Loss of appetite. Causes, dangers and treatment of food refusal

1.What is appetite?


- This is a normal physiological phenomenon of a regular nature, caused by a feeling of hunger.
Appetite provides a replenishment of nutrients and reminds you to eat. Normally, a growing feeling of hunger brings such significant internal discomfort that it forces one to neglect other needs until food enters the body. Appetite can be general or specific. With a general appetite,
a person is ready to eat any edible food to satisfy hunger.
A specific appetite
is an urgent need for a specific product. The specifics of nutrition in general are always determined by a deficiency of certain substances, which is why you want to eat either meat or flour, or only vegetables or fruits, or just drink water.

Loss of appetite is often perceived as a good thing, especially by people who are overweight, very busy, or have limited means of livelihood. However, loss of appetite should not be taken lightly. Appetite is one of the important physiological indicators. Its change, just like a change in body temperature, pressure, respiratory rate or pulse, indicates a shift in the functioning of certain body systems.

Often, severe stress conditions cause a refusal to eat. It must be remembered that depletion and deficiency of micro- and macroelements greatly aggravate the psychological crisis and make it difficult to get out of it. If you know for sure that the cause of loss of appetite is painful experiences, you need to force yourself to eat in small portions, but regularly. In other cases, when there are no apparent causes, consultation and examination should be sought. These can be doctors: therapist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, nutritionist, psychiatrist.

The complex of all changes in appetite is called “dysrexia”

They can be expressed by a decrease in appetite, its sharp increase, perverted taste preferences or bulimia (absolute loss of the feeling of satiety). The most common appetite disorder, anorexia
, is a complete refusal to eat. Most often, anorexia occurs as a result of a strict diet and inadequate assessment of one’s weight and general condition. Refusal to eat is ensured first by volitional effort, and then, indeed, the feeling of hunger is completely lost, the body switches to internal nutrition, first using up the entire fat reserve, and then due to the degeneration of organs and tissues. This is a very dangerous condition; at a certain stage, a person with anorexia can no longer be saved.

A must read! Help with treatment and hospitalization!

Causes of hand tremors

Essential tremor

A common cause of hand tremors in adults is essential tremor.
In its development, the role of hyperactivation of cerebellar neurons, basal ganglia, and thalamocortical connections is assumed. The disease is usually considered as monosymptomatic; its only manifestation is hand tremor that occurs when moving and maintaining a posture (kinetic-postural). This vibration covers the wrist and metacarpophalangeal joints and has a frequency of 8-10 Hz. Along with tremor of the upper extremities, some patients experience trembling of the voice, head, and, less commonly, other parts of the body. Manifestations intensify with excitement, physical and mental stress, but decrease after drinking alcohol. Over time, the intensity of the trembling may decrease and the amplitude may increase. Sometimes the clinical picture includes mild neurological symptoms: unsteadiness when walking, the “cogwheel” phenomenon, cognitive disorders.

Parkinson's disease

Classic tremor in Parkinson's disease occurs at rest, with complete muscle relaxation, and has a frequency of 3 to 6 Hz. Most often the hands are involved, sometimes the lower limbs, chin, lips. Trembling is caused by degenerative changes in the extrapyramidal system. Asymmetrical hand tremors, similar to “counting coins” or “rolling pills”, disappear with the beginning of movement. Postural tremors may occur many years before other symptoms appear.

In addition to hand tremors, typical signs of Parkinson's disease are slowness of movements (bradykinesia, hypomimia) and muscle rigidity. The patient's flexing posture, shuffling gait and freezing when walking are characteristic. Non-motor symptoms are represented by autonomic, mental, sensory and other disorders. Patients suffer from cognitive impairment, depression, and apathy. Common manifestations include difficulty swallowing, leading to aspiration of food.

Endocrine metabolic disorders

In the genesis of trembling hyperkinesis, the hypersensitivity of central adrenergic receptors is of great importance, which entails a violation of control over the peripheral mechanisms of regulation of muscle tension. Increased sympathetic stimulation with the development of tremor is observed against the background of thyrotoxicosis and hypoglycemia. The same mechanism is activated in diseases of the adrenal glands - pheochromocytoma, Addison's disease.

The cause of damage to the nervous system in hyperparathyroidism is calcium deposition in the basal ganglia. Copper also accumulates there in children with Hallervorden-Spatz and Wilson-Konovalov disease, which provokes neurodegeneration. In these cases, various types of tremor occur, including “flapping” (asterixis), which are combined with muscle rigidity, instability when walking, and dysarthria. Mental disorders and dementia progress. Wilson's disease is characterized by liver failure.

Focal pathology of the central nervous system

Hand tremor is observed with focal damage to the cerebellum or brain stem. It is a low-frequency (3-5 Hz) large-scale trembling of the proximal limbs, occurring at the beginning of the movement and intensifying as it approaches the target. Intentional terminal tremor can be supplemented by various types of postural tremor. Such changes are provoked by the following pathologies of the central nervous system:

  • Vascular disorders:
    ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, dyscirculatory encephalopathy.
  • Space-occupying formations:
    subdural hematoma, tumors, cavernous angiomas.
  • Infections:
    abscesses, neurosyphilis, epidemic encephalitis.
  • Traumatic brain injuries.

Tremor occurs immediately after stroke or some time later (weeks, months). When the midbrain is damaged, it is accompanied by ataxia and other hyperkinesis; when the pyramidal tract is involved, it is accompanied by hemiparesis. A lesion in the frontal lobe can lead to the development of isolated writing tremor with rotational movements of the hand, and hemorrhage or tumor of the parieto-occipital region can lead to kinetic tremors.

Hereditary pathology

Tremors are symptoms of some hereditary diseases of the nervous system. Bilateral hand tremors at rest are characteristic of sensory ataxia, neuropathy, dysarthria and ophthalmoplegia (SANDO) syndrome. Symptoms are complemented by gait instability, oculomotor disorders, and dementia. Individuals suffering from fragile X syndrome (FXTAS) have intention tremor of the hands, cerebellar ataxia, and polyneuropathy.

Kennedy amyotrophy, which has X-linked recessive inheritance, is characterized by tremor, convulsions during exercise, and small fasciculations in the proximal limbs. Muscle strength gradually decreases and they decrease in volume. Among the neurological symptoms there are bulbar disorders (dysarthria, dysphagia), the picture is complemented by endocrine disorders - gynecomastia, testicular atrophy.


The peripheral mechanism of tremor formation is involved in polyneuropathies. The delay in the transmission of sensitive impulses from proprioceptors first leads to excessive contraction of antagonist muscles, and then is accompanied by oscillatory fluctuations in both directions. Neuropathic hand tremor is usually postural-kinetic and occurs in a wide range of pathological conditions:

  • Metabolic:
    diabetes mellitus, uremia, dysproteinemia.
  • Toxic:
    poisoning (arsenic, lead), alcoholism.
  • Demyelinating:
    Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy.
  • Hereditary motor-sensory polyneuropathy.
  • Paraneoplastic syndrome.


Toxic substances contribute to the activation of not only the peripheral mechanisms of tremor - the harmful effects are realized through damage to the neuronal structures of the extrapyramidal system. The basis of the pathological process is a violation of the generation and conduction of impulses, a disorder of energy and plastic metabolism. The following compounds are neurotoxic:

  • Heavy metals:
    mercury, lead, arsenic.
  • Gaseous substances:
    carbon monoxide, carbon disulfide.
  • Plant alkaloids:
    harmine, ergotamine, codeine.

Another mechanism for the development of tremor is observed during withdrawal syndrome caused by cessation of alcohol intake, withdrawal syndrome of other psychoactive substances (opioids, tranquilizers). Trembling appears due to stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system and is combined with vegetative-somatic and mental disorders. Many of these symptoms are similar to the post-intoxication state.

Side effects of drugs

Drug-induced hand tremors caused by taking medications are widely known. Some drugs can cause a dose-dependent increase in physiological tremor, which disappears after their withdrawal. The neurochemical mechanisms of tremor are associated with effects on the central cholinergic and monoaminergic or peripheral adrenergic systems. The following medications have side effects such as tremors:

  • Adrenergic and sympathomimetics:
    epinephrine, isoprenaline, salbutamol.
  • Antiarrhythmic:
    mexiletine, amiodarone, procainamide.
  • Antidepressants:
    tricyclics (amitriptyline), MAO inhibitors (moclobemide, selegiline).
  • Methylxanthines:
    caffeine, aminophylline, theophylline.
  • Antihistamines:
    diphenhydramine, chloropyramine, piperazine.
  • Anticonvulsants:
    phenytoin, lithium salts, valproate.
  • Calcium antagonists:
    nifedipine, flunarizine, cinnarizine.

A common pathology is neuroleptic parkinsonism, which occurs during treatment with antipsychotic drugs due to blockade of dopamine receptors in the nigrostriatal structures. Metoclopramide, central sympatholytics (reserpine), and serotonin reuptake inhibitors (fluoxetine) act in a similar way. In drug-induced parkinsonism, postural-kinetic tremor of the hands is noted, which increases relatively quickly and stops after discontinuation of the drugs.

2. Causes of loss of appetite

Natural causes of loss of appetite may be intoxication, high body temperature, viral and infectious diseases, blood pressure fluctuations, the first trimester of pregnancy or the first days of menstruation in women, taking certain medications, and hot weather. It should be remembered that such reasons only temporarily reduce appetite, and the feeling of hunger should be restored after leaving these states.

As a rule, you should be concerned about loss of appetite if there are no apparent reasons for this, and you don’t feel like eating for a week or more. You should be especially careful about refusing to eat if there are accompanying disorders: loss of interest in favorite activities, decreased sex drive, sleep disturbances, absent-mindedness, unmotivated crying and irritability.

The cause of loss of appetite can be various diseases:

  • cardiovascular;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • oncological;
  • vegetative-vascular;
  • endocrine;
  • autoimmune;
  • liver diseases;
  • severe mental disorders and dementia;
  • lack of vitamin B, zinc and other micro- and macroelements;
  • elderly age.

Visit our Gastroenterology page

Everyone experiences tremors for different reasons. There are many factors that cause it. Tremor is a movement of parts of the limbs that occurs reflexively. This movement involves movements of detachment from one part to another. Tremors can occur in the arms, hands, head, face, vocal cords and legs. Most people will experience tremors in their legs and arms.

Types of Tremor

Tremors can be grouped depending on how they occur:

  1. Resting or static tremor This tremor occurs when the muscles of a limb are relaxed, such as when someone is kneeling or motionless. This type of tremors often occurs in patients with Parkinson's disease.
  2. Action tremor. Action tremor occurs when a person actively performs a movement, such as writing, performing, or other activities that involve muscle contraction.
  3. Essential tremor This type of tremor is caused by several factors. Stress, anxiety, sitting, certain medications, and foods or drinks high in caffeine can cause significant tremors. The tremor progresses slowly, and it is quite difficult to determine the exact cause. Essential tremor is mild and does not indicate that a person has a specific medical condition.

Causes of tremor during hunger

Tremors occur for several reasons, however, if the tremors occur when someone is hungry, then the reasons may be the following:

1. Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia is a condition in which the body lacks blood sugar because glucose (blood sugar) levels fall below normal levels. Symptoms of hypoglycemia will be very noticeable if the body's glucose levels drop below 70 mg/dL. Lack of blood sugar will cause a person to tremble and feel weak. If your body is out of shape, hypoglycemia can cause fainting and even coma.

Glucose is an important substance for the formation of energy. It will enter the body to form energy through the bloodstream, which is sent to the cells of the body. In addition, glucose will be regulated by hormones in the body. Hormones that regulate blood sugar levels are glucagon, cortisol and adrenaline. This glucose will then be taken up by cells aided by insulin and burned into energy, which is used by the body to perform various activities.

A person with hypoglycemia experiences several symptoms, such as feeling unsteady, restless, drowsy and suddenly weak, as well as sweating and hunger. Hypoglycemia can also occur during sleep and may be marked by nightmares and sweating during sleep.

2. Hypotension

People with hypotension will become weak and tremble easily. Hypotension is different from anemia. Anemia is a deficiency of blood and hypotension is low blood pressure in the body. Hypotension can also cause the body to tremble when hungry.

3. Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which there is not enough blood in the body. A person with anemia gets tired quickly and looks pale. Anemia is more common in women than in men. We can overcome anemia by consuming foods that can improve our blood levels.

4. Hormonal disorders

Hormonal imbalances can cause tremors during hunger. This is the result of hormonal dysfunction in the body. The reason may be an unhealthy body.

5. Lack of rest

People who sleep less than 8 hours a day are more likely to experience tremors than those who get this amount of sleep. Just like a machine, if it is used continuously without sufficient rest, it will malfunction and become damaged. This also happens to our bodies.

How to overcome shaking when hungry

Once you have learned the causes of trembling during hunger, read about treatment:

1. Breathe and relax

When your body is shaking, inhale and exhale slowly. This can calm the mind so that the shaking is reduced.

2. Sit down

After you have relaxed a little, sit down. Don't stand to avoid falling.

3. Drink a glass of water

When sitting down, drink a glass of water. This will make the blood flow smooth, especially the blood flow to the brain. This condition will reduce weakness due to hunger. Find out 6 side effects of drinking warm water that you will definitely want to know.

4. Consume foods containing carbohydrates and sugar

Foods containing carbohydrates and sugar can restore energy. You can eat donuts, rice and vegetables to restore your energy and hunger so that the tremors slowly disappear. Read about the benefits of using sugar to prevent acne. Also read about 13 simple home remedies to lower your blood sugar levels.

5. Drink fruit juice

If you are not ready to eat foods because of tremors, then drink juice from sweet fruits. Juice can replace sugar in the body.

6. Take a sugar or glucose tablet

The first aid to restore tremors is to drink tablets containing sugar or glucose. This will quickly replace your body's sugar levels, but not your hunger. So, eat the foods after that.

7. Rest

Get enough rest to restore your energy. So, when you wake up, the energy has already been restored and you can perform activities normally.

8. Eat slowly

Easy life. If you are hungry, please eat well. Don't let yourself suffer from hunger. If you feel shaky when you're hungry, try to eat slowly. Also, eat small meals at first to prevent it from getting worse. When you feel better, you can eat your normal portions.

9. Drink warm tea

If you feel shaky when you are hungry, please take a glass of warm tea before eating. This will help your stomach relax. Drink it slowly and take a deep breath. Learn how to make Moringa leaf tea for people with diabetes. You may also be interested in whether the tea is effective for weight loss.

10. Manage your eating schedule

These were five causes of tremors during hunger, and they may be symptoms of more serious diseases. So, the main thing we must consider is not to be late with food. Always eat on time and meet your nutritional needs.

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Useful tips!

So, there are some causes of hunger tremors and we need to take care of our own body. Just don't eat late and always meet your daily nutritional needs. If you feel shaky every time you're hungry, you should know to carry snacks or food with you.

So, if you feel your condition getting worse, call your doctor. Be healthy, good people!

This is what I found in the topic about inflammatory bowel diseases. In the section on intestinal candidiasis...

"""Recently, yeast overgrowth has been accompanied by various aggravating symptoms, such as allergies, unexplained fatigue, mood swings, depression, difficulty concentrating, skin diseases, greed for sweets, symptoms of low blood sugar (shaking, cold sweats), headaches pain, migraines, constipation, pain in nerves and joints.»»»»

I read this topic and was upset! Now I have to add this one to all my illnesses! :( And I thought it was just from hunger that my hands were shaking and I was nervous. It’s good that I don’t have this often.

Pysy: Write what the doctors say, what they advise?

I read this topic and was upset! Now I have to add this one to all my illnesses! :( And I thought it was just from hunger that my hands were shaking and I was nervous. It’s good that I don’t have this often.

Pysy: Write what the doctors say, what they advise? Doctors advise getting your sugar checked and if you have diabetes or prediabetes, keeping your blood sugar under control. Often you just need to exercise and stick to a diet. NOT all diabetics are on insulin. In general, people often have misconceptions about diabetes. Diabetes is when people are heavily dependent on insulin and cannot do otherwise - type 1 diabetes. Options are available for type 2 diabetes. But the most disgusting thing about it is that a person often does not even know that he is sick. But only until some kind of dirty trick comes out, such as damaged blood vessels or failed kidneys.

She herself was already scared and scared you, but this is another reason to take care of yourself and your health. I'll find out everything tomorrow if possible.

I’m also hungry, so I’ll go see a doctor.

I also have very similar symptoms. Only at night I can wake up from the fact that everything is dry.

I tested it for sugar - everything was fine.

Somehow, in such a shaking-fainting state, they measured my blood pressure, it was very low. In my life it’s 90/60. and there it’s just:010:

Then they attributed everything to pressure, although the dependence on hunger is absolutely direct.

I recently had it checked by an endocrinologist. I found something, but it’s not related to this. I don’t want to go to the doctors yet; they’ll heal me.

In the meantime, I’ll listen to what advice and recommendations they give.

I'm reporting back. I saw an endocrinologist. puts Hypeinsulinemia under “?” Tomorrow I’ll donate blood for insulin and glucose. TSH, anti-TPO body

Please go and unsubscribe, it’s just that sometimes the same symptoms occur.

I’m unsubscribing) half a liter of blood was drained today) into 5 tubes. They were sent to different laboratories. I just had time to look at the hormones, they are normal)) I haven’t seen biochemistry yet, nor have I seen the clinic, tomorrow I’ll write down what exactly needs to be taken. By the way, I mixed up my hormones a little that time. In general, I only tested T4 St, TSH without antibodies to TPO Insulin!! The most important analysis will be ready in a week, it was taken to Helix, it’s not our laboratory that does it. In general, it’s all about emotions. Naturally, I read a bunch of crap about this diagnosis on the Internet. I'm waiting for tests.

By the way, the doctor said that it is because of insulin that I do not lose weight, and if I do, it comes to me easily and quickly. (My weight is 75 kg + - with a height of 165) If the diagnosis is confirmed, he will prescribe medications according to the regimen, and they will help lose some fat mass. Maybe this is better

The only thing I forgot to ask about is whether to take a course of treatment or will I now have to monitor my insulin and take pills for the rest of my life?? It scares me a lot.

I’m unsubscribing) half a liter of blood was drained today) into 5 tubes. They were sent to different laboratories. I just had time to look at the hormones, they are normal)) I haven’t seen biochemistry yet, nor have I seen the clinic, tomorrow I’ll write down what exactly needs to be taken. By the way, I mixed up my hormones a little that time. In general, I only tested T4 St, TSH without antibodies to TPO Insulin!! The most important analysis will be ready in a week, it was taken to Helix, it’s not our laboratory that does it. In general, it’s all about emotions. Naturally, I read a bunch of crap about this diagnosis on the Internet. I'm waiting for tests.

By the way, the doctor said that it is because of insulin that I do not lose weight, and if I do, it comes to me easily and quickly. (My weight is 75 kg + - with a height of 165) If the diagnosis is confirmed, he will prescribe medications according to the regimen, and they will help lose some fat mass. Maybe this is better

The only thing I forgot to ask about is whether to take a course of treatment or will I now have to monitor my insulin and take pills for the rest of my life?? It scares me a lot. Don't be afraid. I was prescribed Medformin. I don’t know what it’s called in Russia. Perhaps it’s something similar. It helps remove glucose from the blood. Helps her cells absorb. And at the same time it does not lower blood sugar critically. There was a noticeable increase in energy and a decrease in appetite.

I’m unsubscribing) half a liter of blood was drained today) into 5 tubes. They were sent to different laboratories. I just had time to look at the hormones, they are normal)) I haven’t seen biochemistry yet, nor have I seen the clinic, tomorrow I’ll write down what exactly needs to be taken. By the way, I mixed up my hormones a little that time. In general, I only tested T4 St, TSH without antibodies to TPO Insulin!! The most important analysis will be ready in a week, it was taken to Helix, it’s not our laboratory that does it. In general, it’s all about emotions. Naturally, I read a bunch of crap about this diagnosis on the Internet. I'm waiting for tests.

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By the way, the doctor said that it is because of insulin that I do not lose weight, and if I do, it comes to me easily and quickly. (My weight is 75 kg + - with a height of 165) If the diagnosis is confirmed, he will prescribe medications according to the regimen, and they will help lose some fat mass. Maybe this is better

The only thing I forgot to ask about is whether to take a course of treatment or will I now have to monitor my insulin and take pills for the rest of my life?? It scares me a lot. Beg! write how you are doing. I have been undergoing examination myself for the 4th (FOURTH) year, my condition is getting worse and worse. The endocrinologist “sends” to the gastroenterologist, who returns to the endocrinologist.

I forgot what it’s called - something like that. Glycymia :)) my husband has such a problem: if he doesn’t eat for a long time, his hands begin to tremble and shake. If you miss the moment, it doesn’t let go for a long time. Sugar is falling.

Hypoglycemia. This happens to me during seasonal allergies. If I spend a long time in pollen, which causes allergies, I sneeze, then here’s the same trick. You need to eat something urgently, otherwise it’s very bad.

This is what I found in the topic about inflammatory bowel diseases. In the section on intestinal candidiasis...

"""Recently, yeast overgrowth has been accompanied by various aggravating symptoms, such as allergies, unexplained fatigue, mood swings, depression, difficulty concentrating, skin diseases, greed for sweets, symptoms of low blood sugar (shaking, cold sweats), headaches pain, migraines, constipation, pain in nerves and joints.»»»»

Oh, about this thing, I know how it can appear. After taking antibiotics, it is imperative to populate the intestines first with lactobacilli, and then with kefir. I remember how, after a cesarean section, they injected me with antibiotics. I sent my mother for fermented milk acidophilus. And she foolishly gave me kefir. Like what's the difference? I pushed her for a long time about what, well, I stuck to the diet. You can have kefir only after a month.

One more symptom has been added. Dry mouth at night. I can’t sleep because of this, I’m thirsty, I drink like a horse. Today I finally donated blood to test my sugar, but after eating it is normal 4.2. Tomorrow I'm going to the endocrinologist to complain. I was shaking for half a day yesterday. I haven't had enough of sweets yet. then she let go. I don’t know if this condition is related to blood sugar or not, I didn’t really feel any better after that!

Siofor will probably be prescribed.

I come with good news for myself. I got my wonderful tests, everything is normal, fasting sugar is 4.9, cholesterol is slightly below normal, but this is better, I still have time to eat it)) But with insulin. I had to be cunning and call the laboratory where the analysis was taken and ask for the results. My dear aunt told me everything over the phone, because I called on behalf of the institution where I work)) In general, INSULIN is 8.8, with the norm being 6.4-24.0, something like that. Moreover, an ednocrinologist, with whom I consult, ran past me, I, of course, grabbed her by the gills)))) and she looked at all the tests, took out a calculator, calculated something using the formula and said that everything is OK)) there is nothing to complain about. In order to understand what it is and what it’s connected with, she told me to keep a food diary, that’s what she put in her mouth and wrote it down, observe for a week, write it down, then go to her)

Everything is, of course, good and healthy, but now what’s frightening is that again we have to look for the cause of such states, why, if you don’t eat, it’s like you’re in delirium and your thoughts and health are stupid, loss of strength, unclear head, feeling of internal trembling, but as soon as you eat, it’s not easy drink some tea, but have a normal lunch of meat, vegetables + sweets for sure!! everything is restored. I’m thinking maybe I should somehow try to donate blood in this particular state, at least glucose. Maybe this will somehow clarify the situation.

I come with good news for myself. I got my wonderful tests, everything is normal, fasting sugar is 4.9, cholesterol is slightly below normal, but this is better, I still have time to eat it)) But with insulin. I had to be cunning and call the laboratory where the analysis was taken and ask for the results. My dear aunt told me everything over the phone, because I called on behalf of the institution where I work)) In general, INSULIN is 8.8, with the norm being 6.4-24.0, something like that. Moreover, an ednocrinologist, with whom I consult, ran past me, I, of course, grabbed her by the gills)))) and she looked at all the tests, took out a calculator, calculated something using the formula and said that everything is OK)) there is nothing to complain about. In order to understand what it is and what it’s connected with, she told me to keep a food diary, that’s what she put in her mouth and wrote it down, observe for a week, write it down, then go to her)

Everything is, of course, good and healthy, but now what’s frightening is that again we have to look for the cause of such states, why, if you don’t eat, it’s like you’re in delirium and your thoughts and health are stupid, loss of strength, unclear head, feeling of internal trembling, but as soon as you eat, it’s not easy drink some tea, but have a normal lunch of meat, vegetables + sweets for sure!! everything is restored. I’m thinking maybe I should somehow try to donate blood in this particular state, at least glucose. Maybe this will somehow clarify the situation.

Congratulations. Good tests are already a result. But as for catching that condition and getting tested, it’s rather problematic. , this is good if you are still at work, but if everything happens on the way to work or home, then how to catch it.

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I come with good news for myself. I got my wonderful tests, everything is normal, fasting sugar is 4.9, cholesterol is slightly below normal, but this is better, I still have time to eat it)) But with insulin. I had to be cunning and call the laboratory where the analysis was taken and ask for the results. My dear aunt told me everything over the phone, because I called on behalf of the institution where I work)) In general, INSULIN is 8.8, with the norm being 6.4-24.0, something like that. Moreover, an ednocrinologist, with whom I consult, ran past me, I, of course, grabbed her by the gills)))) and she looked at all the tests, took out a calculator, calculated something using the formula and said that everything is OK)) there is nothing to complain about. In order to understand what it is and what it’s connected with, she told me to keep a food diary, that’s what she put in her mouth and wrote it down, observe for a week, write it down, then go to her)

Everything is, of course, good and healthy, but now what’s frightening is that again we have to look for the cause of such states, why, if you don’t eat, it’s like you’re in delirium and your thoughts and health are stupid, loss of strength, unclear head, feeling of internal trembling, but as soon as you eat, it’s not easy drink some tea, but have a normal lunch of meat, vegetables + sweets for sure!! everything is restored. I’m thinking maybe I should somehow try to donate blood in this particular state, at least glucose. Maybe this will somehow clarify the situation.

Firstly, you must pass the “sugar curve”. For example, I have a straight curve, which is not fine. Secondly, examine the gastrointestinal tract. from the gastrointestinal tract the pancreas can also act up

Firstly, you must pass the “sugar curve”. For example, I have a straight curve, which is not fine. Secondly, examine the gastrointestinal tract. from the gastrointestinal tract the pancreas can also act up

How is the pancreas checked? tests too? or ultrasound? What should I do, go to a gastroentrologist? I tested it on an empty stomach and an hour after eating) maybe I need to test daily glucose fluctuations.

Congratulations. Good tests are already a result. But as for catching that condition and getting tested, it’s rather problematic. , this is good if you are still at work, but if everything happens on the way to work or home, then how to catch it.

Wow. problem. but I catch these states in the evening or around 4 pm. During active physical activity, at work, this most often happens or at home on the weekend, when you have breakfast in the morning, then things get done and the shaking starts already by 15:00 BUT this is not always the case. Sometimes I can ride all day on one morning tea and everything will be ok. THOSE. I want to say that I don’t have these conditions every day, or every time I skip a meal, it happens sometimes, just more often lately (((and my mouth gets dry only at night, I can’t sleep because of this. I drink water all the time before bed , then I run to the toilet every 10 minutes. In general, I drink and pee) Then I just fall asleep and wake up with a terrible feeling of thirst. I drink a lot in my life.

I checked it at home with a glucometer in this state, the sugar was about 4.9 and 5.2 (I checked it several times, on different days). I made the curve myself at home. My brother told me what he did at the clinic. I did the same. They didn’t give him glucose, he ate a sandwich with a banana and something else. I really don’t remember the diagram anymore, but everything is fine for me too. But I have problems with the intestines, so they say that it all comes from there, from my gastrointestinal tract.

You should not make a curve at home, it is an unsafe procedure.

It is necessary to check the stomach “under load” ONLY AS PRESCRIPTED BY A DOCTOR! The procedure is not harmless. It’s strange that the endocrinologist didn’t prescribe it for you. An ultrasound must be done. And to check the gastrointestinal tract, I meant: the functioning of the pancreas (low sugar) may be impaired due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. I most likely have it due to cholecystitis (my guess). I did an ultrasound:001:, tests:001: I’ll go to the doctor and report back. We also need an FGDS, but they don’t take it for acute respiratory infections. :( Well, the endocrinologist was caught and quickly looked at the tests, calculated something on the calculator and said that there were no deviations. She advised me to keep a food diary and see her in a week.

The tests are all normal, Alt, ast, bilirubin, triglycerides, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, cholesterol, creatinine. TTg t4 St., insulin: 008: There are simply no problems with the intestines and stomach (TTT) nothing worries me. If you haven’t eaten or snacked all day, then of course it starts to suck, or if you have an incorrect diet, then probably any normal stomach will not be happy that everything that was found in the refrigerator in the evening was thrown into it :)) one on one like mine. and It’s bad at 3 p.m. and I drink like an elephant. I drink like a horse))) it’s terrible, I can’t sleep because of this, it only bothers me at night, I drink, drink, drink, today I didn’t sleep until 3 am because of this stuffiness + dry mouth.

Starting tomorrow I will write down everything I eat. Maybe this will somehow clarify the situation.

Lately I started to notice that my hands were shaking from hunger... But today there was something. Suddenly I wanted to EAT, just eat, and I noticed that my hands were shaking very much, some kind of incomprehensible weakness appeared, and so it was until I finally ate. Usually, the feeling of hunger comes to me gradually, but here it’s so sharp and sudden.

Has anyone had anything like this? My hands have never shaken from hunger before, but now I notice it more and more often. What does this even mean? I checked my sugar recently and it’s normal.

3.Diagnostics for loss of appetite

If the patient himself cannot determine the reasons that caused the loss of appetite, and there are no obvious accompanying symptoms, then the examination should be comprehensive and cover all possible causes. Basic studies, as a rule, reveal violations of certain processes and allow us to move on to more thorough diagnostics in a certain area. The required initial diagnostic minimum includes:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood for hormones;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • urine test;
  • HIV test;
  • pregnancy test;
  • liver tests;
  • thyroid examination.

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