Rating: TOP 12 strong sleeping pills

Insomnia, which reduces a person’s quality of life and leads to the development of neuroses and other complications, is a serious medical problem. It affects both men and women, and lately teenage insomnia has become common. It needs to be treated and can be defeated. Let's find out how to get rid of insomnia with medications, what remedies exist for this, and what you need to do at home to help yourself.

General principles for treating insomnia

Strong sleeping pills are not always required. Sometimes it is enough to adjust your sleep and rest patterns and eliminate the irritating factor. However, with long-term chronic insomnia, it is impossible to do without medications. When prescribing medications, take into account:

  • symptoms;
  • concomitant pathologies;
  • drug interactions;
  • side effects of medications;
  • patient's age;
  • physiological conditions (pregnancy, lactation).

Important! Sleeping pills from the group of benzodiazepines should not be taken if breathing during sleep is disrupted (night apnea). Prolonged hypnotics are contraindicated in patients who the next morning are forced to drive or engage in work that requires concentration.

Rapid-acting sleeping pills are indicated in the following cases:

  • the duration of insomnia is 1–4 weeks with minor consequences for the general condition of a person;
  • insomnia for more than 4 weeks, which is accompanied by negative health consequences.

If in the first case sedatives with a hypnotic effect will help, then in case of severe insomnia, potent sleeping pills are prescribed.

Insomnia medications for older people

In old age, up to 35% of patients suffer from insomnia. This is due to the fact that with age, the production of melatonin decreases, and there is a deterioration in cerebral circulation, which entails a disruption in the structure of sleep. In this age category, it is important to choose a medicine that has a hypnotic effect and, at the same time, does not affect a person’s mental functions, does not cause drowsiness, lethargy and imbalance.

Transient (passing) insomnia in the elderly does not require medication, and feelings of anxiety and tension can be relieved with herbal preparations. For severe insomnia, preference is given to safe medications with a short half-life, since there is a risk of their accumulation in the body and the likelihood of side and toxic effects increases.

Currently, the safest and best medicine for insomnia in old age has already been determined. These are representatives of the group of third-generation sedatives (Zopiclone, Zolpidem), which are dispensed in pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription. These drugs have a pronounced hypnotic effect; they provide sleep that approaches physiological sleep. The drugs are well tolerated and do not lead to the development of lethargy and drowsiness the next day.

Alcohol compatible list

There is almost always incompatibility between the strongest sleeping pills and ethyl alcohol. Combining alcohol with sleep medications can be dangerous to human health and life.


Ethyl alcohol increases the toxicity of barbiturates, enhances their effect, reduces the adequate response and leads to increased depression of the central nervous system.

In people with respiratory failure, the combined use of ethyl alcohol and barbiturates can lead to depression of the respiratory center.

In people with alcohol dependence, treatment with barbiturates leads to rapid drug dependence.


Only under the supervision of a physician are benzodiazepine drugs prescribed for alcohol withdrawal as a sedative. Medications make the detoxification process easier.

The combination of benzodiazepines and alcoholic beverages leads to severe intoxication. In humans, the functions of the central nervous system are disrupted, the respiratory center is depressed.

If you do not wake up the victim and provide first aid, he may die from respiratory arrest.

Alcohol and H1-histamine receptor antagonists

Ethyl alcohol reduces the sedative effect of antihistamines and increases the risk of side effects. In this case, a person cannot fall asleep due to increased heart rate, anxiety, and dry mouth.

In order for sleep to occur, the patient has to increase the dosage. Ultimately, this leads to drug addiction.

Alcohol + drugs based on Melaxen

Ethyl alcohol can neutralize the effect of melatonin preparations. Preparations based on this hormone are adaptogens and help you fall asleep quickly.

Alcoholic drinks do not cause poisoning when combined with melatonin. Sometimes nausea and dizziness may occur.

Alcohol+z-drugs (non-benzodiazepines)

During treatment with z-group drugs, you should not drink alcohol. The combined effect increases the risk of side effects of the drug. A person experiences rapid intoxication, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. After a combination of these substances, retrograde amnesia develops.

The best over-the-counter sleeping pills

Over-the-counter sleep aids include melatonin-based medications (a synthetic analogue of the sleep hormone produced by the pineal gland), tablets containing doxylamine (a histamine receptor blocker), and herbal medications.


Unlike potent drugs from the barbiturate group, diazepine and Z-drugs, over-the-counter sleep tablets:

  • have a less pronounced inhibitory effect on the nervous system;
  • do not change the structure and duration of sleep phases, do not cause morning lethargy;
  • have fewer contraindications;
  • adverse reactions occur much less frequently and are less pronounced;
  • do not provoke addiction and drug dependence;
  • can be used both in courses and once.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills are more preferable for older people because they are characterized by a greater degree of safety.


The main disadvantage of over-the-counter drugs is their weak or absent effect in severe sleep disorders.

Side effects

The interaction of alcoholic beverages and sleeping pills causes side effects. Staying in one position for a long time during sleep can cause positional compression of the limbs. Impaired blood flow to the limb leads to kidney failure due to the accumulation of waste products in the muscles. In severe cases, the victim's limb is amputated due to necrotic changes.

Other side effects include retrograde amnesia, disorders of the digestive system, and drug dependence. In this regard, it is necessary to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages during the treatment of insomnia.

Rating of the best over-the-counter sleeping pills


Notta Homeopathic remedy is available in the form of drops and tablets. Used for sleep disorders, increased nervous excitability, irritability.


  • Safe homeopathic remedy, non-addictive.
  • When taken as a course, it helps to normalize sleep.
  • It has no side effects, lethargy or drowsiness.
  • Can be used to normalize sleep schedules and reduce excitability in children from the age of three (in the form of drops).


  • It does not help with a single use; a course of treatment is required.
  • Some patients do not benefit even after completing the full treatment course recommended by the manufacturer.
  • The drops contain alcohol.
  • Inflated price - 180 rubles for a package of 12 tablets (with the recommended dose of one tablet three times a day, the package lasts only for 4 days) and 400 rubles for drops in a 50 ml bottle.

Corvalol A drug based on bromoisovaleric acid, mint oil and phenobarbital is available in the form of drops for internal use and tablets. This is the only over-the-counter insomnia medication that contains phenobarbital.

The drug makes it easier to fall asleep, has a sedative, antispasmodic and vasodilator effect. In addition to sleep disorders, indications for prescribing the drug are increased nervous excitability, hypertension and vegetative-vascular dystonia (in complex therapy), tachycardia.


  • Calms and helps you fall asleep.
  • The presence of two dosage forms: drops act faster, and tablets are suitable for those who cannot tolerate the specific smell of drops; they are convenient to take on the road.
  • It can be used not only as a sleeping pill, but also as a distraction for heart pain (instead of validol). The drug also helps relieve intestinal spasms.
  • Low price: 100 rubles for a package of 20 tablets and about 30 rubles for drops in a 50 ml bottle.


  • Severely dulls reactions and causes lethargy.
  • A sharp, characteristic odor of droplets that does not disappear for a long time.
  • A large number of side effects - with long-term use can cause constipation, nausea, and liver problems.
  • An incorrectly calculated dose can provoke a strong decrease in blood pressure and bradycardia (slow heartbeat).
  • The drops contain alcohol and are not suitable for everyone.

Sympatil A drug based on magnesium oxide, eschscholzia (California poppy) and hawthorn extracts has a hypnotic and sedative effect. Eliminates anxiety and agitation, helps normalize sleep in mild forms of disorders.


  • Calms, normalizes sleep.
  • Does not cause depression during the daytime.
  • Affordable price – 270 rubles per pack of 40 tablets.


  • Cannot be used by people under 18 years of age.
  • May cause stomach pain and diarrhea.
  • It doesn't help everyone.

Phytosedan (soothing collection No. 2 and No. 3) Herbal preparations based on oregano, thyme, sweet clover, motherwort and valerian differ slightly in recipe. They have a sedative and hypnotic, mild antispasmodic effect.


  • Ease of use (available in the form of filter bags, brewed like tea, no need to prepare the mixture yourself).
  • Soft action.
  • Does not cause daytime fatigue or lethargy.
  • Pleasant aroma.
  • Low price - about 50 rubles, 20 filter bags per package.


  • Plant components may cause allergic reactions.
  • Bitter taste.
  • You need to wait 15 minutes for the product to infuse, which is not as convenient as taking ready-made syrups and tablets.

Persen Forte The drug contains extracts of lemon balm, mint, valerian, and is available in the form of capsules of 10, 20 and 40 pieces per package. Has a sedative and antispasmodic effect.

Prescribed for insomnia and other sleep disorders (alone or as part of complex therapy).


  • Helps you fall asleep if insomnia is caused by nervous tension.
  • After stopping treatment, withdrawal syndrome does not occur.
  • There are no restrictions on the duration of taking the drug.


  • A pronounced therapeutic effect is felt only with course use.
  • Does not cope with severe sleep disorders.
  • There is no liquid dosage form (drops and syrups act faster than tablets and capsules).
  • Do not take if you have low blood pressure or diseases of the biliary tract.
  • May cause allergic reactions (skin rash, itching), constipation (with prolonged use).
  • Some people experience increased fatigue while using capsules.
  • A little expensive if taken for a long time (20 tablets cost 320 rubles).

Melaxen A sleeping pill based on melatonin, a synthetic analogue of the natural sleep hormone, which is produced in the human body by the pineal gland (pineal gland) and regulates biological rhythms and sleep-wake cycles. Melaxen reduces the time it takes to fall asleep, improves the quality and duration of sleep, helps adapt to time zone changes, and has a moderate sedative effect.

Prescribed independently or in complex therapy of mild and moderate forms of sleep disorders.


  • A strong sleeping pill, although over-the-counter, helps you fall asleep quickly.
  • Does not cause daytime drowsiness, fatigue, lethargy, if you do not exceed the recommended doses.
  • As prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor, according to strict indications, use by pregnant and lactating women is allowed.


  • Cannot be used for diabetes.
  • In some patients it causes swelling, drowsiness, depression of the emotional state, and increased irritability.
  • In rare cases, while taking Melaxen, patients experience increased heart rate, severe headaches, and nightmares at night.
  • During treatment, you should avoid exposure to bright sun.
  • Relatively high price - 700 rubles for 24 tablets per package.

Dormiplant A two-component herbal sleeping pill based on valerian and lemon balm extracts, available in tablets. It has a sedative effect, reduces the time it takes to fall asleep, improves sleep quality, and reduces the frequency of night awakenings.

It is used for mild forms of sleep disorders and increased nervous excitability.


  • Within a few days after starting treatment, results are noticeable: sleep comes faster, and there are fewer night awakenings.
  • Can be used by children over 6 years old.
  • Not addictive.


  • May cause allergic reactions (rash, itching), nausea, headache.
  • Some people experience decreased performance after taking the pills and may develop depression.
  • It is not recommended to drive during use.
  • Overpriced - 450 rubles for 50 tablets containing only lemon balm and valerian.

Glycine Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system. The drug exhibits pronounced sedative properties and also improves metabolic processes in brain tissue.

Indications for the use of glycine are nervous disorders and insomnia, stress, and decreased mental performance.


  • When taken as a course, it helps normalize sleep.
  • Increases mental performance, improves memory.
  • There are few contraindications.
  • According to indications, it can be used in the treatment of lesions of the nervous system in children (even infants), which indicates the high safety of the medicine.
  • Low cost - 30 rubles per package of 50 tablets.


  • After a course of treatment, the effect lasts for a maximum of 2 months.
  • There are contraindications.
  • It doesn't help everyone.
  • May cause headaches.

Novo-Passit A ​​herbal preparation is available in the form of tablets and syrup. The tablets contain hawthorn, St. John's wort, lemon balm, hops, valerian, black elderberry, and passionflower.

The syrup additionally contains guaifenesin, a substance that reduces anxiety and restlessness and enhances the effect of medicinal herbs. The drug has an anxiolytic and sedative effect, helps normalize sleep in mild forms of insomnia, if the disorder is caused by stress or a nervous disorder.


  • Herbal composition, safer than chemical products.
  • It works quickly, especially in the liquid dosage form.
  • Can be used as a course or once.
  • The tablets do not have a specific taste and are convenient to use.
  • A variety of release forms (tablets of 10, 30 and 60 pieces per package, solution of 100 and 200 ml), you can choose the appropriate option for both long-term treatment and one-time use.


  • The syrup contains alcohol and has an unpleasant bitter taste.
  • Does not help with severe sleep disorders.
  • May cause daytime drowsiness, nausea, diarrhea, and disruption of the pancreas, especially if the dosage regimen is violated (increasing doses and frequency of use).

Donormil A drug for insomnia based on doxylamine succinate belongs to the group of histamine receptor blockers, available in the form of tablets for oral administration and effervescent tablets for the preparation of a solution. This sleeping pill is available without a prescription.

It is considered one of the best means for normalizing sleep in young people if the disorder is caused by nervous strain or stress. The product reduces the time it takes to fall asleep and increases the duration of sleep.


  • Over-the-counter, non-addictive sleeping pills.
  • Effervescent tablets dissolve in water, the solution acts faster than tablets.
  • The tablets not only help you fall asleep, but also normalize sleep within just a few days of taking them.
  • Relatively affordable price - 400 rubles (30 regular or 20 effervescent tablets per package).


  • Like other antihistamines, it causes adverse reactions - dry mouth, constipation, daytime drowsiness (therefore, the day after using the drug you should not drive).
  • Older people may experience severe dizziness, headache, and increased heart rate after taking the pill.
  • Do not use for increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma, urination problems, or prostatitis.
  • Some people develop addiction with prolonged use (the drug stops working), so the treatment course is limited to two weeks.

What is the best sleeping pill without a prescription?

The presented list of top products is not a direct guide to purchase; the doctor always has the final say. But these 10 titles showed a high level of demand and a large list of positive reviews. Having compared all the pros and cons, Vyborexperta.ru identified several nominations:

  • Melaxen is a potent adaptogenic drug, a strong sleeping pill with a minimal list of side effects;
  • Donormil is an effective sleeping pill with a pronounced anticholinergic effect, the result is already after the first use;
  • Persen night is a long-acting herbal cocktail, a natural antidepressant;
  • Novo-Passit is a complex multicomponent solution to combat nervous tension;
  • Sonilyuks is a safe sedative of the latest generation on a non-alcohol basis with a large list of herbs;
  • Motherwort tincture is the best combination of price in a pharmacy, effectiveness, compatibility with other antidepressants, sedatives, and hypnotics.

The best remedy is one that is based on a natural basis and does not have a large list of contraindications or side effects. However, it will be more effective in the initial stages of sleep disorders. If the situation is advanced and chronic, then serious medication chosen by the doctor will be required.

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