Any act or action of a person is preceded by mental activity, in which the choice of one single
The facial nerve performs an important function - it provides movement in the facial muscles. Thanks to
Binswanger's disease is one of the subtypes of discirculatory encephalopathy - a large group of neurological diseases,
Stuttering is a violation of the tempo and rhythm of speech organization, which is associated with convulsive (abbreviated)
Causes Mixed encephalopathy is a polyetiological condition. The pathological process is triggered by several factors at once, often -
Vascular angiography: what it is and how it is done, indications, consequences It can be described quite simply,
Stroke, or acute cerebrovascular accident, remains one of the leading causes of death. Practice shows
Many people are familiar with the sharp pain that hits the left temple. This trouble may be
Striped body lat. corpus striatum Striatum. Catalogs MeSH MeSH FMA[1] and FMA[1] TA98 Media files
They learn to avoid letters and syllables, recognize each other by the way they speak and get used to