What is the danger of teenage depression and how to prevent it?

Symptoms, age group

Childhood depression is a mental and emotional disorder whose symptoms affect behavior and physical well-being.
In children under 3 years of age, depression manifests itself in problems with appetite, frequent vomiting and regurgitation of food. There is a lack of body weight. Slowness of movements is noticeable, there is a delay in psycho-emotional development. A child with depression is whiny and capricious.

Children from 3 to 7 years old have problems with motor activity, passivity, and lack of energy. The patient strives for privacy, avoids contact even with parents. Lost interest in favorite games and activities. Facial reactions are depressed, the voice is quiet. Various fears and somatic complaints are characteristic. In younger schoolchildren, somatic symptoms dominate over mental ones.

Symptoms in children 8-11 years old:

  • psychosomatics - the presence of enuresis, problems with sleep and speech communication (its suppression);
  • gastrointestinal disorders, abdominal pain;
  • anxiety;
  • inhibition of mental activity and emotional manifestations that are noticeable in speech;
  • desire for self-isolation;
  • loss of interest in previously favorite games and educational process;
  • difficulties in mastering the school curriculum;
  • truancy;
  • problems with personal hygiene;
  • leaving home;
  • finger sucking;
  • thoughts and statements about one’s own inferiority;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • aggressive behavior, irritability, depression.

Depression occurs earlier and more often in girls than in boys. This is likely due to the fact that girls demonstrate a higher level of sociality. For some reason, they are more dependent on social approval. The reasons for the development of pathology in girls often relate to the loss of friends or animals. The risks of the disease increase as a person gets older.

Depression in teenagers: how to recognize and how to help

In our life we ​​encounter various conditions. Some of them are fleeting and insignificant, but there are many that can leave an imprint for life. Depression is not a luxury or a whim; it is a real disease of the twenty-first century. Natalya Bilyk, a specialist at the Moscow Psychological Assistance Service for the Population, talks about what types of depression occur in teenagers and how to recognize them.

«Depression takes away vitality and changes thinking towards self-flagellation and self-hatred. It can be either a separate disease with a gradation of severity, or it can be part of a parallel process with more severe mental disorders. As a teenager, you may have experienced something similar, and most likely it was associated with hormonal changes in your growing body. However, it also happens that sadness and sadness go beyond all limits and result in a full-fledged disorder, a pathological state of melancholy

“says Natalya.

As you know, teenagers can be impulsive in their reactions, so depression is very dangerous for them, because youthful maximalism and inexperience in relationships can play a cruel joke on them at any time.

This disease has varying degrees of severity and many causes. In adolescents, depression usually occurs in disguise.

The psychosomatic sphere is involved: the child may have a chronically high temperature, pain of unknown origin in different places, memory problems and various cognitive disorders that come to the fore, instead of the well-known depression and other affective disorders,”
notes the psychologist.

Many people have had at least one depressive episode in their lives: they usually experience pain and emptiness for a certain period, but then this condition goes away on its own and does not happen again.

Among psychiatrists it is believed that if such episodes suddenly occur repeatedly, one can safely diagnose recurrent depressive disorder

(periods of remission alternate with depressive states), and the likelihood of a new depressive episode increases each time. Recurrent depressive disorder is excluded if ideas about one’s own insignificance are added to the symptoms, and it is not possible to convince a person of the opposite without medication.

With severe depression, sometimes even hallucinations (mainly auditory) occur, but it is not always possible to diagnose psychotic depression, because there are many temptations to make a more severe diagnosis.

There is also a type of depression in which the volitional component is rapidly destroyed and all experiences are felt most acutely. This is clinical depression

. And here it becomes very difficult to help a person overcome this, because antidepressants can increase activity, and for a person with suicidal thoughts, the resulting agitation can end in failure. Such disorders should be treated under medical supervision!

So how can you recognize depression in a teenager in time?

It is worth paying attention to the following signs:

  • prolonged depressed mood,
  • despondency, melancholy,
  • increased fatigue as a result of minor exertion,
  • decreased interest and ability to enjoy things that previously brought satisfaction,
  • decreased ability to concentrate,
  • low self-esteem,
  • guilt and self-deprecation,
  • a gloomy and pessimistic vision of the future,
  • motor retardation or agitation,
  • sleep disorders,
  • changes in appetite and weight.

What a pity that the average person knows little about real depression, what a pity that those in need do not receive proper treatment due to prejudice and labeling, what a pity that people continue to consider this disease laziness and childish nonsense... In order to prevent the disease from developing into a state when you cannot do without medication, when your thought processes are already disrupted and this begins to interfere with your studies (and sometimes teenagers suffering from depression complain that it is already difficult for them to read and delve into the text), you need to be very vigilant.

It is important for parents to pay attention to the statements and thoughts of their growing children.

If in a teenager’s conversation thoughts about the futility of the future, jokes about death begin to be frequently mentioned, a careless attitude towards oneself and one’s health appears, if the circle of his communication becomes very narrow or he stops all contacts altogether, when he does not want to do anything, passivity and apathy appear, It’s better to consult a psychologist as soon as possible! A competent specialist will understand whether the help of a psychiatrist is already needed or whether psychological techniques can be used for now. Sometimes this can also save a person’s health and life.

24-hour telephone number for emergency psychological help in Moscow 051 - from a landline phone;
8 (495) 051 - from mobile. 24/7 psychological support chat :
www.msph.ru. Source

Press service of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow

Causes of childhood and adolescent depression

Researchers point to several possible causes or contributing factors to childhood depression:

  • hereditary predisposition (often) - does not necessarily apply to first-degree relatives;
  • pedagogical ignorance of parents (often) - cruel, disrespectful attitude towards the child, quarrels between mom and dad;
  • social reasons (less often, rather as a triggering factor) - problems at school, parental divorce, disagreements with classmates, changes in family composition, etc.;
  • psychological - emotional shock, loss of parents or death of a pet, psychological pressure from parents;
  • physical or sexual abuse;
  • biochemical (especially in adolescents) - problems in physical health, hormonal imbalances;
  • alcoholism or drug addiction of parents, presence of mentally ill relatives;
  • mild seasonal depression - the body's sensitivity to climate change.

Even in the presence of genetic determination, depression starts after some risk factors. This is often inadequate parenting, divorce, and tense relationships in the home between family members.

The second common risk factor that triggers the disease is school bullying, bullying by classmates. In this case, the child demonstrates fear or refusal to attend school.

Who is at risk?

The reasons for the development of depression in adolescents are different and are determined individually in each specific situation. What makes a person vulnerable are emotional, social, and also physical factors: violence and abuse, social status among peers, family well-being, performance at school or university. Some teenagers are at higher risk of depression.
This problem affects children with chronic illnesses or other neuropsychiatric disorders, such as autism spectrum disorders. Adolescents who became parents or entered into early marriage, as well as ethnic minorities, are at risk.


There are biological prerequisites for the formation of the disease that can be tested in a medical setting. We are talking about a deficiency of neurotransmitters in brain synapses (norepinephrine, dopamine), and an increase in cortisol levels. Disorders of melatonin secretion are characteristic. Patients exhibit morphological changes in the amygdala and frontal cortex.

Most children with depression experience a lack of maternal love. Many experienced social and economic changes and acute stress before the onset of the disease. The disease is more often diagnosed in children who, before the disease, were already quite introverted, anxious, vulnerable and neurotic.


  • Depression: what is it?
  • How do you know if you are depressed? Common symptoms of depression
  • Forms and causes of depression
  • Is there a difference between male and female depression?
  • How is depression expressed in women?
  • How is depression expressed in men?
  • Is it possible to overcome depression without the help of a doctor?
  • How to cope with depression on your own: advice from a psychologist
  • How to help a loved one overcome depression?
  • Literature to help
  • Classification

    To classify depression, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the ICD-10 headings:

    • F93.0 “anxiety disorder due to separation” - anxiety in relation to the person to whom the child is attached and from whom he was separated;
    • F93.1 “phobic disorder” - fears that do not correspond to a certain age phase, pathological level of anxiety;
    • F93.2 “social anxiety disorder” - problems in social interaction, a high level of shyness and tightness when communicating with strangers, but the absence of such indicators when interacting with family members;
    • mixed variants of pathology - the presence of symptoms of all three categories.

    Anxiety disorder of the first type is expressed in the child's concern about possible accidents associated with the person from whom the separation occurred. Reluctance to attend school due to fear of separation is typical. There is a fear of loneliness, nightmares about separation.

    In social anxiety disorder, disruption of social interactions comes to the fore. The presence of distress and discomfort is noted in situations where the child involuntarily participates in social activities. He begins to cry, his speech is confused, and there is no spontaneous speech. Symptoms do not go away for at least 4 weeks. In this case, the disease does not progress as a gross disturbance of emotions or behavior, and there are no characteristic symptoms of PTSD or other diseases.

    Some signs of potential depression in a teenager:

    Feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness – a teenager can study well, lead a normal life, but still feel empty. There is no understanding of why he lives; everything seems monotonous and uninteresting to him.

    "I do not want anything". Lack of interests, lack of desire to communicate, make friends, apathy.

    “No one needs me” - the feeling of being not needed by anyone becomes driven. Having fallen under the influence of a stronger comrade, the disorder only intensifies.

    Emotional swings. Sudden changes in mood, prolonged bad mood can be replaced by fits of rage and aggression, and then passivity and self-deprecation.

    Conversations about death and suicide. If a teenager has become interested in the topic of death and suicide, it is important to pay attention to this in time. A teenager may use phrases such as “there is no point in living”, “we will all die anyway”, “I don’t see the point...”.

    Pointless actions, fixation - fixation on a useless activity, for example, constant presence on social networks (regularly updating the “feed”, in anticipation of new meaningless information).

    Drastic changes - a teenager dramatically changes his social behavior, changes his appearance (dye his hair, piercing). Changes may concern lifestyle, interests, social circle and worldview.

    “Always successful” are children who “bend themselves out of their way” to achieve positive results and achieve success. But behind the screen of a “successful teenager” is a child who hides his true experiences. Often such achievements do not bring moral satisfaction and are accompanied by a strong fear of disappointing parents.

    Each individual item may not necessarily be a sign of depression, but a combination of signs and/or clearly expressed manifestations may be a cause for concern and referral to a specialist.


    Without medical help, childhood depression progresses into adult forms of the disorder. Symptoms worsen, new manifestations arise. Disorders increasingly affect the somatic state. During adolescence, attention should be paid to suicidal behavior. Many depressed teens demonstrate intentions to harm or kill themselves. This manifests itself in alarming moments:

    • in the conversation there is a noticeable lack of hope for the future and self-confidence;
    • no interest in previously favorite activities;
    • indifferent attitude towards oneself or towards parents;
    • gross deviations in behavior;
    • preparations for suicide - writing farewell notes, wills;
    • auto-aggression - self-mutilation or involvement in life-threatening activities;
    • passion for the topic of death;
    • straightforward statements or threatening statements about intentions to commit suicide.

    The only attack of depression suffered is a huge likelihood of recurrence of the disease.

    Is it possible to overcome depression without the help of a doctor?

    There is no medicine that is ideal for every patient. But this does not mean that there is no way out of depression.

    To overcome depression, you need to acknowledge it. The disease reminds us that the dark side of reality is no less a part of our existence than its bright colorful sides. Depression can be an opportunity for mental and spiritual growth. However, if left untreated, the condition can develop into a serious mental illness.

    Unfortunately, only 50% of patients undergo treatment. A person suffering from depression finds himself in a kind of vicious circle: the disease requires energy and will, which are absent. Therefore, people cannot always heal on their own by simply “pulling themselves together.”

    Several treatment methods are used for depression. However, it is up to the doctor to decide what will be best in a particular case. In less severe cases, you can limit yourself to lifestyle changes. In difficult situations, pharmacology and psychotherapy come to the rescue. Severe depressive conditions require hospitalization. Treating depression is a long process. But when you see a doctor, 80-90% of patients recover.


    If you suspect depression, you should visit a psychotherapist or psychiatrist for an accurate diagnosis. Diagnosis is based not only on symptoms visible to the average person.

    When diagnosing, the doctor collects information that he takes directly from the child, his parents and teachers. The patient undergoes a brief psychological test. The Beck scale, Hamilton scales and Montgomery-Asberg tests are used.

    Self-diagnosis is not effective. Diagnosing a child with depression is difficult even for specialists. The reasons are that the symptoms are very variable, unstable, and masked by somatic manifestations. Children's isolation and sadness are often falsely perceived as depression. And vice versa - depression is perceived as isolation and sadness. One or three symptoms are not a sign of disease.

    If a child is irritable or sad, this does not mean depression. Manifestations also depend on the characterological characteristics of the individual and age.

    Treatment of depression

    Depression in children and adolescents is a serious illness that requires consultation with a specialist. Parents must understand that only they can help their child by recognizing the characteristic signs. You shouldn’t leave things to chance; it’s better to keep everything under control, following the advice of a specialist.

    The mild form lends itself to counseling treatment: this can be individual work with a psychologist or visiting a psychological group. Severe cases (for example, suicide attempts) require a more serious, medicinal approach. In such cases, a psychologist and a psychiatrist often work in pairs, complementing each other.

    Usually the first specialist you need to turn to for help is a psychologist. During the conversation, he helps to understand the cause of the disease. It will help you find out what emotions and feelings accompany a teenager. Using different techniques, the specialist will be able to explain what fears and doubts have settled in the child’s head. There is a possibility that after communicating with a psychologist, he himself will find ways to solve the problem and get out of this state.

    A psychologist will help you cope with mild forms of the disease. If the situation is complex, then you will need additional help from a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

    A psychotherapist is a doctor who helps patients cope with mental illness. The treatment regimen contains psychotherapeutic techniques in combination with drug treatment.

    To make a diagnosis, the doctor conducts a conversation with the patient, during which he assesses his condition. Diagnostics helps to establish the exact disease that accompanies the teenager, as well as determine the method of treatment.

    If the protracted nature of the disease is revealed, then conversations alone will not be enough. Antidepressants can be added to treatment, which will relieve symptoms of anxiety and apathy, help eliminate irritability and cope with fears.

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