Be strong: how to stop being afraid of a fight and ways to overcome the fear of a mess

Fear of a fight is a natural reaction of the human body , especially when there is a risk of attack. The degree of fear may vary.

In some cases, people may not experience anxiety even when facing a stronger opponent. An important role in the formation of fear of fights is played not only by physical strength and the presence of certain skills, but by the level of self-esteem.

If a person is initially not confident in himself and his abilities, then in a clash with the enemy he is doomed to failure . So how can you not be afraid of a fight?

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Why is a person afraid to fight?

The main reason for the fear of fighting is the elementary inability to use physical force for self-defense .

The second most common factor is having had a bad experience (for example, being attacked by bullies, causing serious injury).

In some cases, the reasons for the occurrence of such fear may be embedded in the subconscious and due to certain character traits of a person.

provoke fear of fights:

  1. Children's fears (fear of fighting can be provoked not only by bad experiences in childhood, but also by punishment from adults for any attempts to repel the offender with force).
  2. Fear of injury and pain (at the subconscious level, a person begins to think how much discomfort a bruise on his face or other injuries will cause him).
  3. The presence of fear of causing pain to another person (at such moments, fear of excessive use of one’s strength and pity for other people, even those with an aggressive character, may be combined).
  4. Innate mental properties (fear of a fight may be due to certain character traits, for example, modesty, excessive vulnerability, etc.).
  5. Fear of consequences or ignorance of them (fights can be punishable by law and entail many negative consequences; ignorance of the outcome of events becomes the cause of psycho-emotional discomfort).
  6. Suffered physical and mental violence (if a person is intimidated or has been subjected to regular beatings, then it will be extremely difficult for him to cope with the fear of a fight).

You will find a list of the most common human phobias on our website.

How to get rid of fear

Fear of violence and pain is a natural human reaction to danger, because if you are not afraid of physical pain and damage, you can stick your hand into a stone crusher - they say, why, isn’t it cool? This fear protects us from unnecessary injuries, but if it is hypertrophied (which is exactly what I had since childhood), it prevents us from acting effectively - not only on the street, but in life in general.

Since childhood, when the situation around me aggravated, I felt an unpleasant tightening of the sphincter, as people say - the asshole was playing. Weakness appeared in my legs and confusion in my soul, and then stupor - I began to look at the situation as if from the outside, and could not do anything, stupidly waiting for it to finally end and they would leave me alone.

Whoever would have told ten-year-old me that I would fight against three people in a tournament would never have believed it.

Of course, in my thoughts I imagined how I would punish the offenders, or how I would respond coolly and with humor to their words, but in reality, everything happened again according to the old scenario.

After ten tournaments full of pain and minor injuries - like broken fists, abrasions on the face and bumps on the head - the fear has not gone away. But its negative consequences have disappeared - nothing is playing anymore, and there is no weakness in the legs. Now I can, by force of will, overcome the jitters and throw myself into battle. It’s still like watching a movie from the sidelines during the tournament - it’s just that now I run, hit and dodge hits, and it’s controlled fear that allows me to do this faster and stronger. After all, I still really don’t want to get hit on the head.

Psychology of street fighting

Street fights have some peculiarities.

First of all, the nuances concern the psychological aspect. Fights on the streets are most often provoked by a crowd of hooligans .

In this group of people there is always someone on whom all other participants in the conflict focus. Participants in a street fight do not rely on their physical capabilities, but are motivated by the potential protection of their comrades.

Such nuances have a powerful impact on the self-esteem of each group member. to resist an aggressive crowd .

Who usually wins?

In most cases, the winner in a fight is the one who literally thinks less and acts more. Combat skills play an important role .

If you have experience in numerous street fights, mastering boxing, wrestling or martial arts techniques, then it will be extremely difficult to cope with such a person.

Victory is guaranteed to those who do not allow the enemy to comprehend the situation and find ways to retreat or attack.

Why do intelligent people lose?

A good, intelligent person is initially less likely to win a fight.

The reason for this forecast is numerous factors, including the nuances of upbringing, certain character traits and the principle of thinking.

An intelligent person, at the time of a conflict, thinks how to settle it with words , how to avoid beatings, what consequences a fight will have for both sides.

Modesty, indecision, shyness and other traits can prevent you from giving the right rebuff to an ill-wisher.

A bad, ill-mannered person at such moments relies only on his instincts and reactions.

What to do if you are afraid to hit someone else ? Psychology of a street fight:

Help and advice

In the case where the problem has not yet started, several recommendations can help in solving it.

  1. If the main reason for your fears is a strong opponent, you can increase your confidence by working out at the gym. This could be push-ups, pull-ups, boxing, or barbell exercises. Oriental martial arts would be an excellent option. Sometimes auto-training helps, since in some cases everything is decided not by strength, but by a confident attitude and unshakable determination.
  2. In a situation where avoiding fights is associated with the factor of uncertainty, you should study more information on the issues that cause the greatest discomfort. For example, you can read literature on self-defense and learn about where vulnerable areas are. A person should at least roughly know how to act in a situation of danger - having a rough plan makes it much easier to cope with anxiety.

The following tips will also be useful:

  • it is necessary to be confident and calm, at least externally;
  • You should not take everything that your opponent says as the pure truth - he can boast and make aggressive attacks only for his own peace of mind and because of strong agitation;
  • you should always be determined to win, not think about losing and be angry at your own fear - anger adds courage;
  • You shouldn’t criticize yourself if you lose – “losing” can happen to anyone.

It is also necessary to remember that if a person is afraid to fight, this does not always indicate his immaturity, cowardice or weakness. The development of fear can be influenced by a huge number of reasons, which sometimes only a qualified psychologist can understand. If the chances of winning a fight are low, then fear in this case is absolutely logical. Such fear is useful, it helps to avoid danger and does not need to be removed.

How to stop being afraid?

The most effective way to combat the fear of fighting is to master self-defense techniques. Women, men and even teenagers can enroll in such courses.

Working with students, the trainer teaches fighting skills, works with the psycho-emotional state and uses some psychotherapeutic techniques of influence.

After a course of such classes, a person’s self-esteem increases , confidence in their abilities appears, and the ability to protect themselves with the help of physical strength is developed.

Several ways to overcome the fear of fighting:

  1. You need to mentally imagine a conflict situation and play it out in your imagination to the end (you should pay special attention to your actions in the presented situation, you should see yourself as a brave, dexterous and decisive person).
  2. Fights should not be constantly expected and feared (feelings of anxiety in some cases can materialize and literally attract troubles into a person’s life).
  3. Mastering the skills of controlling your own emotions and the basics of breathing exercises is very effective

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How to overcome fear? 100% way to learn how to fight:

Reasons for fear of fighting

Fear of a fight is a natural reaction of the body to aggressive actions. At this moment, the instinct of self-preservation turns on and adrenaline begins to be produced. At the same time, brain function is dulled, and there is a rush of hormones to the arms and legs. A person must quickly make a decision - to flee or fight. And act.

If you hesitate, panic arises, and in this state it will no longer be possible to escape or defeat the enemy. That's why it's so important to overcome your fear. Don't be shy about this feeling. This is normal. Just be honest with yourself that you are afraid to fight. And start working with your fear. First, you should find out the reason why you feel scared before a fight.

A person can be afraid of fighting for various reasons. Here are the main ones.

  1. He is afraid that he will experience severe pain, be injured, or die. This is how the instinct of self-preservation operates, the main task of which is to preserve human life and health. A strong fear of death is an insidious thing. He can actually “lock a person within 4 walls.” Be sure to read the material on how to stop being afraid of death.
  2. Fear of harming your opponent, including striking first. It is unnatural for human nature to want to cripple another individual. Only sociopaths can easily hurt another person and feel no remorse. And this is already a mental disorder.
  3. Negative memories from childhood. For example, the child was often beaten or punished by his parents. Or maybe he was bullied by stronger children. All this is deposited in the subconscious and prevents an adult from standing up for himself.
  4. Intelligent upbringing, when a child was taught from childhood that fighting is bad.
  5. The person himself is very soft, sensitive and emotional. It is unnatural for him to engage in battle.
  6. Fear of ruining your appearance. This is mainly feared by girls, who value beauty much more than men. After all, the result of a fight is most often knocked out teeth, bruises, hemorrhages, a cut eyebrow and other unpleasant consequences.
  7. The person does not have martial arts skills and simply does not know how to fight. This gives rise to self-doubt. And the desire to engage in battle disappears completely.

Before a fight, almost everyone - from the common man to the professional fighter - experiences a slight degree of fear. The following happens:

  • adrenaline levels increase;
  • there is a rush of blood to the head;
  • palms sweat;
  • there is a slight trembling in the knees.

A person can cope with such a condition on his own. However, there are serious phobias that will never allow him to enter into a fight. These include:

  • hemophobia – panic fear of blood;
  • algophobia – extreme fear of pain.

Symptoms of these pathological conditions:

  • the skin turns pale;
  • there is a feeling of nausea and lack of air;
  • chills and trembling appear throughout the body;
  • loss of consciousness occurs.

It is impossible to get rid of phobias without the help of a psychotherapist. If you find such signs in yourself, then consult a specialist as soon as possible. Untreated phobia very often becomes the cause of other mental disorders.

How to prepare?

The risk of a fight may come as a surprise, so you need to start working on yourself in advance. First of all, it is necessary to understand the object of fear and identify the specific cause of its occurrence.

In some cases, doing this yourself is problematic. Psychologists or psychotherapists will help determine the exact nature of the fear of fighting. These specialists can select the best options to combat such fears.

How to become brave and confident?

How to prepare yourself for battle?

Before you begin to develop self-confidence in your own abilities during a fight, you need to understand what courage is .

This concept does not mean the absence of fear, but implies the ability to carry out the task despite the occurrence of anxiety.

Courage must be trained and should begin with small actions and careful work on yourself.

How to remove fear? Methods of working on yourself to develop courage and confidence in your physical strength:

  • honestly admit to yourself your fear (you can tell your reflection in the mirror about it),
  • try to find the reasons for the fear of fighting (childhood grievances, character traits, etc.),
  • regularly perform small but courageous actions (showing initiative in making acquaintances, defending your point of view in front of colleagues or friends),
  • you need to praise yourself for your success in acquiring new character traits (it is recommended to celebrate even the most insignificant manifestations of courage),
  • if the fear of a fight becomes an obsessive state, then it is necessary to seek help from specialists (psychologists and psychotherapists) as soon as possible,
  • You can eliminate the feeling of fear only by long-term work on yourself and your emotions (fear must be realized, accepted and overcome),
  • you need to learn to scream (fear of speaking in a raised voice can provoke negative consequences if there is a risk of a fight, you can choose deserted places or natural areas to practice screaming),
  • we must try to show courage with maximum regularity (if possible, stand up for a child in front of peers, save a kitten from a dog or other offender, etc.).

How to overcome the fear of the dark? Read about it here.

How to get angry before a collision?

The easiest way to provoke aggression in yourself is to mentally imagine a situation in which you have already shown strong traits of your character or could show them.

For example, an attack by hooligans on a defenseless person, bullying of a child by peers, or other examples of injustice.

You can try to imagine one of your long-time offenders or specific people who cause you attacks of rage and indignation. Anger as a result of such experiments with the subconscious will appear very quickly.

Exercises to work through fear of combat

A fight is not only a struggle of skills and abilities, it is also a battle of realities.

greatly strengthen you from training in hand-to-hand combat .

Exercise “Two people are surrounded in a ring”

  • Two people stand in the center with their backs to each other , and the rest of the guys surround them, standing in a circle, and deliver light blows.
  • The blows are not such as to directly kill, but the guys just mark the places where you open up .
  • If I am defending with my back with a friend in a circle, I have the right to fight back, parry blows and dodge. As the coach says, “you can snap.”

Benefits of this type of exercise

  1. This exercise simply awakens you, whether you like it or not. You're not afraid of someone punching you in the face.
  2. You manage to respond to blows , your opponents with peripheral vision fight off several people at once .
  3. Your efficiency increases incredibly. The more often you do this in training, the faster you will understand how to overcome your fear of fighting. A very useful exercise.

Exercise “Every man for himself”

The second exercise is called “every man for himself”.

  1. To begin with, we are given half of the hall, where everyone defends himself and fights off everyone else.
  2. Here, too, all the blows are done carefully, there is no need to injure anyone, but no one is allowed to yawn either.
  3. After an interval of time, the area narrows : if at first we fight in half of the hall, then after a period of time we are already in a quarter of the hall. And so on.
  4. Try to get into the middle, into the very heap, if you really want to understand how to stop being afraid of a fight.

Benefits of the second exercise

  • The point is that you learn to fight in a limited area and are not afraid of the number of people.
  • Here you really give your all and rely only on yourself.
  • It’s okay if someone hits you from the side at first when you’re fighting off one opponent.
  • Over time you will begin to manage your distance, learn not to let your opponent get close, keep distance and strikes , and understand how to overcome the fear of a fight.
  • You will no longer be confused by the crowd.

Use your intelligence

Intelligence can be used at the stage of trying to prevent a conflict situation. It is important to try to use psychological techniques that will help create the impression that you are a fearless and strong person.

At the moment of a fight, thanks to intelligence, you can identify the weaknesses of the offender and even calculate battle tactics.

However, in street fights, intellectual abilities become powerless. The actions of some people prone to aggression defy logical explanation and cannot be predicted.

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