Fear of the future: how to overcome it and start doing something

Fear of the future in psychology is a depressing feeling that one fine day in life everything may not go “according to plan.” Each person is the scriptwriter of his own destiny. He plans events, outlines the trajectory of his behavior in a given situation. But in life, as in chess, it is impossible to foresee all possible combinations. At some point, events may get out of control.

Having failed once, many people give up. Their will is constrained by a paralyzing fear of getting burned again. Like a snail sensing danger, they retreat into their shell, where they remain anxious and confused.

Not only negative experiences of the past can poison a person’s life. The feeling of instability and uncertainty about the future also undermine his strength. As a result, a person’s energy is wasted on empty worries, and his self-development is put an end to.

This is the truly destructive effect of fear of the future. In psychology, it is associated with thanatophobia - the fear of death. Moreover, it is not the death itself that is scary, but the awareness of how much needs to be accomplished in the short time that a person has.

Fear of the future - causes of futurophobia

There is ongoing debate among psychologists about the root cause of the occurrence and development of this disorder. It is believed that futurophobia has its roots in early childhood. The risk factor is especially great in conservative families, where any innovation encounters a wall of mistrust and suspicion. The child adopts a pattern of behavior that threatens to subsequently result in fear of tomorrow.

A phobia of the future can take hold of a person during periods of social and personal upheaval. Apocalyptic forecasts make their contribution. Suffice it to recall the panic fever on the eve of December 2012 due to the prediction of the Mayan tribe. Age-related crises, accompanied by a painful search for oneself, can also undermine confidence in the future.

Among the main “triggers” for the development of a phobia of tomorrow are the following:

  • economic: the prospect of changing or losing a job, fear of unforeseen expenses;
  • socio-political: escalation of tension in society, the threat of armed confrontation, the danger of famine, disease, military conflict, the end of the world;
  • individual: dramatic changes in personal life, for example marriage, birth of a child, divorce, moving, departure of loved ones or relatives.

Fear of the future: why am I afraid of my future?

Many people, while worrying about the future, try to make better choices in the present. But, in some cases, this anxiety intensifies, leading to serious discomfort and various consequences for many areas of their lives.

A person may delay making decisions due to fear of certain consequences. This fear of the future is associated with uncertainty. The lack of economic and social stability causes many people to suffer from this fear and more and more people are experiencing it every day.

Symptoms of fear of the future

Symptoms of fear of the future can be divided into three types:

Cognitive symptoms: relate to thoughts. People have a catastrophic expectation of the future. These thoughts start with the words “what if”: “what if I lose my job?” “What if we break up?”

Physiological symptoms: These symptoms refer to bodily sensations. Thus, people who are afraid of the future may experience symptoms such as sweating, trembling hands, tachycardia, hyperventilation, etc.

Behavioral symptoms: refer to various behaviors of a person suffering from fear. In this case, a person may not make decisions, experience apathy, be afraid to leave his comfort zone, and think about the event again and again.

Reasons for fear of the future

The reasons for fear of the future can be divided into two groups:

Genetics: Having a family history of a fear or psychological problem increases the likelihood that a person will experience that fear because there is a genetic inheritance of psychological problems.

Environment: The environment in which a person was raised can influence the development of a phobia or fear, meaning our parents may have taught us this. This happens when a person constantly talks about fear of the future and uncertainty. Or when you, your family or someone you know has gone through a difficult period such as job loss, illness, etc.

Consequences of fear of the future

The consequences of fear are largely related to behavioral symptoms. If I avoid changing jobs or marrying a certain person out of fear of the consequences, I will definitely end up living a life that doesn't satisfy me. That is, there is stagnation in a person’s life and avoidance of a terrible situation or moments that could lead to such a situation.

Additionally, persistent levels of stress can lead to long-term physical health problems such as irritable bowel syndrome or heart problems. Likewise, fear of the future can be detrimental to relationships, as living with someone who is constantly worried and stressed can be a big burden on others. They may ultimately decide to distance themselves from the person with fear of the future. If there is no progress in the relationship: buying a house, getting married, having children because of fear of what might happen, then the partner may feel that his life expectations are not being met.

The consequences of fear of the future work as a “prophecy”, as its presence can cause a person to sabotage himself and ultimately cause the situation he is so afraid of to happen.

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How to live without fear for the future

First of all, you need to learn one banal truth: problems are an integral companion of every person. Life will constantly throw a spoke in our wheels - that’s its habit. Reflecting these blows is the essence of full-fledged personal development, which is abhorrent to static. It should be remembered: if we are still alive, it means that we somehow had enough strength to cope with the challenges of fate up to this moment.

Do you want to overcome your fear of tomorrow? Toughen up! It is known that insects bite only people with poor physical fitness - sagging skin contributes to this. The strong blood flow in the body of a trained person will catch the small pest in a vice from which it will no longer be able to escape.

Are you afraid of the prospect of illness? Get plenty of exercise and eat a balanced diet. If you suffer from bad habits, find the strength to give them up once and for all. Hardening tactics and a healthy lifestyle should be used by anyone who wants to say goodbye to the ghost of futurophobia.

Are you afraid of losing your favorite job? Start mastering in-demand professions, constantly increasing your level of competence. Learn to manage your household more economically, and monitor the rational organization of your life. Recommendations from famous psychologists will help you cope effectively with psychological stress.

How can we live without fear for the future if this fear is constantly fueled by the media? If possible, limit access to your consciousness of news that generates panic. Tune in to the positive, choose for your evening viewing not mindless comedies, but films in which heroes overcome life's obstacles. In a word, do not give in in the face of difficulties, but master the art of fending off their challenges.

Psychotherapy for phobias and fears

Under the influence of a feeling of fear, a person commits various actions and is capable of taking a crazy step. Fear, which is the fruit of a person’s animal nature, can cloud his mind and completely subjugate his consciousness.

Doctors, considering the nature of fears and phobias, classify them as neurotic disorders - obsessive-compulsive neurosis, fear neurosis, or a combination of both. The paradox of the problem is that fear gives rise to phobias, which “feed” on fear.

What are phobias and fears?

The basis of fears and phobias is a strong feeling of anxiety once experienced. It can be characterized by different strengths of impact on a person, but the degree of shock experienced depends entirely on his receptivity and the stability of his psyche.


This phenomenon is positive in nature and is designed to provide a person with the proper degree of security against real threats throughout his life. Fear has its own threshold of “normality,” beyond which it acquires a hypertrophied (or false) form, developing in response to a non-dangerous or low-danger threat to life. If it is not stopped in a timely manner, fear develops into a phobia.

Transformation of fear into phobia

The transition process “fear → phobia” is characterized by the fact that a person becomes more vulnerable, impressionable and receptive to any information that indirectly or directly “feeds” his fear. He obsessively monitors and catches any news relating to his fear, in which he finds confirmation and validity of his condition. Any information that could refute this fear is reliably blocked by his brain activity.


A phobia is usually understood as an uncontrollable, obsessive fear of something. All existing phobias are conditionally divided into several types:

1. Fear of any object, animal, natural phenomenon.

2. Fear associated with a certain type of activity or with a specific situation.

3. Fear of social situations.

It is impossible to identify the most common type of phobias, since their formation is a purely individual process. Fear of fear itself is also a kind of phobia.


Fear occurs during a real encounter with danger or a frightening object (object), is not too strong and long-lasting, and is not fixed in memory for a long time.

A phobia is a disorder of a person’s psyche, recorded in his consciousness against the background of a powerful traumatic situation that he previously experienced. Phobias often manifest themselves in the form of various ailments and physiological manifestations, among which the most common are:

  • Feeling of suffocation or “lump in throat.”
  • Trembling in body and limbs.
  • Dizziness, faintness.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Numbness of the limbs.


The greatest effect in the treatment of phobias and fears is achieved when the patient independently decides that he needs consultation with a psychotherapist or psychologist. Treatment of any phobia is carried out on the basis of general principles, but its essence can be reduced to one phrase - “Look your fear in the eyes.” A one-time “meeting” of a patient with his fear will not give the desired effect, so a complex set of measures has been developed that can support exposure:

  • The need for the patient to master relaxation techniques.
  • Developing skills to block negative thoughts in the patient.
  • Using cognitive behavioral therapy techniques.

Since there are several theories of the emergence and development of fear, the methods of treating phobias vary.

1. Method of psychoanalysis

A phobia is seen as a manifestation of a conflict hidden in the patient’s subconscious. Treatment comes down not to fighting the phobia, but to the need to discover the nature of the conflict. This can be clarified through communication between the patient and the therapist and through the analysis or interpretation of dreams. The patient's phobia disappears as soon as the cause of the conflict is discovered.

2. Behavioral therapy method

Many techniques have been created to alleviate the patient’s manifestations of fear or eliminate them completely. Typically one of three methods is used:

1) Includes systemic desensitization in combination with deep relaxation and the principle of habituation (habituation), when, after complete relaxation of the patient, the situation of his encounter with his own fear is simulated.

2) Based on demonstrating to the patient his fears “from the outside” (the principle of visibility). The patient is asked to watch a movie or visit the place (abode) of his fear, where he can notice that no one present there experiences a feeling of fear.

3) According to this method, step by step, the patient tries to get closer to his fear. For every successful attempt, he will receive encouragement from the doctor and others.

Each of these techniques is designed to bring the patient face to face with his fear so that he gets used to it and stops being afraid.

3. Drug therapy

In an attempt to alleviate the patient's acute anxiety-phobic state and as an auxiliary measure, he may be prescribed medication. Taking only medications is unacceptable, since after stopping them, fear will certainly return. Only comprehensive treatment can rid the patient of his phobia or significantly alleviate his condition. To prescribe the correct treatment, consult a psychotherapist.

How to overcome fear of the future

An interesting parable about ways to overcome various phobias was once posted on one of the foreign forums. It told the story of a lion who feared the crow of a cock more than anything in the world. Having learned about this, the elephant burst out laughing: “How can you be afraid of this?” At the same moment, a mosquito began to circle around the elephant. “Oh no,” the six-ton ​​giant exclaimed in fear, “if he flies into my ear, that will be the end!” Now it was the lion's turn to laugh.

We are frightened by uncertainty and the unknown. Visualizing your fears often helps you get rid of them. You can proceed according to the following algorithm:

1. Take a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. Try to draw or describe your phobia in words. Pull her out from the depths of your subconscious, meet her eyes.

2. Think about what means you have to overcome the onset of this event. If nothing depends on you, then there is no point in being afraid of it.

3. Sketch out a draft of the consequences in your mind. Ask yourself what will happen next. You may come to the conclusion that your fear is a colossus with feet of clay. Remember: whatever doesn't kill you will make you stronger.


How to overcome fear of the future? Yes, just remember that you live here and now. There is only the present, which is entirely in your power. At any moment you can turn your life 180 degrees.

But such a radical turn is not always a panacea for all problems. The future is scary, but as B. Russell said, overcoming fear, a person gains wisdom.




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When fear of the future appears ↑

Fear of the future most often arises during transitional periods of life, which are called age-related crises. As a person grows up, he moves from the preschool period into the school period, into adolescence, into adulthood, and into aging.

Each stage of life is accompanied by rethinking, changing values, and gaining new experience. This is a stressful situation for every individual. But if a person easily perceives new things, then he will pass through periods of crisis quickly and painlessly.

By holding on to the past, not wanting to let it go, a person slows down the natural course of life. The contradiction between biological age and forms of behavior is increasing (infantilism in adults, younger men and women, etc.), leading to internal conflict. This contributes to a worsening fear of the future, which begins to take the form of neurosis or depression.

Fear of the future often arises:

  1. During periods of economic, social, political instability, various disasters, for example, as a result of natural disasters. This is a completely normal reaction to what is happening in society, which can cover the majority of the population of the state. Such fear can go away on its own with the onset of a stable situation.
  2. Maternal fear of the future of children can be identified as a separate category. It is a natural consequence of maternal instinct and appears after the birth of the baby or as he grows up. It is almost impossible to overcome this fear completely. And only in some cases can such a phobia take on hypertrophic forms, preventing children from gaining their own experience and realizing themselves in life.
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