Anxiety and depressive disorders in women

Depression is one of the most common diseases. In terms of prevalence, it is second only to cardiovascular diseases. And of all those suffering from depression, only no more than 20% seek qualified help.

In this article we will tell you about all the drugs used to treat depression.

All medications with antidepressant effects can be divided into several groups:

  1. Antidepressants.
  2. Normotimic drugs.
  3. Neuroleptics.
  4. Tranquilizers.
  5. Nootropics and metabolic agents.
  6. Herbal remedies.
  7. Amino acids.
  8. Psychostimulants.

Normotimic drugs

Medicines in this group have an antidepressant effect only in cases where the depressive state is caused by chronic affective diseases, such as bipolar affective disorder (BD, manic-depressive psychosis), cyclothymia, dysthymia, schizoaffective disorder. Most commonly used medications:

  • Carbamazepine (finlepsin)
  • Depakine chrono
  • Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
  • Lithium carbonate

Substance addiction

Physical dependence on surfactants

Constant use of alcohol or drugs leads to the fact that the body begins to perceive them as substances indispensable for its work. Toxins become embedded in the functioning of the brain and nervous system. The hormones of joy obtained with the help of surfactants cease to be produced independently in the body, so when the drugs are discontinued, a person experiences severe depression.

Mental dependence

Having received the strongest positive emotions from drugs, a person strives with all his might to repeat them again. Addiction mechanisms are formed, which is extremely difficult to get rid of on your own. Psychologists at a rehabilitation center can help you consciously control cravings for a substance.

Substance addiction syndrome

But with regular use of surfactants, regardless of the reason why a person decided to use alcohol or drugs, regular use of surfactants inevitably leads to the formation of dependence on the substance, which destroys the body at the physical and mental level. Without medical care, the disease progresses very quickly and often causes premature death.

Signs of overdose

An overdose of narcotic drugs can manifest itself in increased heart rate, a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure, and attacks of nausea and vomiting. In severe cases, cardiac arrest may occur, the person may lose the ability to breathe, and fall into a coma. In any case, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible for resuscitation.


Withdrawal is a withdrawal syndrome in drug addicts, manifested by a whole range of severe mental and physical conditions.



Despite the fact that most antipsychotic drugs depress the nervous system, among them there are drugs with antidepressant effects:

  • Flupenthixol (fluanxol).

    It has an antidepressant effect only when administered in small doses (less than 2 mg per day).

  • Aripiprazole.

    Effective for depression in bipolar affective disorder and schizitypal disorders.

  • Levomepromazine (tizercin).

    Prescribed for endogenous depression accompanied by insomnia.

Detoxification at home and in hospital

When addiction to psychoactive substances occurs, it is very difficult to cope with painful withdrawal symptoms on your own. To save himself from suffering, the addict strives to take the next dose as soon as possible, which only aggravates the situation. To stop an addict’s use of alcohol or drugs and eliminate withdrawal symptoms, it is necessary to seek the help of a narcologist. A doctor can place a detoxification drip both in the clinic and at home if a drug treatment team is called.



  • Bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine (phenazepam).

    The drug of choice for neurotic conditions with depression and post-stress conditions. That is, in cases where short-term treatment is required.

  • Clonazepam.

    Strong anti-anxiety and sedative effect. When taken for a long time it causes dependence.

  • Alprazolam.

    Prescribed for anxiety and depression. Recommended for short courses (no more than 10 days) due to the risk of developing addiction and dependence.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The vast majority of mental disorders are polyetiological diseases, in other words, it is not always possible to identify one specific cause of the pathology. The exception is mental disorders caused by organic brain damage due to:

  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • complications after neuroinfections, stroke;
  • tumors, vascular neoplasms;
  • operations;
  • congenital pathologies of the development of the central nervous system;
  • long-term abuse of alcohol and drugs;
  • tissue damage due to acute hypoxia.

In such cases, treatment of mental disorders comes down to restoring brain function (as far as possible).

Diseases caused by a combination of genetic and external factors are much more difficult to treat. According to experts, a person with a certain character and lifestyle is predisposed to mental disorders. The risk group includes closed, unsociable people (lately communication in society has often replaced the Internet and social networks, which psychiatrists consider even more dangerous), impressionable individuals (often they themselves search for specific content - films, stories about terrorist attacks, murders, disasters etc.).

Symptoms of a mental disorder usually manifest after very severe nervous shock. This could be some kind of misfortune, serious illness, divorce, dismissal, conflict, moving to another country. Sometimes the development of the disease occurs gradually under the influence of chronic fatigue, insomnia, and overwork.

Nootropics and Metabolic Aids

The remedies in this group help to get out of a depressive state that has developed against the background of stress, overwork, encephalopathy, the consequences of injuries and poisoning. By improving the blood supply to neurons and energy metabolism within cells, they contribute to the activation of cognitive functions and memory. The most effective drugs in this group:

  • Phenibut
  • Mexidol
  • Aminalon (GABA)
  • Piracetam (nootropil)
  • Picamilon
  • Pyriditol (encephabol)
  • B vitamins.

Treatment prices:

ServicePrice, rub)
Types of therapies
Standard detoxification therapy3 500 ₽
Double Detox Therapy6 000 ₽
Enhanced Detoxification Therapy7 500 ₽
Maximum detoxification therapy9 500 ₽
Quick sobering up at home7 500 ₽
Hospital at home 1 day22 000 ₽
Advanced hospitalization15 000 ₽
Treatment in hospital
Economy chamber (6 beds)2 000 ₽
Standard room (4 beds)3 000 ₽
Increased comfort (2 seater)5 500 ₽
VIP chamber (1 person)12 500 ₽
Individual post 24/75 000 ₽
Medical and social rehabilitation 21 days140 000 ₽
ServicePrice, rub)
Initial consultation with a narcologistfor free
Consultation with a psychologist3 000 ₽
Psychiatrist consultation5 000 ₽
Coding at home Torpedo7 500 ₽
Express output and encoding (doublet)13 500 ₽
Coding using the Dovzhenko method12 000 ₽
Hypnosis classic session13 000 ₽
Ericksonian hypnosis session (NLP)8 000 ₽
Coding method Torpedo5 500 ₽
Double block8 000 ₽
Esperal injection for 1 year9 900 ₽
Tetlong for 3 months10 500 ₽
Esperal gel for 1 year15 000 ₽
Selincro course of therapy12 500 ₽
Implantation of Disulfiram for 1 year18 000 ₽
Vivitrol injection for 1 month26 000 ₽
Naltrexone stitching for 3 months35 000 ₽
Neuroimplantation Prodetoxon for 6 months47 500 ₽
Narcopsychotherapy session50 000 ₽
Neutralization of encodingspecify
Psychodiagnostics / pathological diagnostics7 500 ₽
Psychotherapy session5 000 ₽
Family psychotherapy6 000 ₽
Outpatient rehabilitation in Moscow33 000 ₽


What is a surfactant?

A psychoactive substance is any substance or mixture of substances that affects the normal functioning of the central nervous system and brain, resulting in a change in the mental state of the user, as a result of which the person feels intoxicated or even changes in consciousness. This effect can affect the body both positively (when used in recommended medicinal doses and as directed) and negatively (when taken for narcotic purposes).

Pharmacology works with surfactants in the treatment of neurological and mental diseases. They are called psychotropic substances. Those substances that can be used to achieve euphoria and cause mental and/or physical dependence are legally prohibited for sale and distribution and are called narcotic substances.

Surfactants also include alcohol, tobacco and alcohol-containing drinks, since they also affect human consciousness and are addictive.

Another type of surfactant is neurotropic drugs. These are medicinal substances that affect the central and peripheral nervous system. They serve both to depress the nervous system and to stimulate the excitation of various parts of the brain or nervous system.


Surfactant composition

Psychoactive substances are divided and classified depending on their origin, the chemical composition of their effect and the consequences of use. Depending on the composition and origin, surfactants are divided into the following groups:

  • Plant substances.
  • Semi-synthetic drugs produced on the basis of the plant.
  • Synthetic, obtained as a result of chemical reactions.

The effect of using surfactants

Depending on the effect they have on human consciousness, surfactants are divided into:

  • Antidepressants have a depressant effect on the nervous system. This group is based on opiate drugs (morphine, heroin, promedol, codeine and others). Drugs in this group have a sedative and hypnotic effect, so they are widely used in neurology and psychiatry (barbiturates, lorazepam). This group of substances also includes ether and chloral hydrate, which lead to complete depression of the nervous systems. Alcoholic drinks also lead to depression of the nervous system, so they can be classified as psychodepressants.
  • Psychostimulants. This group includes drugs with the opposite effect. They stimulate the nervous system. These include caffeine, ephedrine, pervitin, cocaine, and amphetamines. This category also includes alkaloids (theobromine, theophylline), ketones (bupropion).
  • Hallucinogens that provoke the appearance of delusional states, auditory and visual hallucinations. These include marijuana, hashish, and LSD. Substance abusers strive to achieve similar effects by inhaling drugs such as gasoline, glue, and acetone. This category includes hallucinogenic mushrooms (fly agarics, toadstools), anticholinergic drugs (scopolamine, atropine).

Duration of action and side effects

The duration of action and effects of use depend on the chemical composition of the drug and its characteristics. Because psychoactive substances can have a wide variety of psychological effects, their side effects also vary greatly. The most common symptoms of intoxication are surges in blood pressure and pulse, nausea, vomiting, pain in the head, heart and joints.

Dangerous psychoactive substances: harm of use

All psychoactive substances, when abused or used for non-medical reasons, are hazardous to health, since they negatively affect the functioning of the entire body, especially the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Regular use of surfactants causes the formation of addiction - a serious progressive disease that destroys health and leads to human death.

Psychoactive drugs can be legal or illegal. The latter are prohibited for distribution at the legislative level, and their production and circulation for medicinal purposes is strictly controlled by government agencies. Drug trafficking is a criminal offense.

Legal psychoactive drugs are generally available to the public. The restriction on the purchase of such surfactants applies only to minors. However, despite their availability, these substances are no less harmful to humans, since they also have a destructive effect on the body. These include alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. Their legal distribution is linked to income generation and a particular culture's historical relationship with these substances.

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Characteristics of surfactants

Psychoactive substances cause positive emotions and a feeling of euphoria only with a single use, but with regular use they lead to physical and mental dependence.

Groups of psychoactive substances

Surfactants can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Alcohol . Alcoholic drinks are treated as food products.
  2. Drugs . These include substances that meet three criteria:
  • Medical criteria - capable of changing the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Social criterion – negative attitude of society towards the use of substances for non-medical reasons;
  • The legal criterion is that these substances are included in the narcotic register and are prohibited for distribution by law.
  1. Non-narcotic surfactants – toxic substances, nicotine, caffeine, and other surfactants not included in the list of narcotic drugs.

Responsibility for use

Persons who use psychoactive substances in public places, or are in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication while performing professional activities or driving a car or other equipment, are subject to administrative liability, in accordance with Article 6.9 and Article 20.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This type of offense is punishable by a fine of 4 to 5 thousand rubles or administrative arrest for 15 days. In case of driving a vehicle, the driver faces deprivation of his license for a period of 1.5 years and a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

The use of psychoactive substances by minors entails registration and constant monitoring of his behavior. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for children taking drugs.

People who apply for treatment of addiction to psychoactive substances at their own request do not bear administrative responsibility.

Are there non-drug treatments for depression?

In addition to medications, there are many non-drug treatments for depression. These are psychotherapy, biofeedback therapy, diet therapy, physical therapy, exercise therapy, reflexology, light and color therapy, sleep deprivation, etc. Most often, a combination of several methods is used to treat depression. For example: psychotherapy + drug treatment, biofeedback therapy + psychotherapy, medication + diet therapy, etc.

You cannot prescribe or use medications on your own. If you or your loved one is faced with the problem of depression, you need to see a psychiatrist or psychotherapist! Only according to his recommendations can you use drugs. Self-medication is life-threatening!

Substance prevention

Prevention of the increase in the number of people dependent on psychoactive substances should be based on educating the general public about the dangers of using alcohol and drugs and promoting a healthy lifestyle. The main areas of preventive work carried out among children and youth:

  • Control over the propaganda of surfactants in the media and works of art (music, films, books, etc.);
  • Carrying out activities to explain the harm of psychoactive substances and the consequences of their use;
  • Development of sports organizations, sections, clubs for interesting and useful free time and leisure activities;
  • Available psychological assistance in educational institutions;
  • Identification of children and adolescents at risk, conducting social work in dysfunctional families.
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