Causes of neurosis

So, as mentioned above, most often the causes of neurosis lie in disorders of the nervous system. Let us consider the mechanism of disease development in more detail.

One of the causes of neuroses is constant workload, in other words, work without rest for a long period of time. If the load is combined with chronic stress or strong emotional experiences, then the likelihood of neurosis doubles.

Another cause of neurosis is the exhaustion of the nervous system due to the fact that a person cannot cope with any task or problem. Some people also have an innate tendency to get tired easily, which can also cause illness.

It is quite logical that among the factors causing neurosis is alcohol and drug abuse.

Treatment of neurosis with homeopathy

As you can see, homeopathic treatment can help even in the most serious cases - and Igor’s case was more than serious. Why is that? Because homeopathic treatment, first of all, implies a complete diagnosis of the patient’s condition, and only then the prescription of certain homeopathic mono-medicines. But these drugs are always selected INDIVIDUALLY! In homeopathic treatment, no two recipes are the same!

Question answer

  • Andrey Anatolyevich, I went through a lot of stress. Now I can’t sleep without sleeping pills and work without sedatives! It's already the 2nd year. What advice can you give me?

    I can recommend coming to an appointment. I will conduct an examination for you using the Voll method and choose the drugs that are suitable for you, specifically in your stressful situation. I will prescribe the most effective regimen especially for you!

  • Doctor, I have been taking Seroquel for almost 3 years. I want to give up this medicine and switch to homeopathy. Is it possible? Already booked your appointment...

    Yes, of course it's possible. Homeopathic medicines, correctly selected and prescribed for use according to an individual regimen, cope better with neuroses - anxiety, irritability, depression - than serious chemical psychotic drugs. There is no addiction to it, you will be able to drive a car. You will have a good mood and healthy activity - there will be no drowsiness or workload!

  • Doctor, can you recommend me some medications for neurosis? I have insomnia and irritability!

    No, I can’t give advice in absentia! Unprofessionally, without looking behind the scenes, prescribed homeopathy can cause an exacerbation of neurosis. It is imperative that you first conduct a Voll diagnosis of the body (for free!) to select medications and determine a regimen for their administration. I have experience treating neuroses and depression with homeopathy since 1991.

  • Doctor, I have been having panic attacks since the birth of my second child. I'm breastfeeding and can't take pills. And living in this state is very bad for me. What do you recommend?

    I advise you to come to the reception. I will select several homeopathic mono-medicines especially for you and draw up a specific regimen for their administration. After about a week, your condition will stabilize, but you will have to take the medications for 1-3 months. You will have to come to my appointment 2 times.

Online reception

Pre-registration daily from 9.00 to 21.00: +7 and +7 (931) 009-41-45 Payment is made to a Sberbank card. An appointment via Skype or WhatsApp includes: a detailed conversation, collection of complaints, remote diagnostics: computer repertorization according to Kent-Boger. Selection of homeopathic medicines and drawing up an individual treatment regimen Suitable for initial and repeat appointments (combined with diagnostic results using the Voll method)!

More details

Symptoms of neurosis

There are mental and somatic symptoms of neurosis.

Mental symptoms of neurosis

The patient complains of emotional stress, in other words, obsessive thoughts and ideas that arise unexpectedly. There is a lack of preparation for stressful situations, expressed in apathy and isolation. Patients are constantly nervous, even without reason. Phobias are often noted.

A striking symptom of neurosis is fatigue and a constant feeling of tiredness. If you feel a weakening of your memory already at the moment you start working, then this is a reason to sound the alarm.

A typical sign of neurosis is high sensitivity to temperature changes, excessively bright light and loud sounds. Complexes and problems with self-esteem are noted, and it can be either too low or too high. Interestingly, neurosis is also expressed in uncertainty; in other words, a person himself does not know what he wants.

Finally, a patient with neurosis experiences constant mood swings and increased irritability.

Somatic symptoms of neurosis

Patients feel a headache, and also discomfort in the abdomen and heart. Muscles ache, there is a frequent urge to urinate and trembling in the limbs. As mentioned above, patients quickly get tired and complain of drowsiness. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is also one of the signs of neurosis.

There are other symptoms of neurosis, such as increased sweating, decreased potency, dizziness, appetite disturbances (expressed in any form), sleep disturbances (expressed in any form), a painful attitude towards one’s health, and, finally, bulimia of a psychogenic nature.

Treatment of neurosis using classical medicine methods

In classical medicine there is no general, unified method for treating neurosis. And this is correct, since the disease has its own characteristics for each person, so an individual approach is necessary.

It is interesting that the majority of people suffering from neuroses in one form or another realize that their fears and actions are wrong and groundless, but still cannot fight them on their own. At first glance, it seems that treating neurosis is very simple, but this is not so. Traditional medicine in the fight against this disease is based on an integrated approach. A variety of methods are used, including psychotherapeutic ones (this includes various psychotherapy, behavioral and causal therapy, desensitization). Hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic methods are also often used. Finally, the treatment of neuroses is not complete without chemical drugs that smooth out attacks and allow the patient’s behavior to return to normal.

Mostly tranquilizers, sedatives and antipsychotics are prescribed, which must be taken throughout life. These remedies cause irreparable damage to both mental and physical health, and are not able to cope with the causes of the disease. If you want to help a person or yourself get rid of neurosis, then pay attention to homeopathic medicines that have no contraindications.


Nowadays, neurosis is practically the norm. No, of course, this is not the norm, not the norm at all, this is a serious disease (fortunately, reversible), but it is a fact that neurosis can be diagnosed in every third person. Sad fact! And the saddest thing is that people suffering from neurosis do not seek help. Yes, nervous, yes, depression, yes, I’m “fed up” with everything, yes, I’m losing my temper... So life is hard, all that. Sound familiar? Here it is, neurosis in all its glory.

Treatment of neurosis using homeopathy methods

The high effectiveness of treating neuroses using homeopathy methods is associated with individual selection of drugs. The drugs are prescribed depending on the symptomatic picture and constitutional type of the patient.

Ignatia in 6, 12 and 30 dilutions is prescribed for hysteria, high sensitivity and impressionability, as well as constant mood swings combined with headaches.

Platinum in 3, 6 and 12 dilutions helps patients with hysteria, who are characterized by arrogance, arrogance, coldness and theatrical presentation of any complaints and sensations.

Hamomilla in 3, 3, 6 and 12 dilutions is an excellent homeopathic remedy for female patients who are sensitive to pain, irritable and rude.

Pulsatilla in 3, 6 and 12 dilutions is indicated for gentle and tearful people with different and unstable symptoms of neurosis.

Homeopathy recommends the drug Nux Vomica in 3, 3 and 6 dilutions for so-called business people who are constantly preoccupied with something and complain about sleep disturbances.

Actea Racemosa in 6, 12 and 30 dilutions is used to treat menopausal neurosis, which is characterized by increased sensitivity, imbalance, weakness and digestive disorders.

Argentum Nitricum in 6, 12 and 30 dilutions is a good homeopathic medicine for patients who suffer from fears and anxieties, as well as phobias of open spaces, narrow passages and rooms. These people are characterized by melancholy, melancholy and a love of sweets.

Moskus in 6, 12 and 30 dilutions is prescribed in case of weakness of the nervous system and attacks of excitement.

Gelsemium in 3, 3, 6 and 12 dilutions is recommended for people suffering from mental stress, tremors in the limbs, hypersensitivity, irritability and anxiety.

Nux Moscata in 3 and 6 dilutions is ideal for patients with constant mood swings. Also in this case, there is bloating, general poor condition and dry mouth.

Anacardium Orientale in 3, 3 and 6 dilutions is prescribed when asthenic and hypochondriacal traits are combined in one person, and in addition there is a decrease in attention, absent-mindedness and various pains.

Thuja in 3, 6 and 12 dilutions is a homeopathic remedy suitable for anxious and suspicious patients suffering from various fears and increased sensitivity.

Cocculus in 3, 3 and 6 dilutions is prescribed for women suffering from hysterics, frequent dizziness and sleep problems.

Finally, the homeopathic medicine Lachesis in 6, 12 and 30 dilutions is suitable for female patients with menopausal neurosis. The need to take this drug is indicated by alternating attacks of mental agitation and periods of apathy.

What is neurosis?

This is a reversible and protracted mental disorder that is caused by stress, conflicts, and psychological trauma. Symptoms of neurosis can be different - it depends on its form, but most often patients experience neurosis with manifestations of depression. Self-esteem decreases, difficulties with communication, anxiety, and fears arise. The person becomes suspicious, touchy, unsociable and irritable, and suffers from insomnia. Apathy gradually develops, plus weakness, fatigue, and blood pressure disorders. You may even experience indigestion, cough, and sexual dysfunction.

Homeopathy for neuroses!


homeopathic doctor, prof.

A.A. Voronkov

But neurosis is a reversible disease, that is, you can get rid of it.

I treat neurosis with homeopathy. How successful can be understood from a letter from one of my patients.

“I always tried to keep my opinions to myself, but this time I couldn’t restrain myself. Because Dr. Voronkov literally brought me back to life.

The beginning of my story is banal: love. I fell in love with a girl, I suffered for her, but she didn’t for me. Everything finally became clear when, in response to my proposal to live together, the girl simply laughed and left.

That's it. I don’t want to eat, I don’t want to sleep, and I don’t want to talk, even less so. I don't want anything. Such a capable vegetable. I lay on the couch and looked at the ceiling, that’s all. Then a nervous tic appeared that did not go away. Spit. For everything: life, teak, mother’s tears, friends’ sorrows, studies...

But my mother still pulled me out of this state. At first she started taking me to doctors, who unanimously made the same diagnosis: neurosis with manifestations of depression. They prescribed various pills, but in my opinion, they made me turn even more into a vegetable.

In the end, my mother found Dr. Voronkov. I don’t know who suggested it to her, but many thanks to this person. Because Andrei Anatolyevich gave me back to me.

To be honest, my first visit to Voronkov did not show me the best side - I didn’t want to answer the doctor’s questions, but they could examine me without any problems. Basically, the doctor talked with my mother, talked for a long time. Then the pills. That is, not tablets, balls. Small, sweet... Well, okay, my mother begged me to drink them.

And then, after some time, I woke up and felt that I wanted to live. Don’t stare blankly at the ceiling, but move, learn, do something. This is how my recovery began - very soon I became myself. In general, to Andrey Anatolyevich - my respect and many thanks. He pulled me out of the swamp. So, if you have been given the same diagnosis, I recommend you see Voronkov, he will get you back on your feet!”

Igor Ignatov, 19 years old, Kolomna, Moscow region

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