Aniracetam, Oxiracetam, Pramiracetam: general comparison (rating) of nootropics

The crazy rhythm of our life keeps our nervous system under tension every second, which gradually leads to its exhaustion.

Outwardly, this can manifest itself as a loss of strength, apathy, irritability, and depression. There is a need to use drugs that normalize the functioning of nerve cells and restore the functional activity of the system.

These drugs include nootropics. Unlike psychostimulants, they significantly improve brain activity and do not have serious side effects. A representative of this group of drugs is Oxiracetam.

Many people, when planning to buy Oxiracetam, look for it in pharmacies in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Ivanovo, and so on. However, firstly, the drug can rarely be found in the pharmacy chain, and secondly, it is very expensive (more than 3,500 rubles for 20 capsules containing 750 mg of Oxiracetam).

General information about the drug

Oskiracetam is a drug that acts directly on the nervous system.
Belongs to the group of psychoanaleptic nootropic drugs. Its use can enhance the development of logic and helps people whose professions involve constantly counting numbers or solving complex mathematical problems. With regular use, it helps to establish long-term memory functions and restores nerve cells.

This substance belongs to Racetams and was one of the first synthesized by scientists. However, despite this it remains not fully studied. It cannot be isolated from food and does not occur naturally. Often used among students and schoolchildren, this allows them to better concentrate their attention.

Mechanism of action

Its action is based on the increased production of adenosine triphosphoric acid, which improves energy metabolism in the patient’s body. Thanks to this, mental processes occur much faster. In addition, oxiracetam enhances the release of acetylcholine compounds and accelerates analytical thinking.

The drug component increases the patient’s concentration, memory, focusing and perception functions.

Has a powerful stimulating effect.

After oral administration, Oxiracetam dissolves and is absorbed in the intestine, peak concentrations in the blood are observed after 1-3 hours. It is excreted unchanged in the urine, the half-life ranges from 8 to 68 hours (in patients with renal failure). Has the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier of the brain.

Positive effects

Memory and learning . Modulation of AMPA receptors has a positive effect on memory and learning, and also has a mild stimulating effect. Studies conducted on volunteers have revealed the positive effects of oxiracetam on short-term and long-term memory.

Energy . The stimulant effect of oxiracetam differs from stimulants such as modafinil and amphetamine. Based on reviews on foreign forums, we can conclude that this nootropic causes a feeling of physical and mental energy, without the irritation and restlessness typical of other stimulants.

Neuroprotection . One animal study found that supplementation with this nootropic prevented brain damage if taken before the body was exposed to a neurotoxin or poison. This property can be useful in conditions of severe environmental pollution.

Indications for use

In today's frantic pace, a person faces many stressful tensions. Because of this, he becomes distracted and inattentive. Naturally, all these processes affect not only the rhythm of his life, but also his work. Students and schoolchildren are often inattentive in class, which leads to poor performance and, as a result, nervous system disorders. Based on this, among the main indications for the use of Oxiracetam are:

  • poor concentration (absent-mindedness, etc.);
  • loss of cognitive functions (poor memory of information, inability to conduct analytical analysis of information, etc.);
  • pathological processes in the cerebral circulatory system;
  • depression and nervous tension;
  • weakening of intellectual abilities.

DMAE or Choline bitartrate

DMAE or Choline bitartrate is highly desirable in combination with drugs from the racetam group; almost all of them in one way or another involve a special neurotransmitter system in our brain, namely acetylcholine. DMAE is a precursor to choline, from which acetylcholine is synthesized. And unlike Choline bitartrate, DMAE penetrates better into the brain and its effects begin to become noticeable extremely quickly. A particularly noticeable effect of DMAE is the increased vividness of dreams and their better memorization, while some people have lucid dreams while taking DMAE; many people strive to to achieve lucid dreaming in one way or another, choline supplements are an excellent choice to help achieve this goal. And DMAE is preferable to regular choline for the first acquaintance with nootropics, again due to the speed of onset of the effect. Although in fact it is recommended to use both of these drugs to achieve the best results.


399 rub.

Instructions for use

The drug is taken orally with a small amount of water. Eating does not affect the absorption of Oxiracetam components.

The daily dose is 400-2400 mg, which are divided into 2-3 equal doses (the time interval must be at least 8 hours). For patients who are taking nootropic drugs for the first time, it is necessary to start with a minimum dosage, increasing it gradually. It must be remembered that it has an invigorating effect, so it is not recommended to drink it immediately before bed (it causes severe insomnia).

For patients who have been taking drugs from the Racetam family for a long time, it is recommended to take this drug according to the following scheme: for the first 2 days, the daily dose is increased by 2-3 times, then they switch to the standard dosage. Some experts advise taking Oxiracetam according to the following regimen: increase the daily dose by 2-4 times once every 7 days, and on all other days stick to the usual dosage.

It must be remembered that the half-life of the drug is at least 3 hours, so it is best to take the last dose no later than 18 pm.

In general, the drug is well tolerated; in rare cases, the following unpleasant symptoms may occur:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • headache;
  • sleep dysfunction (due to a strong invigorating effect);
  • dizziness.

If such side effects occur, it is recommended to stop taking Oxiracetam. In order to reduce the risk of developing these symptoms, you need to include eggs, lecithin or other products that contain the substance choline in your diet. You can also take a course of OMEGA-3, it will help enrich the patient’s body with the necessary choline and reduce the risk of developing side effects.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacologically, the interesting properties of oxiracetam are a significant improvement in long-term potentiation in hippocampal cells (memory formation) through improved neurotransmission through glutamate through modulation of AMPA receptors, which results in increased activation within neurons of the protein protein kinase C, which is directly related to the formation of long-term memory.

Anti-amnesic properties of oxiracetam

In addition to improving glutamatergic signaling associated with facilitation of AMPA receptor signaling, hippocampal slices also showed an increase in the release of excitatory amino acids: glutamate and aspartate, and as a consequence of this, oxiracetam exhibits extremely noticeable anti-amnesic properties against NMDA antagonists.

Oxiracetam exhibits antiamnesic properties also against electroshock-induced amnesia (which is associated with a sharp decrease in synaptic acetylcholine) and against anticholinergic-mediated amnesia, such as scopolamine-induced amnesia. Oxiracetam is able to maintain synaptic concentrations of acetylcholine, which prevents amnesic effects. Oxiracetam exhibits similar protective effects to Aniracetam, showing almost absolute protection against scopolamine (practical benefit - truth serum will not work on you.) However, Aniracetam exhibits its cholinergic properties only in the hypothalamus, but is inactive in the cerebral cortex. From the above, it follows that oxiracetam significantly increases synaptic levels of acetylcholine, which was confirmed by subsequent studies. Oxiracetam increases both the release of acetylcholine from excitatory cholinergic neurons and increases the circulation of acetylcholine, so the use of cholinergic drugs like DMAE or Alpha GPC is highly recommended when taking oxiracetam to prevent acetylcholine depletion.

Psychostimulant properties of oxiracetam

The psychostimulant properties of oxiracetam are directly related to the increased release of acetylcholine, since the cholinergic systems of the brainstem and basal ganglia are inherently activators of cortical structures. The improvements in memory and attention associated with oxiracetam are partly related to this effect, as increased activity in the basal ganglia, called the nucleus of Meynert, directly activates the frontal lobes, which leads to improved concentration, memory and thinking. But as a minus, oxiracetam can cause insomnia when taken after 17-18 hours. Therefore, people who are extremely careful about their sleep-wake patterns should pay increased attention when taking oxiracetam. Although this does not manifest itself in everyone, it would still be a crime not to write about it.

There is evidence that oxiracetam also affects the release of dopamine from activated neurons, which is due to the fact that the anti-amnesic properties of oxiracetam in relation to scopolamine-induced amnesia are canceled by the use of dopamine receptor blockers.

Neuroprotective properties of oxiracetam

Oxiracetam also exhibits neuroprotective properties, especially with regard to exit toxicity. Oxiracetam also increases the bioenergetics of cells, which is associated with an increase in ATP content in both neuronal and glial cells after two weeks of taking oxiracetam.

Features of the drug use

Since Oxiracetam is filtered and excreted through the kidneys, it should be taken with caution in patients with impaired function of this organ.
It is recommended to constantly monitor the function of urine excretion; if its volume becomes less than 50 ml per day, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of complete kidney failure. Due to insufficient research on the ability of oxiracetam to cross the placental barrier and breast milk, you should not take this drug without a doctor's prescription.

Prescribe with caution to patients suffering from chronic insomnia. When taken together with other nootropic drugs, Oxiracetam enhances their properties.

Aniracetam and Oxiracetam - comparison of nootropics

Both Oxiracetam and Aniracetam have stronger effects on the brain compared to Piracetam. From this point of view, they are similar to each other. Both reduce anxiety, but are more effective in this regard.

To compare their effects, it is recommended to take one drug for a week or two, and then another for the same time. With this approach, the benefits of each nootropic will be clearly visible, and then the final choice can be made.

In addition, they can be taken together, this will enhance their properties. Thus, Oxiracetam will improve memorization and solve a complex problem, find a way out of a difficult situation. At the same time, Aniracetam will create a positive emotional mood, activate creativity, and significantly enhance eloquence.

According to expert reviews, both drugs are worthy of their use. The choice depends on the end goal, for example, improving mood and short-term memory or solving complex logic problems. When taking oxiracetam, an invigorating effect, a feeling of clarity in the head, and clarity of thoughts are noted.

There are no negative effects observed when taking it. Experts advise that if a headache occurs (especially when taken together with Aniracetam or other racetams), reduce the dosage or use additional drugs containing choline.

Reviews from doctors and patients

Patients leave only positive reviews after using this drug. Below are a few of them:

My work involves constant sitting in front of a monitor screen and stress. From the Internet I learned about the new nootropic drug Oskiracetam. I decided to try it and was pleased with the result. Within a week I became more concentrated and attentive.

Vitaly, 33 years old

Lately I have become very absent-minded, I constantly lose or forget something. The doctor suggested taking a course of Oskiracetam and additionally prescribed OMEGA-3 to increase choline levels. Already 7 days after I started taking it, I felt a positive result, I highly recommend this drug.

Albina, 29 years old

Patients often come to me with problems of cognitive impairment. Oxiracetam is very popular in the nootropics market today. It is recommended to use it in combination with Aniracetom, they enhance each other’s effect. I can only name their negative side symptoms: excessive excitability.

Azonov A.P., neurologist

Oxiracetam reminds me of the effect of a regular energy drink: for a short period of time you become more active, more efficient. Then you fall back into a state of stupor. I was dissatisfied with this drug.

Anatoly, 35 years old


Among the analogues, the following nootropic drugs can be distinguished:

  • Piracetam is the leader of all Racetams, improves memory, thinking, learning and memorization. Stimulates both brain centers;
  • Pramiracetam is the most powerful drug. Its effect lasts for 8 hours after the first dose;
  • Aniracetam - the effect of its action occurs in a short time. Reduces anxiety, stabilizes the emotional background, activates the functions of creativity and eloquence.

Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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