Who are nymphomaniacs, how to recognize them and why they are dangerous in simple words

Nymphomania is a type of hypersexuality, meaning supernormal sexual desire in the fair sex.

Even in ancient Greek writings, nymphomaniacs are mentioned. This name belonged to the forest creatures that were legendary. Forest Nymphs lured the men they liked into the deep forest thicket and tempted them with depraved acts.

The culmination of everything was long sex, after which the seduced men forever lost the feeling of pleasure from sexual intercourse. There is also an opinion that the Nymphs taught people sexual positions.

One of the spouses of the ancient Roman ruler Claudius was also a nymphomaniac. The woman had many sexual relationships with almost all representatives of the imperial guard, and worked in brothels as an undercover prostitute. The Messalina complex was named after her, and it is synonymous with nymphomania . Andromania is also a synonym for nymphomania.

Clinical picture

Women diagnosed with “nymphomaniac” are most often unable to obtain satisfaction from a single partner, so they resort to other sexual partners. Casual sex acts are the main difference. Women with vibrant sexual activity are able to clearly control their sexual intercourse. This is usually expressed in the selection of a partner.

The word "nymphomania" has an outdated designation, namely "rabies of the uterus." Today the term is used as a synonym.

The main symptom of the disorder is increased excitability. The patient is able to get turned on by one innocent look at a man, by just the thought of him. Some patients sometimes try to be satisfied with the help of one permanent partner, but the man quickly gets tired of such pressure. It is then that a woman begins to look for people who want to satisfy her own sexual hunger and gives herself to strangers.

Nymphomania can deprive a woman of common sense and disgust. It is not for nothing that the disorder is included in class F52.7 of the ICD-10 list under the name “Increased sexual desire.”

As a rule, nymphomaniacs are not interested in whether their partner is single or married, whether he is younger or older, or what his social status is. A woman’s obsessive and uncontrollable desire to get a sexual partner is the main sign of the disorder.

Symptoms such as selfishness and narcissism in bed can be identified. The main goal is satisfaction in any way. Although nymphomaniacs are aware of the presence of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, the possibility of acquiring the disease is not able to stop a “hungry” woman.

The problem is much deeper and stronger than shame and common sense, which is why a girl with the disorder is not able to stop on her own without specialized help.

How to identify a disorder - main symptoms

The disease is indicated by constant sexual arousal and readiness to have sexual intercourse with any person. At the same time, sexual desire is not supported by increased blood supply to the pelvic organs and their increased tone. During sex, orgasm occurs extremely rarely, sometimes never.

The attraction is obsessive and annoying. If the relationship with the partner does not work out, the nymphomaniac replaces him. In extreme cases, he engages in masturbation or engages in homosexual relationships.

The intimate attraction is so strong that the patient does not think about the qualities of the new partner. She has no sense of disgust at all. She often does not think about contraception and basic hygiene rules.

If a man is nearby, the nymphomaniac immediately begins to “flirt” and tries to attract attention to herself. She openly invites you to spend time with her. In sex, such patients always behave selfishly. They are not interested in their partner's needs. They follow their own whims and try to satisfy them in any way.

Nymphomania negatively affects daily life. Because of this, it is difficult to do monotonous work and communicate productively with representatives of the opposite sex. Seeing no way out of this situation and feeling her own helplessness, the woman falls into a state of depression.

Causes of nymphomania

The main causes of the disease:

  1. Damage to areas of the brain, its structure, as well as the hypothalamus (most often due to injury). In some areas of the hypothalamus there are special centers responsible for thirst, hunger, sleep and reactions that are closely related to behavioral reactions, reproduction and aggressiveness. Increased libido is caused by hypothalamic hypersexuality syndrome. Attacks of excessive sexual arousal appear, which are caused by unusual sensations in the genital area, increased sensitivity of the genitals, causing a feeling of heat, as well as pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. This is accompanied by a frequent urge to urinate.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. During menopause, hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, which is often one of the causes of menopausal nymphomania. Such a diagnosis is directly related to an imbalance of female and male hormones due to ovarian dysfunction. Unmarried women of advanced age no longer have external characteristics that can attract a young man, and married women have husbands with reduced potency in old age. Thus, they are unable to satisfy their increased sexual needs, and therefore suffer from debilitating sexual desire for days on end. All this is accompanied by severe itching in the genital area.
  3. Women's diseases and mental disorders. Often women with manic-depressive states, psychopathy, schizophrenia, and ovarian tumors can receive such a diagnosis. During the development of neoplasms or tumors, a woman may experience constant sexual desire.

Therapy methods

Nymphomania is a serious pathological disorder of psychological background, accompanied by physiological changes and discomfort. The condition has a negative impact on personal life. Therefore, treatment is required immediately. The sooner you see a doctor, the lower the risk of psychological complications, negative condition of the genital organs and other parts of the body.

The table indicates the main attending physicians and the need for consultation and therapy.

DoctorNeed for treatment
PsychotherapistThis is necessarily the attending physician, with whom we consult throughout the pathology treatment. He must first eliminate the problem, find its root cause, and prescribe treatment methods. In addition to consultations, he may recommend medications. For example, sedatives, tranquilizers
MRI SpecialistThe need for MRI arises when there is a possibility of developing neurological abnormalities associated with brain pathology. For example, benign or malignant tumor, inflammatory processes
EndocrinologistNymphomania can develop due to physiological hormonal imbalance or serious disorders. Such patients undergo mandatory treatment by an endocrinologist, taking tests for the presence of all hormones in the body. If any of them are abnormal, hormonal therapy is recommended
ImmunologistThe specialist prescribes a specific diet that completely excludes foods that have aphrodisiac properties.
VenereologistIf a woman is promiscuous, her body may develop sexually transmitted infections or even immunodeficiency. The doctor identifies all pathologies, prescribes comprehensive treatment that restores the reproductive system and other parts of the body

As soon as a comprehensive examination has taken place and the main cause of the pathology has been determined, a course of treatment is required. An integrated approach is important so that the condition does not reoccur.

If a woman has increased libido and signs of nymphomania, it is better to start drug therapy in a timely manner. Many psychotherapists and sex therapists recommend the drug Bromcamphor. It adequately controls libido, but does not disrupt the hormonal balance in the body. The patient will experience comfort and slight sedation. It is also important to constantly visit a psychotherapist who monitors her condition. The prognosis for treatment is positive if you consult a doctor in a timely manner before contracting severe infections that can lead to death. That is why nymphomania needs to be controlled and visited by a sex therapist and psychotherapist.

Forms of nymphomania

There are two forms of nymphomania, depending on the age of the patients:

  • Nymphomania at a young age. In most cases, young girls are not burdened by their condition and do not consider themselves sick.
    They consider themselves temperamental, and an increased level of libido is passed off as feminine dignity, as a positive feminine quality. The boundary between the extreme version of the norm and pathology is not always clear in special cases of hypersexuality. Such nymphomania over the years can develop into menopause. Nymphomania in women has the following examples from life. One American woman officially married 12 times, because her husbands were either forced to divorce her because of her pressure, or died from exhaustion.
  • Nymphomania climacteric. After menopause, in a large number of women, libido either decreases or disappears altogether, and in a number of cases it may remain at the same level as before menopause. If a sharp increase in libido occurs, it is accompanied by postmenopausal or menopausal nymphomania.
  • If the pathology is not treated, the symptoms will worsen until old age. Menopausal nymphomania leads to perversions (bestiality or tribadity), to excessive masturbation.

    Nymphomania is often confused with promiscuity, a form of pathological hypersexuality closely associated with organic brain damage.

    Not a disorder: high libido, increased sexual activity during falling in love, love addiction, self-affirmation of women through connections with new partners.

    How does the disorder develop?

    The mechanism of occurrence of nymphomania has not yet been thoroughly studied. Normally, during copulation, the body produces a large amount of dopamine. Due to this, the woman experiences pleasure, her erogenous zones become as sensitive as possible. The second hormone actively produced during sex is oxytocin. It stimulates uterine contractions. At the psychological level, it promotes the formation of attachment between partners.

    In nymphomaniacs, these hormones are produced in insufficient quantities. Because of this, the patient cannot experience orgasm and constantly experiences a feeling of sexual dissatisfaction.

    As for the physiological aspects of the occurrence of pathology, they are also quite specific. Healthy people undergo complex conditioned reflex preparation for sexual intercourse. Auditory, visual and tactile stimuli and endocrine glands take part in it. Incoming information is processed in brain centers. As a result, physiological sexual arousal occurs.

    Nymphomaniacs have overly active processes of preparation for sex. Their nerve centers are activated too quickly. In this case, no physiological arousal is noted as such. The desire to have sex is very strong, but it is not possible to experience pleasure during the act.


    The pathology in question is a very serious illness, since it requires particularly close attention, which manifests itself in serious treatment.

    Nymphomania in women has the following symptoms:

    • obsessive thoughts about sexual intercourse;
    • casual intimate relationships;
    • excitability, hysteria, aggression and depression, as a consequence of changes in character;
    • frequent dissatisfaction with sexual intercourse;
    • frequent change of sexual partners;
    • lack of interest in a man in spiritual terms, as a person, neglect of his external data;
    • uncontrollable attraction to men.

    Treat or enjoy?

    Nymphomania is a disease. And any disease must be treated.

    It is impossible to create a harmonious family with pathological hypersexuality. Despite the fact that a man may dream of a relationship with a passionate nymphomaniac, he is unlikely to be able to withstand “bed marathons” 7/24 for a long time. In addition, he will probably have to endure numerous infidelities on the part of his partner, because nymphomaniacs literally cannot restrain themselves.

    A nymphomaniac will most likely never rise high on the career ladder. She has completely different goals and very little time for a social life. All thoughts and actions are focused only on finding partners. It is difficult for a woman with this problem to adapt to a society where frequent changes of partners are strictly condemned.

    In some cases, the sexual dissatisfaction of a nymphomaniac woman provokes serious depression and suicidal behavior.

    And another serious reason why you should start treatment immediately - with promiscuous sex life, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases increases significantly.


    The disease is diagnosed by a sex therapist, but on the condition that the girl independently comes to the idea of ​​receiving medical treatment.

    It is very difficult for patients who are not aware of their problem to make a diagnosis. The causes of the disease are determined through a psychological test.

    Psychologists and experts say that in the process of passing such a test, a person is able to focus on his own problems. Thanks to the test, you can better know yourself and get the opportunity to clearly understand your behavior and feelings. Sometimes there is a need to use instrumental and laboratory research methods; a frank conversation with a doctor can help to make a final diagnosis.

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