How to make a man or woman jealous by correspondence - Psychology

  • Why is jealousy needed?
  • How to provoke jealousy on the Internet
  • Little feminine tricks

Every woman wants to feel loved and desired. It is important to be confident in your chosen one. When it is impossible to meet in person, the need becomes more acute. Being far from your lover can arouse interest in him. To do this, you need to make a man jealous from a distance.

#3.Talk about others

To make a guy or girl jealous from a distance when you have a telephone conversation, talk about your friends and colleagues of the opposite sex. Your girlfriend or boyfriend will be jealous when you start praising them just like that. For example:

  • “You know X is really smart.”
  • “X looks good in a white shirt today, you should try wearing that too.”

Thus, in almost 100% of cases it will be possible to make your other half jealous.

How to make a guy jealous and afraid of losing his girlfriend forever

Over time, even the most loving couples notice that their once interesting life together is slowly becoming gray and boring.
This routine erases all the colors and slowly envelops the love union with everyday and financial problems, the relationship gradually becomes different. Many men cannot stand monotony and begin to look around in search of violent entertainment. Articles on the topic

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With the help of jealousy, you can arouse base, possessive feelings in a person, which will cause him extreme suffering. To prevent this from happening, you need to treat your loved one tactfully and delicately, and not provoke scandals and insults.

Some women know how to make guys jealous and use jealousy quite skillfully. A few light smiles addressed to the crowd will not allow a man to reproach her for taking liberties, but will make him look at her chic figure and independent gait in a different way. They will again feel that unique feeling when they need to win their girlfriend, again prove their love to her and protect her from envious or lustful glances.

In order to revive your partner’s feelings using jealousy, you need to follow the advice of psychologists:

  • the girl must be an accomplished person, independent and purposeful;
  • always keep your previous relationships secret, excessive openness will quickly get boring;
  • You cannot make an idol out of your loved one, fulfill all his demands and literally worship him, such an attitude corrupts and will quickly turn a man into an owner, whose jealousy a weak-willed woman will definitely not be able to control;
  • There is no need to give an accurate and detailed account of your day; each person has not only his personal space, but also his own relationships with work colleagues, girlfriends and friends.

By using jealousy in your relationships, even in minimal proportions, you can expose yourself to damage.

Not all men behave appropriately when their girlfriend or spouse starts flirting with someone else. This can cause aggression and result in a complete break in the relationship. You need to understand that people prone to violence will not appreciate such a risky experiment and their further actions will be very difficult to predict.


Be careful not to use all of these methods at the same time! After you receive confirmation that a guy or girl is jealous, you must immediately strengthen the shaky trust. Show that you are faithful to your partner, then the relationship will move to a higher level.

If a person is jealous, it most often means:

  • Loves you.
  • Worried about you.
  • Cares about you.
  • Afraid that you like someone else.
  • Afraid that you are cheating.
  • Expects even more affection from you.

Jealousy is a double-edged knife. After all, it is very easy to make a man jealous at a distance or by correspondence, and even easier to make a woman. But before you start such an activity, keep in mind that everything should be in moderation.

Making up a script

If you decide to provoke a guy’s jealousy through correspondence, you need to come up with a scenario in advance for which you will proceed. To evoke this feeling in him, it is necessary to arouse interest - to attract attention, intrigue and captivate.

There is no need to be an open book for a young man, who is always in sight and will provide the necessary information at any time. Women's self-sufficiency and passion are of interest: you should have your own hobbies, goals, dreams, a wide circle of friends and ambitions. All this can be considered a sign of a developed personality. Basically, such natures have charm and attract people to themselves like a magnet.

A busy and slightly secretive lifestyle can boost your self-esteem. When you feel like a self-sufficient and bright personality, you will stop wasting energy on unnecessary doubts about your boyfriend. Then he will definitely notice it and will not be able to resist your charm.

Don’t sit over the phone waiting for him to call, don’t take the initiative every time, don’t prolong the conversation with your loved one and don’t try too hard to impress. You, like him, should have your own personal space, consisting of something secret and known only to you. If you persistently try to destroy personal boundaries, turning yourself inside out, exposing all your experiences and demanding the same from your partner, you can achieve the opposite result. Men are secretive people, and this behavior of girls repels them, frightens them, and forces them to withdraw even more into themselves.

To achieve success, the desire to cause jealousy should not be the end goal. Focus on becoming a woman in whom a man's interest does not fade over time, but intensifies. Otherwise, your manipulations will look unnatural; the young man will quickly notice this and be disappointed. This error is difficult to correct, so you need to do everything to avoid it.

Focus on the desire to become better, stock up on a good mood and do not give up, falling into despondency, because all your work will go down the drain and you will have to start all over again.

Keep it intriguing

Remember the image of a woman who carries a mystery and always delights people. Feelings of inaccessibility, intrigue and understatement can excite the imagination and ignite the flame of passion inside any man. Thus, the mysterious smile of the Mona Lisa prompted Leonardo da Vinci to immortalize it on his canvas. The masterpiece has been attracting attention for more than 500 years and makes anyone who looks at it try to unravel the girl’s mystery.

You should not take the advice that you need to keep the intrigue literally and try on the role of a foreign intelligence agent. It is enough to maintain a slight understatement, leaving space for guesses and fantasies. In this case, the guy will be much more interested in writing, calling or asking a question first.

Maintaining intrigue will give a man the opportunity to feel like a conqueror again. On a subconscious level, he will begin to wonder what was the reason for secrecy and changes in your behavior. This will cause jealousy even without an obvious reason.

When planning to spend the weekend with your family or watching movies at home, write to him evasively:

  • I'm going to a meeting;
  • I was invited to visit;
  • I plan to spend time in pleasant company;
  • I will mind my own business;
  • I plan to have a lot of fun.

In this way, you will not deceive him, but will only omit details about who exactly you plan to meet and what to do.

Try not to immediately answer your guy's calls and messages. Give your lover time to get bored and think about what his girlfriend is doing.

When a young man does not get through on the phone several times or receives a response message several hours later, he will want to find out the reason for this. The feeling that you are busy will only fuel his feelings. This will force a man to take into account the importance of your free time and take into account your plans. After silence, start the conversation with the phrase:

  • I'm sorry I didn't answer for a long time - I didn't hear the call;
  • Sorry, I couldn't talk.

In order not to overdo it with unavailability, you can reject his call and ask him to write SMS when you are not comfortable talking. This works especially well on a Friday evening or on a weekend, because doubts will begin to creep into the young man’s head: “Is my missus really doing yoga at this moment, and not having fun in the company?”


A well-groomed appearance greatly attracts the attention of men. Periodically change your avatar on the Internet and send the guy your photos under the pretext that you want to show him something or ask for advice. This can also be used to induce jealousy. Add text to your photo:

  • Please help me choose an outfit. Can I go to a restaurant in this skirt?
  • What do you think about this look? Suitable for going to the theater?

Change your image: get a haircut, styling, start using cosmetics and lose a couple of extra pounds. Then the friend with whom you communicate at a distance will wonder what the reason for such changes is.

Social media

If a man is on social networks, lead an active life there too. Because it pays attention to the number of comments under your photos and who leaves them. Even a harmless compliment from a friend left under your photo can make your beloved guy jealous from a distance.

Chat with other men

Guys sense the appearance of a competitor even from a distance, without hints in correspondence. The presence of a new acquaintance in your life will attract the attention of someone who previously showed no interest in you.

This is an extreme but effective method. Just don't overdo it - let your friend only guess that you are communicating with someone else.

Do not overdo it

Remember that everything is good in moderation: a feeling of slight jealousy can revive and increase passion in a relationship, while cruel neglect of a loved one, outright lies and rudeness will aggravate the situation and destroy the partner’s trust.

Even when communicating at a distance, a person can become disappointed if he experiences only negative emotions all the time. It is important not to forget to give sincere compliments, show sympathy and praise the guy. When a man understands that he has a multifaceted personality, he will show his feelings and correspondence will develop into a strong relationship.

Situations when jealousy is useful

Almost every man is an owner by nature, and it just so happens that, while valuing a woman, he is afraid of losing her favor. Natural jealousy has long been considered an indicator of the level of love. Giving an “injection of jealousy” means reminding a man of his feelings and increasing the degree of the relationship. However, it is worth doing this competently and naturally, because it is unlikely that you want to receive complete control in response, bordering on paranoia and madness.

Long term relationship

At the beginning of a relationship, the object of love always overshadows other areas of life. You get all the man’s free time, he tries to guess your desires and make them come true, commits romantic acts, looks askance at potential rivals. Surely all this happened to you when the chosen one tried to win your heart. But after some time, the brave hidalgo turned into an ordinary husband. Now he is ready to spend more time with friends, watch the sports channel, and his interest in your affairs has gradually faded, and it seems that he is not at all interested in who you are corresponding with.

Psychologists say that everyday life, routine and boredom contribute to the fading of feelings. If this is the situation in your couple, a little jealousy won't hurt, but will make your man remember that he loves you and values ​​you, thus letting a fresh stream of air into your life together. But you need to act wisely.

You must build on the character of your chosen one. One will be made to feel jealous by a little veil of mystery, a riddle that you don’t want to reveal. For another, you will have to resort to more drastic measures, and for a third, such a situation will seem completely unacceptable, and you will lose more than you gain. Therefore, an individual approach and your mind together with a woman’s instinct are extremely important here.

Start of a relationship

Sometimes it is necessary to focus attention on one’s own person at the beginning of a developing relationship. This approach is often used by experienced heartbreakers when winning the man of their dreams. Seeing that you are always in the center of male attention and surrounded by fans, he will take a closer look at you, he will become interested in why you arouse such interest. A man will want to win your heart to prove to others that he is better. Therefore, jealousy at this stage of the relationship will help strengthen the initial infatuation.

Jealous zodiac signs

A gift from heaven, love, can cause jealousy in every person. But everyone is jealous in their own, special way. Each zodiac sign has its own definition of jealousy:

  • Making an Aries . Aries tolerates only devotion in relationships. SMS messages with the other guy's name will not go through with them. There are no rivals for Aries. As soon as their leadership in the relationship is attacked, Martian jealousy arises. It is enough to look in the direction of the other man, and a showdown is guaranteed.
  • Making a Taurus . Taurus are owners, masters, possessors. For them, stability and reliability are important in relationships. They try not to miss theirs. Jealousy can cause increased attention on their girlfriend. The feeling of jealousy will always be present until there is complete confidence that his beloved belongs to him completely.
  • Making a Gemini . It is more difficult with these men because they are not jealous by nature. This is where you can use SMS messages and online correspondence. For them, jealousy can arise if there is no interest in the interlocutor.
  • Making a Cancer . It is important for cancer to have its own island of safety. This man is jealous of everything, or almost everything, that is connected with his beloved girl. Cancers are vulnerable and touchy, so you cannot subject them to strong jealousy. Light flirting will be enough. But as soon as the Cancer man understands that his lady belongs completely only to him, it will no longer be possible to cause jealousy.
  • Making the Leo . For a Leo man, competition is simply unbearable. There must be one Sun in the sky. If his girlfriend is a planet in his solar system, then the relationship will be long and strong and it will be difficult to cause jealousy. But since Leo has a hard time with rivalry, causing jealousy can damage the relationship.
  • Making a Virgo . Virgo is reliability and support. It can be slightly alarmed, but you shouldn't lose it. Virgo men are not jealous. But if he doubts loyalty, then everything will be under control. The danger lies in the disgust of Virgos. The thought of his girlfriend being unfaithful can be disgusting. As soon as men become insecure, jealousy is immediately born in them.
  • Making a Libra . Libras always have strict boundaries of decency. As soon as a rival appears on the horizon, they develop a strong feeling of jealousy. This can disrupt the harmony in the relationship. Jealousy for Libra is very painful and unbearable.
  • Making a Scorpio . Scorpio men are so jealous that it doesn’t require a special reason. Unexpected SMS are not suitable here. The energy exchange between him and her is important to them. Scorpios are owners. They cannot give in and are jealous of their chosen one for everything.
  • Making a Sagittarius . For Sagittarius men, it is important to be a patron and authority. If their pride is hurt by jealousy, it will be difficult for them to come to terms with it. Sagittarians are vulnerable and there is no room for competition for them.
  • Making a Capricorn . For an earth sign, it is very important to be confident in the reliability of the relationship. They do not like jealousy, but if such a feeling manifests itself, then control over the partner will follow. Capricorns try to calculate and anticipate everything in order to avoid surprises.
  • Making an Aquarius . Aquarius is not prone to jealousy. In order for this feeling to manifest itself in an Aquarius man, you have to work hard. Aquarius can only cast his lot with a reliable person whom he will trust in everything.
  • Making the Pisces . Pisces are not very jealous. Pisces men have strictly defined boundaries and extremes. Pisces can accept, forgive, and understand. What is unacceptable for many is acceptable for fish.
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