Ultrasound duplex scanning (USD)

  • What is duplex scanning of head and neck vessels?
  • Indications for the study
  • Methods of ultrasound diagnostics of blood vessels
  • Preparation
  • How is ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the head and neck performed?
  • Information content of duplex scanning
  • Popular questions

Duplex scanning of head and neck vessels
is a non-invasive diagnostic study based on the properties of an ultrasound wave reflected from moving red blood cells, forming an image of the vessel. This procedure, which allows you to assess the condition of the carotid, subclavian and vertebral arteries, helps to identify and prevent the progression of symptoms of vascular diseases and cerebrovascular accidents.

Using duplex scanning, you can obtain information about the anatomical course of the arteries, their diameter, the state of the lumen and walls, and assess blood flow. Ultrasound scanning is also widely used as a non-invasive method for detecting atherosclerotic plaques and assessing their condition. The technique makes it possible to determine hemodynamic disturbances caused by the presence of a plaque Source: Tyulyakova S.Sh. Condition of the great vessels of the neck and head according to ultrasound duplex scanning in acute ischemic stroke / S.Sh. Tyulyakova [and others] // Medical Bulletin of Bashkortostan. - 2011. - pp. 294-296. , assess the structure of the plaque, determine its thrombogenicity, determine the advisability of surgical treatment Source: Lagoda O.V. Duplex scanning in the diagnosis of cerebral vascular pathology / O.V. Lagoda, A.O. Chechetkin // Nervous diseases. - 2004. - No. 3. - P. 19-24. .

Indications for ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck

  • frequent dizziness, headaches;
  • fainting;
  • high blood cholesterol levels;
  • arrhythmia;
  • hypertension;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, neck pain of another etiology;
  • heart disease;
  • sleep disorders;
  • traumatic brain injuries and their consequences;
  • complaints indicating the presence of pathology of the vessels of the neck (ringing in the ears, visual and auditory disturbances, unsteadiness of gait, decreased memory, weakened attention);
  • preparation for surgery on the heart or blood vessels;
  • suspected brain tumor.

Ultrasound Doppler ultrasound (Doppler ultrasound) of the vessels of the head and neck can be performed for preventive purposes to minimize the risk of cerebral stroke.

Bogomolov Sergey Nikolaevich


Duplex (ultrasound) scanning of the vessels of the head and neck is performed to assess the degree of disruption of blood flow in the main blood vessels. The study has the greatest diagnostic value in patients with chronic cerebrovascular accidents, dizziness, headaches, high cholesterol, stroke, as well as in young patients with unfavorable heredity for heart and vascular diseases and in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

What is ultrasound

Doppler ultrasound is an ultrasound examination based on the Doppler effect, which consists in the fact that the length and frequency of the sound wave changes depending on the speed of the object.
When scanning blood vessels, waves are reflected from red blood cells flowing through blood vessels. This information is read by equipment (a sensor that the doctor passes over the area under study) and displayed on the monitor. The following types of ultrasound examination are distinguished:

  • B-mode, or duplex scanning, is the simplest, inexpensive and quite informative for preliminary diagnosis. In this study, veins and arteries are visible only in black and white, which allows the doctor to evaluate the main parameters: the diameter and curvature of the blood vessel, the thickness of its wall, the presence or absence of plaques and blood clots in it.
  • Color or triplex scanning allows you to obtain an image on the monitor screen in which different sections of blood vessels, depending on the presence or absence of pathology, are painted in different colors. In color mode, the doctor evaluates, first of all, the uniformity of filling a vein or artery with blood, which makes it possible to identify blood flow anomalies.
  • In addition to duplex and triplex scanning, in some cases it is necessary to study the hemodynamics of blood flow. In this case, the spectral mode of ultrasound with Doppler is used, through which a spectrogram is formed on the screen. Such an examination is indispensable during pregnancy, when it is necessary to determine whether the placenta is sufficiently supplied with blood.

Preparation for the procedure

Duplex scanning of head and neck vessels does not require special preparation, but has several recommendations.

  • On the appointed day, the patient is not recommended to drink coffee, strong tea or alcohol.
  • For two hours before the test, you should refrain from eating and smoking, as this may affect the information content of the results.
  • If you need to take medications on a regular basis, you should inform your doctor.

What is examined during ultrasound of cerebral vessels

Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the brain of the head is carried out in segments. For the doctor, the reference points are the cervical cartilage, vertebrae, and skull bones.

What can be seen during diagnosis:

  • Condition of the vertebral arteries.
  • Causes of development of vascular diseases.
  • Structure of the carotid arteries.
  • The nature of the venous outflow: through the sinuses of the brain and veins.
  • Blood flow through the main vessel of the brain (basilar artery).
  • The condition and structure of the entire arterial chain of the head and neck.
  • Pathologies of arterial trunks, etc.

Each section of the arterial system has its own designation, for example, the vertebral artery is marked with the letter V and has 5 segments to be studied.

When interpreting ultrasound and making a diagnosis, the linear velocity of blood flow must be taken into account. If the condition of the veins is assessed, then indicators of the phasing of blood flow are taken into account (depending on the diameters of the vessels, lumen and other indicators). The gaps are also checked for the presence of neoplasms: plaques in the arteries, blood clots in the veins.

The diagnostic results obtained are always compared with generally accepted standards. Only after a thorough examination of the entire venous-arterial network of the brain can the doctor find the cause of the development of the ailment and select an effective treatment.

What does duplex scanning show?

When performing duplex scanning, the structure of the main vessel is studied, the diameter of its lumen is determined, possible obstacles are identified (atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots, foci of inflammation, solid, liquid or gaseous intravascular substrates, etc.). Also during the procedure, signs of arterial aneurysm, vascular spasm, impaired venous outflow and other pathological conditions may be detected. This technique allows us to assess the reserve capabilities of blood circulation and regulation of vascular tone.

How is ultrasound of the vessels of the brain and neck performed?

Diagnostics together with decoding takes about 40-50 minutes. The patient is asked to lie on the couch and tilt his head back slightly so that the doctor can comfortably reach the vessels being examined. A conductor gel must be applied to the skin. Next, a sensor transmitting ultrasonic waves is applied to certain areas on the head and neck. First, the condition of the vessels of the brain is assessed, and then the cervical spine. The received data is projected onto the monitor screen.

During an ultrasound of the cervical vessels, the patient should generally lie still and not move, although the doctor may ask you to turn your head or hold your breath. After the procedure, the uzist will issue a sheet with the examination results, based on which the attending physician will be able to make the correct diagnosis.

Where to do ultrasound duplex scanning of blood vessels

If you need to do an ultrasound scan and duplex scanning of the vessels of the head and neck in St. Petersburg, contact the medical office. Our specialists have at their disposal the latest Italian expert-class ultrasound equipment, which allows them to make a diagnosis as quickly and accurately as possible.

You can find out the price of a diagnostic test, make an appointment and find out other questions by telephone or by filling out an electronic form.

Name of service (price list incomplete)Price, rub.)In installments*
Transcranial duplex scanning (TCDS) of cerebral vessels3 600
Ultrasound scanning of brachiocephalic vessels and vertebral arteries3 200
Transcranial ultrasound scanning (TCDS) of arteries and veins, brachiocephalic vessels and vertebral arteries6 700

* You can read more about the conditions here - Treatment on credit or in installments.

Ultrasound of neck vessels: when is it prescribed?

What diseases can ultrasound of the neck vessels help diagnose? Is it possible to undergo this study on your own initiative, without waiting for a doctor’s referral? What does the procedure itself look like? These and other questions are answered by Sabina Zaurbekovna Kadzhaeva, an ultrasound diagnostics doctor at Clinic Expert Vladikavkaz.

— Sabina Zaurbekovna, why is ultrasound of the neck vessels prescribed?

— In short, ultrasound of the neck vessels is done to assess the structural, anatomical, hemodynamic features of the brachiocephalic vessels (arteries and veins). These vessels are also called main vessels; they are responsible for the blood supply to the brain, tissues of the head and shoulder girdle.

— What does ultrasound of the neck vessels show?

— The doctor examines the lumen of the vessels, studies the condition of their walls, the nature of intraluminal formations, if any - these are plaques or blood clots that interfere with blood supply. An ultrasound will show whether the plaque is dense, with calcifications (inclusions containing calcium) - that is, old, or loose - which means it has recently formed and has a high risk of embolization. The degree of stenosis (narrowing) of the affected vessels is assessed. If this is a thrombus, then it will also be clear how much it closes the lumen of the vessel, and it is necessary to evaluate the condition of the apex of the thrombus (flotation). We can also determine hypoplasia (this is a congenital disease, an abnormally small diameter of the vessels) and aplasia - the complete absence of some vessels.

The assessment of hemodynamics refers to the speed of blood flow in each vessel and the spectrum of blood flow (graphic reflection on the screen): low speed may indicate low cardiac blood output, high blood flow speed does not exclude hypertension, stenotic lesion of the vessel or pathological tortuosity. The blood flow spectrum helps the doctor detect arrhythmia and problems associated with the thyroid gland.

Read materials on the topic:

Find and neutralize. How to protect against blood clots? Diagnosis of carotid artery stenosis using MRI. Off scale! We are looking for the causes of high blood pressure. We recognize the enemy of the heart. What is arrhythmia?

— How is an ultrasound of the neck vessels done?

— The procedure is not complicated. The patient is placed on his back, and in some cases a special cushion is placed under the shoulder blades. And then the person’s task is to simply lie still, not talk, try not to cough. This standard study lasts 15-20 minutes, but in some cases the procedure can last up to 30-40 minutes.

— What is the preparation for an ultrasound of the vessels of the neck?

— The study does not require any special preparation.

— What specialty does a doctor usually refer for an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the neck?

— In 70% of cases it is a neurologist. To make an accurate diagnosis, a cardiologist can also refer you for an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the neck; this study is carried out by patients with hypertension and heart rhythm disturbances. If we are talking, for example, about atherosclerosis, a referral can be made by a vascular surgeon, in case of diabetes mellitus - by an endocrinologist, in case of visual impairment - by an ophthalmologist. If hearing decreases or some noise appears in the ear, an ENT doctor may prescribe an ultrasound. Well, besides this, a therapist can give a referral.

You can make an appointment with specialists here. ATTENTION: the service is not available in all cities

— Can a person come for an ultrasound of the neck vessels without a referral? And if so, does it make sense - particularly if nothing is bothering you?

- In principle, anyone can come to us to find out the condition of their blood vessels, even if there are no problems or complaints. For example, I decided to do an ultrasound of the vessels of my neck in order to understand whether I have any congenital vascular changes, features with the vertebral arteries - the same hypoplasia, aplasia, congenital tortuosity. Because, sooner or later, it will make itself felt. And the more information we have about ourselves, the better: this way we can prevent or delay some of their clinical manifestations. It is especially important for smokers to undergo such a study in order to once again reconsider their attitude towards this addiction.

You can sign up for an ultrasound examination here. ATTENTION: the service is not available in all cities

Interviewed by Igor Chichinov

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For reference

Kadzhaeva Sabina Zaurbekovna

In 2004 she graduated from the medical faculty of the North Ossetian State Medical Academy (SOGMA).

From 2004 to 2005 - internship in the specialty "Surgery".

From 2005 to 2007 - clinical residency (“Surgery”).

From 2009 to 2014 she worked as a surgeon at the SOGMA clinical hospital.

From 2014 to the present - ultrasound diagnostics doctor at the Federal State Budgetary Institution SK MMC (Beslan).

Receives at the address: Vladikavkaz, st. Barbashova 64.

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