How long does it take to withdraw from phenazepam?

Read in the article:

  1. What is Phenazepam
  2. Indications and contraindications for taking Phenazepam
  3. Can phenazepam be taken with alcohol?
  4. Is it possible to take Phenazepam for a hangover?
  5. First aid
  6. How to recover from addiction?

Phenazepam is prescribed not only for anxiety, panic attacks, sleep disorders, emotional tension, but also as part of complex therapy for alcohol withdrawal syndrome. The drug is considered a powerful tranquilizer, which when mixed with alcohol enhances its effect several times. And it doesn’t matter if you take the medicine with beer or stronger alcohol. What consequences threaten the body when taken together and how to cope with them, read the article.

What is Phenazepam

It is a tranquilizer with a muscle relaxant effect. It has a serious effect on the psyche, so it is sold only with a doctor's prescription. Taken in the form of tablets or white suspension.

Phenazepam helps to relax, reduce feelings of fear, and eliminate irritability. In narcology, it is used to relieve alcohol withdrawal as a multi-day therapy, but it is absolutely not suitable for treating a regular hangover. This remedy is one of the most widely known in Russia.

Restoration of the body

What consequences from an overdose of Phenazepam may occur in the distant future? The body recovers from poisoning quite slowly. Patients often experience the following residual effects for a long time:

  • movement coordination disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • asthenia;
  • emotional lability;
  • depression;
  • asthenia;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.

All this indicates that Phenazepam is a difficult drug. For this reason, it is released from pharmacies strictly by prescription. When taking it, you must be very careful and adhere to the recommended treatment regimen.

Indications and contraindications for taking Phenazepam

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of phobias, panic attacks, hypochondria, depression or severe excitability. It is allowed to prescribe medicine to patients over 18 years of age. If you take it without a doctor's indication, then addiction develops.

Phenazepam is contraindicated in cases of pathology of the cardiovascular system, during pregnancy and lactation, in shock or mental illness. The drug is prescribed with caution to patients who have a predisposition to drug dependence.

Signs of overdose

Symptoms and signs of Phenazepam overdose depend on the number of tablets taken, as well as on alcohol consumption during therapy.

In case of mild overdose, the following manifestations are observed:

  • drowsiness and desire to lie down;
  • asthenia;
  • lethargy;
  • deterioration of memory and performance.

Such phenomena can be chronic if a person constantly violates the recommended treatment regimen.

Moderate intoxication is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • clouding of consciousness;
  • severe drowsiness;
  • deep sleep with difficulty waking up;
  • dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea);
  • increased secretion of saliva;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • severe lethargy;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • urinary disorders.

In case of severe overdose, the patient experiences dangerous symptoms:

  • loss of consciousness (up to the development of coma);
  • weak breathing;
  • rare heartbeat;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • cramps of the arms and legs;
  • pulmonary edema.

In case of severe overdose, patient survival depends on the timeliness of care. If treatment is delayed, the person may die from respiratory depression.

Can phenazepam be taken with alcohol?

The instructions for the drug state that it is contraindicated to use it with alcohol. If you ignore this fact and ignore the warnings of doctors, then here are the consequences that await a person:


When alcohol and Phenazepam mix in the blood, dizziness, nausea, headache and fog occur. In some cases, hallucinations occur.


Taking a drug to enhance the effects of alcohol and accelerate the onset of euphoria, a person can no longer control how much he drank. This leads to addiction to both alcohol and medications.


It is impossible to guess how the addict’s body will react to such a “cocktail”; everyone’s reactions are individual. There have been cases of sudden jumps in blood pressure, difficulty breathing, and high body temperature.

4.Loss of consciousness

This symptom is characteristic of an overdose of phenazepam mixed with alcohol. If the dose was too large, then the person may fall into a coma and then the chances that he will recover tend to zero.


If taking a large dose of the drug does not cause loss of consciousness, then negative consequences for the psyche and health develop. For example, a person ceases to control himself and becomes fearless, which threatens him with rash and dangerous actions. The appearance of delusional ideas and loss of contact with reality is possible.

6.Lethal dose

It is impossible to predict how the human body will react in each case, and therefore it is difficult to establish which combination and in what proportions will be fatal. It depends on the state of health and immune system, the presence of diseases of internal organs.

Why does the psyche become attached to the use of medicine?

The attachment of the psyche to something or someone is always associated with the formation of a conditioned reflex, a connection between the object of pathological attachment and receiving pleasure from it. Drugs in this sense are no exception, including pharmaceutical ones.

The development of psychological dependence is a serious problem. Addictive behavior, a kind of escape from reality with the help of pathological attachments, can relate not only to chemical addictions, but also to gambling addiction or shopaholism.

This is how the psyche gets rid of the painful state of dissatisfaction, lack of happiness, and loneliness. Under the influence of a drug, a person has at least some opportunity to gain joy, relax or cheer up. It's no wonder that there are so many addicted people among us. We all strive for happiness and bright impressions, but we rarely know how to live in such a way that they really become our companions. This is how drugs appear in life, use becomes regular, because they help you switch from negative to positive quickly and easily. But very soon the addict begins to have problems with use.

First aid

If a person takes Phenazepam with alcohol, then you need to immediately call an ambulance, because it is impossible to predict the consequences for the body and psychological state of a person. Before the doctor arrives:

  • do a gastric lavage: give the person who consumed at least 6 glasses of water with soda, induce vomiting.
  • give a sorbent: polysorb, smecta, polyphepan or activated carbon will do, this will prevent loss of consciousness;
  • monitor the condition: do not leave the person alone; if he has lost consciousness, then lay him on his side and fix his tongue so that he does not swallow it during attacks of vomiting.

Fighting addiction

It is impossible to independently organize treatment for addiction to Phenazepam. The help of narcologists and psychotherapists is needed. Patients can count on the necessary support at the Vector of Life drug treatment clinic.

Treatment is carried out in several stages:

  • Detoxification helps remove toxins and their breakdown products from the body. To do this, enemas are given, gastric lavage is organized, and reducing solutions are administered using droppers.
  • Drug therapy is aimed at counteracting withdrawal symptoms. Sedatives, analgesics, and immunomodulators are prescribed.
  • Psychological work is being carried out. During individual and group sessions, it is possible to cope with the psychological attraction to the drug. This is the most severe type of addiction and takes the longest to get rid of.

At the Vector of Life drug treatment clinic, patients can count on individual consultation and an individual course of treatment.

How to recover from addiction?

If a person is addicted to drinking alcohol with Phenazepam, then only comprehensive treatment can help. And the sooner it begins, the fewer irreversible consequences a person’s physical and psychological health will receive. The risk that one day the addict will not calculate the dose and it will be too late to help will also disappear.

Do your loved ones need help treating alcohol addiction? Sign up for a free consultation by calling the AlkoZdrav help center hotline: 8-800-775-32-63 . Specialists will answer your questions, select an effective treatment plan and accompany you throughout the entire program.

We guarantee results if all our recommendations are followed.


If there is an addiction to Phenazepam, there is no need to delay consultation with a narcologist. Narcology doctors provide assistance to patients dependent on pharmaceutical drugs.

Drug addicts use Phenazepam to feel a state of euphoria. At the same time, short periods of pleasure are accompanied by long periods of anger, irritability and loss of strength.

Addiction to the drug can manifest itself after 3 months. Tolerance to the drug is growing, the dose has to be systematically increased, which only aggravates the patient’s condition.

Symptoms of dependence on Phenazepam, for which it is necessary to begin treatment, are:

  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • migraine;
  • tremor;
  • numbness of some parts of the body;
  • chills;
  • increased sweating;
  • changes in blood pressure and body temperature;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • general weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • pain when urinating.

The intensity of physical symptoms may vary.


  1. Causes of dependence on phenazepam
  2. Why does psychological addiction occur?
  3. Causes of physical addiction
  4. Withdrawal syndrome from phenazepam
  5. Signs of withdrawal
  6. How long does it take for withdrawal to go away?
  7. How to wean yourself off phenazepam

Phenazepam is a tranquilizer drug. Prescribed for serious neurological and mental diseases. May cause dependence if used for a long time. Withdrawal from phenazepam is no easier than when getting rid of heroin, cocaine and other addictions. What are its symptoms, how long does it last and how to survive it? Let's look at it in more detail next.

How to wean yourself off phenazepam

People who care about a drug addict are interested in how to stop and how to survive addiction. The treatment process takes place in three stages.

The first stage is detoxification. The patient is given intravenous drips based on drugs that facilitate the withdrawal process.

Important! The gradual elimination of the drug from the body and the remaining stages of treatment should be carried out in a drug treatment clinic under the guidance of doctors.

The hospital environment facilitates the use of the latest treatment methods. The detoxification program can be carried out not only through IVs, but also through the use of hardware methods, and in special cases, intensive therapy measures.

The second stage is rehabilitation. It concerns both drug treatment and work with the patient’s habit. For each patient, individual methods of working with a psychotherapist, one-on-one or group therapy, are selected. For example, there are the following methods:

  • art therapy is “therapy with art”, mainly drawing;
  • Gestalt therapy, which focuses on the characteristics of the patient necessary to meet his own needs and the needs of people around him;
  • kinesiotherapy - treatment through physical activity;
  • transactional analysis, which deals with ego states (“parent”, “child”, “adult”).

Some facilities offer meditation and yoga classes.

Skills that patients gain during the rehabilitation process:

  • control over one’s own desires, incl. over repeated cravings for phenazepam;
  • the ability to solve problems independently, without stimulants in the form of psychoactive substances.

And finally, the third stage is resocialization. It, like the two previous stages, should in no case be neglected. Since a person is a biosocial personality, he cannot live fully without communication. If you do not engage in resocialization, remission will not occur. Therefore, a person needs to return to society.

When a person is addicted to drugs, many people turn away from him. To once again become a full-fledged member of society, it is worth going through two stages of socialization.

First, group work is carried out with other patients. When physical and mental dependence on phenazepam has been eliminated, former drug addicts are placed in institutions outside the rehabilitation center. There, participants in the resocialization program are in small groups. Thanks to this, they learn to interact with each other and perform certain duties. Sometimes they even take retraining courses.

The next stage is working at the patient’s home. Relatives should support him not only during clinical treatment. In addition to full communication, it is necessary to ensure that he does not return to his previous environment. Otherwise, addiction may arise again, this happens in 99.99% of cases of returning to former drug-addicted friends.

Often the help of psychotherapists is needed, who work not only with the patient, but also with his environment. It happens that a person becomes a drug addict due to a negative atmosphere in the family. If it remains the same, after treatment he will break down and start taking phenazepam again without a doctor’s prescription.

Please note that achieving positive results requires a comprehensive approach. Thanks to the coordinated work of specialists of different profiles, a person gradually regains the ability to independently build his life. Over time, he can achieve success in his career, start a family, discover new horizons for himself - experience what was previously inaccessible due to drug addiction.

Impact on the body

This drug is considered a powerful tranquilizer. Phenazepam is prescribed for mental disorders: anxiety, insomnia, fear, panic, obsessions, convulsions, post-alcoholic period, etc. In general, Phenazepam acts on the entire central nervous system. In some countries, this drug is prohibited as it is part of a group of drugs. In Ukraine and Russia, phenazepam is also becoming difficult to find in pharmacies. Despite the fact that it continues to be used in therapy, people with drug addiction take advantage of the fact that the drug is available without a prescription. This increases not only drug addiction, but also harmful consequences, since people who read about the drug on the Internet, without being doctors, diagnose themselves and run to the pharmacy. Incorrect use is extra work for doctors. Therefore, the drug should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor. After all, each body can react differently.

Despite all the indications for the drug, you must definitely clarify whether you have any contraindications. It is worth noting that a contraindication may also be a seemingly banal allergy, which, when interacting with the components of the drug, can lead to unforeseen consequences.

Contraindications include the following:

  • Severe depression (frequent stress, possibly anxiety, heart failure);
  • Alcohol and drug addiction;
  • If you are under 18 years old. (No one can guarantee how a child’s body will react to a drug of such a strong effect);
  • Problems with the respiratory system;
  • Coma;
  • State of shock;

Phenazepam acts for several hours. Complete elimination from the body takes 6-18 hours. It all depends on the dosage the person took.

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