Functions of the frontal lobes of the human brain
Scientists consider the frontal cortex as a set of formations that exhibit pronounced
Stroke on the left side. Consequences and treatment
Brain stroke: damage to the left hemisphere
A rapidly developing acute cerebrovascular accident is called a stroke. There are hemorrhagic and ischemic forms of the disease.
Idiocy - Summer
Idiocy (profound mental retardation)
Idiocy is the most severe form of mental retardation (previously in psychiatry to describe this pathology
Creativity and logic: the myth of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres
SPEECH HEARING AND PHONEMATIC HEARING Hearing is a person’s ability to perceive sounds and navigate
Hair roots and scalp hurt. Why do the hair roots on my head hurt? What to do if your hair roots hurt?
Depending on the cause, the headache can be localized in a specific area or cover the entire
A type of hyperkinesia
Structure and function of the lenticular nucleus
Basal ganglia and their functions The basal ganglia, called ganglia by histologists of the last century, are
Help with hallucinations in a drug addict
General characteristics Auditory hallucinations are manifested by various sound phenomena - melodies, noises, voices that are perceived
Goosebumps on the body, skin: why do goosebumps run, when is this the norm, when is it a pathology?
Types and mechanism of “goosebumps” The sensation of tingling and crawling in medicine is called “paresthesia”. They
Pedantry - what is it? How to get rid of excessive pedantry
Greetings, friends! The word "pedant" is usually used to emphasize the excessive seriousness and scrupulousness of a person.
Olanzapine, 5 mg, tablets, 30 pcs.
Olanzapine Hyperglycemia and diabetes There is a higher prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the patient
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