Options for SMS to cheer up a man: what you can write to him pleasantly

Author: Oleg Maltsev

We cannot always be close to our loved ones and friends, and in this case, modern technology helps us maintain communication. If a guy you love or know is in trouble and you need to support him and cheer him up, send him a funny message. Below we will give examples of SMS to cheer up a man, perhaps you will choose the appropriate option.

How to cheer up a man with a message?

To cheer a person up and “get to the point,” you need to know his sense of humor, how to cheer him up, what he will like. But in any case, avoid vulgar topics if the situation does not allow it.

You can write the following:

  • Everyone has their own cockroaches, but yours is the cockroachiest;
  • Dear subscriber, if you don’t smile now, I will switch you to the most expensive tariff;
  • Come visit, good mood lives here;
  • Smile more often, make this world a happier place;
  • When it’s bad, remember, this is the end of the black streak, the white one will begin soon;
  • You age 20 years when you frown;
  • It is only better for your enemies; if you are sad, disappoint them;
  • Do you want ice cream?
  • It looks like you are facing prison, I wrote a statement to the police that you are sad now;
  • Smile urgently, otherwise I will come to visit and cheer you up;
  • Stop frowning, the weather outside is worsening because of you;
  • I’m sending you a smiling SMS, if you’re in a bad mood, read it and remember that you have friends nearby.

You can come up with these kinds of phrases yourself in accordance with the situation, or change these as you need.

Possible reasons for low mood

  • When, due to various circumstances, we cannot currently get what we want, especially if we put effort into it. This happens in situations when our desires and capabilities do not coincide. Then we feel disappointed.
  • Poor health, various diseases. Physical illnesses also lead to mental disorders.
  • Lack of sleep and rest significantly increases the tendency to depression. This is our natural need, which cannot be neglected.
  • Hormonal disorders that can occur during certain periods of life (pregnancy, menopause) or, for example, as a result of treatment.
  • Constantly worrying about someone or something.
  • Influence of others. We may experience negative emotions because we are not paid attention to, criticized, do not reciprocate love and care, do not recognize achievements, do not provide support, etc.
  • Experiencing stress.
  • Conflicts and quarrels quite often devastate us emotionally.
  • Expectation of some unpleasant event.
  • Doing something you don't like. This usually takes a lot of strength, but moral satisfaction does not come.
  • Financial difficulties.
  • When we experience any negative feelings (envy, jealousy, hatred, fear), our mood decreases.
  • Personality traits that predispose to the experience of negative emotions (melancholic type of temperament, anxiety, suspiciousness, self-doubt, and others). In this case, it is not so easy to cheer yourself up, since serious internal work is required to overcome complexes. But with a strong desire, this is very possible.

From the category "black humor"

These jokes are suitable only for true connoisseurs of black humor, those who are able to smile at words that would be worth crying over:

  1. Don’t be sad, otherwise you look like that acrobat who died on the trampoline, but continued to delight the audience for a long time;
  2. I understand that you want to kill everyone now, go to a psychologist, start with him;
  3. Things aren't so bad for you yet. My neighbor’s husband went to the store to buy potatoes, but he was hit by a car and now she doesn’t know what to cook: rice or buckwheat;
  4. Did you see the news today about the boy who hanged himself? I didn’t see it, but he tried so hard;
  5. Don't worry, you'll get well soon. In this case, the doctor prescribed mud baths for me in order to develop a habit of the earth.

Of course, dark humor is not applicable in every situation, but sometimes laughing at hopeless situations helps to perk up your spirit.

How to do this if he is far away

If at the moment of sadness and frustration you are not with your boyfriend, and there is no opportunity to see him in the near future, then support your loved one from a distance with a phone call, video conversation or communication on social networks.

Ideas for telephone dialogue

You can start a telephone conversation with the phrase that you are calling just to hear your favorite voice. Say that you miss and are looking forward to meeting you, that you love her very much and want to see her. Then gradually turn the conversation to topics that concern the man. Listen to him without interrupting, and give him good advice. Or just say that next time everything will definitely work out for him, because he is smart, quick-witted and decent.

Courier with a gift

You can lift a man's bad mood from a distance and set him up for a positive wave with the help of a gift. Order something that your loved one really likes or that he has long dreamed of, in a store with home delivery, and pay for the order in advance. Ask your loved one to be at home or simply choose a time when he will definitely not leave. Be sure to include a note with sweet words with the gift.

A few more ideas

With the help of creative ideas you can lift the spirit of an active and extraordinary partner. For example, write your own poems and send them by express mail, or say hello on the radio and order a song live if you know for sure that at that time he is driving to work and listening to this station. Send a video message using funny masks, such as those from Snapchat.

What to send to your loved one on WhatsApp to cheer him up?

In this case, the man is waiting for affectionate and gentle, erotic messages. It is the attention of your beloved that best lifts your mood:

  • You are so adorable that 100 pandas nearby cannot compare with you;
  • You've been frowning for 10 minutes, now you've had 100 kisses;
  • I love you very much, because there is no other way;
  • A little cat is looking for an affectionate cat, can you help?
  • You are like a bounty - my piece of heaven;
  • Smile, I send you 5000 kisses;
  • Dear, leave my thoughts for at least 5 minutes, I can’t work;
  • I used to think that there was nothing sweeter than honey, but your kisses are sweeter;
  • When we met, I went fishing, but in the end I caught the most important fish of my life;
  • Come, I’ll cheer you up and everything that comes my way.

Showing a sense of humor towards each other helps to become closer and learn to better understand your partner. Don't be afraid, joke and say pleasant things of any nature.

Unusual options

Unusual options for what words you can use to please a guy by correspondence are:

Unusual text message optionsa brief description of
“- Hello, I was thinking that only 3 things can cheer me up. Can you guess which ones?
- ... (the young man’s answer).

“An SMS from the bank about the receipt of money in the account, sunny weather and a call or message from you.”

This type of dialogue will be appropriate both when communicating between a guy and a girl who are in a love relationship, and between those who are friends. This is an unobtrusive, easy format for people to communicate that can lift the mood and strengthen the emotional connection between opponents.
“You are so courageous, brutal and powerful. And I am small, weak and in need of a reliable shoulder nearby. Always be with me, please. With you, I have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about.” These words will make the young man smile and will also increase his self-confidence. Feeling attractive, a man will gain the strength necessary to cope with life's difficulties and problems that arise along the way.

Through correspondence, it can be difficult for girls to express their emotions, support or cheer up a guy.
This is due to the fact that, without seeing the facial expression of your opponent, it is not always possible to accurately interpret his mood and reaction to specific words. Despite the existing risk of aggravating the young man’s condition by untimely changing the direction of the conversation, in the vast majority of cases, words of support, regardless of their form, significantly improve a man’s mood and strengthen the emotional connection with his chosen one.

Cool SMS for a guy so that he doesn't be sad

Sometimes with one successful phrase you can change a person’s mood, both for the better and, of course, for the worse.

Our task is to cheer the guy up with a message :

  • 7 hours, 540 minutes and 28,798 seconds left until we see each other;
  • Today we will spend the evening in an unusual way, we will play the console;
  • A hug and a never-ending girl are waiting for you;
  • Let's renew our relationship and start liking each other on VK again;
  • I want, I want so much that I have no strength. I want to cheer you up;
  • You are my ray of sunshine! You and I won’t be cooler;
  • For your sake, I’m ready to do anything, even watch 22 men run around the field in their shorts after one ball;
  • We will definitely break through;
  • A good mood appears when you put everything into perspective;
  • Stop existing, start living;
  • Whatever happens, be as hard as a vanilla cracker;
  • Your bunny misses her carrots.

Ways to make him smile in person

The best way to lift your loved one’s bad mood is to quit what you’re doing and come to him to support him in person. If this is not possible, then you should definitely meet with your partner in the evening, especially if he is still depressed.

For a husband tired from work

If your husband is exhausted at work, comes home exhausted and simply collapses from fatigue, then provide him with silence. Take noisy little children and take them outside for an hour; ask older children to play in their room and not disturb dad. You can prepare a relaxing bubble bath, do a light massage, or play a quiet soothing melody. Under no circumstances should you sort things out at this moment, swear, or make complaints.

Delicious food and beautiful wife

Another standard option for creating a good mood is a deliciously cooked dinner and sex with the woman you love. Meet your loved one from work in erotic lingerie or a beautiful silk robe over your naked body. Join us to a beautifully set table, don’t forget about candles, light wine and calm music. You can dance a striptease - this will not only turn on a man, but also help him forget about the troubles that have arisen. End the evening with passionate sex and intimate conversations right in bed.

Unusual options

You can cheer a guy up in unusual ways. For example, place small notes with declarations of love or descriptions of the qualities for which you fell in love with a man in your jacket pockets, sections of your bag, and in your car. If the guy is active and sociable, throw him a surprise party by inviting close friends so he can rest and relax. You can suggest taking a walk in the park, swinging on a swing, throwing snowballs, making sand cakes. Thanks to this, you will return to childhood, albeit for a short time, and will be able to normalize your emotional state.

SMS to lift your spirits

By giving a friend a little positivity, you yourself will feel how your soul becomes pleasant. The day will not be in vain if you helped someone cope with troubles, even with a kind joke:

  • You have something that others don’t have - me;
  • It’s late, I see you can’t sleep, you’ll need my company now;
  • I give you permission to take off my skirt, T-shirt and panties today. The laundry has dried on the balcony, put it in the closet;
  • Congratulations! You have me now;
  • This message contains a virus. It lifts your spirits;
  • The stars foretell a lot of good things for you: beer, chips and my company;
  • I'm crying, tears are flowing like a river. I'm making soup and I came across some hot onions;
  • Sometimes you become completely unbearable. I have to endure you, endure you. But soon my patience will burst and...I will endure again;
  • You can easily hook up with anyone. Start my car too;
  • I know that you love fishing, throw your fishing rods to me today;
  • Hello! How is your condition: dizziness, heartbeat, blood pressure, respiratory and circulatory system? How are you?

Write kind, affectionate, erotic and funny messages more often. Let them help their loved ones “keep their tails in check.”

We have provided many SMS options to cheer up a man. Use them and let your dear husbands, boyfriends and friends smile more often.

How to please the guy you like over a distance via correspondence

Cheering a guy by correspondence is a task that is most relevant for girls who have been at a distance with their lover for a long time. Psychologists often compare men to children. This is due to the fact that both some and others quickly get tired of the monotony in relationships or communication in general.

To stir up a guy’s interest, it is recommended to build your correspondence with him taking into account the recommendations of experts:

  • Girls are advised to tell their man about all the little things that happen in life. In the morning you can tell about your plans for the day, at lunchtime you can share your mood, and in the evening you can talk about how your day went. This recommendation will help partners stay informed about each other’s affairs, as well as maintain the pace of life of a loved one. You can talk while on the road or during a break during the working day. This will help create a feeling for the guy that he is needed, that he is loved and remembered every minute. In such conversations, you can describe both significant events and little things that make up the day, for example, beautiful places in the city or how the girl was received by the new team at work.

  • A girl should call and write messages to her boyfriend every day. Large breaks in communication contribute to the separation of partners from each other. In this matter, it is important to observe moderation. Too frequent text messages can start to irritate a guy, since during the day he is most likely also busy with work or some important matters.
  • Avoid excessive control. In conversations, it is important to talk about yourself, periodically asking general questions to your interlocutor. Excessive control can lead to the fact that a man begins to hide facts from his life from a girl, which will lead to a weakening of the emotional connection and the partners moving away from each other.
  • Send your photos periodically. Men love with their eyes, which means that even from a distance it is important to stir up his interest in your person.
  • Give unexpected gifts. It doesn't have to be something expensive. A man will be pleased to receive attention in any case.
  • It is necessary to organize unexpected meetings at least once a week. This could be an unexpected visit to a guy’s house, picking him up from work, or a spontaneous offer to go to a restaurant for dinner.

If a guy is nearby and sad

If a guy is feeling sad and melancholy and by a happy (or not so lucky) chance you are next to him, just smile at him. A sincere smile and warmth are the best medicine for an upset person. Be responsive, hug, caress, offer to take a walk in the fresh air.

Walking and a lot of oxygen have a positive effect on your emotional background. If a guy likes to fool around, you can plan some kind of prank. To cheer him up, pretend to be a rooster and crow in a crowded place, or buy ice cream and start eating it, intentionally getting your face very dirty.

I love it and talk about it more often

Of course, it’s better to communicate and say the most important words to each other over the phone. But people do not always have such an opportunity. Then you need to send your loved one a funny and touching message.

I am always with you!

  1. Attention! A dangerous criminal is wanted. He stole my heart.
  2. How are you not ashamed to bring a girl to real hysterics? I haven’t heard your wonderful voice for a whole hour and haven’t seen you for half a day.
  3. I have never loved anyone as much as you. I miss you, my happiness.
  4. Our telephone company makes a profit from us. It’s time for her to give us a discount as wholesale customers.
  5. His most tender admirer sends warm and fiery greetings to the best and most beloved man.
  6. My boss will severely reprimand you. In my head, instead of work, only you are in my head.
  7. What are you doing there, my love?! You haven't written to me for 15 minutes now.
  8. Every new day that includes you is wonderful. And may our common life never end.
  9. How will you and I communicate in 10 years? Can you imagine how much money from our general family budget will be spent on SMS alone? Let's start saving. Now we send messages to each other no more often than every 5 minutes.
  10. Our entire women's office is dying of black envy at how much I rejoice when I receive your long-awaited message. They don't yet know how excited I am when we finally meet at the end of the day.
  11. I even agree to do what Cinderella did if you will be my prince.
  12. Don’t be offended, my beloved, that I write to you so often. I think about you even more often.
  13. I wish I could find myself a job sending SMS. I would send them to you every 3 seconds.
  14. If I miss you so much during the whole working day, then what will happen when we meet in the evening!
  15. If you don’t immediately send me a selfie with a smile, then I will come to your work and make you smile.
  16. I was just sitting and thinking intently about you. And the boss suddenly praised me. He said that he was very pleased that at least someone in the office takes their tasks so seriously.
  17. I would like to merge with you into a single whole. Then we would never have to separate even for 1 second.

Work and love

  1. How about you go fishing with your friends on Sunday? Yes, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I want to spend the whole day with you.
  2. Honey, don't be sad! After all, right now there is another 1 minute less until our meeting.
  3. My SMS, like pebbles scattered on the road, will allow you to find your way to me in the evening.
  4. You are a scoundrel! How can you write to me: “I love you! Now write: “I adore you!”
  5. My magnificent and wonderful knight! Steal my heart forever and never give it back to me.
  6. Have you forgotten anything, honey? Today you and I are going to submit an application to the registry office.
  7. Don't text me for the next 5 minutes, okay? I need to finish an important matter with a client. Otherwise I’ll soon start calling him by your name.
  8. Rest assured that I have no one else. I wouldn’t have time to write to two men at once so often.
  9. The one to whom my message was sent is the most beloved, dear and adored to me.
  10. Let's go to an ice cream parlor after work today? Let's celebrate our anniversary together.
  11. The sound of your incoming messages is like the ringing of bells. He announces happiness.
  12. Do you want my tender and passionate kisses? Then don't stay late at work in the evening.
  13. Are you really hungry? I thought I had already fed you enough with my text messages.
  14. Darling, I'm so cold! Only your passionate hugs can warm me up.
  15. I received a message from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and was disappointed. I thought it was you writing to me.
  16. My heart just flew out of my chest. It flew to you in the form of a message.
  17. So what happened? Why only 1 SMS in 5 minutes? Do you have another one?
  18. I'm completely drunk. I just received a message from you. It has a stronger effect on me than cognac.

How to make a child laugh? Detailed instructions and several life hacks

Children's laughter is one of the sweetest sounds in the world, especially if your baby is laughing. A toothless smile and a sweet giggle become the very first rewards for parents who are tired of the first months of zucchini growing.

How to make a baby laugh?

This may not be as simple as it seems - kids have a very unique sense of humor, and therefore something completely strange may seem funny to them. If all the methods you have tried have not caused even a faint laugh, then here are the instructions on how to make kids up to one and a half years old and older laugh.

Three months

Typically, babies begin to laugh at three to four months of age. Since they have not yet developed enough to understand humor, their laughter is more likely to be a reaction to physical stimuli, sensory sensations, or imitation.

Best joke: nursery rhyme songs, children's songs accompanied by certain movements or dance.

Why it's funny: At this age, the child unconsciously copies you. If you joyfully recite something with a smile on your lips, he will begin to smile and giggle after you, and soon begin to laugh. A similar effect can be observed during comedy performances or going to the movies to see a comedy - sometimes you laugh not because you find it funny, but because everyone around you is laughing.

Another reason why a baby might be amused by the way you recite “Teddy Bear” lies in the nature of humor itself. Children (and adults too) most often laugh at something unexpected - when events suddenly develop differently than expected. When kids see their parents in such a frivolous and funny way, they may laugh - simply because they have never seen mom or dad behave like that.

Six months

At this age, children are much more willing to laugh at something unusual and unexpected, especially if people around them are also laughing.

Best joke: pretend to be a monkey.

Why it's funny: Apparently the parents are crazy, but at least they're having fun. When you start pulling faces, acting weird, making faces and making weird noises, kids laugh because they find it funny. The main thing is not to get too used to the role and show the child that this is a game, fun, pretending - this way the baby will definitely not be scared, but will laugh with you.

Nine month

As the brain develops, the child learns to recognize phenomena and events that are atypical for his usual life. And when he notices that something out of the ordinary is happening, he doesn’t mind laughing at it.

Best joke: put a shoe on your head like a hat.

Why it's funny: It's absurd. Your baby has to perform a difficult mental exercise to understand what is happening. Before this, he saw that shoes should be worn on the feet - because all the people around him do it, but now suddenly the shoe is on the head - what a hoot!

By the way, do not forget that small children are capable of laughing at the same joke a huge number of times - even when you yourself are already tired of it.

12 months

Children grow up and gradually stop relying on adults to provide humor, and instead begin to look for sources of funny jokes on their own.

Best joke: the cat meowed.

Why it's funny: At this age, children are very amused by strange noises. Meowing cats, squeaking toys, dad talking in an unusually high voice - it’s not clear why this is so funny, but one-year-old babies simply roar with laughter when they hear something unexpected.

15 months

At this age, you may notice that your roles have changed - now the child is trying to make you laugh.

Best joke: Toddler tickles you.

Why it's funny: Children are interested in finding things that can make other people laugh. Already at the age of seven or eight months, babies can repeat the same funny facial expression that once made their parents laugh. By 15 months, they already know how to sense an audience, and therefore a tickle attack on their mother is their guaranteed way to have fun while making others laugh.

18 months

By the age of one and a half years, children are already generally well versed in the world around them - enough to intentionally make mistakes and laugh about it.

Best joke: doing something wrong.

Why it's funny: When kids intentionally make mistakes—like singing the wrong words to a song, coloring the sun green, or putting their jacket on backwards—they show that they recognize the illogical nature of the act. This is precisely the joke: they know how it should be, but they act differently.

How to make a toddler laugh?

Most of the humorous techniques that appeal to babies also work well with toddlers (children between about one and a half to three years old). At this age, children are more likely to enjoy physical humor - for example, the famous game of “bump-over-bump” or when you suddenly swoop down on the child and exhale forcefully into his stomach (to make a sound like someone has powerful flatulence) .

As a rule, toddlers have already mastered speech quite well, which means they begin to make their first verbal jokes. They like to twist words, rhyme, tease, and make up their own stories and songs.

How to make a preschooler laugh?

Children of kindergarten age are amused by the combination of incongruous things (for example, a car on square wheels or a horse that says “Moo”). And at this age, the nightmare of many parents gradually begins - the phase of “toilet humor” (which, by the way, is a completely normal and healthy stage in the development of children - we wrote in more detail here).

Of course, you shouldn’t support those “poop” jokes that you don’t like, but it’s also useless to completely prohibit them - this will only fuel your child’s interest in forbidden humor.

Basics of children's humor

If you enjoy bringing laughter and joy to children and are serious about learning how to understand toddlers' sense of humor, here are some basic principles that may come in handy.

Laugh yourself

Be a humorous role model. After all, it's important to be able to approach a variety of things with a sense of humor, and your personal example will help children understand what those things are. Make jokes, laugh, tell funny stories, and respond lively to your children’s attempts at humor (yes, it may not always be sincerely funny, but don’t forget - they are just learning).

Humor is built on interaction between people, therefore, to develop a sense of humor, it is important not only to joke and laugh, but also to have fun - to do something funny and joyful together, which can lead to various comic situations.

Keep it simple

What can I say, children are not connoisseurs of intellectual humor and complex references. For them, a funny situation should be as simple and understandable as possible the first time, be it a funny story or a picture that depicts something that cannot be.

Don't be afraid of repetitions

Children (especially young children) can laugh for hours at the same joke (even if that joke involves sticking out your tongue and making a loud fart sound). This can work with an infinite number of repetitions - and there is nothing wrong with that - use it.

Respect boundaries

Parental jokes are not just the first school of humor that a child goes through, but also a school of ethics, in which the child learns what to joke about and what not to joke about. That is why it is important to ensure that your jokes do not cross the boundaries of what is permitted and are based on respect for the object of the joke.

For example, this means that you should not tickle your child or play any other physical games with him if he does not want or asks you to stop, and you should not laugh at other people or joke with those who do not like it.

Read more on the topic

10 funny books for children - with jokes, poems and interesting stories

How to organize a talent show at home: 6 useful tips

How to stop yelling and getting angry at children: a life hack from one resourceful mother

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