How to learn hypnosis on your own: is it possible to master the technique?

Hypnotization is a process of influencing consciousness and psyche. A person in a state of hypnosis is able to flawlessly follow all the instructions of the hypnologist, so it is not surprising that many people are seriously thinking about how to learn hypnosis. After all, having such strength, you can achieve unprecedented heights. If you leave all thoughts about humanity and morality behind, you can focus on how to master hypnosis, where to get it and where to use the acquired knowledge. This is a big problem for beginners because they don’t know where to start.

How to put a person into hypnosis, you can ask a specialist

Historical reference. The technique of hypnosis was mastered by ancient shamans even before our era. They used this skill to put people into a trance before dangerous battles, to raise morale, to treat certain diseases, etc.

Is it possible to learn hypnosis on your own?

How can you do hypnosis? Is it possible to learn hypnosis on your own? These are the most pressing questions for those people who have set themselves the goal of mastering the art of hypnotic influence on human consciousness. Thanks to modern technologies, today everyone can master the technique of hypnosis. You don't even need to leave your home to do this. You just need to choose a technique that suits you, collect material on it and start practicing.

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For those who are determined to engage in hypnosis, experts give some recommendations:

  • control yourself, be restrained and confident in your own capabilities;
  • have a representative appearance;
  • strive to look respectable and competent;
  • during the session, the hypnotist’s voice should sound confident and firm;
  • do not use psychotropic and narcotic substances at home, as this can lead to the development of irreversible processes in the patient’s body;
  • work hard, consolidate all acquired skills in practice;
  • during the session, establish strong contact with the hypnotized person through concentration;
  • be loyal to your own failures;
  • during hypnosis, speak short phrases that consist of 7 words;
  • To achieve maximum results, you need to read a lot of specialized literature.

Note. Learning hypnosis at home is good only for those people who began to master the technique from scratch. Those who want to understand all the secrets of this mysterious process will have to sign up for courses and attend practical classes, purchase literature and video material from leading experts in this field.

How you can learn hypnosis yourself at home is described in specialized literature.

How to learn hypnosis: exercises

If a person understands that it is impossible to quickly learn hypnosis, and he intends to devote some time to this, then he can use basic exercises. They will help test patience and firmness of intentions. If interest continues, after a few months you can begin to use more complex techniques.

Exercise “Magnetic gaze”

So, how to learn hypnosis yourself at home? To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the fact that hypnologists have an extraordinary gaze. They hone this skill over the years, using a set of exercises:

  1. "Concentration". This is a difficult exercise, because you don’t just need to look at one point or one object, but clear your mind of extraneous thoughts.
  2. "Eyes to eyes". This exercise is done in front of a mirror or with an assistant. It is necessary to look into the eyes without taking your eyes off and at the same time not think about anything. For beginners, there is a useful tip: look into the right pupil.
  3. "Transmission of thoughts." By focusing on one thought, you need to convey it to another person through your gaze. If the “test subject” performs the action. Which was embedded in the thought - the exercise has been mastered. For example, you can send orders to “stand up”, “sit down”, walk” and so on.

Anyone who wants to learn how to hypnotize people must follow several rules:

  • the assistant should be in a lying position, this will make it easier to master the techniques;
  • the room should be quiet, there should be no pets or birds in it;
  • it is necessary to interrupt training at the first symptoms of fatigue;
  • if a person falls asleep or looks detached, this is a good sign that can be counted as a positive result.

Exercise “Circle and Pendulum”

This exercise should be started only after complete mastery of the previous techniques. It uses items that need to be prepared 5 minutes before the start:

  • Pendulum. You can use any small object through which a thread or thin rope is threaded. The person will be immersed in a trance by monotonous movements. The main thing is that the assistant is in a relaxed state and continuously monitors the pendulum.
  • A circle drawn on a piece of paper. It is fixed at eye level of the assistant. He must continuously look at the center and imagine that rays are emanating from his body and entering the center of the circle.
  • Before you start training, you need to agree on a conventional sign that will bring the assistant out of the trance. This could be clapping your hands or snapping your fingers. Other signs can be found in a hypnosis tutorial with more advanced techniques.

Having prepared the tools, you can begin the exercise:

  1. The “experimental” is laid on the bed, and they talk to him quietly and calmly. You need to talk until the assistant is completely relaxed.
  2. Without changing the timbre and rhythm of the voice, say that when there is a clap (click), the subject will open his eyes and follow all the instructions.
  3. Then, you need to make movements with a pendulum, swinging it in front of the “experimental” person. He must follow the pendulum and not take his eyes off it until his eyes close - we can assume that the person has entered a trance.
  4. Next, the hypnotist pronounces the setting several times, which will be in effect after the end of the session.
  5. Finally, you need to snap your fingers (or clap your hands). This signal will bring the person out of trance, and the embedded programs will begin to take effect.

During training, programs should be simple. For example: open or close a window or door.

If the desire to learn how to learn hypnosis yourself, at home, does not fade, then with each lesson you can complicate the tasks. The main thing is to believe in your own strengths, study

Types of hypnosis

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Experts distinguish several types of hypnosis:

  • Directive. It is used openly, that is, with the permission of the subject. Usually has good intentions for the person being hypnotized.
  • Hidden. This type of hypnosis affects a large group of people. It is often used on television, in business and even among politicians.
  • Psychotropogenic. To put a person into a trance, the master uses psychotropic or narcotic substances. They are the ones who influence our psyche.

Sometimes hypnosis is classified into classic and fast. In the first case, the session is carried out in a special dark room in which calm, relaxing music is played. The patient should not hear any extraneous sounds during hypnosis, as he turns off his mind and falls asleep.

Instant hypnosis is carried out without the above requirements. By the way, it also does not use pendulums or other objects that help influence human consciousness. Only highly qualified craftsmen can use it.

Putting the patient into a state of hypnosis

Important! Hypnotizability is the ability of a person to succumb to hypnosis. Hypnosis affects people in different ways. An analysis of literary data showed that only 3-5% of people are easily hypnotized, about 35-45% are non-hypnotizable, the rest need to properly tune in and relax.

Is it safe

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Recently, a lot of information has appeared in the media about how to hypnotize people. In addition, advertisements about the treatment of nicotine and alcohol addiction using hypnosis are often broadcast on TV. There is also information that this method can be used to cure psoriasis and bronchial asthma. Should we believe such bold promises? Could the alternative treatment cause harm to the patient?

Hypnosis can indeed be used by a hypnotherapist to treat some types of diseases, but they mainly belong to the group of psychosomatic disorders. The desired result can only be achieved when the sessions are conducted by an experienced hypnologist. Otherwise, the patient's health can only be harmed.

Of course, hypnosis is an ideal tool for influencing the subconscious; different people may be more or less susceptible to it. The literature describes cases where it is almost impossible to put a person into a hypnotic state. There will be no therapeutic effect from such treatment.

As for the safety of sessions, it also depends 100% on the qualifications of the hypnologist. If a person has medical indications for hypnosis, then he is recommended to pay attention to the reviews of patients who have undergone this procedure with a specific specialist.

There must be continuous eye-to-eye contact during the session.

How to master hypnotherapy

Depending on the type of influence there are:

  • classical hypnosis, which bypasses consciousness;
  • Ericksonian, in which the effect on the psyche occurs hidden, without directive instructions.

When using Ericksonian hypnosis, the subject is not aware that he has come under the influence of the hypnotist. Such neurolinguistic techniques are widely used in advertising, politics and business.

How to master hypnosis using gaze

The simplest hypnosis technique for beginners is to master a special gaze. Once you are 30 cm from your interlocutor, you need to fix your gaze on the bridge of the nose, just above the eyes. The look should be confident, but not intimidating, and inspire confidence. It is also necessary to “mirror” the pose and gestures of the interlocutor. But you shouldn’t duplicate the movements too clearly, repeating everything one after another. Words should sound calm, quiet, rhythmic, even monotonous.

When it becomes noticeable that the subject has relaxed (breathing and speed of reactions have slowed down, a relaxed posture has been adopted), a conversation begins about what is desired. The main thing is to avoid the particle “not” in suggestion.

Overload technique

This technique is actively used in gypsy hypnosis. It is used in a situation where the interlocutor demands an answer that for some reason you do not want to give.

The goal is to load the conscious mind to such an extent that it becomes less active. The human consciousness is capable of keeping seven elements plus or minus two in the focus of attention. This rule works when perceiving verbal information. If the limit of words available to awareness is exceeded, then the interlocutor simply loses the meaning of what was said. To understand what it is all about, a person tries to return to the beginning of the phrase. To make your interlocutor confused, you need to use long sentences, pronouncing them quickly. Having achieved the desired effect, they insert the necessary suggestions into their speech.

Gypsies also use body contact. To do this, you should casually touch your interlocutor and use stroking movements.

Another frequently used technique is to press on the troubles and problems of the interlocutor. Such topics simply unsettle, making you more receptive.

The mechanism of entering hypnosis

Hypnosis affects the subconscious, the brain goes into a inhibited state under the influence of monotonous, rhythmic stimulation of the senses or their partial blocking. The verbal influence of the hypnologist during the session is aimed at reducing the flow of information entering the consciousness from the outside. During hypnotic sleep, the patient's attention is focused only on the words of the hypnotist.

Some people can be put into trance by just the glance of a qualified hypnologist. This phenomenon is due to the characteristics of the psyche and character of the master, as well as the person on whom this influence is carried out. For example, trusting people enter a hypnotic state much more easily compared to those who are skeptical and do not trust the hypnologist.

Using a pendulum in hypnosis

For a long time it was believed that people who mastered hypnosis techniques had a special gift. Today, leading experts around the world have proven that, under the guidance of a hypnologist, the patient himself makes changes, these changes occur within him, and are not imposed from the outside.

Several years ago, scientists dispelled the myth that the hypnotic process is supported only at the level of the brain. The following factors have been proven to play a key role:

  • Endorphins. Synthesized in brain cells. Their action is similar to narcotic substances; they are able to influence the state and perception of pain, change the frequency of heartbeat and breathing.
  • Neuropeptides. These substances are protein in nature and are produced by cells of the endocrine and nervous systems. Neuropeptides influence basic body functions such as sleep, pleasure, learning, sex, appetite, addiction to alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
  • Left and right hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere is responsible for the logic of thinking. The right is responsible for imagination and creative thinking.

Hypnosis is used as an additional therapy:

  • in pediatrics (enuresis, stuttering);
  • in cardiology (angina pectoris, cardiac stenosis, hypertension, heart rhythm dysfunction);
  • in dermatology (urticaria, eczema, allergies, psoriasis);
  • in gastroenterology (pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome);
  • in gynecology, andrology (infertility, frigidity, impotence, fibroids);
  • in psychotherapy (neuroses, alcoholism, phobias, kleptomania, gambling addiction, panic attacks, depression, spasmophilia, psychosis, schizophrenia, hysteria);
  • in psychiatry (excess weight, unrequited love, pathological jealousy, adaptation, sleep disturbance, aggressiveness, low self-esteem, mental discomfort);
  • in neurology (cephalalgia, nervous tics, facial paralysis).

A tutorial on hypnosis can be found in any bookstore.

Hypnosis is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • epilepsy;
  • heart failure;
  • organic damage to brain cells;
  • paranoia;
  • delayed mental and physical development of the child;
  • recent heart attack or stroke;
  • dementia.

Temporary contraindications for hypnotherapy are:

  • drug or alcohol intoxication;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • taking certain medications (antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers);
  • hyperthermia;
  • physical weakness;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • cough;
  • intestinal dysfunction (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea);
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • age (children under 9 years old).

The hypnologist's discreet touch to the patient can put him in a state of trance

Where to start learning

Each of us at least once in our lives thinks about how to put a person into hypnosis. Some people like experiments with consciousness, others like a pleasant state of trance. Before you start learning the basics of hypnosis, you need to remember that during sessions the health of the person being hypnotized will constantly be at risk.

To achieve the goals you have set for yourself, you need to work a lot, read special literature, learn to control (strengthen, stabilize) the state of trance. Some people are born talented, so they don't need to learn hypnosis. They are subconsciously ready to complete this task. In this case, we can recall the gypsies, the merchants who are able to convince the client that he needs to buy this or that thing that is unnecessary for him.

In order to become a professional hypnologist, you need to constantly train, believe in yourself, quit smoking and drinking alcohol. With gained experience, the hypnotist will be able to influence the patient’s psyche even without plunging him into an unconscious state.

Basic principles of hypnotic activity

To master hypnosis, you need to follow certain rules and not neglect safety precautions. Using such skills without preparation can lead to disastrous consequences. If the method of inferring the suggestible is not fully developed, the person will remain in a state of sleep and will have to look for a real expert hypnologist.

Exercises that will help you learn hypnosis at home from scratch:

  • Learn to control yourself - go into and out of trance.
  • Eliminate all factors that prevent you from finding harmony of spirit and body.
  • Learn to use affirmations.
  • Analyze yourself, your actions, look for the reason for this behavior: discipline and self-control are 2 important factors that will lead you to success.

There are people who have mastered the art of hypnosis since childhood, but not everyone is aware of the talent they have.

On a subconscious level, when communicating with others, they pronounce attitudes and perform active actions - touching, stroking the shoulder, hand. They say about such people that they can hypnotize with their gaze.

It is impossible to learn how to manage people in 5 minutes. You need to select and fully master the technique, allocating time for training. It is important to perform exercises at strictly designated hours. Remember, alcohol is a serious obstacle to mastering hypnotic influence.

Existing hypnosis techniques

The technique of influencing a person's mind with hypnosis can be completely different. Living in society, a person, to a greater or lesser extent, is influenced by suggestions, including hypnosis. This method of influence can be divided into 3 types:

  • Unconscious suggestion. Manipulators master this gift perfectly. They intuitively use certain types of hypnosis to get results.
  • Conscious suggestion. Hypnologists can carry out such an effect on the human psyche. However, this method can also be used in their practice by scammers (gypsy hypnosis). Attracts attention and largely decides the individual’s further attitude to what is happening that is incomprehensible and unfamiliar to her. The unknown is alarming. This is inherent in the instincts of self-preservation. In order to put a person into a trance, you can confuse him by confronting him with uncertainty. This is another basis of conversational hypnosis technology.
  • Non-contact suggestion. The presented method does not require direct human participation in the process. This can be done through online messaging, video, and text messages. IT specialists have developed special programs of this kind. All of these methods are powerful tools for influencing the psyche.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each technique has its pros and cons for the person being hypnotized. The main advantages of hypnosis include the following criteria:

  • quick problem solving;
  • the opportunity to find out the essence of the problem;
  • recovery from painful conditions;
  • improvement of well-being;
  • rapid training of the patient in certain skills;
  • exploration of the unknown boundaries of human consciousness.

The main disadvantages of hypnosis or self-hypnosis are:

  • lack of control over thoughts and body;
  • development of hypnophobia;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • the emergence of hypnosophilia (hypnomania);
  • suggested attitudes may have negative messages.

Mastering technology

Absolutely anyone can learn hypnosis. The main requirement is diligence, self-confidence, and a willingness to completely control your thoughts and emotions. To develop these qualities, you can use self-hypnosis by dictating commands into a voice recorder.

You can learn the basics of hypnosis at home. Real strong techniques that require compliance with certain safety measures are best mastered with the help of an experienced trainer. You can learn how to learn hypnosis in the classes of psychologist and hypnotherapist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Exercises to master hypnosis

To speed up the technique of performing hypnosis, you need to learn to concentrate your gaze. To do this, draw a small circle with a diameter of about 3 cm on a sheet of paper. Take a sitting position, after which the sheet is fixed in front of the eyes. Next, look carefully at this sheet. During this procedure, you need to imagine that rays are coming out of the eyes, closing on the depicted figure. The training continues until tears appear. It is recommended to do such exercises for several days in a row. Concentration of attention will help in the work of the hypnotist, because a focused gaze can be felt even with your back.

Only a professional can teach you how to perform hypnosis efficiently.

You can master the basics of hypnosis for beginners even in a week, because it’s not difficult, but becoming a real professional in this field is really difficult. Highly qualified specialists must introduce a person into hypnosis. This will minimize the harmful effects of hypnosis on the patient’s psyche.

Hypnosis Basics for Beginners: Exercises

To learn hypnosis, you first need to master the skill of concentration. Meditation on a candle flame and sounds (mantras) are suitable for this. Also, before you start learning hypnosis, you should learn the basics of public speaking:

  • learn to speak clearly, clearly, confidently;
  • master various intonations and speed of speech in conversation.

You should also regularly train your eyes.

  1. Concentrate your gaze on one point, turning your head in different directions, rotating it in a circle, gradually increasing the amplitude.
  2. Learn not to blink, fixing your gaze on something for one, two, five minutes.
  3. Focus your gaze in front of the mirror at the level of the bridge of your nose. You can look into one pupil, or rather, through it, trying to penetrate consciousness. Learn to put different emotions into your gaze (strength, warmth, threat, tenderness) without changing your facial expression.
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