Pedantry - what is it? How to get rid of excessive pedantry

Greetings, friends!

The word "pedant" is usually used to emphasize the excessive seriousness and scrupulousness of a person. Often this concept is given a disparaging meaning, hinting that pedantry is not characteristic of normal people. Today we will figure out who a pedant is and how much the stereotypical idea of ​​him corresponds to reality. We will also find out what the pros and cons of pedantic individuals are, what their strengths and weaknesses are, how to communicate with them and build relationships.

Who is a pedant

A pedant is a very precise, neat and tidy person, with a penchant for following rules and requirements, as well as scrupulous attention to order. Pedantry manifests itself differently in different people, but it still affects certain aspects of life. Such a person can be very neat and pay a lot of attention to how his clothes look. But, at the same time, if a follower of fashion trends examines his wardrobe, he will not find anything interesting in it.

In some cases, pedantry is painful and can even take a manic form. It is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of whether such a trait is an advantage or a disadvantage for the pedant himself. For some this is a big plus, but for others it is a minus, because of which it is impossible to live and work like other people. For example, pedantic lawyers can express their thoughts correctly and accurately and select words so as to avoid misinterpretation. In addition, they are successful in this matter, because... constantly use a list of references that can help in a specific matter. As for personal life, pedantry often gets in the way.

How to get rid of pedantry

Pedantry is good when it is in moderation

If you are trying to rid a pedantic person of such behavior, then you can invite him to name all the advantages and disadvantages of pedantry. As practice shows, there will be only one plus - the opportunity to get excellent results from your work. As for the minuses, there will be many more of them:

  • there is severe nervousness and tightness, which may interfere with obtaining normal results;
  • you often have to give up creative endeavors due to the risk of making a mistake;
  • inability to switch to something new;
  • excessive self-criticism does not allow you to enjoy the joy of life;
  • there is absolutely no way to relax for the reason that there is always something that is not brought to the ideal;
  • may be picky about other people, which causes them to treat him poorly.

After the analysis, the realization comes that life without pedantry would be much better, there would be more results, if there was no need to strive for perfection.

  1. There must be an awareness that setting realistically achievable goals gives emotional satisfaction, improves well-being, and makes a person more confident and calm.
  2. As the day goes by, make a list of things you accomplished. This will allow you to focus on the positive things in life. You will begin to feel better about yourself and will be able to concentrate on those moments that you really can handle.
  3. There must be a realization that it is better to achieve good results than to try to do something incredible at the cost of your health.
  4. You need to realize the wrongness of the approach when a person wants to either complete everything or do nothing. Look around, think about whether everything that surrounds you can really be called perfect. Look at the walls, they are at least a little dirty. Look at the photo of your favorite actor, is his face really perfect? Do you know a person in your life who is 100% confident in himself and his appearance? You need to understand that everything can improve over time.
  5. You need to learn to analyze your mistakes and learn from them. You can remember past mistakes and try to write down everything that those events taught you. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. This is the only way you can improve and develop.
  6. Remember that behind all pedantry there is fear. Such behavior may be dictated by the fear of being criticized, facing disapproval, or experiencing failure. If you give in to these fears, you can lose your thirst for adventure, the opportunity for professional growth, and lose a normal life. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to confront your phobias, to begin to behave like an ordinary, weak person with certain shortcomings. At the same time, you will become much happier, your productivity and efficiency will increase.
  7. Think about it, perhaps you need to change your type of activity, find a profession where your pedantic inclinations will be useful. You should not devote yourself to a profession that requires speed of execution; find a place where quality is valued.

Some people lack pedantry. This quality is absent in individuals who do not want to take care of themselves and do not follow the rules, are often late, and do not think about their appearance. If these manifestations harm a person’s normal life, then you need to learn to control yourself and develop pedantry.

  1. Learn to set goals for yourself and achieve them.
  2. Eliminate things that take up too much time but don't produce good results.
  3. Plan your daily routine.

Now you know what the concept of pedantry in psychology is. As you can see, moderate manifestations of this condition can benefit a person and influence his career growth. However, we should not forget that excessive pedantry can degenerate into psychosis or manic-compulsive disorder.

How did the term come about?

To understand who a pedantic person is, you need to know the meaning of the words “pedantry” and “pedant”. They appeared in the Russian language from Latin, and into it through French. Translated from French, pédant means “teacher.” This word comes from the Latin paedagogans, which translates as “teacher.” Initially, in Russian, this word was used to describe a teacher who requires students to follow all the rules.

It's important to consider the context here because education today is very different from what it was 200 years ago. Then the teacher acted as a mentor who taught children literacy and the wisdom of life. And the word “pedant” stuck with the most picky teachers who were proud of their own learning and flaunted it. In the modern world, this definition is applied to an overly neat person who follows all the rules and requirements, even of a formal nature.

Signs of pedantry

A pedantic person is someone who will prove to be an indispensable employee in any enterprise. He clearly fulfills his job responsibilities, without deviating from the orders of management even in the smallest detail.

Pedantry manifests itself in varying degrees - from minor, barely noticeable markers to pronounced signs, which means a wide range of psychological types with similar character traits. A person of a pedantic type stands out from other people by his habits:

  • Books and folders with documents are placed on the shelf in a certain, strictly observed sequence.
  • Chewing food is performed at least 30 times (as advised by yogis and nutritionists).
  • A paperweight, a stand for stationery, and a hole punch on the desktop are in the places provided for them.
  • Any objects are most often placed in a strictly horizontal or vertical (depending on personal preference) position.
  • The tablecloth on the dining table lies so that all its edges hang evenly.
  • Cutlery and dishes are cleanly washed, dried and placed on shelves in the kitchen cabinet.
  • Every piece of furniture in the room is in its place.
  • When leaving the apartment, the pedant will turn off electrical appliances from the power sockets and check whether the gas and water taps are closed.
  • When returning to your home, you need to wash your hands with soap.
  • Any task is carried out according to a pre-drawn plan.

This is not a complete set of rules that the pedantic type strictly follows. The list can be continued endlessly - it all depends on how pedantic traits dominate the individual’s character. A pedantic person is someone who is easy to recognize by his appearance. He is neat and tidy. His clothes are spotlessly clean and ironed. Those around you are not destined to see the slightest spot on a pedant’s shirt, blouse, skirt or trousers.

He prefers classic suits to newfangled designer delights. Any imperfection brings disharmony into his life, so an irreconcilable struggle with imperfect solutions is waged continuously. Carefully combed hair, discreet, skillfully done makeup and manicure, accessories impeccably combined with the suit complete the impeccable image.

A pedantic person is someone who can easily be confused with a perfectionist, which means that both psychotypes have similar properties. The difference is that for a pedant, unlike a perfectionist, not only the result is important, but also the process, the ways to achieve it. A pedantic person evaluates the achieved result from the perspective of his own views and beliefs, a perfectionist - taking into account the perception of the fruits of his work by others.

A pedant is a person who is capable of becoming confused if he suddenly finds himself in a non-standard situation and without the appropriate instructions for resolving it. The habit of acting according to protocol fails him at moments when decisions need to be made independently, focusing on external conditions and circumstances. Fear of the new and unknown is based on a sense of danger associated with loss of control over the situation. Pedants are those who perceive the unknown and uncertainty as a real threat.

The positive qualities of pedantic men include prudence and loyalty. They are reliable and predictable, clearly expressing their position on all vital issues. With such a life partner, a woman will feel as safe as if behind a stone wall. Scrupulousness, consistency, and scrupulousness allow you to achieve success in such professional fields as law, business, and banking.

Definition in psychology

In the literature on psychology, there is the concept of “pathological pedantry,” which defines a person’s precise and strong desire for order, and his actions can reach complete delirium. Strangers, often observing such an individual from the outside, think that he has mental disorders.

For example, he can come up with things that he must do. This could be a ready-made menu for the whole week or a schedule of when and what set of clothes to wear. Anankast never forgets anything, but he must be sure that he has turned off the water, gas, etc., so he constantly checks everything. It takes a pedant much more time to complete any task than an ordinary person, even if it is related to everyday issues.

Such people often wash dishes before eating, as well as vegetables before cooking, in order to do everything thoroughly. Psychologists are convinced that pathological pedantry is the inability to distinguish the important from the unimportant.

Pedantic people are ideal candidates for performing important tasks, because... they will not submit a project until they are confident that it is accurate and meets the requirements. This is due to the psychology of anankasts - they don’t know any other way.

What is pedantry

Pedantry is the individual’s desire for strict adherence to formalities and rules, for absolute precision and accuracy in actions. This is an accentuation of character. In the classification of personality types, German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard identified the pedantic personality type. Here's how the author described it:

  • Weak repression mechanisms. It is difficult for a pedant to make a quick decision; he thinks about the idea and its execution for a long time, analyzes all possible options and looks for the optimal one. He is reasonable and thorough, not only at work, but also in everyday life. Even buying a cup will end in pedantic calculations and measurements, hysterics and arguments with your spouse.
  • The desire to finish what you start. A pedant will never deviate from his intended tasks and requirements. He can sacrifice food, sleep, family in order to complete the work he has started.
  • The seriousness and scrupulousness (precision, thoroughness in detail) of pedants is perceived by people around them as tediousness.
  • Rigidity, that is, unpreparedness and inability to respond to changing environmental conditions, to change oneself according to requirements, to step over one’s principles.
  • Inability to experience psychological trauma. The pedant does not know how to repress them; he will go back again and again in his memories, delve into himself, reproach and think about how he should have acted differently.
  • Constant doubts and self-examinations, leading to indecision.

However, the same disadvantages of the pedantic type are advantages, for example, indecision makes the pedant a non-conflict person. He knows that he needs a lot of time to make a decision or select arguments, so he avoids controversial situations. But if the question of non-compliance with the rules arises, then the pedant is capable of not just conflict, but of showing aggression and even rage.

Pedants are conscientious, careful and punctual. In individual work with sufficient time, they have no equal. But under tight deadlines, extreme conditions or frequent changes of circumstances, they will not be able to work productively. Working in a team will also test both the nervous system of the pedant and his colleagues.

The whole life of a pedant is continuous order, structure and system of rules. He doesn’t like it when other people violate his principles, which makes pedantic types often lonely in their personal lives.

Signs of pedants

A pedantic person can be easily recognized by his appearance and behavior. He is always neat and well-groomed, with a neat hairstyle, there is no facial hair or it is simply carefully styled. There is no doubt that the pedant will not leave the house in crumpled things or dirty shoes. His wardrobe almost always contains new things, from which it is impossible to tell whether they have been worn or not. Basically, pedants prefer simple clothes of a classic style. They do not have the goal of impressing others by walking around in fashionable things.

Behavior is a more important criterion than appearance and clothing. External neatness and grooming only reflect the internal demands of a pedant towards himself and others. His pedantry is evident both in work and in his personal life. In a profession, this personality trait can be useful. Pedants make first-class accountants, successful lawyers, and outstanding scientists. But for the family, this is a real punishment, because in everyday life, excessive meticulousness does not make people happy.

Typical pedant: who is he?

When answering the question of who a pedant is, people usually draw a portrait of a serious and demanding person, dressed to the nines, with shoes polished to a shine and with a perfect hairstyle.

This exaggerated image is close to reality, however, it is not appearance that “rules” here, but life attitudes and behavior in different situations.

A pedant is a person who has “packed” his life into frameworks and rules , which he strictly observes and demands the same from others.

A pedantic person always arrives on time; delays do not exist in his picture of the world. However, arriving early for him is an equally grave “sin.”

An ideal, museum-like order reigns in the pedant’s house - things (towels, dishes, books) are calibrated according to certain criteria, each with its own strictly designated place.

In terms of efficiency, a pedant is similar to a robot: he will not abandon the task halfway, and will painstakingly and meticulously carry out all the instructions of the manager. His documents are in order, nothing is lost or forgotten.

Such people are valued as ordinary employees, but if the boss is pedantic, not every subordinate can stand it.

Errors in the preparation of documents, “free” conversations during working hours, being late - all this falls into the list of grave sins. On the other hand, a pedantic leader does not make impulsive decisions, remembers the birthdays of his subordinates, and does not delay them after work without a good reason: he honors the Labor Code.

When raising children, pedants remain true to their principles.

In their picture of the world, a child must learn to walk, talk, and read within a strictly defined time frame. Children live according to a clear schedule, time for walks, meals, sleep is dosed.

But this does not mean that pedantic parents are insensitive robots. They love their children and sincerely believe that such upbringing is good for them.

How to communicate with a pedant

If a loved one is a pedant, then when interacting with him it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of his character. This is due to the fact that even minor untidiness, as well as irresponsibility, can make him angry and irritated. And if you do not meet his ideas of beauty, he will soon be disappointed in you.

If in his presence you show punctuality, accuracy, accuracy and scrupulousness, then he will distinguish you from others. If you understand who a pedant is, it will be easy to please him. Strictness must be observed, especially in dress and behavior. For communication to become closer, and for you to be perceived as a friend or future partner for creating a family or love relationship in this case, you won’t have to wait long.

To pass an interview, you can pretend to be a pedant. If a potential manager is not a pedantic person, he will note this character trait as an advantage for the candidate.

If you have no interest in a close relationship with a pedant, then it is better to avoid unnecessary communication with him. With his demandingness, he can ruin the mood of both himself and you. But at the same time, because of pedantry, a person does not automatically become bad. It would be more correct to say that he has “sharp corners” that you can learn to smooth out if you are interested in communication.

Reasons for pedantry

Pedantic tendencies are formed in childhood. Their development is determined by the demanding style of family education. If authoritative parents deprived the child of freedom and independence, then in adulthood he will come up with boundaries for himself.

The second reason for the development of pedantry is the lack of a sense of security. If in childhood the child felt danger and inadequacy, then in adulthood there will be a need to control everything. The slightest weakness in the understanding of a pedant is a loss of stability, vulnerability, loss of security.

Advantages and disadvantages

Thanks to scrupulousness, pedantic people carefully analyze information and make decisions based on this. This approach to work is especially valuable in various fields of activity. A manager who understands the characteristics of a pedant will entrust him with the work with finances or legal documents. Pedants are excellent auditors, engineers and scientists. They achieve success in business because they know how to handle money and rarely take unnecessary risks.

Pedantry is useful for any person managing important business processes. This character trait is inherent in a neat and careful person. Thanks to it, it effectively avoids pitfalls by slightly reducing performance. If the manager is a pedant, then the company will avoid many problems associated with an unstable market and possible difficulties within the company. Often in business, pedantry is as important as creativity or determination.

The disadvantages of pedantry greatly affect your personal life. In relationships and friendships, people do not try to strictly follow the rules. Personal and friendly communication often involves a casual and relaxed atmosphere. And if someone makes excessive demands on others, then few people will like it. Therefore, pedants often have an unsettled personal life and no close friends. To solve this problem, you should take a simpler approach to life.

In some cases, pedantry reaches the point that a person with such a trait himself experiences discomfort and is clearly aware of this, but cannot do anything. He has no desire to waste energy on observing the rules he has established himself, but at the same time, attempts made not to follow them irritate him, as a result of which he experiences stress and becomes depressed. If the pedant is in such a state, then there is only one way out - leave. You can also visit a psychotherapist.

Disadvantages of a pedant

The negative aspects of pedantry have the greatest impact on personal life. In relationships and friendships, people do not strive to strictly adhere to rules. Personal and friendly communication usually takes place in a relaxed atmosphere. And if someone makes excessive demands on others, this does not cause much delight. That’s why pedants often have a difficult personal life, and they usually don’t have really close friends. And the only solution to this problem is to learn to approach life more simply.

Sometimes pedantry reaches such proportions that a person constantly experiences inconvenience and is well aware of it, but cannot do anything about it. He doesn’t want to spend a lot of effort and energy on following his own rules, but any attempts to break them irritate him and provoke stress and depression. If a pedant has reached such a state, then only a good vacation will help him. A visit to a psychotherapist would also be a good idea.

Pedantry is

Pedantry is a personality quality that is expressed in strict adherence to rules, accuracy in business, everyday life, scrupulousness, and adherence to detail. A pedantic person strives to maintain the usual way of life and follow accepted formal norms.

Pedantry can manifest itself to a mild degree - in this case it helps favorable socialization, the individual follows the norms of society. But there are also abnormal manifestations, which can be explained by psychoneurological disorders that are expressed in obsessions. Such people are called anancasts.

In work, the individual consciously adheres to pedantry in order to obtain maximum benefit. A high level of pedantry in work and a painfully high level are different. In the first case, a person strives for rationality and this does not bring him strong experiences. The painful form has an obsessive nature.

How to understand that you are a pedant

Pedantry can turn into a useful quality if it manifests itself within reasonable limits. To understand how pedantic you are, you need to answer the test questions:

  1. Once you complete a task, you analyze the result to make sure everything was done correctly.
  2. It irritates you if the curtains on the window hang asymmetrically, or the tablecloth on the table lies unevenly. Noticing deviations, you feel an irresistible desire to correct the interior items.
  3. You often come back just after leaving the house to make sure that electrical appliances are turned off, windows and entrance doors are closed.
  4. Keep your bag and room in perfect order.
  5. You treat new acquaintances with distrust, choose your friends carefully, carefully consider their actions and words before taking the next step towards getting closer.

If you answered yes to most of the questions, it means that you are not alien to manifestations of pedantry. The good news is that you won't get fired from your job for being late because you always show up to work on time. The other side of the coin is that the obsession with order and control of all aspects of life often ends in mental disorders.

Differences between a pedant and a perfectionist

People often confuse a pedant with a perfectionist, but this should not be done. People from the first category pay a lot of attention to detail and strictly follow all the rules. If he is convinced of the correctness of his actions and the work performed, then he will be satisfied even with an imperfect result.

At the same time, perfectionists are often careless and prefer to perform work duties in “creative chaos.” They don't try to follow the rules in the process. The main thing for them is an impeccable result. Pedants and perfectionists pay a lot of attention to detail, but the reasons for each of them are different. A perfectionist is afraid of an imperfect result and treats any condemnation or criticism aggressively, while a pedant fears that he himself will be imperfect.

Considering all the facts about pedants, it will be easier to understand them if there are such people around. The main thing is not to try to change them and impose your point of view.

Signs of a pedantic person

Thus, the main signs of a pedant include:

  • scrupulousness;
  • the desire for order in everything, including small things;
  • attention to detail, turning into pettiness;
  • thorough and accurate performance of work;
  • slowness in making decisions, thinking about all the little things, searching for the best option;
  • the need to finish what has been started;
  • reliability and responsibility.

Pedants are difficult to talk to. They need to know everything accurately, for sure and specifically. Everything is important to them; every remark must make sense and be supported by facts. That is why for other people a pedant becomes a bore. He does not know how to chat “just like that”, “for fun”, etc. He finds fault with words and wording.

Outwardly, all pedants are similar. Their appearance, as a rule, is also thought out to the smallest detail. But the internal norms by which pedants live are different.

How to live with him?

More precisely, how can one live with him like that, a pedantic man?!

What is important here is the extent to which a person extends his pedantry to those around him. That is, is it important for him that you observe all the same points that he observes in life? How ready is a person to compromise and accept other people’s habits, lifestyles, principles? Because if a man confronts you in the process of living together with the fact that from now on you must become like him: and cook the soup only this way, wash the pan only this way, and dry the sponge for washing it and put it on that shelf - then the problem is not that that he is pedantic

Because if a man confronts you in the process of living together with the fact that from now on you must become like him: and cook the soup only this way, wash the pan only this way, and dry the sponge for washing it and put it on that shelf - then the problem is not that that he is pedantic.

It is not he who is good and correct, but you are a slob, this is a sign that you are not respected. They don’t give you the opportunity to be who you are and live as you are accustomed to. They “break you down to suit you” - and a man cannot justify himself here with pedantry alone...

What to do? “Beautiful and Successful” says - defend your right to not be pedantic! Simply because, within the boundaries of your comfort zone, it is more convenient and pleasant for you to be like this, sudden and “half-hearted,” and he remains in his right to personally prepare his own mega-correct coffee.

By the way, this sometimes brings guys and husbands to their senses - they notice how problematic it is for two people to live in “parallel realities” in everyday life, and they make concessions.

Moreover, a man, if he is adequate and generally capable of dialogue and sound reflection, may be impressed by the successful results of your spontaneous decisions. He can clearly see that leaving his comfort zone can be pleasant and interesting - this way he can try something new and tasty, or unexpectedly find himself in a new cool place, or simply simplify his life by giving up some activity in his household...

In addition, try to use his pedantry in the common interests - instruct him to control something, perform some task that requires painstaking and careful approach, etc. Let's say - track and buy tickets in advance, purchase products according to the list, etc. Typically, such men cope well with such tasks, and they perceive such assignments as a sign of their need and value!

Website – Beautiful and Successful. The author is Daria Valerievna Blinova, journalist-observer. The article was checked by a special psychologist Olga Yuryevna Gryzlova. More information about the site's authors Copying this article is prohibited!

How to diagnose a pedant?

Sometimes such people even try to impose their habits on other people, and they believe that only their point of view is correct and should be guided by it. The character of a pedantic person lacks so-called harmony and the “golden mean”; he is not capable of demonstrating psychological flexibility. You can define pedantry as the main feature of an ancastic character. People with this character are quite common in Germany, as well as in the vastness of Northern Europe, and there are very few of them in Eastern Europe. Pedantic people are very neat, even when at home, they try to look as neat and beautiful as possible.

Quite often, anancasts are engaged in collecting something, and such people are in no particular hurry to make any important decisions. They are ready to carefully weigh the pros and cons for quite a long time. Their indispensability is noted in areas where each task should be performed as accurately and responsibly as possible. Therefore, we can safely say that pedantry is not a bad character trait. Thanks to such conscientiousness, you can entrust a pedant to do any work, forgetting about what needs to be carefully controlled. Such people do not like to do everything in a hurry; rather, on the contrary, they approach their work very scrupulously and double-check the results of their efforts.

Is pedantry good or bad?

The meaning of the word pedantry can take on a positive and negative connotation, depending on its manifestation, as well as who is evaluating it. Positive manifestations include planning the day, maintaining cleanliness and always completing tasks on time. For the person himself, these manifestations are certainly positive, although some people around him may be irritated by the lack of spontaneity and a certain meticulousness.

Pedantry, like any manifestation of human characteristics, can be an advantage and can be a disadvantage, which depends on the level of development of pedantic manifestations. When manifested in moderation, pedantry contributes to the manifestation of discipline and diligence. It is this characteristic that helps to start activities on time and complete what has been started, and contributes to the conscientious execution of tasks. In critical projects where there are clear deadlines, employees with moderately developed pedantry are most valued. In this case, pedantry is good.

In its extreme manifestation, the pedant considers his beliefs to be exclusively true and imposes them on others, which provokes conflicts and hostility towards the pedant and dictator. Excessive pedantry, as a personality trait, closely correlates with the slowness of neuropsychic processes, kindness and a sense of duty on the verge of idiocy, which entails a delay in making decisions and completing things (after all, there is always the smallest detail that does not quite correspond and needs to be corrected). In this case, pedantry is bad.

Pedants suffer from a lack of psychological flexibility and a narrow circle of friends (there are people nearby who can be tolerant of all the characteristics of a pedant). In its negative perspective, pedantry (anankasty) indicates the presence of a deep fear of life and an irrepressible desire to weaken it at least a little, by introducing control in all areas. The more control a person establishes, the safer and predictable events become, the less frightening life seems, but this does not provide a real guarantee, since the world is uncontrollable and impossible to predict.

In the case of excessive pedantry, which is already acquiring the characteristics of a disease, a person is not able to get rid of the emotions associated with the actions performed, even if he can still control the actions themselves. In such cases, even curtains that are not hung at the “correct” angle can leave a mark on the pedant’s state of mind for a long time. In some cases, morbid pedantry develops into obsessive-compulsive disorder (with characteristic compulsions, such as constant hand washing) and psychosis.

How can you train yourself to be pedantic? In addition to the manifestation of excessive pedantry, some people have a lack of it. Pedantry is lacking for people who are often late, do not care about compliance with norms and rules, and are little concerned about their own appearance and the presence of order. This may be a manifestation of creativity in a person, which does not tolerate predictability and stability, provides the ability to navigate a changing situation and the ability to quickly switch. But if a lack of discipline negatively affects a person’s life, then one should begin to develop this ability.

The development of the missing pedantry can be started by identifying your own tasks and following them exclusively. Good at practical application of time management techniques and filtering out extraneous, interfering matters. It’s worth planning your own day and organizing your space.

As with most concepts, it is impossible to definitively determine whether pedantry is good or bad. It all depends on the person, the situation, the degree of manifestation and impact on the quality of life.

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Connection with other words

Words starting with pedant-:

  • pedantry
  • pedantic
  • pedantic
  • pedantry
  • being pedantic
  • pedantic
  • pedant
  • pedantic
  • pedantic
  • pedantic
  • pedantry

What is a pedant (adjectives)?

Selection of adjectives for words based on the Russian language.

old big dull smug scientist German dry real other damn terrible school boring touched creepy scary pompous mossy little unfortunate pompous stupid narrow-minded insufferable incorrigible finished funny pathetic disgusting strict local self-confident cold-blooded obnoxious damned stubborn meticulous rare policeman heavy elderly narrow-minded large unimaginable jaded corrosive consistent prim impossible typical narcissistic inexorable stupid despotic callous inborn monstrous hypocritical Scandinavian malicious good inconceivable executive genius

What can a pedant do? What can you do with pedant (verbs)?

Selection of verbs for words based on the Russian language.

turn over approach fall address go out exclaim put leave love replace answer say differ recreate want tell set out insist play bring pay return sell born engage declare force die buy see possess turn out to cultivate look inquire observe take howl decide snort arrange tell talk invent swim explain show suck make run away let live manage to creak get ready to expand talk move away

Associations to the word “pedant”

question brain nature comedy hand service book depository maneuvering observance occasion sanitation part pencil practice trifle science life pince-nez clothes name heel thinking meeting mania threshold detail oxford field attitude world nature house mantle revolution lining feeling water stupidity poet tip literary criticism help leg schoolboy year scholarship department fool face suit planet pedant ministry linguistics academic habit caftan

General vocabulary Slang Colloquial expression Cinema Disapproving

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