Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels by Professor Hu Xiaofei. 8 exercises

Good condition of the cardiovascular system is the key to good health and normal functioning of the main human organs. The heart is a tireless motor that forces blood to move throughout the body. Chinese medicine believes that blood supplies organs not only with oxygen, but also with vital energy (Qi). That is why the condition of the vessels through which it flows is so important.

The functioning of the cardiovascular system is influenced by many factors: stress, chronic diseases, genetic predisposition. Today, not only older people, but also young people suffer from heart disease. Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels “Qigong” helps to maintain and improve their condition, as well as strengthen the body.

Features of the technique

Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels by Professor Hu Xiaofei is designed to protect the human body from premature aging.

Age-related changes in physiology arise as a consequence of a lack of physical activity and manifest themselves in a deterioration of the condition:

  • heart muscle;
  • respiratory organs;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • nervous system;
  • skin and hair;
  • organs of vision and hearing.

Traditional Chinese medicine associates all negative changes with a deterioration in the circulation of vital energy “Qi”. Normal energy circulation guarantees the smooth functioning of various organs. The material substance that serves to transfer energy is blood.

Chinese healers recognize the main cause of aging as slowing blood flow in the lower part of the body.

According to the Chinese teaching, excess energy accumulates in the upper part of the body with age, and due to the resulting imbalance, internal organs suffer. Physical and emotional stress takes away a person’s strength and contributes to the development of diseases.

In Western medicine, there is no analogue to the term “Qi”, and the origin of diseases is explained by a violation of metabolic processes and a lack of elements important for the functioning of organs. The circulatory system performs the function of transporting useful substances, therefore, the timely and uninterrupted supply of internal organs with everything necessary depends on its throughput.

Thus, both currents of medical thought agree that the correct blood composition and normal blood flow are the key to the health of the body.

Chinese doctors consider the most important factor in healing to be the creation of conditions under which blood circulates freely throughout a large circle of circulation, freely passing to the foot and also freely returning to the heart muscle.

Blockages that occur in the path of blood flow occur in five main places:

  • mid chest;
  • groin area;
  • elbows;
  • armpits;
  • knees.

The arsenal of oriental medicine contains a sufficient number of reliably proven methods for solving problems of stagnation of the “Qi” energy (acupuncture, massage, medications, taijiquan gymnastics). All these methods require direct contact with a highly qualified healer or instructor with special knowledge.

Even minor deviations from the correct implementation of prescriptions significantly reduce the therapeutic effect of their use.

Since the vast majority of people over 40 years of age feel the need for procedures that support blood circulation, the task of creating a set of exercises suitable for independent use has become urgent.

Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels by Professor Hu Xiaofei has gained popularity among a wide range of people primarily due to its simplicity and accessibility. The technique of performing gymnastic movements is simple, does not require prior physical training and is accessible to people from any age group.

The positive effect of performing the exercises is no lower than that of similar health-improving gymnastic practices, and is felt immediately after the first lesson.

The secret to the effectiveness of the technique lies in the type of impact on the channels through which the “Qi” energy moves. Gymnastic exercises combining twisting and stretching create a targeted effect on the largest congestions in five bodily areas and clear them of toxins that interfere with normal blood circulation.

In addition, this kind of exercise significantly improves blood microcirculation at the capillary level. After congestion has subsided, the blood flow will continue to independently cleanse the channels through which it moves. Cleaning the channels will ensure a harmonious distribution of vital forces and activate the body’s natural health regulators.

As vascular tone increases during exercise and the prerequisites for the formation of blood clots are eliminated, oxygen supply to organs improves and inflammatory processes fade away.

Groups of tools to improve brain function

Piracetam was the world's first nootropic. It was developed back in 1963 as a replacement for psychostimulants, benefiting from the absence of side effects. This substance became the founder of the racetam group, which improves memory.

In the nootropics category you can also find:

  • correctors of cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • dimethylaminoethanol derivatives, which help absorb oxygen and improve thinking skills;
  • derivatives of pyridoxine (vitamin B6), normalizing metabolism in neurons and stabilizing the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • neuropeptides that promote the formation of long-term memory.

Neuroprotectors are sometimes identified with nootropics, but there is a difference between them. Neuroprotectors are drugs of mixed action. They have a wider range of effects.

Indications for performing exercises

Ensuring the smooth functioning of the circulatory system helps to get rid of most painful conditions, especially those associated with age. A person who has started practicing vascular gymnastics will soon notice an improvement in well-being and a gradual disappearance of irritating symptoms.

Gymnastics for blood vessels is used in the presence of various symptoms of therapeutic ailments. The table shows a list of alarming symptoms indicating the presence of serious health problems, and lists the positive effects of performing the complex according to the method of Chinese professor Hu Xiaofei:

Manifestations of the diseaseProblemExpected therapeutic effect after performing gymnastics
Depression, depression, excessive excitability, inability to concentrate for long periods of time, problems with memory, poor coordination of movements, frequent dizziness, headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disturbances, impaired vision and hearing.Chronic cerebral circulatory failure, neurocirculatory dystonia (severance of neural connections).Strengthening the blood vessels of the brain, restoring the supply of oxygen to brain cells, stimulating thought processes, achieving psychological and mental balance, normalizing sleep and wakefulness.
Arrhythmia, signs of hypertension (tinnitus, redness of the facial skin, swelling around the eyes, causeless sweating, frequent nosebleeds, numbness and swelling of the fingers and toes).Reducing the lumen of blood vessels, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.Stabilization of heart rate, normalization of blood pressure.
Feeling of heaviness in the legs, rapid fatigue, muscle cramps, swelling, decreased sensitivity, discoloration of the skin of the legs, spider veins.Weakening of the walls of the veins, causing their expansion and subsequent inflammation (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis).Healthy appearance of the legs, disappearance of unpleasant sensations, reduced risk of blood clots.
Shortness of breath, chest discomfort, wheezing, prolonged cough.Accumulation of phlegm in the respiratory organs.Ease breathing, reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes.
Digestive problems (heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence).Violation of the proper activity of the gastrointestinal tract.Elimination of congestion and inflammation, improvement of the functions of the liver, pancreas, spleen.
Problem skin: swelling, redness, boils, ulcers, post-operative scars, aging effect.Stagnation in the superficial layers of the epidermis.Accelerating regeneration processes by improving the quality of blood, stimulating the removal of chemical and biological pathogens from the skin surface, reducing the number of wrinkles and inflammation.
Back pain, decreased mobility, numbness of the limbs, joint damage (swelling, redness, fever), muscle pain.Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis of the spine, arthritis, arthrosis) caused by decreased physical activity, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, consequences of injuries or infections, and lack of nutrients.Relief from pain syndromes, restoration of elasticity of ligaments and tendons, normalization of motor activity, relief of inflammation, regeneration of affected joints.
Slow growth, thinning and hair loss.Malnutrition of hair follicles, lack of hemoglobin or hormonal imbalance.Normalization of the supply of nutrients to the hair roots, restoration of hair growth.

In addition to the listed diseases, a number of health problems may be associated with disturbances in the functioning of the body's endocrine system, kidneys or liver. Such disorders, as a rule, are also caused by deterioration of blood circulation, leading to unnecessary stress on internal organs.

The traditions of Chinese medicine consider all human organs in interconnection, therefore they set the task of establishing healthy functioning of the body as a whole. The uniform flow of Qi energy through the channels creates a reliable barrier to the penetration of diseases into the body.

The proposed complex is recommended for use not only in the treatment of chronic ailments, but also as a prophylaxis to prevent their occurrence.

Causes of headaches

The brain is a rather complex system of cells and nerve endings that feed a network of tiny blood vessels. All cells in the body need constant nutrition and oxygen supply. And when failures occur in the “supply system,” this also affects the condition of the cells. In medicine, such disruptions are called vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Vessels may narrow and suffer from spasms, which results in headaches of varying intensity. Alas, not all countries consider dystonia a real disease; it now has an unofficial status.

Common factors that can cause headaches include:

  1. Stress;
  2. Strong emotional pressure;
  3. Changes in weather - there is a group of weather-dependent people who cannot tolerate any change in the weather calmly;
  4. Chronic diseases of the spine;
  5. Pressure.

Dystonia is usually treated with vitamins or adaptogens, and physiotherapy is used. However, official treatment can be supplemented with special gymnastics to strengthen blood vessels in the brain.

Set of exercises

Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels by Professor Hu Xiaofei is a set of 8 exercises, the implementation of which will help restore proper blood supply to the head, neck, limbs and the body as a whole. Patients who have tried this treatment method on themselves claim that they felt much better after the first day of classes.

Like any eastern practice, gymnastics requires a harmonious internal mood and adherence to certain rules. One of the important conditions for the effectiveness of exercise is the cessation of alcohol and tobacco use, a balanced diet and the correct regimen. While performing the complex, you need to pay special attention to rhythmic breathing and measured rhythm of movements.

In order for your training to be successful, you must strictly adhere to the following basic principles:

  • Loads increase gradually.
  • Exercises should be performed daily.
  • Avoid feeling tired. Gymnastics should bring only pleasant sensations.
  • The pulse should not increase above the limit of 120 beats/min.
  • If any painful symptoms occur, the session is cancelled.
  • Gymnastics should be done on an empty stomach.
  • If you have heart pain, a preliminary consultation with a cardiologist is necessary.

trembling leaf

Place a mat on the floor or a hard bed and lie on your back. Raise your legs and arms perpendicularly up. The feet should be parallel to the floor, the palms should be straightened and turned with the inside facing each other. Shake your limbs vigorously. The exercise should last no more than 3 minutes.

When performing this exercise, the entire circulatory system is activated. Small oscillatory movements strengthen the vessels and cleanse them of toxins. Performing such movements in the morning helps relieve morning swelling.

Head tapping

Tap the surface of the head with the ends of the fingers of both hands. The exercise lasts no more than a minute, is designed to improve blood supply to the brain, helps improve memory and attention.

Scratching your head

The exercise is performed with all ten fingers in the direction from the forehead to the back of the skull. Helps restore blood circulation in the scalp and promote hair growth.

gold fish

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back, on a hard surface, with your hands under your neck. Stretch your toes towards you, trying to tense your whole body. Repeat 8 to 10 times, try to feel the acceleration of blood flow.

Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels: “Goldfish” exercise

Next phase: perform a simultaneous shift of the head and legs to the left, bending the torso to the right, then vice versa. Such vibrations resemble the movements of a swimming fish.

Exercise improves the functioning of the heart muscle, removes toxins, and leads to relaxation of the nerve nodes located along the spine. Its implementation is intended for correcting posture, improving the functional state of the back, and rehabilitation after injuries.

Leg Curl

Lying on your back, raise your straight legs vertically up. Bend your knees eight times in a row and straighten them. Performing this simple exercise improves the flexibility of the knee joints and helps restore blood supply.

Swing your legs

The exercise consists of two stages. To perform the first of them, you need to stand up straight with your arms out to the sides. The distance between your legs should be equal to shoulder width. Starting with your right foot, swing towards your left hand. Then repeat the same movement for the left leg.

To perform the second part of the exercise, you need to sit on a chair. First you need to raise your right arm in sync with your right leg, then your left limbs. Repeat the exercise up to 5 times.

Head rotation

The exercise is performed standing. Rotate your head in a circle clockwise, then in the opposite direction, for 1 to 3 minutes. Performing such movements helps strengthen the neck muscles and normalize blood supply to the brain vessels.


Stand straight, legs together, feet parallel to each other. Slowly rise onto your toes, then sharply lower onto your heels. The execution time is 1 minute. This exercise allows you to get rid of accumulated negative energy and cleanse your blood vessels.

What is important to know

It is important to be in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

The principles of doing the exercises are quite difficult to convey in words. A person must see the correct technique with his own eyes.

However, before you start watching valuable video materials, you should consider the basic rules for using the technique:

  • it is forbidden to increase the load sharply, the patient should not feel severe fatigue;
  • it is important to control your heart rate after completing tasks - it should not exceed 120 beats per minute;
  • if you feel unwell, exercise should be postponed; if the patient experiences heart pain after exercise, the doctor will determine the advisability of further exercise;
  • classes are conducted on an empty stomach.

Chinese methods believe that a person’s thoughts and actions must coincide - this is the only way to get results. That is, the patient should perform exercises not only for the purpose of obtaining benefits for his health, he should enjoy the process.

How to train small capillaries

Chinese vascular gymnastics by Professor Hu Xiaofei places great importance on training small capillaries. These tiny vessels help oxygen carried by the blood reach the smallest cells of the human body.

Cleaning small vessels of toxins is the first step on the path to health, so you should start doing exercises to maintain capillary tone as early as possible, without waiting for symptoms of serious diseases.

The key to the success of training lies in its regularity and the right psychological attitude.

Performing a simple set of exercises every day should bring joy and harmonious sensations. If these conditions are met, any accompanying techniques that revitalize blood flow through the capillaries (for example, a contrast shower) are welcome.

When developing his set of gymnastics exercises for blood vessels, Professor Hu Xiaofei relied on the experience of traditional Chinese medicine, which asserts the need to regulate the circulation of positive energy in the body. Regularly performing these simple movements will not only preserve the health of the body, but also find harmony and peace of mind.

Rating of the best drugs to improve brain function

Despite the large selection of nootropic drugs in pharmacies, among them there are firmly established leaders. First of all, this is the mentioned Piracetam. It is produced in the form of tablets, capsules and injections.

But there are many more good remedies with a similar effect. They differ in active ingredients and dominant effects. The top five, along with Piracetam, includes:

GlycineThe amino acid of the same name helps to cope with the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia and mental overload.
CavintonCerebrovascular corrector vinpocetine, which restores blood circulation and neutralizes the effects of hypoxia.
FenotropilA psychostimulant that helps improve concentration, improve performance, and is a mild tranquilizer.
SemaxA neuropeptide that activates learning processes and helps adapt to a lack of oxygen.
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