Why your hands shake after drinking: causes, types of tremors, consequences

What is tremor?

Tremor is understood as a type of hyperkinetic disorder of a local or generalized nature. This condition is manifested by trembling not only of the hands, but also of other parts of the body. Often, with chronic alcoholism, tremor increases in the morning or on an empty stomach. After eating or drinking alcohol, its intensity decreases until the symptom completely stops. This makes this property negative. The majority of alcoholics take advantage of this feature and, instead of stopping binge drinking or seeking medical help, drink alcohol in the morning or immediately after waking up.

Tremor has a wide frequency of manifestation. Tremors can develop either the next day after drinking alcohol or 5 or even 10 days later. In particularly severe cases, this condition occurs on the 3rd day after binge drinking and continues for two weeks, accompanied by panic attacks, anxiety, and convulsions.

Symptom relief

Trembling limbs during a hangover are not attractive to anyone. It is important to completely give up alcohol and not get a hangover. It is best to seek help from a narcologist: you can use his services anonymously by calling him at home. Specialists will detoxify the body and block alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

If the patient does not suffer from deep addiction, you can try to cope with tremors on your own. To do this, you should adhere to the following steps:

  1. Take a warm bath or shower. The water should be comfortable for the body so that it can completely relax. You cannot take a contrast shower, take a too hot bath, or take a steam bath or sauna, as any stress is contraindicated.
  2. Restore gastrointestinal function. Sorbents (atoxyl, enterosgel, smecta, polysorb, activated carbon and others), kefir, green tea with lemon, honey drink and fresh berries (raspberries, strawberries or currants) will help cleanse the body of decay substances.
  3. Restore your water balance. Drink still mineral water, herbal decoctions, compotes, fruit drinks. You need to drink at least 2.5-3.0 liters of fluid per day.
  4. Provide a flow of fresh air into the room. It will provide an opportunity to saturate the organs, tissues and brain with oxygen, which will alleviate the symptoms of a hangover. If you have the strength and desire, you can take a walk in a quiet place: a park, garden or near a river.
  5. Take diuretics (asparkam, furosemide): they will help cleanse the body faster.
  6. Get a good night's sleep. Deep and restful sleep will help restore strength and moderate tremors in your hands.

Taking antipyretics, painkillers and antidepressants will also improve your general condition. It is important not to overuse it here, since tremor may occur due to disruption of the cerebellum, which is responsible for the coordination of movements.

Cause of shaking hands

The cause of twitching in the hands or other parts of the body is the peculiarity of the body’s reaction to ethanol and its breakdown products. Alcohol changes the composition of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid in the body, which leads to a decrease in the degree of excitability of the spinal cord and brain. These processes reduce the production of neurotransmitters, which provokes depression of the central nervous system.

Damaged neurons cannot normally transmit signals to the cerebellum and ensure the relationship between the processes of excitation and inhibition. As a result, a person develops a feeling of chills , trembling throughout the body and coordination deteriorates. The situation can be worsened by disruption of the functioning of internal organs and blood vessels.


The syndrome begins with a slight tremor of the tips of the fingers and tongue. As alcoholism and physical addiction to alcohol develop, the severity of the clinical signs of the disorder gradually increases. The tremor is so strong that it is already difficult for a person to hold objects in his hands, do everyday household chores, or perform professional duties.

The disorder may be:

  • local, covering a specific part of the body (lower jaw, eyelid, arms or legs);
  • one-sided;
  • generalized.

With a long history of addiction, alcohol tremors can occur when:

  • trying to tense muscles (for example, extending an arm or leg, stretching);
  • clenching your fingers into a fist, holding an object
  • performing a monotonous action (working on the keyboard, writing text, assembling parts, etc.);
  • movement (usually covers the whole body).

In addition to trembling of the limbs, head or body, the disorder is often accompanied by clinical manifestations of alcoholic polyneuropathy and myopathy. This:

  • numbness of the skin of the extremities;
  • a feeling of chills or, conversely, a burning sensation in the hands or feet;
  • painful muscle spasms, and the pain increases sharply when touched;
  • pallor or hyperemia, changes in pigmentation of the skin of the hands or feet;
  • unsteadiness of gait, inability to walk on toes, turning of the foot inward;
  • progressive weakness;
  • amyotrophy.

Main reasons

The pathogenesis of alcoholic tremor is associated with several mechanisms. First of all, this is the direct damaging effect of ethanol and its metabolites (in particular, acetaldehyde) on the fibers of the peripheral nervous system. Soon (the concentration of alcohol in the blood reaches its peak after 30–90 minutes), the processes of lipid peroxidation are activated. The resulting free oxygen radicals damage the endothelium of blood vessels.

Ethyl alcohol also destroys proteins that form the basis of nerve fibers and muscle cells. In addition, it has been proven that alcohol stimulates the activity of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and sympathoadrenal system, which also provokes involuntary muscle contraction.

Another pathogenetic mechanism for the development of alcoholic tremor is vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency. Its deficiency is caused not only by poor nutrition. Ethanol provokes a malabsorption of thiamine in the small intestine, reduces its reserves in the liver and inhibits the formation of its biologically active form - thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP). TPP deficiency causes complex metabolic and enzymatic disorders, but first of all, the lipid structure of the myelin sheath changes, the synthesis of the main neurotransmitters worsens, calcium accumulates in the cells of the nervous system, which further worsens the neurotoxic effect of alcohol.

Damage to brain cells with subsequent disruption of the functions of areas “responsible” for coordination of movements and regulation of neuromuscular transmission plays a huge role in the pathogenesis of alcoholic tremor. This occurs not only due to the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol, but also against the background of almost constant oxygen starvation.

Consequences of tremor

Tremor is a toxic lesion of the body with acute poisoning, which affects almost all organs and systems. In the absence of medical help, severe trembling often develops into convulsions and leads to partial or complete paralysis of the limbs. Most often, the shaking state acts as a manifestation of liver failure, and without drug treatment this will lead to serious consequences - cirrhosis, oncology, coma.

But, even if all organs are in order, twitching can spread not only to the hands, but also to other parts of the body, where it will appear even if you give up alcohol. Jerking can occur at rest and during anxiety, making it difficult for a person to write or hold a spoon. With long-term persistence, there is a risk of developing psychosis and depression. In especially severe cases, the musculoskeletal system fails, and the patient gradually degrades with a decrease in intellectual abilities.

What can you do at home?

Despite the fact that alcoholic tremor requires complex treatment, in the early stages of alcoholism it is possible to neutralize the manifestation of symptoms. In this case, you should stop drinking alcohol, get a good night's sleep and take sedatives or herbal infusions prescribed by your doctor.

Tremors are often associated with drunken states, from which it is quite difficult to get out of them on your own, so you should not rely on your own strength. If the condition steadily worsens, then professional help can be provided by rehabilitation centers, where you can undergo a full-fledged recovery course after struggling with addiction.

How to reduce the occurrence of tremors?

It is impossible to get rid of trembling of the limbs during binge drinking, but if a person rarely drinks, then there are tips that will reduce the likelihood of negative symptoms.

The only solution to avoid hand tremors is to completely abstain from alcohol. But, if this scenario is not possible, then it is necessary to reduce the dose of alcoholic beverages. A generally harmless dosage is considered to be 1 serving or 14 grams of pure alcohol for women and 2 servings for men. For example, 350 ml of weak beer, 150 ml of classic wine or 40 ml of strong drink.

If reducing the dose is also not suitable, then it is recommended to adhere to a number of simple rules :

  • start drinking alcohol only after eating;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • include in your diet foods high in B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • After drinking alcohol, you need to ensure yourself a full sleep, lasting at least 8–10 hours.

If the measures taken do not help and your hands are still shaking, you need to consult a doctor or help yourself using medications and other available treatment methods.

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How to eliminate trembling limbs?

People mistakenly think that “shaking” after drinking alcoholic beverages is not dangerous. It seems that it brings nothing other than a feeling of discomfort, however, this is far from the case. Involuntary muscle contractions lead to damage to the nervous system, hallucinations, and malfunctions of many organs, such as the liver. Tremors can be overcome both in hospital and at home. Of course, the former are preferable. However, you can send a person to a clinic for treatment only with his consent, and if you are unable to persuade the patient to undergo treatment in a hospital, then at least try to help him at home:

  1. Calm your nervous system. To do this, the patient must follow a special diet rich in aminoacetic acid - glycine. There is a high glycine content in beef jelly and rich khash. In addition, chocolate, bananas and citrus fruits help restore balance in the nervous system.
  2. Relieve vasospasm. If the patient “shakes”, he definitely has it. To relieve vascular spasm you need to take antispasmodics.
  3. Let the patient sleep. Sleep is the best healer. Rest will quickly restore the imbalance of the nervous system. This is the simplest, but also the most effective method of combating limb tremors. If a person cannot sleep, you can give him a small dose of a sleeping pill or sedative.
  4. Give the person medication to prevent a hangover.

Of course, these methods only work with simple cases of limb tremors. If a person’s hands are already shaking, this is a signal that it’s time to see a doctor . The sooner you turn to specialists and begin treatment for alcohol addiction, the higher the chance that you will be able to completely restore a person’s health, as well as his status in society.

Sometimes a person experiences chills rather than tremors. If the patient is shivering, this means that proteins have appeared in his blood that coagulate at normal body temperature. In this situation, urgent detoxification of the body is needed, so urgently call an ambulance or a narcologist to your home, who can immediately administer an IV. You need to act in the same way if the patient begins to have convulsions. The person is also prescribed plenty of fluids, vitamin C and diet therapy, which accelerates the removal of breakdown products of ethyl alcohol.

If a person has a major tremor, this means that the level of dopamine in his body, which controls the conduction of impulses between neurons, has dropped. To make up for its deficiency, you can play sports or at least take a walk, and also eat chocolate, banana or seafood.

Popping tremor is a rare and very dangerous phenomenon.
It indicates that the person has serious liver damage and needs immediate medical attention. Call an ambulance or a narcologist to your home, otherwise you risk the person’s health and even life.

Do I need to see a doctor?

Binge drinking is a dangerous condition that leads to severe physiological disorders, and hand tremors are one of the manifestations that can signal possible pathologies. Therefore, no matter how insignificant this problem may seem, it definitely requires qualified medical care. Only a doctor can choose effective procedures and drugs to eliminate it. At a minimum, it is necessary to install an IV with a special composition aimed at removing toxins and restoring a person’s physical health. You will not be able to help yourself on your own, without the involvement of a narcologist.

To avoid complications, it is better to go to a drug treatment clinic, where they will provide comprehensive assistance. Only a doctor will be able to conduct a detailed examination and, in addition to the standard drip for binge drinking, select the medications necessary to correct the current situation. To relieve the symptoms of binge drinking, the following drugs are additionally prescribed:

  • anticonvulsants;
  • sedatives or sedatives;
  • normalizing blood pressure;
  • systematizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improving the functioning of the nervous system, heart and liver;
  • diuretics;
  • enzymes;
  • complex of vitamins.

Depending on the situation, treatment can be carried out at home, but in particularly difficult cases, it is necessary to hospitalize a person with alcohol dependence in a hospital and place them in an intensive care unit or intensive care unit.

Doctor who checked the article: Afanasyev Stepan Erofeevich Update date: October 1, 2021

Assisting a patient in a hospital

Severe, persistent trembling requires contacting a medical facility. Here, the alcoholic is given plenty of fluids and vitamins, detoxification measures are carried out, and a special diet is prescribed to cleanse and normalize the functioning of the body.

Treatment is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Cleaning and restoring water balance.
  2. Relieving symptoms of withdrawal syndrome.
  3. Relief of pain syndrome with medication.
  4. The use of sedatives to normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

How long the course of treatment will last depends on the clinical picture, this is determined for each patient individually. After eliminating all manifestations, treatment of alcohol dependence and coding is indicated. A specialist is ready to tell you more about the procedures. Consultation is free.

Traditional recipes for treating tremors in the hands

Folk remedies have good therapeutic efficacy compared to common medications. To get rid of minor tremors and stabilize your health, you can take a warm bath with the addition of sea salt, chamomile or sage.

Sage tincture helps with tremors in the limbs. To prepare, just take about ten grams of herb and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water over it. Cooled sage decoction is drunk 2-3 teaspoons during each meal. Sage itself has a rather specific taste, so you can wash it down with fruit compote or tea.

You can make an infusion of heather, valerian officinalis and motherwort. For medicinal purposes, take 10 grams of valerian, 30 grams of motherwort and 40 grams of heather. Plant materials are mixed and poured with boiling water. The tincture is kept in a dark, cool place for 24 hours, after which it can be taken 3-4 times a day, 50 milliliters, after meals.

Vodka and propolis cope well with tremors in the limbs. This is an alcohol tincture, which is made from 300 milliliters of vodka and 50 grams of propolis. Take it one tablespoon three times a day after meals.

How is the treatment carried out?

Even if a severe hangover and tremors appeared once, it’s worth thinking about. Problems with alcohol cannot be ignored . The earlier treatment begins, the more effective and faster it will be. To get rid of addiction and its consequences, you need to complete the full course and sign up with specialists. Treatment is carried out in several stages:

  • Sobering up and relieving hangover syndrome. The procedure can be performed either at home or in a hospital. The doctor examines the patient, assesses the severity of his condition, asks questions to relatives, and selects the dosage of medications. Then a dropper is placed (when there is no alcohol left in the stomach) with antiemetic, painkillers, and sedatives. Additionally, the dropper may contain nootropics and anti-epilepsy medications. Within 30-40 minutes the patient will feel relief.
  • Diagnostics . After removing ethyl alcohol from the blood, it is necessary to examine the patient and determine what disorders in the body were caused by alcohol. The clinic has all the necessary equipment to conduct a complete diagnosis.
  • Selection of medications . The doctor will select medications that will help restore the functioning of internal organs, normalize blood pressure, and relieve cravings for alcohol. The patient can sign a consent for coding if he wants to get rid of addiction for a long time. A capsule containing a drug that is absolutely safe for humans is sewn under the skin. But when ethyl alcohol enters the body, strong and painful signs of intoxication begin.
  • Psychological impact. Trauma and complexes often lead to the development of alcoholism. A person drowns stress and anxiety in alcohol in order to get relief in a short time. An experienced psychologist will determine the causes of addiction and tell you how to cope with emotions and stress without alcohol.
  • Rehabilitation . To consolidate the results and reduce the possibility of relapse, it is necessary to undergo rehabilitation. The patient is prepared for life in society, a return to a familiar environment, and family. He must have self-confidence. If necessary, assistance in finding employment is provided.

Experienced doctors will help you cope with alcoholism at any stage, restore your health and return to normal life. You cannot use IVs without the supervision of a doctor and prescribe medications yourself before the examination.

If the patient refuses to go to the hospital, but his promises to stop drinking alcohol are never fulfilled, you can invite
a psychologist .
He will talk with the patient, explain the need for treatment, talk about techniques, and motivate. Editor of the article: Tarasov Leonid Leonidovich


  1. A manual on narcology for doctors and paramedics of primary medical care / A. A. Churkin, T. V. Klimenko. - Moscow ; Khanty-Mansiysk: Health and Society, 2006 (Cheboksary: ​​IPK Chuvashia). — 173 p.
  2. Causes of development and clinical manifestations of alcohol disorders and drug addiction: educational manual / Yu. N. Novichkova; National Health Institution “Scientific Clinical, Center for Postgraduate and Professional Education, Department of Additional Professional Education of Secondary and Junior Medical Personnel. — Moscow: Max Press, 2021. — 81 p.
  3. Dangerous and harmful alcohol consumption: identification, prevalence and consequences / edited by S. L. Plavinsky, A. N. Barinova. — St. Petersburg: Eco-Vector, 2021. — 287 p.

The text was checked by expert doctors: Head of the socio-psychological service of the Alkoklinik MC, psychologist Yu.P. Baranova, L.A. Serova, a psychiatrist-narcologist.


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Main varieties

Tremor can be very different depending on the reasons for its occurrence and the affected part of the brain:

  • Slight chill . The patient feels that he is shaking a little, as if he had a fever. The cause is an increased level of protein in the blood. This condition requires urgent medical attention as it can lead to serious kidney damage.
  • Major tremors . Treated at home with the right approach, it is a consequence of a lack of dopamine in the blood. To quickly get rid of symptoms, your doctor will prescribe antidepressants and painkillers.
  • Clapping . The patient does not control the movement of his arms; they resemble the flapping of a wing. It is worth paying attention to the patient's skin color. If jaundice appears, this indicates serious liver damage. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. You need to go to the hospital to avoid liver failure.

This condition always develops gradually. At first, the alcoholic notices a slight trembling from a hangover and does not pay attention to it. Then the trembling intensifies and moves from the hands to other parts of the body. In the last stages of alcoholism, trembling already appears not only after drinking alcohol, but also with strong excitement.

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