Depression is considered one of the most common diseases on earth. Thus, according to WHO, more than 150 million people worldwide suffer from depression. According to Russian health care data, about 15 million people suffer from depression in Russia. According to American psychologists, women suffer from depression twice as much as men. In teenage boys and young men, depression is often accompanied by breakdowns, and in girls and young women – eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia).

Depression is an affective state characterized by a negative emotional background, with changes in the sphere of motivational, cognitive ideas and general passivity of behavior.

Churchill, who suffered from bouts of depression, called the disease “black dog.” Other famous people who suffered from manic-depressive states gave this disease different names: “Edge of the Abyss”, “Endless darkness in reality”, “All-consuming flame of the soul”.

This is what the author of the book Curtiss A. “Out of Depression” writes about depression: “For 30 long years I was depressed and sad. Due to chronic severe depression, my life was empty and my marriage was a little broken. ...Living in depression is like being in a torture chamber. But you can learn to get out of there... However, over the past 15 years, I have been so rarely inclined to consider the depressive state that I am now inclined to view depression not as a mental pathology, but as a strict spiritual mentor.”

As Izard K.E. points out, most psychoanalysts agree that the most important components of depression are loss of self-esteem, self-confidence and self-esteem.

The experience of depression includes the following fundamental emotions: sadness (the core emotion), disgust, contempt, anger, fear, guilt and embarrassment. According to Izard K.E. anger, disgust, contempt are manifested by a person both in relation to himself and in relation to other people.

With depression, a person experiences negative emotions: depression, melancholy, despair. Volitional activity is sharply reduced. Reduced self-esteem. A person may experience a feeling of guilt for the events of the past, those unpleasant events that occurred through the fault of a person.

During the period of depression, slowness, lack of initiative, and fatigue are characteristic, which leads to a sharp decrease in productivity in a particular activity.

With prolonged depression, suicide attempts are possible.

In healthy people, depression can occur in the event of a difficult life situation, including due to the loss of loved ones, divorce, infidelity, infertility (the inability to become a mother or father), due to unfulfilled hopes and other circumstances.

In addition, there is pathological depression - as one of the main psychiatric syndromes.

Classification of depression:

— Biological factors (organic and endogenous, i.e. innate nature). For biological factors, medications are most often used in treatment. — Psychosocial factors (psychological nature). When psychosocial factors predominate, various methods of psychotherapy are used.

There are two types of depression:

— Psychogenic depression; - Endogenous depression.

The consequences of depression are:

decreased work activity, alcohol and drug use, frequent divorces, death by suicide.

Alexander Lowen, in his book Depression and the Body, writes that “the depressive reaction immobilizes the person. He finds himself unable to muster the strength to continue doing his usual activities. He feels defeated and hopeless, and as long as the depression persists he sees no point in making any effort. …Depressive reactions may often have no obvious causes. In many cases, it occurs when a person is approaching or has achieved his goal.”

Depressive syndrome

In the opinion of Zharikova N.M., Tyulpina Yu.G. The main sign of depression is decreased mood, slowed thinking, and motor retardation. The person complains of melancholy, depression, sadness. A person does not react to either a joyful event or a sad one. Feelings can vary in intensity - from mild pessimism and sadness to a feeling of “a stone on the heart.”

Slowing down of thinking is expressed by slow monosyllabic speech, long thinking about the answer. In a more complex case, the person is silent and there is no spontaneous speech.

Motor retardation is manifested in stiffness, slowness, and clumsiness. In severe depression, depressive stupor is possible.

Depressed people have low self-esteem and consider themselves worthless. They are pessimistic about not only their present, but also their past and future. In severe depression, delusional ideas of self-blame and self-destruction are often formed.

Appetite decreases sharply, and sometimes, on the contrary, attacks of overeating are observed.

There is no interest in the opposite sex.

Women stop doing housework, cannot care for young children, and do not pay attention to their appearance.

Men cannot cope with the work they love, are unable to get out of bed in the morning, get ready and go to work, and can lie all day without sleep. Patients do not enjoy anything.

Patients sleep poorly at night and cannot rest during the day. Waking up in the early morning hours is especially typical, after which the person can no longer fall asleep. How to get out of depression?
Recommendations for reducing depression
To improve your mood, it is recommended to move more, increase sleep duration, take a warm shower before bed, but do not wipe your skin dry. Phototherapy (staying in a solarium) is effective for treating seasonal depression. In winter, go skiing.

It is advisable to use light wallpaper and furniture in the interior of the apartment. Nowadays, some people have a tendency to use dark colors in their apartment.

Depressed patients are advised to photograph clouds, especially in sunny weather. Be in nature more often.

Keeping diaries helps a lot, where it is recommended to reflect all the good things that happened during the day.

Swimming, jogging, a walk in the park, cycling, and roller skating help a lot.

Dancing classes are well suited for women; for example, various areas of the dance program are practiced in the fitness club.

Listening to music is a good way to regulate your emotional state. There is a whole list of these works, but it is better to listen to your inner voice and listen to what you want at a given moment in time and exactly as much as you want in order to enjoy this process.

Practicing yoga will help you find peace of mind.

Doing what you love: knitting, embroidery, drawing, photography, making various crafts from natural materials, designing various models of airplanes, sailboats, tanks, etc. Writing stories or poems helps a lot in expressing your feelings and your state.

Drug treatment

Prescribed to patients with mild, moderate and severe symptoms of depression. A necessary condition for the effectiveness of treatment is cooperation with the doctor: strict adherence to the prescribed therapy regimen, regular visits to the doctor, a detailed, frank report about your condition and life difficulties.

Antidepressants. Proper therapy can, in most cases, completely eliminate the symptoms of depression. Depression requires treatment from specialists. The main class of medications for treating depression are antidepressants. Currently, there are various drugs in this group, of which tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, melipramine) have been used since the late 50s. In recent years, the number of antidepressants has increased significantly.

The main advantages of new generations of antidepressants are improved tolerability, reduced side effects, reduced toxicity and high safety in case of overdose. Antidepressants are a safe class of psychotropic medications when used correctly as recommended by a physician. The dose of the drug is determined individually for each patient. You need to know that the therapeutic effect of antidepressants can appear slowly and gradually, so it is important to have a positive attitude and wait for it to appear.

Help from loved ones is also important in overcoming depression.

The support of loved ones, even when the patient does not express interest in it, is very important for overcoming depression.

In this regard, you can give the following advice to relatives of patients: - remember that depression is a disease that requires sympathy, but in no case should you plunge into the disease with the patient, sharing his pessimism and despair. You need to be able to maintain a certain emotional distance, all the time reminding yourself and the patient that depression is a transient emotional state - studies have shown that depression is especially unfavorable in those families where many critical remarks are made towards the patient. Try to make the patient understand that his condition is not his fault, but a misfortune, that he needs help and treatment - try not to concentrate on the illness of a loved one and bring positive emotions into your life and the life of your family. If possible, try to involve the patient in some useful activity, rather than removing him from activities.

The material was prepared by neurologist Nadezhda Lapina.

Get rid of depression

It is very important during the period of recovery from depression to do something that can give you pleasure. It’s clear that during depression you won’t enjoy everything, but you should at least try to start enjoying the things you used to get pleasure from again. The same can be said about things that give you confidence. Surely there are some. And they should be remembered immediately when it comes to how to get rid of depression. Also try to concentrate as little as possible on any unpleasant thoughts and feelings. Drive away all this negativity and pessimism.

You may need knowledge of how to get rid of apathy and depression for other reasons. For example, in the near future you will have to make some serious decision regarding the arrangement of your personal life or career at work. If you are in a state of depression, it is not difficult to guess which way an important decision will be made. It will be accepted from a pessimistic point of view, that is, with a pronounced negative connotation. But all this can be avoided if you consult doctors in time, who will tell you how to get rid of depression. Modern medicine has reached great heights, so the help of a qualified specialist will certainly be effective.

Get rid of depression forever

Contact our clinic. We are ready to help you get rid of depression forever. Anyone who wants and is ready to follow all our recommendations is guaranteed to receive the expected result. We own unique technologies that are used only in selected clinics in Europe, Israel and China.

You can contact us by phone: +7(495)6320065,

We help in the most difficult cases, even if previous treatment did not help!

Depression in women

According to statistics, there are 2 times more documented cases of depression in women than in men (Tyuvina et al., “Gender characteristics of depressive disorders in women”). The cause of depression in women can be hormonal changes: changes in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, miscarriages, the postpartum or premenopausal period, menopause.

Also, depressive disorders may include premenstrual dysphoric disorder, when a woman becomes depressed before the start of her cycle - more pronounced than with typical premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

A separate form is postpartum depression, which affects 13% of mothers. 50% of them had depressive tendencies even before pregnancy.

Young mothers spend enormous energy caring for their children, and therefore forget about themselves and their mental state. This is fraught with eating disorders, sleep disorders and other symptoms.

Before a woman fights depression on her own, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Maternal depressive disorder leads to disruption of the interaction between mother and child, which can lead to deviations in mental, emotional and physical development.

Depression in children and adolescents

Undesirable behavior of a child can be attributed to laziness or whims, but often there is a serious reason behind the reluctance to study, eat or sleep.

Even young children develop depression. The younger the child is, the more somatic symptoms he has: colic, pain, insomnia, constant crying. As the child's awareness increases, other signs appear: he loses the desire to get up in the morning, interest in toys and learning new things; attacks of fear and sudden mood swings appear. If symptoms persist for two weeks or more, you should meet with a psychologist who specializes in working with children.

Depression in men

Perhaps the low number of reported cases of depression in men is associated with the stigmatization of this disorder in men (stereotypes such as “a man should be strong”, “a man should not worry about problems, but solve them”, etc.). This makes it more difficult for men to understand how to deal with depression and admit to having an emotion-related illness.

In some cases, depression is unconsciously masked by irritability and aggression, immersion in work and career, alcoholism and other addictions.

Accept that there are no perfect people

Ardent perfectionism sometimes prevents a person from overcoming obstacles. The question haunts me: “How is this possible, since I do everything correctly and perfectly?” It’s difficult to come to terms with this; a person becomes fixated on difficulties and so on in a circle. Why drive yourself into a dead end? Nobody's perfect. It's normal to make mistakes, to not know how to cope with a difficulty. But you can survive this by at least starting with accepting your imperfection.

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