Persen and Novo-Passit: comparison and which is better

Description of Glycine

Glycine is a nootropic drug, the main active substance is an amino acid. It is necessary for the development and proper functioning of the human body. The amino acid has many important functions, but the most important is maintaining the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Glycine is used for stressful situations, physical and mental stress, insomnia, neuroses, and depression.

Effect of the drug on the body:

  • relieves irritability and aggression;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • reduces the inhibitory effect on the nervous system provoked by alcoholic beverages;
  • stimulates mental activity;

  • restores cerebral blood supply.

The medication is produced in the form of lozenges. The dosage is 4-6 pcs. per day for a month. This component, natural to the body, almost never causes negative effects or overdose. The drug is allowed for infants, adults and elderly patients. Can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is indicated with extreme caution in patients with arterial hypotension, since taking Glycine often increases blood pressure.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by increased blood pressure, it is important to choose an antihypertensive drug that has few side effects. Read more in the article: “lozap and lisinopril: analogues and replacement.”

Characteristics of Afobazole


Afobazole is a tranquilizer that exhibits a calming effect without suppressing the central nervous system. The main active ingredient is fabomotizole, which is a selective anxiolytic. The drug is effective for various psycho-emotional disorders and depression.

Afobazole is recommended for people with somatic, dermatological pathologies, and oncology.

Indications for use:

  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • anxiety, neurasthenia;
  • sleep disturbance;

  • mood change, adaptation.

Afobazole contraindications and negative effects:

  • period of breastfeeding, pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to constituent substances;
  • patients under 18 years of age.

Adverse effects are extremely rare. In case of overdose, drowsiness, general malaise, and weakness appear. Activated carbon or gastric lavage will help eliminate this condition.


Dosage of the drug: a single dose is 10 mg, the therapeutic course is 3-4 weeks three times a day after meals. To restore sleep, up to 60 mg is prescribed. Afobazole helps eliminate alcohol syndrome and improves well-being when quitting smoking.

Capoten and Captopril are drugs for the symptomatic treatment of hypertension. They do not eliminate the causes of the disease, but only reduce blood pressure and maintain its normal levels, provided they are taken systematically. Read more in the article: “what is the difference between capoten and captopril.”

Treatment of bruxism

Consequences of bruxism

Need for treatment

There is an opinion that bruxism is not such an important problem, therefore, if teeth grinding does not bother others, you can ignore it.

This is fundamentally wrong, since neglected bruxism can provoke a number of dental problems:

  • abrasion of teeth, and as a result – a change in the size and shape of the dental crown;
  • the occurrence of cracks in tooth enamel;
  • development of increased sensitivity of teeth to cold, heat and various chemical irritants;
  • damage to dental crowns and fillings;
  • loosening and even loss of teeth;
  • the appearance of various types of malocclusion;
  • gum injury;
  • development of diseases of the temporomandibular joint.

In addition to dental problems, bruxism can lead to a number of other problems: frequent headaches, spasms of the facial muscles, lack of sleep, irritability. Thus, often being the result of stress and depression, bruxism, in turn, can provoke them.

Treatment options

First of all, you need to remember that the treatment of bruxism must be comprehensive in order not only to defeat the disease itself, but also to eliminate all its symptoms and causes.

Treatment at the dentist

The dentist will probably be the first doctor you contact with the problem of bruxism. In addition to the therapist, an orthopedist and orthodontist can also take part in compiling a complete clinical picture of the disease.

What does dentistry offer to treat bruxism? First of all, this is the correction of occlusion , violations of which are one of the causes of the development of the disease. Correcting the bite will remove excess stress from the masticatory muscles and eliminate problems that arise when closing the jaws. It is known that correcting a bite with braces takes quite a long time (up to 2-2.5 years), but bruxism can “go away” much earlier - as soon as the tension from the jaw is partially relieved.

Bruxism can also be eliminated by a procedure such as teeth grinding , which can be used when some teeth are slightly larger or longer than normal, which leads to closer contact with others. If the enamel from such teeth is slightly polished, the distribution of the chewing load will improve and bruxism will disappear.

If necessary, the patient can also have incorrectly installed dentures replaced .

Treatment with a psychologist

Since psychological problems often lead to the development of bruxism, the patient may need to visit a psychologist who will help deal with these problems, and may also prescribe medication by prescribing certain medications:

  • Plant-based sedatives. For example, Novopassit, Persen and others. They will gently help relieve stress, reduce nervous excitability, but, importantly, will not cause addiction.
  • Nootropic sedatives. For example, Tenoten, Pantogam. They will help cope with very high psycho-emotional stress, as well as neurological diseases.
  • B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, etc. They will help improve the functioning of the nervous system and the body as a whole.

Botox injections

Botox can be a very effective remedy in eliminating bruxism, one of the causes of which is excessive tension in the masticatory muscles. This drug is just capable of blocking signals from the brain to the muscles, which will prevent them from overstraining.

Prevention of bruxism

Remembering that the best treatment is prevention, to prevent the development or recurrence of this disease, you should follow simple preventive measures:

  • Stop yourself when trying to grind your teeth.
  • Avoid stressful situations at all costs.
  • Normalize your daily routine, walk more in the fresh air.
  • Reduce consumption of strong coffee and tea.
  • Take warm baths before bed (you can add mint or chamomile decoction to the water).
  • Make sure your diet contains enough B vitamins, magnesium and calcium. Don't eat a lot of fatty foods before bed.
  • Tire your chewing muscles before bed with chewing gum or vegetables and fruits.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for preventative checkups.

Features of Novopassit

Novopassit is a sedative medicine of plant origin. Main ingredients: lemon balm, St. John's wort, hops, valerian, hawthorn. Additional components: glycerol, cellulose, magnesium stearate. Effective for:

  • feeling irritable;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • memory loss;
  • sleep disturbance.

The drug exhibits a slight sedative effect and has an antispasmodic effect when feeling pain or spasms.

Novopassit is produced in syrup, tablet form, and liquid extract. Directions for use: 1-2 tablets. three times a day, solution - 5-7 drops. 3 times. Since Novopassit is based on plant elements, it has almost no contraindications or adverse effects. It is allowed for pregnant and lactating women, as well as patients over 12 years of age. The only side effects are allergies to substances, rarely - nausea, heartburn, indigestion. Not used for epilepsy, bradycardia. It is forbidden to combine Novopassit with alcohol.


Both drugs are medicines made from plant materials. Thus, a fairly high safety of both drugs is achieved, but their composition should be considered in more detail.

— In general, Novopassit has more components, there are eight of them (valerian, lemon balm, hawthorn, hops, elderberry, St. John's wort, passionflower and the non-herbal component guaifenazin). — Persen contains only three components – valerian, lemon balm, mint.

The main contraindication and one of the most common side effects (typical of any herbal preparations) is an allergic reaction. It is logical to assume that Novopassit with a large number of components has a high risk of developing allergies. Also, the existing non-herbal component has contraindications for use such as the presence of a gastric ulcer, a history of bleeding and side effects in the form of diarrhea, gastralgia and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Afobazole or Glycine - which is better?

Which remedy to use depends on the severity of the symptoms. For severe anxiety, it is better to use Afobazole. In case of simple nervous overexcitation or irritability, preference can be given to Glycine. It is also effective at the time of intellectual stress; Afobazole does not increase cognitive abilities.

Glycine is allowed for children and women during pregnancy; Afobazole is contraindicated in these groups.

Similarities of drugs:

  1. medications affect the nervous system and exhibit a sedative effect, but Afobazole has a more intense anti-anxiety effect;

  2. occasionally lead to negative phenomena;
  3. both medications reduce symptoms of depressive disorder and help cope with insomnia;
  4. the products do not increase the effects of alcoholic beverages.

These drugs can be used in combination; their compatibility does not cause adverse events. If treatment is carried out with two means, then the interval between them is at least 30 minutes.

Persen or Novo-Passit – which is better?

Pros of Novo-passit:

  • more indications for use;
  • the presence of a liquid dosage form with guaifenesin;
  • fewer contraindications;
  • fewer side effects.

Advantages of Persen:

  • has two dosage options;
  • costs less.

Novo-passit, especially in liquid dosage form, is better sedative, as it contains the anxiolytic guaifenesin. Its analogue for this indicator is Afobazole, which belongs to the same group of drugs. Novo-passit is also preferable because it can be used for digestive disorders and dermatoses, and is allowed during pregnancy (with caution).

For breastfeeding (breastfeeding) and for children under 12, both drugs are contraindicated. When choosing a sedative for an older child, you need to take into account that liquid Novo-Passit contains alcohol, and it is better to choose tablets with the same name or Persen. Drugs such as Tenoten cannot be considered as an alternative at all - this is homeopathy, which does not provide a therapeutic effect.

Novopassit or Glycine - what to choose?


When purchasing a product, you must rely on the effect expected from use. When the body lacks an amino acid, Glycine can fill it. Mainly used by students and preschoolers to increase mental and physical activity. Also indicated for elderly patients to restore sleep and improve memory. The drug is combined with Mexidol, Vinpocetine.

Similarities and differences:

  1. They have the same effect on the body.
  2. Both drugs are safe because they contain natural substances.
  3. Novopassit is a sedative, Glycine is a nootropic agent. The first is a herbal medicine, the second is an amino acid.

For family troubles, nervousness at work and other life situations, doctors prescribe Novopassit. The product is not addictive compared to antidepressants, tranquilizers, and has natural ingredients that will help you achieve the desired result. Novopassit relieves anxiety, stress, and insomnia.

Afobazole or Novopassit - which is better?

Sedatives improve the functioning of the central nervous system. Both medications relieve symptoms, but affect the body differently.

Similarities and differences between them:

  1. They have the same indications and contraindications (pregnancy, lactation).
  2. The main difference is the chemical composition. Novopassit is created from plant substances, Afobazol is a synthetic medicine.
  3. The price of Novopassit is 300-750 rubles, Afobazol - 350-400 rubles.

When choosing a product, it is necessary to take into account the age and well-being of the person. Depending on the physical activity or type of activity, one drug may be better or worse than another. Novopassit or Afobazol is better; according to doctors, the first has a more delicate effect on the central nervous system, is well tolerated by people and rarely provokes negative reactions. However, for long-term treatment it is better to use Afobazole, but only under the supervision of a specialist.

Comparison of Persen and Novopassit

Both drugs have similar effects on the body, but there are also significant differences.


Both medications are used for anxiety disorders and sleep disorders.

What is the difference

Novopassit contains not only natural ingredients, but also an anxiolytic. This drug also differs from Persen in a more extensive list of adverse reactions.

What is more effective

Both drugs are effective in the treatment of neurosis-like diseases. However, Novopassit is considered more effective.

Which is stronger

Novopassit has a stronger effect on the central nervous system.

Which is cheaper?

Novopassit is cheaper than Persen. Its cost starts from 190 rubles. Price for Persen - from 240 rubles.

Analogues of sedatives

If for some reason the patient cannot take the above medications, they can be easily replaced with others with a similar action and effect.

Table with similar drugs:

A drugActive substanceManufacturerPrice
GrandaxintofisopamHungaryfrom 369 rub.
Phenibutaminophenylbutyric acidRussia, Latvia, Belarusfrom 149 rub.
AdaptolmebicarLatviafrom 1138 rub.
PhenazepambromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepineRussia Valenta FARM JSCfrom 150 rub.
Tenotenantibodies to brain-specific protein S-100Russia Moscowfrom 267 rub.
Picamilonnicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acidRussiafrom 146 rub.
PiracetampiracetamIndiafrom 62 rub.
Cortexinbovine cerebral cortex polypeptidesGeropharm LLCfrom 1321 rub.
CerebrolysinCerebrolysin concentrateAustriafrom 1529 rub.
Ataraxhydroxyzine hydrochlorideBelgiumfrom 286 rub.

The drugs will help relieve feelings of fear, tension and anxiety.

Persen is an effective drug

Persen is a sedative of plant nature; several main components predominate in its composition: lemon balm, mint, valerian. The medicinal properties and pharmacological effects of the drug are due to its natural components. The drug has an antispasmodic, calming effect and has a slight effect on the nervous system. Persen is effective for:


  • increased nervous excitability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • irritability, depression.

You should not take the medicine if you have:

  • intolerance to lactose, fructose;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • lactation, pregnancy;
  • susceptibility to constituent substances;
  • tendency to increase blood pressure;
  • gallstone pathology;
  • lack of lactase in the body.

Mint, which is part of the medication, has a vasoconstrictive effect on the blood vessels of the brain. The drug is often used for VSD and insomnia. Since Persen contains natural substances, it is not addictive.

Grandaxin is an effective tranquilizer

Grandaxin has an anxiolytic effect and almost no anticonvulsant or sedative effect. The medicine is considered a psycho-vegetative regulator and helps get rid of autonomic disorders. Shows moderate stimulating ability. Due to the lack of muscle relaxant results, the drug can be used in patients with myasthenia gravis and myopathy.

Grandaxin is a “daytime” medication, that is, it does not cause drowsiness, addiction or withdrawal symptoms.

Negative phenomena:

  • headache, severe irritability, confusion;
  • skin rash;

  • muscle pain;
  • loss of appetite, abnormal stool, dry mouth.

The tablets should be used with caution for epilepsy, atherosclerosis, and closed-angle glaucoma. Not prescribed during lactation, 1st trimester of pregnancy. Directions for use: 1-2 tablets. three times a day for 3 weeks. The maximum daily dose is 300 mg.

Phenibut is an anti-anxiety drug

Phenibut is a nootropic medicine that has psychostimulating, antioxidant, and tranquilizing effects. Improves brain function by restoring tissue metabolism and improving cerebral circulation. The drug reduces or completely eliminates feelings of anxiety, tension, and improves sleep.


Phenibut enhances the effect of narcotic analgesics, hypnotics and antipsychotic drugs. Indications for use:

  • nightmares in elderly patients;
  • psychopathy;
  • asthenic, neurotic conditions;
  • stuttering in children;

  • obsessive-compulsive neurosis;
  • additional remedy in the treatment of alcoholism.

The dose of Phenibut and duration are determined by individual characteristics, the age of the patient, and tolerability of the medication. A single dose of medication ranges from 20-750 mg - for adults; from 20-250 mg - for a child. It is indicated with special caution for liver failure and digestive diseases.

Adaptol is an analogue of Afobazole

The active component of Adaptol is tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctanedione, the release form is tablets. Relieves anxiety, worry, fear, internal psycho-emotional stress. The calming result is not associated with muscle relaxation or changes in motor coordination. It does not reduce motor or mental ability, therefore it is recommended for pupils, students and working people. Does not cause a feeling of euphoria.

It does not have a hypnotic effect, but it increases the effect of sleeping pills and improves sleep. Adaptol improves or eliminates nicotine withdrawal. In addition to the sedative, it produces nootropic assistance. Normalizes cognitive functions, attentiveness, does not stimulate signs of psychopathological disorders, namely delirium, excessive excitability.

Adaptol dosage: 500 mg three times a day, taken regardless of meals. The maximum dose is 10 g per day. The duration of therapy is up to 2 months.

Tenoten is an anxiolytic drug

Tenoten is a nootropic drug that provides anti-anxiety results without causing adverse muscle relaxant, hypnotic effects. Normalizes the tolerance of emotional stress. Shows antihypoxic, antidepressant, antiamnestic effects.


In case of hypoxia or intoxication, Tenoten produces a neuroprotective effect, limiting the area of ​​damage and improving memory. The drug should not be used by patients under 18 years of age or with high susceptibility to the constituent substances.

Directions for use: tablets should be taken before meals, 1-2 tablets. twice a day. If absolutely necessary, the frequency is increased up to 4 times. Since activating elements predominate in the drug, the last dose should be taken at least 2 hours before going to bed.

The therapeutic course is 1-3 months. If there is no improvement in the condition within 4 weeks, the patient should consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of bruxism

It is not easy to recognize bruxism without external help, because a person cannot hear himself in a dream.

The patient and dentist can learn about the disease by several signs:

  • Pain in the jaws in the morning and afternoon.
  • Frequent headaches, ringing in the ears, dizziness.
  • Wearing tooth enamel, frequent caries and some other dental problems.
  • Poor sleep, fatigue and frequent daytime sleepiness.

Most often, the first alarm bell is complaints from family and loved ones.

For overnight diagnostics of the patient, bruxcheckers can be used - special mouthguards that are worn at night, and then, based on their abrasion, a conclusion is drawn about the presence of bruxism and its severity.

Bruxism can often be diagnosed based on indirect signs during a routine examination or treatment of other dental diseases.

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