What is better to write to a man after a long silence or how to competently interrupt an awkward pause

Being ignored is always unpleasant. And it’s doubly unpleasant if such an attitude comes from a guy you like. In personal communication, it is easier to solve this problem, at least with the help of a direct question head-on. But when it comes to correspondence, the situation becomes more complicated. Firstly, messages are very easy to ignore, and secondly, it is completely unclear what is really happening and what causes this young man’s behavior. And most importantly, it is not known what to do about it and how to change the situation.

Why text a guy who ignores you?

Ideally, a girl should not be intrusive and write to a man first, especially if he ignores her. Unfortunately, the era of knights has passed, and representatives of the fairer sex sometimes have to dot the i’s. What reasons can cause women to be so assertive:

  1. The girl is so bored that ignoring her doesn’t stop her. She thinks that she will take the guy by force and hear the sound of the long-awaited reply SMS. Most women live by emotions, which pushes them to take such a rash step.
  2. She was madly in love with a man and continues to experience this deep feeling. It's not so easy to just pick up and forget a guy you're crazy about. Therefore, even his aloofness does not serve as an obstacle to attempts to receive a response message.
  3. Simple curiosity makes you call a young man for a conversation. Why did he disappear into nothingness if everything was in order? What did the man not like and what does he see as the meaning of ignoring?
  4. A woman wants to try to rebuild a relationship after a painful breakup. The couple broke up, but the girl’s heart never found peace. The girl decides that this is fate and tries to glue the fragments of the broken vase of love.
  5. She feels guilty towards the guy she offended. Finally, seeing the beam in her eye, the lady writes words of repentance, but hits a tightly closed gate.
  6. The girl seeks revenge. Maybe she wants to re-start an affair with the guy and, having gained trust, brutally break the man. Or wants to share details of a happy personal life without him.
  7. She wants to express everything that is boiling over. It is not always possible to silently swallow the insult and leave gracefully. Many girls dream of throwing out negativity and therefore seek an answer from the ignoring guy.

Be that as it may, it is better to think ten times before this bold act. Don’t create illusions for yourself, don’t justify a partner who acts like this. Ignoring is behavior that does not characterize a real man.

How to competently interrupt an awkward pause

There is nothing criminal on your part in being the first to write after a long silence. This needs to be done elegantly, using the right techniques and tactics:

“If you don’t answer me, you will never know the continuation of that interesting story.”

“Even though you don’t answer, remember that you are the best thing in my life.”

“You are angry and silent for a long time, but I can imagine how beautiful you are when you are angry.”

“We haven’t communicated for a long time, but we still can’t forget you.”

“How is your mother doing there? Does she still make the same delicious cookies?”

What should you write to a young man if he himself does not take the initiative?

If you don’t see anything criminal in the fact that you have to be the first to write to a man after a long silence, at least use the right tactics. There are many ways to get a guy to talk, we have selected the best of them:

  1. Intrigue. When you watch TV, you are probably annoyed by advertising that cuts off a movie or talk show at the most interesting point. But I really want to know how this episode ends. No fools came up with this effect that makes you wait for the show to continue without looking up from your favorite chair. A similar method can be used in correspondence with an ignoring guy. Examples of what to write to a man after a long silence:
  • “If you don’t answer me, you will never know the answer to your most exciting question,”
  • “And I found out something about you and I’m still in shock,”
  • “How could you do this, I didn’t suspect that you were like that...”

Just don't resort to blackmail and suicide threats. Such attempts will not lead to anything good, and you will be known as the local crazy person.

  1. 2. Compliment. Men are susceptible to flattery, that's for sure. They, like happy cats, will read messages with compliments, and your chances of starting long-awaited negotiations will increase. What to write to a guy so that he responds:
  • “Even though you don’t answer, know that you are the best thing in my life. I hope it will be."
  • “You are still silent, and I imagine how beautiful you are when you are angry,”
  • “We don’t communicate, but it’s absolutely impossible to forget you: you’re just space.”
  1. Request for help. What to write to a guy who ignores you? Ask for his help with a serious problem. No matter how angry a man is, he will not refuse a girl in need. Come up with some sob story, for example, that you can’t wash yourself because the faucet in the bathroom is broken. Ask the guy to come, while praising his masculine skills. If all is not lost, the man must come to the rescue, and first, finally answer the SMS. Follow your intuition, come up with a situation to which the young man simply cannot help but react.
  2. Common interests. You both loved football, and soon there will be a match involving your favorite team? Buy two tickets and send a photo of them in a message with the caption: “You can continue to ignore me, but we simply must go to the football game.” Expect an immediate reaction; the man must appreciate your surprise.

Or a simpler option. Let's say that a guy is interested in computers, and you learned about the imminent appearance of a new store with equipment of this kind. Of course, in honor of the opening there will be a win-win lottery, plus crazy discounts. Why not notify your silent boyfriend about this? He should appreciate the concern and take a step forward, at least by answering the message.

  1. An exciting question. What to write to a guy if he doesn't write? It is better to provoke him to answer with an intriguing question. You can demand that the guy give you a personal item or ask some romantic question like: “Do you remember our cozy evenings together?” Or you can also ask about something personal. This way you will emphasize how close you were: “How is your grandmother? Does she bake equally delicious pies?”
  2. 6. Support in difficult times. What should you write to a guy if he is silent, and you know that he is currently experiencing life difficulties? Tell him words of encouragement that will certainly touch the strings of his soul. What to write to a guy if he doesn’t answer and gets into trouble:
  • “Know that I still worry about you, and if you need my help, please contact me,”
  • “Even though you are not answering me now, I still sympathize with your grief and hope that you get out of it quickly,”
  • “Despite your ignorance, I wish you happiness and I know that everything will be fine for you, it can’t be any other way!”

With such messages you will show yourself as a kind and positive person. Most likely, the guy will answer you feeling supported.

How to remind a man about yourself: good methods

Long gone are the days when it was considered indecent for a girl to be the first to start a conversation with a young man. In the modern world, the situation has changed, because today we have emancipation, which means everyone has equal rights. Any man will be pleased if a girl pays attention to him. But some girls, losing their heads from feelings, are ready to do anything and behave too intrusively; this is not very good, since moderation is needed in everything. If you wrote a message or called and he did not answer, you should not do this many times in a row. Perhaps your boyfriend is busy at the moment or simply forgot his phone at home. And in principle, many calls or text messages in a row suggests that something has happened.

What can be done in this situation:

  1. Call once. If a girl has never called first, but wants to talk to a guy, you should deviate from this rule once.
  2. Write on social networks. Start a conversation by starting with a question, for example, how was your day? As the conversation progresses, you can understand how interested he is in you.
  3. Write SMS. The main thing here is to make the right message; the message should have a positive message. You can write about a shared memory, give a compliment, or simply send a beautiful picture.
  4. Provoke. Write an SMS or a message on social networks about something, and when he answers, say: “Sorry, I got the wrong address.”
  5. Share news. The news should be of a nature that relates to his hobbies or hobbies. And, in general, this method - being interested in the same thing as the guy and the discussion, works 100%, in any case, you will always be on the same wavelength.
  6. Show weakness. There is no need to be shy about talking about your feminine weaknesses. You can call and say how scared you were when there was a thunderstorm. Or – another series moved me to tears.
  7. Use a random encounter. To do this, you need to know where the guy goes, what time he returns home and pretend as if you were there by accident.
  8. Use your date wisely. Forget something from him or ask him to read a book. This will be a surefire way for the next meeting.

Is flirting appropriate when ignored?

Girls often mistakenly believe that if they write something playful to a guy after a long silence, he will definitely rush to bombard them with promising SMS messages in response.
This is not entirely the right tactic. Each specific situation requires a special approach. It all depends on the depth of the quarrel and your temperaments. For some, ignoring means breaking up, and some guys perceive it as a kind of game and a way to take a break from each other for a while. Light flirting is possible after a minor, frivolous quarrel. If a couple of days have passed and the young man is still offended, then you can send him a couple of romantically silly SMSs. What flirty thing to write to a guy if he ignores:

  • “Are you bored yet? Or are you still sulking? But I want to see your pretty face,”
  • “Darling, stop playing the silent game. I have so much to tell you that I'm about to burst. You don’t want my death like this, do you?”
  • “Is my cat still offended by his guilty cat? Maybe my magic mur will fix the situation?”,
  • “Darling, did you accidentally break your finger? If not, then answer. If so, just call me, I miss you."

Prolonged ignorance and serious conflict do not imply such frivolous communication. If you start flirting with a man in this case, he will only become more convinced of the correctness of his decision. Try to be more thoughtful to improve your relationship. If you decide to fight for your happiness, do not lose your chances of success with the help of inappropriate messages.

How to unobtrusively remind a man about yourself

Social networks have become very popular these days. With their help, you can not only communicate at any time of the day or night, but also make new acquaintances. Don't miss the opportunity to use this method. Read below how to do it correctly.

  • Write a comment on his photo.
  • Like his post.
  • Write a comment on his post.
  • Ask a neutral question, for example - How are you feeling?
  • Go to his page and remain silent (he will see who was visiting him).
  • Share the news.
  • You can also ask him for help in what he is competent in, for example, setting up a smartphone or laptop.

If you want to ask for forgiveness

There are situations when you should ask for forgiveness from someone you offended.

Example phrases:

“Don’t be angry, life is too short to waste it on grudges. I'm sorry".

“I’m very sorry that this happened. Our relationship is important to me. Right now, more than anything else, I want to make peace with you.”

“The reason for our quarrel is insignificant compared to my feelings for you. “I will try to improve and not allow such situations to happen again.”

“Let’s forget the ridiculous grievances and leave our quarrel in the past.”

“I had a lot of time to understand my mistake and admit my guilt. I'm very worried about what happened. Please forgive me".

Men's opinions about being ignored

What do men think about the fact that a guy has stopped writing to you and is ignoring your messages? Let's find out from them themselves!

“If a guy allows himself to be ignored, disappear and not respond to messages, then this is not normal. Girls, stop communicating with such people, and don’t worry.”

“Sometimes I disappear from a lady’s sight to stir up interest.”

“I can’t stand it when a girl starts messaging me right after a fight. I haven’t had time to get over my emotions yet, but it’s already annoying. If a girl is not indifferent to me, I will definitely get in touch with her.”

“When a guy ignores a girl, there is only one explanation for this - he is indifferent to her. The rest is excuses.”

How to start a conversation after a quarrel

All people make mistakes. If you realize that it is you who are to blame for the quarrel, then you too will have to resume communication. First, analyze the situation, realize your guilt, if any. Secondly, give yourself and your partner time to cool down.

You can make peace with a guy by correspondence using the following phrases:

“We love each other, but we constantly quarrel. This is ridiculous. Let's forget old grievances and start all over again."

“I really feel bad without you.”

“Let’s make peace, otherwise we’ll soon forget what we quarreled about.”

"I'm sorry! They say that love works miracles. Let a miracle happen and we will make peace.”

Attention! Don't look for heartfelt poems or aphorisms on the Internet. Write to him sincerely that you regret what happened and ask for forgiveness.

Fear of a serious relationship

Representatives of the fair sex, consciously or unconsciously, in most cases are committed to a serious (that is, long-term and close in distance between partners) union. There is only a grain of humor in the joke that “he just opened the door for her, and she had already thought about what to name their children together.”

A man, when he meets, meets, falls in love, or simply desires a woman, does not make any plans. He is more likely to be in the “here and now” state. Therefore, realizing that the relationship can become close, and even more so, seeing that the woman expects “seriousness,” the man experiences sensations similar to hitting a wall with a running start. And - he moves away at least for a while.

What will be the result of his “disconnection” or “solitude” is unknown even to himself. Upbringing, character, parental attitudes, personal maturity are different for everyone. Where one person, taking a break, understands that “this is my woman, and I’m ready...”, another decides to “take a walk,” “postpone,” or even “see all options.”

When cooling is caused by precisely such fear, if a man temporarily ignores a woman, then she cannot influence the situation. The only reasonable behavior... take a break too!

Imagine there is an elastic band between you and your partner. The man pulled away, pulling it on. It’s unpleasant for you, you want to shorten the distance so that the tension becomes less. You get closer - he moves away again.

In fact, it’s worth being patient and, overcoming resistance, also moving away somewhat and doing other things. Tension will then arise for the man, testing his strength. The attraction to you or the partner’s character, his personal potential is weak - the elastic band will break. He needs you - the increased tension will make him fly to you with all the force of return.

To be fair, it should be noted that a conscious and well-mannered man will warn a woman that he needs a break, or will try to justify it somehow (being busy, leaving, solving problems in other areas). But sometimes the fear of getting too close (by your partner’s standards) is precisely what deprives you of awareness.

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