Depression in men: symptoms, features, treatment

The name of nervous exhaustion “neurasthenia” (from neuron “nerve” and asthenia “weakness”) was introduced in 1869 by the American neurologist George Miller Beard. He classified it as a neurosis and believed that the basis of this mental disorder was organic pathology, but since it was not possible to determine any anatomical changes, the doctor considered this disease to be functional. Beard noted that it affects intelligent, educated people who are under environmental pressure, an unnerving, tense environment.
Until recently, neurasthenia was considered a “female” mental disorder, since this pathology was extremely rare in men. However, now more and more representatives of the stronger sex are turning to specialists with symptoms that allow them to be diagnosed with neurasthenia - a mental disorder related to neuroses.

Psychiatrists believe that the main cause of neurasthenia is excessive mental and physical stress. The psyche thus signals exhaustion. Neurasthenia most often occurs in people aged 20 to 40 years. At risk are men and women who engage in mental work or lead an active social life, which leads to chronic stress.


Very often, the “first signs” of a disorder are mistaken by a person for banal fatigue. But over time, these symptoms do not go away, and the malaise becomes more pronounced. Performance decreases, irritability increases, and depression may develop. This all makes life very difficult.

A timely visit to a doctor will allow you to get rid of neurasthenia quickly enough. It is important not to waste time and not let the pathology develop into more serious disorders. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main signs of neurasthenia:

  1. The most obvious sign of the disorder is excessive irritability. A person shows an extreme degree of dissatisfaction, is always embittered, and can become angry over the slightest reason. Most often, these attacks of rabies affect family members and friends.
  2. Neurasthenia makes any waiting unbearable. A person must get what he wants immediately; he simply cannot wait.
  3. Headaches occur and are localized in the temporal zone. The head begins to ache at the slightest mental stress.
  4. Consciousness becomes foggy, the perception of the world is disrupted, the flow of thoughts becomes inconsistent, and individual thoughts become abrupt.
  5. The ability to concentrate decreases. Doing usual things becomes burdensome, a person is constantly distracted by small things, and becomes overly fussy.

Symptoms of the disorder are almost the same in women and men. Differences may be observed only in some manifestations, but all patients note a feeling of fatigue, lack of strength and apathy.

The body's response to stress

Our body's response to stress is expressed in the levels of adrenaline and cortisol.

, these hormones are produced in our body by the endocrine gland - the adrenal glands. When we are in danger, the adrenal glands release adrenaline, cortisol and other hormones into the blood, giving a burst of energy and clarity of consciousness, senses become more acute, and physical strength and endurance increase. Adrenaline and cortisol perform a survival function in life and death situations. These hormones provided our ancestors with a survival mechanism in situations of danger. Either we will be saved, or we will be eaten.

But if we are in a state of continuous, severe stress, these hormones, continuing to be produced in the body, gradually destroy the immune system, energy reserves decrease, and the tendency to disease increases. Under the influence of prolonged stress, a person experiences feelings of anxiety or panic, which reduce our ability to experience happiness.

Mild depression weakens our passion.

The feeling of lack of time deprives us of tolerance and mental flexibility. Irritability overshadows the experience of love, gratitude and tenderness. Men lose interest in relationships, and women feel exhausted by endless hassles, lack of time and support. By understanding the common symptoms of chronic stress, we can understand why so many relationships are failing these days. By improving our relationship skills, we can transform the relationship itself from a source of additional stress to a way to deal with it.


Factors that can cause the development of neurasthenia are divided into several groups:

  • biological. This category includes heredity, difficult pregnancy and childbirth, individual mental characteristics, a weakened body and the presence of physiological problems;
  • psychological. Psychological trauma experienced by a person in childhood, including domestic violence, as well as stress and the need to perform unpleasant routine work for a long time;
  • social. Difficult relationships within the family, difficult childhood, dissatisfaction with life. This group can also include communication with people who have a negative view of the surrounding reality.

Experts distinguish two forms of neurasthenia: hyposthenic and hypersthenic. In the first case, the patient experiences decreased performance, drowsiness and exhaustion, and increased fatigue. In the second, the person becomes hot-tempered, excitable, finds it difficult to fall asleep, and there is increased reactivity.

Neurasthenia can affect various physiological areas. Based on this, it is divided into types. This is how cerebral, cardiac, gastrointestinal and sexual neurasthenia are distinguished. As the name implies, in each of these types there is a malfunction of a certain body system or individual organ. In most cases, patients experience several types of neurasthenia at once, so this division is quite arbitrary.

How to treat depression in men? How to get out of depression on your own as a man

First of all, you need to acknowledge the presence of depression and turn to the necessary resources to get out of it.

Such resources in the treatment of depression, which already significantly reduces the standard of living and ability to work, include drug therapy, psychotherapy and the help of loved ones.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy will allow, with properly selected and adjusted treatment with antidepressants, to significantly alleviate the condition or completely get rid of it. This requires strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions and cooperation with him. Often the effect of taking drugs does not occur immediately, but within 2-5 weeks from the start of use, since the drug needs to start working in the body, and this takes time. It is important not to interrupt treatment immediately after improvement, but to consolidate the result, sometimes within 4-6 months. However, medication alone is not enough. It is also important to understand the causes of depression in a man in order to reduce the risk of developing it again in the future. Psychotherapy solves this problem.


It goes in parallel with drug treatment, so that a person can learn independent skills and methods of self-regulation, so as not to respond with depression to the challenges of life that we will always have. Coping effectively is an important skill that can be acquired in the process of psychotherapy so as not to depend on pills and other people all your life. The disease is based on internal unresolved conflicts that cause depression in men. In the process of psychotherapy, conflicts become possible to recognize, experience and resolve. Here the client takes a more active life position and, together with the psychotherapist, finds resources for life.

In modern society, psychotherapy is a recognized, effective method of helping with various psychological difficulties and significantly reduces the risk of recurrence of depression. A professional psychotherapist is specially trained to work with difficult experiences and difficult life situations of other people, he knows how to respect them and provide assistance in coping with them. Every person has situations in life (for example, illness) that he cannot cope with on his own, and this is normal. The ability to ask for and accept help is a sign of maturity and emotional health, not weakness.


It is caused by a malfunction of the central nervous system (CNS), which provokes a decrease in human sexual activity. It is this type of disorder that most often occurs in men.

The main reasons for the development of sexual neurasthenia are the same factors that lead to the development of other types of this disorder. First of all, this:

  • increased stress on the nervous system (mental work, stressful situations, etc.);
  • lack of proper rest and sleep;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking and other bad habits;
  • lack of complete and balanced nutrition.

Frequent early masturbation and interruption of sexual intercourse (frequent) are considered specific causes of the development of sexual neurasthenia. However, it is worth noting the fact that neurasthenia develops differently in each person under the influence of different circumstances.

We can talk about the development of sexual neurasthenia if manifestations from the genitourinary system that are not associated with physical diseases are added to the main symptoms of the disorder. A man may experience constant arousal, but at the same time there is a rather weak erection or no erection at all. Ejaculation is premature, may be accompanied by pain, orgasm is weak. As the disease progresses, there is a disturbance in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, attraction to the opposite sex decreases, and sexual sensations weaken.

Sexual neurasthenia, as well as other varieties of this pathology, is dangerous in that it can lead to the development of depression. In this state, a person often experiences suicidal thoughts, and at some point he may bring them to life.

But don't despair! This pathology is curable: with timely consultation with specialists, you can completely get rid of this disorder.

Testosterone levels in men - what affects its production?

At the very beginning of a relationship, a man is excited and completely absorbed in the problem of how to win a woman’s love. This is a challenge that automatically stimulates testosterone

, providing a man with a sense of power and well-being. When testosterone levels are normal, he is full of energy, more attentive to his partner and feels attracted to her.

Gradually, everyday life begins, the challenge in the relationship weakens, and along with it, the man’s testosterone level decreases. When this happens, the honey period can be considered over, the man begins to look for ways to stimulate testosterone. Working outside the home almost always provides a man with new problematic situations that capture his attention and increase testosterone levels. Relationships change, passion wanes and preoccupation with “work” takes over.


Diagnosis is always preceded by diagnosis. The doctor must carefully examine the patient’s medical history, evaluate the symptoms and signs of pathology, and exclude other diseases.

In psychiatry, conversation is of great importance at all stages of working with a patient, but before making a diagnosis, laboratory and instrumental tests should be carried out. This is the only way to identify organic pathologies of the central nervous system, infectious or chronic diseases that may have manifestations similar to neurasthenia.

Correction of a mental disorder such as neurasthenia begins with identifying the causes of the disease. For healing, it is very important to eliminate negative factors that affect a person’s psycho-emotional state. Treatment of neurasthenia is complex, it is carried out in several directions at once:

  1. Drug treatment. The use of medications can reduce the patient’s anxiety and irritability and improve sleep. In addition, the doctor may recommend taking vitamin complexes and products that have a general strengthening effect on the body. The decision to prescribe medications is made in each case separately, based on the characteristics of the disease.
  2. Psychotherapy. Psychotherapeutic influence is decisive in the treatment of neurasthenia in both men and women. The most effective method is individual psychotherapy, but work can also be carried out in groups. During the sessions, the patient can understand and work through the causes of his illness, and learn to cope with stressful situations. A psychotherapist can use cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosuggestive techniques, and biofeedback therapy (BFB therapy).
  3. Physiotherapy. Methods such as aromatherapy, reflexology, electrosleep, massage help to quickly restore strength and significantly improve the patient’s condition.

Non-traditional methods of treating mental disorders will also be useful. Communicating with animals, such as horses or dolphins, will help you relax and get into a positive mood. Music, drawing, and dancing have a positive impact.

The success of treatment largely depends on the patient himself, because only he himself can change his life for the better. An experienced psychotherapist will give the necessary recommendations, which will help restore the nervous system and get rid of the disorder.

How to cope

It is easiest to overcome stress at the first sign of it. To do this, you always need to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner. It is advisable to involve family and friends in the process. To cope with the problem, you need to act in several directions at once:

  • change of environment, type of activity, vacation;
  • physical education classes;
  • trainings and auto-trainings, psychological exercises;
  • medicinal preparations.

The latter are prescribed only by a specialist - a neurologist or psychotherapist.

Physical strength exercises will help you overcome a difficult period


It is possible to cope with neurasthenia without consulting a doctor, although this is quite difficult. However, it is worth remembering that self-correction is possible only in mild forms of the disorder. In severe cases, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

A person who realizes that he has neurasthenia must radically change his life:

  • leave work for a while. It is best to take a vacation or time off. The management should be warned that you need proper rest, so you will not answer phone calls. It is advisable to turn off your phone altogether and stop using the computer (don’t answer emails, forget about the existence of social networks);
  • follow the daily routine. To restore strength, you will need to normalize your diet and sleep. With neurasthenia, a person experiences difficulty falling asleep; evening walks in the fresh air will help to cope with this;
  • take a break for yourself. How exactly you relax depends on personal preference. This could be watching movies, reading books or traveling. It is important to choose an activity that brings you pleasure. But you should give up doing boring routine work for a while;
  • give up your bad habits. Alcoholic drinks may seem like an excellent remedy for neurasthenia, but taking them only worsens the situation. Psychological problems do not disappear, but the physical condition worsens even more. The body is already weakened, there is no need to poison it even more with alcohol and cigarettes;
  • increase the body's defenses. For this purpose, you can use traditional medicine. For example, tinctures of motherwort and valerian root will help you calm down, and berry mixtures, peppermint and verbena will help you restore strength. These and other traditional medicines are rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial microelements necessary for a depleted body. Herbal medicines do not have a negative effect, but they should be used cautiously by people suffering from various types of allergies.

The worst enemy of neurasthenia is rest. A rested person has the strength to fight this disease. The methods listed above can also serve to prevent the development of neuroses and other mental disorders associated with overwork.

No matter how important your job is, make time to do things you love, play sports, spend more time outdoors, and build relationships with family and friends.

Methods for dealing with stress

Everyone knows such ways of dealing with stress as normalizing the daily routine, resting, exercising, listening to music for relaxation and communicating with loved ones. However, in addition to these measures, professional psychologists also identify the following methods of dealing with stress:2

  • Reconsidering some life goals. Ideals are often formed in the minds of people in childhood under the influence of significant adults. Men strive for these ideals and suffer because they are unattainable. Sometimes it is useful to review your life goals or ways to achieve them.
  • Moving away from a sense of duty and moving towards a sense of responsibility. Usually people take on as much responsibility as they consider acceptable at the moment (“and not an ounce more”). Debt is usually “labelled” by others with a large margin; people perform it for someone and wait for someone’s assessment. The sense of duty presses and increases stress.3
  • Mastering self-regulation techniques to normalize adequate sleep, develop a healthy work and rest regime.4
  • Mastering relaxation skills, learning spontaneity, flexibility. Achievements in life are not always associated with exerting willpower; often it is relaxation that gives energy and good performance.
  • Learning techniques for safely releasing anger. The feeling of anger is formed evolutionarily, but excessive anger and irritability interfere with social life. From childhood, a person is taught to suppress these feelings. Suppressed anger accumulates, requiring more and more effort to maintain it in a suppressed state, but when it reaches a certain critical point, it can burst to the surface for the most insignificant reason. Without getting rid of anger, it is difficult to get rid of resentment. These two feelings make it difficult to cope with the effects of stress.
  • Avoiding and limiting addictions: alcohol, drugs, gaming. At first glance, these habits may seem to help combat stress, but in fact they add new problems and exacerbate old ones. Alas, the illusion of being able to “relieve stress and relax” with the help of alcohol is still quite tenacious.
  • Sedatives. A doctor will help you choose a good sedative for nerves for men. Medical consultation should not be neglected.

Features of male stress

There are a number of important differences that characterize male stress and separate it from female stress. We are also worried and scared, but the recovery process is slightly different. Let's understand what traumatizes men and causes us to endure stress.

Stress and depression

According to some theories, depression is often associated with stress and occurs when there is excessive stress on the brain. Stressful experiences can lead a man to depression, a serious illness.

  • Despair.
  • Constant fatigue.
  • Guilt.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • Indecisiveness.
  • Sleep disturbance, frequent nightmares.
  • Weight gain or loss.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Dark, destructive thoughts.

Difference between anxiety and fear

It is important to be able to distinguish between these concepts. Fear is specific, a person is afraid of a certain thing, object, situation. Anxiety is something vague, “blurry,” and completely absorbing.

Fear represents bad experiences from the past, childhood traumas. Anxiety is already manifesting itself for the future. The feeling of fear suppresses activity and slows down. The feeling of anxiety is equal to psychological arousal.

Victory over stress: what definitely won’t help

Many men not only do not fight stress - accumulating the negative consequences of the latter - but also do everything to aggravate the situation with their behavioral habits:

  1. Alcohol seems like a way out after a hard day at work. It really helps to relieve tension, relax and fall asleep, but over time the harm will become much greater, and the benefits will disappear completely.
  2. Hiding what's on your mind is not cool. Men are gradually beginning to understand this and turn to specialists. But it’s better not to let it come to this and have people nearby who you can tell about everything and from whom you can get support.
  3. Ignoring stress will not lead to any good. Many people still do not understand that chronic stress is the cause of a number of symptoms.

Irritated Man Syndrome

New medical research shows that men have a period during which they become irritable and aggressive. Experts associate this behavior with a sharp decrease in a hormone called testosterone.

Low testosterone affects the mental state of men, as well as potency. One of the reasons for the decrease in the hormone is stress and prolonged emotional stress.

Testosterone is called the male hormone, it is responsible for confidence, energy, and an active sex life. It is associated with hair growth, voice timbre, and general appearance. With chronic stress, testosterone is at a low level, which provokes isolation, nervousness, and most importantly, poor potency.

Testosterone is the conquering hormone and is associated with victory and confidence. With any success, its level increases. In case of regular failures, testosterone decreases, the person becomes vulnerable.


According to statistics, pathological fear occurs due to two most common reasons:

  1. Stressful or traumatic situation. This reason is the most common, although people do not always remember what exactly happened, as a result of which constant fear appeared. However, a series of associations associated with a past situation can cause fear. For example, the fear of driving is based on a previously experienced accident, and the fear of choking is based on food getting stuck, which caused a panic experience. People with a developed imagination can acquire a phobia after a terrible incident with friends, or simply after seeing something frightening on TV.
  2. Hereditary factor. Many fears, for example, fear of heights, snakes, spiders, etc. are based on the instinct of self-preservation and are inherent in all humanity. However, in people with a weak nervous system or a hereditary predisposition, the instinct of self-preservation can transform into obsessive fear.

Understanding and establishing the true causes of fears is already half the success towards answering the question of how to cope with phobias.

Manifestations of stress

One of the main problems of male stress is silence. Most guys are not inclined to talk about their experiences because they are afraid that it may be considered weak. Even going to the doctor for any reason is considered “unmanly” behavior. But if you do not notice the symptoms of stress for a long time, it will soon begin to directly affect your life:

  1. Loss of energy . Just yesterday you easily coped with the tasks that stood before you, but now you have neither the mood nor the strength. Stress is draining. Mental labor is no easier than physical labor.
  2. Sleep disorders . Sleep problems are not necessarily insomnia. They can be very different. The main task of sleep is to restore the body. And if it is not fulfilled, then this is a serious problem. Some people put off sleep not because they don’t want to sleep, but because they procrastinate.
  3. Behavior change . A man often gets irritated and begins to worry about many things. Some people lose their former circle of friends, while others become aggressive.
  4. Low self-esteem . A man cannot cope with what was previously easy, so he begins to feel inferior. This can only worsen professional and family problems.

With constant stress, a variety of diseases can manifest and progress. Many of them directly affect performance, reduce quality of life and even lead to death.

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