15 signs of emotional immaturity and low intelligence - check yourself! (16 photos)

Author: V_V_V

04 December 2021 16:11

Tags: infantilism low IQ psychology for the masses emotional deafness  



IQ allows you to determine the level of a certain group of mental abilities for logic, abstract thinking, and learning. Scientists say that a high IQ is like being tall in basketball, but to be a great basketball player you need other abilities. However, there are also subjective traits of undeveloped intelligence and emotional immaturity. Here are 15 signs of both intellectual and emotional shortcomings that are extremely difficult to combat.



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Interestingly, a high IQ does not necessarily mean that you are smart. It happens that people who do not shine with mental acuity perform excellent IQ tests. The most striking example is George Bush, whose mental abilities were mocked throughout his 8-year presidency. There were too many gross mistakes in his actions, and his idiotic statements on various occasions became the talk of the town. Bush took an IQ test and his result was incredibly high - 120! (A score of 100 is normal, 160 is super high, and 70 is low. We can't help but mention Bill Gates - his score of 160 partly explains his success.) If you've ever taken an IQ test, it was probably an Eysenck test (the creator of the IQ test) or one of its many modifications. By today's standards, these tests can be considered outdated and inaccurate, but they have penetrated deeply into various structures (educational and even military), and now they are ubiquitous on the Internet that it is impossible to simply brush them aside. In fact, the average IQ test measures your ability to analyze new information (both using and not using old) relative to your age. Psychologists remind us that the average IQ test gives not only a very approximate, but also a very average value, because it consists of several subtests, each of which tests different types of thinking. Thus, a person with outstanding abstract thinking and weak verbal reasoning is likely to score only average. Psychologists have the term “emotional intelligence” (EQ), which includes the ability to hear and understand other people, anticipate their behavior, and control one’s own and others’ emotions. Perhaps personality needs to be assessed by both IQ and EQ levels. For example, Harvard University psychology professor Mr. Howard Gardner introduces the concept of “multiple intelligences.” There is a joke that high Eysenck test scores do not indicate a person’s intelligence, but only his ability to pass IQ tests well. There is some truth in every joke: IQ scores have nothing to do with practical intelligence or creative abilities.

Difficulty learning new material


One sign of a person with a low IQ is difficulty understanding new or changing familiar concepts. This is a problem, especially given our time, with its rapid development of technology and changing lifestyles. These people not only find it difficult to understand and accept more complex systems and ways of thinking, but even a simple abstraction is accepted with an internal struggle. They also have difficulty with numbers and sequences. They have to overcome significant obstacles when it comes to analytical processing of information. It is assumed that there are certain barriers for people with low IQ regarding the workings of the mind and the laws of logic. Since IQ tests measure a person's ability to think abstractly, it is this type of test question that seems to cause difficulty. Many of them feel frustrated, this is a constant challenge for them, and they quickly become angry and lash out at others due to their inability to understand abstract categories. Emotionally intelligent people are more flexible and adaptable. They leave their comfort zone because they understand that the fear of the new paralyzes and blocks the road to new victories.

Who introduced the concept of intelligence?

The mental abilities of people have been the subject of study by many scientists, including famous thinkers of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. However, the concept of intelligence was first introduced only at the end of the 19th century, that is, a little more than a hundred years ago.

The term “intelligence” was coined by the British anthropologist Francis Galton. He was inspired by the work of Charles Darwin and was a proponent of Darwin's theory of evolution. By the way, Francis Galton's subject of interest was not only the intellectual abilities of people, but also their genome.

Francis Galton

In an effort to benefit humanity, the scientist became the founder of eugenics - a doctrine aimed at combating degeneration. This teaching was later used by Adolf Hitler to explain the goals and benefits of Nazism.

However, Francis Galton himself did not seek to destroy defective people. In his opinion, an intellectual person should be comprehensively developed, including spiritually. The scientist himself fully corresponded to this description, having made significant contributions to the development of psychology, genetics, criminology and physics. Later, his views on the essence of intelligence were confirmed by other researchers who classified the intellectual abilities of people.

Poor control of their emotions


Do you know how to control yourself? Some people have an explosive temperament, and flare up at every little thing, which, in fact, does not require such a violent reaction. It's more than just getting off on the wrong foot or feeling frustrated by every challenge. Where does this anger come from? There is often simply no rational explanation. However, a person with low IQ and EQ is constantly in a state of uncontrollable rage, and any seemingly small catalyst can trigger an attack of anger, and for them everything seems quite logical and rational... Such people tend to have outbursts of rage in public place or any other places where scandals are inappropriate. Don't get us wrong, if the rude lady in front of you at Starbucks in line happens to be having a bad morning, that doesn't mean she's lacking in IQ points...although it very well may mean...

They think they have all the answers


You might think that a know-it-all has a higher IQ than most people, but quite the opposite. There are people who really seem like walking encyclopedias, and there are others who don't really know that much but put on airs like they're the smartest. The latter do not necessarily need facts or logic, sometimes they are simply so full of information that it should alert you: perhaps this is not a very smart person. This has little to do with real intelligence; rather, this is a classic excellent student who is cramming. People with lower IQs often feel out of place when trying to socialize into society, so they imitate their own perception of an ideal role model, which includes the attitude of always having the answers to everything. They do not have the ability to “read” information about the social environment and understand the hierarchy of a particular group (who is at the top, who is rejected, etc.); they do not know how to recognize the social signals that their interlocutors give, and which, in fact, may be are not at all aware of issues that randomly come up in conversation.

Surprising Signs of Intelligence

However, according to expert research, there are other interesting factors that can show your intelligence goes beyond mediocrity. Find out how to understand that you have high intelligence; see if any of the amazing scientifically proven signs of a good IQ apply to you.

You are the firstborn

If you are the oldest child, congratulate yourself. A new study from the University of Edinburgh has found that first-born children score higher in IQ than their younger siblings. What connection could there be between first-born children and exceptional mental abilities?

Experts followed 5,000 children from birth to age 14, and assessed how the children read, write, and solve word problems and math problems every two years. Scientists have found that, despite the same emotional support provided to children by their parents, first-born children receive more tasks that help improve their thinking.

you are swearing

Most people associate swearing with a lack of mental ability and education, but, surprisingly, harsh language can sometimes indicate high intelligence. Scientists from Marist College in New York have emphasized the connection between "strong words" and IQ.

They asked volunteers to say (orally or in writing) as many words as possible from different categories, such as obscenities, animals, words starting with a certain letter. After evaluating the results, the experts learned that people who managed to write the most everyday concepts included more swear words in their lists.

Experts explain this in such a way that obscene words expand the vocabulary, and the correct use of a wide range of words is a sign of increased intellectual abilities.

Do you have the concept of black humor

The next sign of high intelligence in adolescents (usually 16-17 years old) and adults is the concept of black humor. A slightly distorted sense of humor, which not everyone understands, according to Austrian scientists in the field of psychology, indicates high intelligence. They asked more than 150 people to rate cartoons that included dark humor. Then they measured their verbal and nonverbal intelligence, mood swings, and aggressiveness. Participants who preferred the most vulgar jokes had higher levels of both types of intelligence and were less aggressive than people who preferred traditional forms of humor.

According to scientists, the reason is that the concept of a vulgar joke requires the use of all mental power, which not everyone can do. Dark humor is much more complex than a typical joke, so it requires good thinking skills to appreciate it.

Your mother suffered from nausea during pregnancy

Unpleasant nausea during pregnancy affects almost all expectant mothers, but its intensity may be an indicator of the intelligence of their children. Researchers from Toronto, Canada, studied expectant mothers during pregnancy and then their children after birth.

Experts found that the children of women who suffered the most from morning sickness during pregnancy later scored higher on IQ tests than the children of mothers who did not spend every morning cuddling the toilet.

Scientists have linked this phenomenon to maternal hormone levels, estradiol and prolactin. Women with morning sickness expose their babies to higher levels of these hormones, which can lead to increased fetal brain development.

You are an owl

Is the rhythm of an owl characteristic of you? In this case, according to a British study, you are smarter than people who prefer to live in accordance with the opposite rhythm (larks). During an 8-year study, experts observed 20,000 teenagers and came to interesting conclusions.

People who go to bed later than their peers are more intelligent and have higher IQs. Scientists believe that individuals with advanced mental abilities were able to change their natural circadian rhythm (more commonly known as the internal clock), causing them to go to bed earlier.

Our ancestors instinctively slept at night to avoid nocturnal predators, but smart, modern humans evolved on these risks, adapting to the night hours, which our ancestors could not do.

In order to increase IQ, you should not change your circadian rhythm. Enough training of the brain, memory, attention. Also, remember that most healthy people need at least 7-8 hours of sleep.

You are an introvert

You don't like the big city, you don't like going to parties, you feel uncomfortable in a crowded bar? These signs, characteristic of introverts, indicate increased intelligence. A British study that assessed 15,000 adults found that those with a high IQ score were less satisfied living in a densely populated area.

In addition, these people reported greater life satisfaction when spending less time socializing with friends than people with lower intelligence levels. Introverted thinking evolved along with evolution—our ancestors lived in tribes, and socialization was often necessary for survival, the researchers explained. But smart people probably went beyond "tribal support." This means that they can adapt to today's fast-paced society, regardless of their peers.

Your desk is a mess

Good news for clutter lovers. If you have a lot of different things on your desk that don't always have a use, you may be smarter than others. A chaotic environment, according to research from the University of Minnesota, supports creative thinking.

Failure to learn from your mistakes


If you are a living person, you make mistakes. It is undeniable that many of us make the same mistakes twice, but there are people who, in principle, do not learn from their mistakes. It's like putting your hand over a fire and getting burned, and continuing to repeat this action every five minutes until it completely self-destructs. Emotionally developed people do not take mistakes to heart, but they also do not ignore them. They benefit from the experience and are always ready to admit their guilt. While people with low levels of emotional intelligence never apologize for their mistakes and often try to blame others for their mistakes.

What affects IQ?

In fact, several factors influence a person's IQ - heredity and environment. In addition, different indicators of this coefficient may vary among people of different social groups. Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Factor one - heredity

Various studies in this area have shown that the difference in IQ is directly related to genetic factors. Moreover, the development of intelligence is influenced not by any one gene or group of genes, but by the genetic fund, in general, which is approximately 17 thousand genes.

Currently, this issue has not yet been sufficiently studied, but scientists around the world are conducting all kinds of research to understand what the genetic differences are between people with different levels of intelligence. If genetically determined causes affecting intelligence are found, it will be possible to create means designed to increase IQ.

Factor two – environment

The environment, and to be more precise, the family, has a huge impact on the development of a person’s intelligence, in particular a child’s. Scientists have been able to identify the dependence of the development of intelligence on factors such as methods of upbringing, microclimate in the family, financial situation, standard of living and even the size of the house in which the family lives. However, as the child grows up, this dependence disappears, and by the time he reaches adulthood, it may disappear completely.

It is also important that due to genetic characteristics, different children, even in the same family, can react to the same factors differently

Summarizing these two points, it can be noted that the IQ of adults is largely determined by genetic factors and not by the environment, as is observed in children.

Inability to understand other people's emotions


Emotional deafness is characteristic of people with low levels of IQ and EQ. At parties and other social situations, they do not understand body language or read signals; their communication is ineffective and they have difficulty understanding what other people are doing and why. Although there are many smart people who are "socially awkward", they at least know how to avoid conversations or unnecessary interactions with people they are not interested in (FYI, go to a party and sit in the kitchen with the dog all evening , is certainly a wise conscious decision). Emotionally undeveloped people do not see the limitations of social protocol - Professor Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory is a great example. Emotionally developed people quickly calculate the emotions of others simply by their eyes and gestures, this helps to adjust their behavior and make the right decisions. After all, there is no point, for example, discussing important things with a person immersed in his own problems, or trying to build communication with a completely indifferent interlocutor.

Lack of basic social skills


There are skills that help us live day to day, communicate effectively, interact with others, and be able to take care of our basic life needs. People with low levels of emotional and intellectual development will find this short list too difficult and will need help with two or more items on this list, and on a daily basis. They may forget to wash themselves, or don't know how to defrost processed food in the microwave, not to mention more complex cooking tasks. This is not because they find it physically difficult to perform these actions, but because they do not have the mental capacity of the average person. They will have to be reminded of the simplest things if they are unable to remember them on their own. As a rule, such people live under someone's supervision. Here it is appropriate to recall the phenomenon of modern Japan called “hikki” or “hikikomori” - literally meaning “acute social isolation”. This term refers to people who refuse social life, do not have a job and live on dependent relatives. Japan's Ministry of Health defines hikikomori as individuals who refuse to leave their parents' home, isolate themselves from society and family in a separate room for more than six months, and do not have any work or income. Psychologist Tamaki Saito, who coined the term, initially estimated that the number of hikikomori in Japan was just over a million, or about 1% of the country's population. But according to a Japanese government report, there may be many more such people. “The Lost Generation” - that's what they are called Self-isolation, demonstrated by hikikomori, is a common symptom in people suffering from depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder or autism spectrum disorders (this includes Asperger's syndrome and "classical" autism).

What is emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence, or EI, is the ability to accept and manage your own and others' emotions. Together, IQ and EI create a person's individual "soul".

Alena Sysoeva emphasizes that emotionality and emotional intelligence ” are different concepts:

An emotional, temperamental person often has low EI, which is associated with his inability to analyze his emotions. A calm and balanced person can exhibit a high level of EI.

There is no relationship between IQ and EI. It is easier for a smart individual with low emotional intelligence to assemble and disassemble a hadron collider than to communicate with other people.

It also happens the other way around: a person doesn’t really know the multiplication tables and writes with errors, but thanks to the built-in “emotional scanner” he feels comfortable in the company of others and still finds how to build a business and make money from it.

There are also lucky ones, whom nature has endowed with both intelligence and sensitivity.

Emotional intelligence includes 4 components:

Understanding yourself: awareness of your own emotions and needs.

Control over your feelings and behavior.

Good perception of people: deep comprehension of other people's feelings.

Managing the emotions and reactions of other individuals.

Marina Taran focuses on the importance of the first component - understanding oneself:

“In work and business, we tend to quickly “turn on or off” our emotions.

Often we want to activate a good range of feelings (obedience, respect, politeness, positive thinking) and suppress aggressive impulses (irritation, anger, fatigue, rebellion).

My favorite interpretation of EI is relevance, adequacy of the situation. If my aggressive reaction, dressed in a form appropriate to the circumstances, will more effectively advance the team towards the result, then I am being harsh.

There is no point in replacing it with “good” insincere emotions if this will cause others to stall further, slowing down business.”

They live beyond their financial means


High financial IQ is another subtype of intellectual development indicator. The Kardashians are used to spending money like it grows on trees, but they have bank accounts that are pretty stacked with cash. And in order to support their extravagant purchases, people with low intellectual levels have to waste money with completely empty bank accounts. Credit and credit, of course, are different. And there are justified expenses. But the desire to possess luxury goods without having the means to do so, and the tendency to get bogged down in endless debts, indicates a clear narrow-mindedness and immaturity. You need to use a loan carefully, clearly understanding for what purposes you are taking it and how justified these purposes are. And it is imperative to know in advance how you will give it away. But there is a whole army of people who do not understand the obvious: they will have to pay back, and with interest! Incredible, but true: look around, how many people take out loans for expensive cars that they cannot afford, without even having their own home and savings. Failing to plan your budget and getting bogged down in debt is a clear sign of low financial IQ. We hope this isn't about you!

Intelligence levels

Tests for intelligence and erudition, in particular the Eysenck scale, have already been repeatedly mentioned above.

It is logical that intelligence testing is carried out individually for each type of intelligence. Therefore, psychologists use 5-8 types of testing simultaneously in their work. Typically these include Cattell, Guilford, Wechsler, Raven, Amthauer, Bennett, Eysenck, Goleman and Gardner tests.

How is human intelligence measured? Regardless of the type of test, the unit of measurement is points. At the same time, depending on which assessment scale is used, testing standards are determined. Thus, the intellectual level of a person on the Eysenck scale is determined as follows:

  • 1-70 points – low IQ;
  • 71-84 – below average;
  • 85-115 points – average;
  • 116-144 points – above average intelligence;
  • 145-159 points – high level of intellectual development;
  • 160+ – genius.

The Goleman test is most often used to determine the level of emotional intelligence (EQ). It assesses the level of development of skills such as emotional sensitivity, self-control, empathy and relationship management. According to Goleman's theory, low emotional intelligence is not a death sentence, but a reason for self-development.

In order to objectively assess the level of a person’s intellectual development, psychologists first conduct a preliminary conversation, during which they determine the characteristics of a person’s thinking. Depending on which abilities he has more developed, they select a suitable test.

An intellectually developed person is not necessarily an erudite like Anatoly Wasserman. Tests allow you to assess the abilities of any person, including a small child. Psychologists are helped in this by signs of low intelligence - poor learning ability, inability to perceive and use received information, reluctance to develop.

Extraordinary intelligence is not a reason to refuse socialization. For the most part, mentally retarded people differ little from other representatives of society. The main thing is to recognize the problem and start working on solving it, developing mental abilities.

They are focused on themselves


Is the navel of the earth a familiar situation? Being socially inept not only means that people with low IQs cannot function in a social environment; it also means that they tend to see the world through their own lens. They are unable to look at ideas, opinions through the eyes of someone else. They only care about their own position and point of view. Their selfishness does not arise out of malice, such is their nature, and it is based on their intellectual potential. Seeing the world through other people's eyes and taking their needs into account requires the ability to perceive abstract concepts, but this is emotionally complex and psychologically difficult. Emotional egoism is characteristic of people who, when perceiving the world and assessing situations, are so fixated exclusively on their own emotions that they think too little about the feelings of others.

Always prove you're right

In a controversial situation, intelligent people have a better chance of taking the place of their opponent, understanding his arguments, integrating them into their thought chains, and reconsidering current views. A clear manifestation of intelligence is the ability to look at things from a different point of view and understand them. Intelligent people are open to new information and changes in generally accepted principles.

On the contrary, people with low thinking abilities continue to argue, do not give up their position, do not understand the existing arguments, and do not notice the intelligence and competence of their opponent. This increased evaluation of oneself is called the Dunning-Kruger effect. This is a cognitive bias that causes less competent people to overestimate their own abilities while underestimating the intelligence of others.

An intelligent person also proves that he is right, but he knows how to listen, consider the available arguments, basing the final decision on them.

They don't take criticism


Criticism, of course, varies. And any criticism should be accepted with dignity, humor and absolute calm, and then analyzed - constructive or trolling? And draw your own conclusions - ignore or take note, correcting your actions. The process described above, oddly enough, is completely beyond the capabilities of an emotionally and intellectually undeveloped person. He can neither analyze criticism for its constructiveness, nor distinguish good advice from simple envious lies. Lacking effective communication skills and not being able to control himself, a person with a low IQ cannot cope with any criticism. They see it as an attack and a threat, rather than words that give them a chance to grow and develop. Critical analysis is an attack on everything they stand for, or at least that's what they believe. Stubbornness and intransigence are common accompaniments of such imperviousness to criticism. Such people certainly need help.

They blame everyone around them for their own failures


Very smart people are able to assess probable risks and understand the consequences of their decisions. Less intelligent people will not look for the reasons for their failures in their own mistakes; finding fault with themselves is not in their selfish nature. Instead, they blame anyone for their failures - parents, spouses, colleagues, and so on. Self-reflection is a sign of inner work, analysis and the process of self-improvement; it is not for nothing that smart people usually do not consider themselves as such. Success in life largely depends on how a person reacts to failure. People with a growth mindset believe that, even with effort, they can improve everything. As a result, they outperform those with a fixed mindset, even if they have a lower IQ. A high IQ, when faced with adversity, helps to seek solutions to one's problems, unlike people with a low IQ, who begin to wallow in self-pity and lash out at others with blame for their own disasters.

The objectivity of IQ tests

The level of intelligence in a general sense demonstrates how broad a picture of the world is drawn in the thinking of an individual. The more extensive a person’s understanding of the structure of reality, the higher the IQ. In people with low intelligence, signs of a low level of intelligence are always insufficient abilities to learn and develop.

However, any IQ tests cannot be considered completely objective and accurately rank people by intelligence level. Testing is just one of the methods for determining intellectual capabilities. No less important is the analysis of human behavior, by which one can recognize the general level of thinking and intellectual capabilities of an individual.

Disputants without brakes


Some people are just argumentative no matter what their IQ level is. There are those types of people who are always on the verge of being offended, they are just waiting to start a debate on any issue. Among them there is a fairly high percentage of people with low IQ levels, because they do not know how to properly evaluate their emotions and do not know when to stop in an argument that becomes too heated. They are unable to respect opinions different from their own. And they lack the intelligence and delicacy to remain silent in certain situations. Sometimes for them such behavior becomes a tragedy - they simply drive themselves into a corner and doom themselves to isolation. They should ask themselves: what do I want? Be right at all costs and have the last word in an argument? Or I want to be a calm and happy person, able to respect others. But this requires brains and an IQ slightly above average!

You will think more than you feel

Instead of just relaxing and enjoying the moment, you will be preoccupied with your thoughts. As for feelings, you will understand well what emotion this or that situation evokes, but most likely you will not be able to fully experience it. Talking freely about your feelings is good, but it doesn't help you feel relief.

This problem is present in the lives of most people with high levels of intelligence, especially those who are verbally oriented. Words play a vital role in their lives. Unlike other people who can express emotions through actions (breaking dishes, screaming, crying, jumping for joy), people with high intelligence do not know how to physically show others how they feel. They only know how to explain.

They don't know how to plan


We have already mentioned that new ideas and concepts are difficult for a person with a low IQ to comprehend. Not everyone has the ability to plan their affairs. There are a huge number of tasks, they are all diverse and most of them are not related to each other. It is almost impossible to remember everything. Keeping diaries and using various reminders is possible, but it happens that they only confuse the situation more. Especially when it comes to multi-stage tasks. For a person with low IQ and EQ, this is almost impossible to solve. They are simply unable to plan for anything, be it a daily work plan or a long-term event. Combine this with an inability to plan finances and an imperviousness to criticism, and the result will always be a failed project - no matter whether we are talking about organizing a party or a quarterly report. Any attempt to help or control will be perceived as mistrust and insult. Truly, touchiness is a sign of weakness! The strong will accept both help and advice.

Don’t stay in one job for long


Some employers demand a lot from their employees, while others take a more relaxed approach that requires little to no effort. For someone with a low IQ, both of these options are too difficult to handle. As we have already discussed, they are unable to plan their work, do not understand how to acclimatize to the work environment, and are poorly trained and socialized. They are tolerated for some time, they may even go through a probationary period, but sooner or later it turns out that the person cannot cope. As a rule, this cycle is equal to a year. So if a person comes to work for you and changes jobs every year, don’t rush to hire him! And, if you look at your work book and see a similar picture in it, then you should think about it. If you have constant rush jobs at work, you constantly live in a situation of lack of time, overwork, and at the same time do not stay away from one job for more than a year - stop and look at the situation from the outside.

How to recognize a person with high intelligence

How is high intelligence expressed in a girl or guy?
What makes a smart person? Several signs of high intelligence.

The ability not to be distracted by extraneous stimuli Smart people are able to focus attention on what is important for a long time. Goes to bed late and gets up late. It is believed that night owls are smarter than early birds. Two studies were conducted in which more than 1000 people participated

It is believed that night owls are smarter than early birds. Two studies were conducted in which more than 1000 people participated

During testing, it was proven that it is “owls” who have high intelligence. The ability to quickly adapt to new things. This is connected not only with a new job, but also with finding the optimal path that can more effectively change the situation. A person with high intelligence knows how to admit that he does not know much. He is not afraid to say that he does not have an answer to a question; he understands that the more you know, the more often you encounter the unknown. Smart people are incredibly curious. Curiosity is one of the main signs of high intelligence. The ability to seek and accept new ideas and opportunities. Such people do not think in a standard way; they are always looking for an alternative that can lead to the goal with the least loss. They feel comfortable being alone. They do not need anyone's company to feel needed; they are self-sufficient individuals. They know how to take control of their own emotions in difficult situations. Intellectuals can plan their own time, know how to build strategies and evaluate results. They are not impulsive and always make decisions after carefully considering the possible consequences. Good sense of humour. It has been proven that smart people have a great sense of humor, this is confirmed by tests that comedians have undergone. Empathy. An intelligent person can put himself in someone else's shoes and look at the situation from the outside. He will be able to calculate the reaction and turn the situation at an angle favorable to himself. The ability to find connections that are not visible at first glance. Intellectuals can find differences and common characteristics of any subject because they think on a larger scale and never use patterns. Thinking about global issues. They often think about the meaning of life, their own purpose, about the existence of parallel universes. They think about why it happened this way and not differently, and what could have been changed to prevent this resolution of the situation.

Such signs are not an axiom, because people are different, they cannot be lumped with the same brush. There are completely unique individuals who do not fit into any created frame, and at the same time are considered geniuses.

There are several unexpected signs of high intelligence that are viewed with skepticism, but they are actually true:

  • untidiness and a tendency to disorder are signs of high intelligence;
  • smart people have a large vocabulary, so they use foul language more;
  • slim people have a higher IQ than fat people;
  • modesty, because they are not able to brag or overestimate their own strengths;
  • love cats more than dogs;
  • maintaining virginity during adolescence is one of the indicators of an intelligent person.

Can't concentrate


People with low IQ are not prone to abstract thinking, and they will not think of engaging in quality training to expand their skills and develop their mental abilities. They focus on trivial things and much can be said about them based on their primitive hobbies. We, however, live in a superficial society, and at first glance, a person with a low IQ can sometimes not be identified. If someone chooses to keep up with the Kardashians and doesn't read books or develop their brain, it doesn't necessarily mean they have a low IQ (although sometimes it does). However, if a person constantly interrupts the thoughts of his interlocutor, is unable to formulate a single problem himself and constantly loses his thoughts, this may be due to his intellectual capabilities. It’s easier for him to switch to another topic, closer and more accessible, than to feel like an idiot. You can understand!

Factors influencing intelligence

The basis for the development of human mental abilities is made up of three main factors:

  1. Heredity. Genes are considered one of the main factors. It has been experimentally proven that in highly intelligent families, children grow up more developed than their peers. Indicators of memory, thinking, speech literacy and ability to concentrate are usually higher in such children.
  2. Environment. It is this that forms a person’s system of values, aspirations and goals. The ability to correctly choose your life task helps the intellect to develop to the proper extent.
  3. Race, gender and age. A number of studies confirm that some races exhibit signs of low intelligence to a much greater extent than others. So, for example, Europeans are, on average, smarter than people from Africa, and men are smarter than women. Age also affects intelligence - the peak development of mental abilities occurs around the age of 25. Later, with age, intelligence gradually fades away.

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