10 tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction (1 photo)

Advice on choosing tongue twisters for people who stutter

Every person who stutters has a rather poorly developed speech apparatus, and some of the muscles are not active enough. With the help of articulatory gymnastics, you develop them to normal. Moreover, each person who stutters has his own special letters or letter combinations that are especially difficult for him to pronounce. If you don’t know which sounds cause you difficulty, then record your speech. By listening to the audio recording, you can determine your sound problem. It is necessary to select tongue twisters with these sounds.

Extremely important!!! Inhale through the nose ⏫ - we make sounds as we exhale, using the flow of air. We've run out of air, take a break ⏸️ - breathe in again ⏫.

  • ⏫ Stop - don’t stagger, walk - don’t stumble, speak - don’t stutter ⏸️, ⏫ lie - don’t lie.⏸️
  • ⏫ The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field.⏸️
  • ⏫Toma cried all day on a bench near the house.⏸️
  • ⏫ How thirty-three Egorkas lived on a hillside ⏸️: ⏫ one Egorka, two Egorkas, three Egorkas...⏸️

Interesting facts about tongue twisters

Text exercises for improving speech come from ancient folklore. Then they were used for competitions between speakers or ordinary holiday games. Since then, some speech norms have changed, so new tongue twisters are created every year.

V. Dahl was the first person who paid attention to such a genre of folklore as the tongue twister. He introduced them into literary sources and tried to systematize them. Dahl was the one who explained the meaning of such seemingly meaningless proverbs. Moreover, in those days, tongue twisters were designed for adults, since their meaning was completely incomprehensible to children.

Tongue twisters in “ZhZ”

  • ⏫ In the iron deposits there is a jelly rod.
  • ⏫ The splinter dug into the wasp’s sting, causing it to squeal.
  • ⏫ Two rivers: Vazuza with Gzhat, Vazuza with Gzhat.

Do not forget! The main thing is not speed, but the absence of stuttering and clarity of pronunciation!

Speak slowly at first, speeding up the pace each time, but only if you manage to pronounce the tongue twister correctly.

Improving the pronunciation of sounds: b, p, v, d, t, x, g, k

Speech defects associated with the pronunciation of these sounds are very rare. However, they are the ones that affect the overall clarity of diction, as they require some effort, especially during repetitions.

The following tongue twisters are used to train diction in adults:

  • The hysterically nervous constitutionalist Constantine was found acclimatized in constitutional Constantinople.
  • White snow, white chalk, a white hare is also white. But the squirrel is not white - it wasn’t even white.
  • The water truck was carrying water from the water supply.
  • The Queen gave the gentleman a caravel.
  • The crested little girls laughed with laughter.
  • The protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol.
  • Kondrat's jacket is a little short.
  • Our head out-headed your head out-headed.

People who do not have specific speech problems, as a rule, do not pronounce this set of sounds clearly. Training for diction in this case requires a specific approach. For example, several tongue twisters are combined into one, which complicates the exercise. The main goal of a person is to articulately pronounce each consonant sound in a sentence. To correct your own mistakes, you can record reading tongue twisters on a voice recorder.

Types of tongue twisters with hissing sounds

To practice pronunciation, there are a considerable number of pure phrases. They can be simple or complex, and can be written in poetic form or in prose.

Starting with the letter Z

Examples of speech phrases with hissing Ж:

Tongue twisters starting with the letter J.

Starting with the letter H

A group of tongue twisters starting with the letter H:

Tongue twisters for pronouncing the letter Ch.

Starting with the letter Sh

Options for speech phrases starting with the letter Sh:

Tongue twisters starting with the letter Sh.

Starting with the letter Ш

Examples of tongue twisters starting with the letter Ш:

Phrases starting with the letter Sh.

  1. “Khrushchi grab horsetails. An armful of quinine is enough for cabbage soup.”
  2. “The brushes rustle, the wood chips make noise. The chips rustle, the brushes make noise.”
  3. “Pike-pike-pike, I won’t find you. Shchi-schi-schi, you go look for me. I'll look for it, I'll find it now! Now, now, it’s raining, I’m without a raincoat. Shh-sh-sh-sh, there’s no rain, and I’m in a raincoat.”

Learning modern tongue twisters

Speech phrases using borrowings and anglicisms have recently become part of the modern Russian language.

Some tongue twisters are hard to imagine without these words:

  1. “The copy machine operator photocopied what was copied.”
  2. “Grandfather-dandy in the valley on the ice of a long fur coat on deadline.”
  3. “The Instagram master with a hundred grams was immediately caught by the orderly.”
  4. “The homomorphic image of a group, for the glory of communism, is isomorphic to the quotient group with respect to the core of the homomorphism.”
  5. “The biceps on a bodybuilder’s cityboard are small.”


  • How to work with tongue twisters Work order
  • Pronunciation speed
  • Pronunciation intonation
  • Types of tongue twisters
      Complex tongue twisters for adults
  • Tongue twisters for children's speech development
  • Tongue twisters for announcers
  • Short tongue twisters
  • Long tongue twisters
  • Funny tongue twisters Tongue twisters for a fun feast
  • Tongue twisters for corporate competitions
  • Tongue twisters to lift your spirits
  • Tongue twisters for noisy parties
  • Vulgar tongue twisters
  • Foreign tongue twisters
  • Public speaking training
  • It's no secret that tongue twisters are used to train diction and pronunciation. This is the fastest and easiest way to improve the quality of your speech. If you systematically devote time to speaking tongue twisters, you can achieve good results. Speakers, actors, vocalists, and public speakers practice tongue twisters regularly. In general, devoting time to special exercises is useful for everyone who wants to achieve intelligible and expressive speech.

    Tongue twisters for speech development

    What is the main task of parents? Of course, to raise a comprehensively developed child!

    To do this, mothers and fathers begin to teach their child from birth, surrounding him with care, affection and attention.

    How parents rejoice at every sound their baby learns! And how worried they are if the child cannot pronounce them correctly.

    1. Incorrect pronunciation of sounds. Most often, children do not pronounce the “complex” letters “r”, “l”, “v”, as well as hissing and whistling sounds. This problem is not serious until the age of 5, since the child is just developing speech, and his teeth are changing. But if he continues to pronounce sounds incorrectly, it is better to contact a speech therapist. He will conduct articulation gymnastics with the baby - exercises to increase tongue mobility. Another effective way to combat unclear diction are tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction, which you can practice at home.
    2. General speech underdevelopment. It manifests itself in a mixture of letters, syllables, a small vocabulary, and difficulty in communicating thoughts coherently. This problem can be solved by constant communication with the child, reading books, memorizing poems, and doing activities to develop fine motor skills.

    Are you interested in learning about speech development in young children? Then read about it on our website.

    Do you want to learn funny children's poems together with your child? Then this is the place for you.

    In almost all cases of speech impairment in a child, experts advise conducting classes to eliminate pronunciation defects. If you do not want to send your child to a speech therapy group, work with him yourself. Live communication with your child and funny tongue twisters will help you a lot.

    Gymnastics requires not only our arms and legs, but also our speech organs. The tongue and lips need to be trained no less than other parts of the body. No muscle is capable of moving as subtly and precisely as the tongue, on which the clear and rapid pronunciation of sounds depends.

    If you want to develop measured, articulate speech in your child, without “swallowed” letters and crumpled words, try teaching him tongue twisters for children.

    Who in childhood did not learn these comic rhymes with a complex combination of sounds? Probably everyone remembers how fun and interesting it was, and most importantly - then you could show off to your friends with your fast and clear pronunciation!

    In addition, such expressions are the most accessible, simple and easy way to improve pronunciation, because they have been invented and perfected for hundreds of years.

    What is the significance of tongue twisters for a child? They:

    • teach the baby to speak clearly and beautifully;
    • promote the development of memory and imagination;
    • improve diction and voice control;
    • enrich vocabulary.

    To maximize the effect of exercises with tongue twisters, prepare well.

    First, select the necessary pure phrases - speech material for practicing those sounds that the baby pronounces incorrectly.

    Explain to him the meaning of incomprehensible words, illustrate what was said. Write the text on a piece of paper and read it with your child. Show with your own example the position of the speech organs when pronouncing sounds.

    It is better to pronounce children's tongue twisters for speech development in front of a mirror so that the child can see how the sound is formed. Then this need disappears, since the baby will begin to do this automatically.

    Don't be upset if your child doesn't succeed the first time. This is absolutely normal.

    After you have selected interesting material for training the pronunciation of certain sounds, you can begin the exercises. Remember that in tongue twisters the main thing is not speed, but correctness and accuracy of pronunciation.

    1. At first, be sure to pronounce the text slowly, clearly pronouncing each letter and syllable. This helps to learn the correct order of words and the entire phrase. The main mistake at this stage is speaking too quickly, when vowels are confused and words are mixed up. Make sure your child overcomes all difficult sound combinations and masters every sound.
    2. Play prompter with your child, asking him to pronounce the tongue twister in a whisper, without losing speech intelligibility.
    3. Then play lip reading by asking them to speak silently while moving their lips.
    1. Next, you should repeat the phrase many times, gradually accelerating the tempo. Let the child speak with different intonations, sing, speed up and slow down his speech. Laugh with him at his mistakes, rejoice at the correct sounds, and make playful threats if the baby is capricious. Strong emotions in this case additionally stimulate the speech center of the brain.
    2. Exercise 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes.
    • Before starting training, ask your child to do several developmental exercises: “click” the tongue, lick the lips, open the mouth and reach the upper teeth with the tongue;
    • come up with new tongue twisters: when reading a fairy tale, poem or story, invite your child to choose certain sounds and emphasize them, deliberately naming the letters quickly and loudly;
    • you can pronounce each syllable or word, rhythmically throwing the ball from hand to hand or clapping your hands;
    • during class, set goals, for example, to say something without hesitation 3 times in a row; arrange a competition for speed and clarity of words. And be sure to reward for success!

    Perhaps you want to know nursery rhymes for the little ones? Our article is just about this.

    You can read a lot of interesting things about educational games for girls in this article.

    It’s not worth practicing complex tongue twisters with your child right away - failures will only frustrate you and your child and discourage you from working further. Start the exercises with simple and short phrases.

    If progress in pronunciation is noticeable, move on to more complex tongue twisters to develop diction; If the child is capricious and says that it was easier before, try combining two tongue twisters with the same sound.

    Finding complex tongue twisters for speech development on the Internet is not difficult. They are divided into categories depending on what sound the child needs to practice.

    Tongue twisters are an effective and fun way to improve children's speech.

    Daily activities with them will help your precious baby feel more free, uninhibited, and communication with your beloved child will bring you a lot of joy.

    Be sure that together you will overcome any speech problems, because parental love and care works wonders! Good luck to you!

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