How to learn to enter a trance: effective techniques and exercises for beginners

Alpha waves of the human brain

The brain generates electrical oscillations of different frequencies and does so constantly and continuously. There are seven main rhythms of the process, different in amplitude, and corresponding to certain modes of human activity. When the oscillation frequency is in the range of 8-13 Hz with an amplitude of 5-100 μV, the trance or alpha state occurs. At this moment, the creative potential of the individual increases, which causes the emergence of additional energy and opportunities.

Alpha waves appear when the body is relaxed but not asleep. Every person enters a trance state at least twice a day: when waking up and before going to bed. Usually consciousness controls the thought process, actions, and filters incoming information. In half-sleep, this mechanism is turned off and the individual gets the opportunity to look at the world around him impartially, find a shortcut to success or see the future.

This state is natural for the body, but in order to learn how to enter it at will, you need to try. A person who has been practicing trance for a long time can enter it in five minutes, but a beginner may not be able to force the brain to produce alpha waves for the first time.

There are quite a few ways to enter a trance, so at the first stage of preparation it is important to choose the most convenient one. Let's look at the simplest and most effective techniques to achieve half-sleep. It is worth considering that self-hypnosis is part of any of these methods.

What is a trance state (trance)

The trance state is a special slow state of the brain. From the table below these are Alpha and Theta states .

Thus, trance is a functional state of the psyche in which the degree of control of consciousness over information processing changes . In this state, critical perception decreases. In addition, other perception filters that a person has in a conscious state also go away.

In addition, medical trance is recognized as a healing state of consciousness in which a person receives twice as much rest as during sleep.

Historically, shamans were the first to learn how to use the trance state to benefit themselves and others.

Soothing music

To enter half-sleep on your own “from scratch,” you first create the right atmosphere. The room should be quiet, and complete solitude is also important. If the session takes place during the day, it is advisable to cover the windows. If at night, turn off the overhead lights, leaving dim side lighting.

To calm down, you need a monotonous musical composition with a shaman's tambourine or tom-tom. In ancient times, people chose these sounds, probably on a whim, noticing that they had a special effect on perception. If you wish, you can learn to play these musical instruments, but it is more convenient to use their sound in a recording.

For some tribes, entering this state was supplemented by rhythmic dancing; this approach helps many to quickly enter a trance at home. Other people need silence, relaxing music, or a horizontal body position and absolute darkness. Therefore, first you need to find out which option is best suited, relaxes and mentally distances you from everything vital.

Who can learn hypnosis

Any psychologist or psychotherapist can learn hypnosis and other trance techniques. This is confirmed by the fact that many specialists use them in their work.

It is not necessary to have any hypnotic gaze or low voice, the gift of suggestion, etc. It is enough to study these techniques, choose the one that suits you and successfully use it in your work. All comes with experience!

As an example, we can offer you one of the courses on trance techniques at our Academy.

Yoga elements

The following pose will help facilitate the transition to the alpha state.
The person lies down horizontally and places his legs above body level, at approximately 40–50°. To do this, it is convenient to use a volumetric roller, for example, made from a blanket; or lie on the floor and put your feet on a chair. This pose allows you to concentrate energy in the Ajna chakra area. The longer an individual remains in this position, the deeper he sinks into a special altered state. True, concentrating energy in a certain chakra certainly requires skill. If you want to know how to go into trance on your own, it is useful to learn the basics of yoga, especially breathing practices.

For a person who first decides to reach the alpha state, it will take some effort and time to relax. Being in the position indicated above, after a while you can feel the relaxation of all muscles, including facial ones. At this moment, you need to slowly count to yourself from 20 to 1. It is important not to get lost, take your time and distance yourself from other thoughts, emotions, and everyday affairs. If something goes wrong, for example, a person is distracted from the process, they start counting again.

Techniques for entering trance using visualization

  1. Close your eyes and concentrate on your inner sensations for a minute or two. Take a break from your daily activities and be completely passive.
  2. Concentrate on your breathing. It should be uniform and deep. Focus on exhaling.
  3. Imagine that your mind has several layers. Consciousness is the highest level, the active state; the lowest level is deep sleep.
  4. Move from level to level. Stay at the first level, relax, analyze your state. As you move to subsequent levels, notice the change in your state.
  5. When you are ready, move on to the next level and study it. Stay on each level as long as you want. There is no rush, you should not explore more levels than you want.
  6. In the future, either move to a new level gradually relaxing, or stay where you are most comfortable to get to know this level better.
  7. When you are ready to come out of the trance, concentrate on inhaling and gradually rise through the levels until you reach the highest. Then open your eyes.

Different people have different ideas about these levels. They can be used to better understand yourself.

Monotonous movements

Monotonous movements will help you get into the desired state. Hypnotists often use this method when asking people to focus their gaze on a shiny pendulum. Any repetitive movements of the same type contribute to a change in consciousness, this is especially effective for people who are emotionally malleable and have well-developed sensory systems.

To relax and distance yourself from extraneous influences, you can, for example, look at a flashing dot on the screen for a long time. Interestingly, people often fall into a special state of mind using this method on their own. Surely many have noticed that sometimes they look at a white television screen for a long time, although the programs are no longer broadcast. This happens when a person tries to make an important decision, or in case of severe stress.

To force the brain to generate alpha waves, you can use motion sickness. To do this, you need to rock the person, simulating motion sickness on a train. It is no less convenient to swing on your own in a sitting position. Typically, relaxation and immersion in semi-sleep occurs in 10-15 minutes, without any other preliminary preparation, which will make it easy for a beginner to enter a trance.

Freeing yourself from emotions and thoughts

You need to start mental magic or spells in a good mood, if you are in a bad mood, you should get rid of the negativity.

Why? The thing is that if the mood is bad or if there is anger and other destructive thoughts and emotions in the soul, the person’s subconscious cannot clearly generate positive images, the pictures will either be blurry or have a negative component. And instead of attracting the desired desire, you will attract a negative scenario.

Also, negative emotions will interfere with your focus. And in order to reach the cosmos, a high concentration on what you want is important. Therefore, first get rid of negative experiences, calm your emotions and thoughts, and then move on to visualization.

Here's one simple way:

Take paper and pen, write down all your negativity, everything that worries you. And then burn the leaf. Fire is a wonderful cleanser of negativity. After this exercise, you will feel better, and you can proceed to further steps, which will be described below.

Powerful ways to calm your mind and emotions:

  • Before meditation, take a 30-minute walk in the fresh air.
  • Use a technique to stop negative emotions and thoughts. For 10-15 minutes (it will take less time after training) do mantra meditation.
  • As you inhale, say to yourself “So-oooo”, and as you exhale, “Ha-a-a-a-m.” This practice helps a lot.
  • Or, as you inhale, stretch out the word vdooooh to yourself, and as you exhale, exhale.
  • Give yourself 1-2 weeks to master this step.

Turning off internal dialogue

VD is a constant activity of the mind, constant thoughts that spin in a person’s mind. On the one hand, VD is a useful protective function. But when the VD is constant, and even if the focus is on the negative, then it takes a lot of energy and attracts even more negativity.

VD does not allow you to relax and concentrate on what you want. When practicing magic, it is important to turn off VD, or at least slow it down.) Here are the methods:

Blocking consciousness

Make yourself comfortable. Let some picture or flower be placed in front of you to focus your gaze on it. Say or chant a mantra or any neutral word that has no associations. (short, for example free-den)

Look at a flower or a picture and let the mantra sound as it wants. Let it fill your mind. Then gradually switch to a whisper. And after some time, recite the mantra to yourself. During the exercise, you can sway or sit still. Performs from 10 to 30 minutes.

“White Screen” technique

To calm the chaos in your head, imagine a white screen in front of you, and as soon as a thought appears, erase it on this screen. Also, the duration of the exercise is from 10 to 30 minutes. At the initial stage, it is better to devote more time to these practices. Give yourself 2-3 weeks to master this step.

Meditation on a candle

The easiest way to calm your mind is to light a candle before trance and look at its flame. You can do deep breathing while doing this.

Concentration on sensations

Extend your right arm in front of you. Concentrate on the sensations, how you feel the energy, the tingling sensation, the warmth, etc. Then extend your left arm and focus on the sensations in both arms.

Looking beyond the clouds

After relaxing, visualize the sky. Synchronize your thoughts with the clouds and imagine how they float across the heavenly expanse far into the distance.

No special conditions needed

Having mastered the process using auxiliary means, you need to learn how to change consciousness in uncomfortable conditions. After all, the modern pace of life will not allow you to enter the alpha state every day with musical accompaniment or rocking on a chair.

Knowing how to enter the alpha state in noisy and crowded places can help you calm down before an important meeting, make the best decisions, and reduce stress levels. The self-hypnosis technique in this case is based on the fact that the body and brain have already remembered the state of half-asleep, and consists of simply counting from 20 to 1, with your eyes closed.

Additional funds

There is an additional exercise that accompanies most effective trance techniques. To get rid of muscle tension, all muscle groups alternately tense and then relax. The exercise usually begins with the arms, then strains and relaxes the neck, torso, and lower limbs, repeating the actions several times.

A special breathing procedure will also help, which has allowed many to learn to enter a trance quickly. First, they fix their attention on their breathing, trying to make it as even and calm as possible. Then they take a sharp breath and hold their breath for 5 seconds. Then they restore breathing again and repeat holding their breath 2-3 times.

Is there any harm

Some scientists believe that going into a trance has only benefits, while others are inclined to believe that it is as harmful to the body as it is beneficial. However, each person should decide for himself whether a trance state will bring him benefit or harm.

First of all, it should be remembered that changes in consciousness affect the functioning of internal organs. The heartbeat slows down, nervous processes are suspended, emotions are suppressed and some numbness of consciousness occurs.

While entering a trance, a person can see some hallucinations or visions that are associated with his internal subconscious fears, which were deposited in early childhood in the subcortex of the brain, and since then the person has not remembered them. Unpleasant memories can cause depression, since a person is not always ready to accept that past reality again.

During a trance, oxygen starvation occurs as breathing slows down. A certain amount of endorphin, the hormone of joy, enters the blood, which causes enlightenment and a feeling of insight for a while. However, this feeling gradually passes, and is followed by a state of lethargy and apathy.

Availability and capabilities of the technique

You can enter the alpha state with the help of hypnosis, or on your own.
Of course, if you involve a good psychologist or simply an experienced person in the process, learning goes faster. True, sometimes a person does not have the time or finances to hire a specialist. Considering that the alpha state or half-sleep is natural for the body, you can not put off learning until better times, and learn to use mental reserves on your own. The alpha state allows you to get rid of everything that interferes with your life. In half sleep, a person perceives any suggestions, therefore, being in this state, you can get rid of complexes, fears, and bad habits.

An independent change in the level of consciousness allows you to analyze the true problems of personality development: find out why phobias formed; see the falsity of some beliefs; understand what is truly necessary for happiness.


FFS is feminizing facial plastic surgery, another procedure to change one's appearance. It is used for men seeking to transform into a woman. Manipulation allows you to make your face more feminine and give it sophistication.

Hormone therapy, started at a later age, does not fully cope with coarsened facial features, “spoilt” by testosterone. As a rule, these are massive brow ridges, a large nose, an Adam's apple, and a large lower jaw. All this gives the facial oval relief and angularity.

FFS will help make your face softer and more pleasant to perceive. It is based on changes in the bone frame and facial muscles.

The choice of manipulation is individual for each person. It is assessed and set by a craniofacial surgeon. The operation can be considered successful when others have no doubts about the transsexual’s new gender.

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